Dahmer Netflix Series

I don’t have Netflix, but I have seen their recent drama series about the infamous ‘Milwaukee Cannibal’.

First of all, it’s pretty good and the actor playing him does a great job. Why cunt it then?

It’s because about half way through (around episode 6) it becomes yet another wokefest, in which all whities are bad or thick as fuck and all non whites are lovely and clever. It’s around the point Jesse Jackson sticks his oar in. I’m just not buying this is how every cunt involved was.

Now many (not all by any stretch) of Dahmer’s victims were indeed non white. There is a definite insinuation he did this deliberately. I don’t think this is true. He just killed whatever was available. He lived in an area with a small white population.

Dahmer wanted (and should’ve got) the chair and was very open and honest about his crimes when caught. I think his confessions were true. And so do pretty much all cunts involved in the case, including shrinks and writers who spoke to the mad cunt.

He said he just targeted men he liked the look of in gay bars that would talk to him, whatever the colour.

Even the fella that killed Dahmer in prison was portrayed as a nice bloke, sent ‘mental’ when a stupid white librarian lets him look at stuff about Dahmer in the newspapers.

The cops were all homophobic racists. The woman reporting the bad smell was a genius. Her white boss at work was a thick cunt (‘Did you get to see the zombies? What were they like?’) Jesse Jackson was not a race baiter. He comes across as a cross between Jesus Christ and Einstein.

It seems the cops did monumentally fuck up, when they returned a 14 year old Laotian boy to Dahmer after he’d been drugged. Despite this, it was all about the police being racist to ‘black and brown’ people (you keep hearing this). I’m not sure people from Lao call themselves brown?

There has also been whining from the gays. It portrays them in a bad light they say.

Yes, there are quite a few gay serial killers and rapists who drug victims, sorry. People should be warned. The current climate forbids that, so a drama like this acts as a public information film in many ways. I wager had all of Gacy’s and Dahmer’s victims received such warnings, some of them might still be around. Or anyone at certain celebrity’s pool parties. Stephen Port, anyone? Fucking loads of the cunts.

Good series, spoiled by race baiting and moaning puffs.

Get to fuck.


Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

75 thoughts on “Dahmer Netflix Series

  1. I’m glad I cancelled Netflix a while back. The only way I would ever revisit is if it became free with ads. I would like to watch the first 2 seasons of Stranger Things again sometime.

    • I’ve got Netflix.
      It’s shite.
      Utter rubbish.

      Dahmer nowadays would be a anti hero.
      Mental case ✔️
      Bit of a puff✔️
      Fussy eater ✔️
      Emotional ✔️
      Speccy 4eyes✔️

      He’s Mr average in wokey world .

    • Watch ‘Stand By Me’ , ‘The Goonies’ or ‘It’ instead.

      Actually, don’t watch The Goonies; like The Never-ending Story it’s dogshit supposedly loved by all people who were born/grew up in the eighties.

      • Dead right, Cuntamus. And these crappy 80s films like Goonies and the vastly overrated E.T are now the yardstick for modern crappy supposed to be in the 80s shit like Ready Player One and that overhyped Stranger Things dog dirt These millennial knobends think that every fucker in the 80s rode BMX bikes, listened to cheesy crap music, wore hoodies, and played video games. No, they didn’t. It’s just typical cliched American bollocks. And E.T is fucking shit.

      • Yes Norman, a lot of idiot kids think Stranger Things was the experience of British kids in the eighties. The whole thing is repackaged nostalgia, just like that Super 8 film from JJ Abrams trying to ape Spielberg of the late 70s-early 80s.

        Most American children weren’t living lives shown in those films, either. The majority of these films were about well-off Californian families with giant cars, pick-ups, TV sets and fridges.

        Reaganite bullshit.

      • Couln’t agree more, Cuntamus. Just like what Mark E Smith (RIP) said about flower power, the summer of love and the swinging 60s. He said all that crap was just for pop stars who lived in London and had money. There was none of that in working class Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle or anywhere else. Some poor cunts in Manchester were still on powdered egg in 1967. The hippie dream was just that. A load of shit.

  2. Why didn’t you look at the cast list before viewing? It’s littered with creepy-crawlies !

  3. That header pic,
    That meant to be Jeffrey Dahmer?

    Looks like fuckin Bjorn from ABBA!!

  4. It had the potential to be a good drama about a mad murdering Gay.

    Plenty of source material that requires absolutely no sensationalism in order to be shocking to a new audience.

    However the cunts that write these dramatisations rarely miss a chance to insert their woke propaganda and other bilge,despite it being a ratings killer for anyone who isn’t already brainwashed.

    So I started watching it,then started to see The Message appear so fucked it off,never to return.

    Set of cunts.

  5. Problem with Netflix is there’s loads of stuff but it’s mostly shite.

    I’ve only ever seen 2 good things on it.
    Both true crime documentaries.

    1) Murder mountain
    About the legalisation of marijuana in Humboldt county, which turned it into the wild west.

    2) wild,wild country
    About the guru Shree Rajneesh.
    Who had a 100 Rolls Royce while his devotees starved and worked the fields.

    Both highly recommended.

  6. The wokies will be livid with me, by having enough material to last me a lifetime and travel to any decade I wish. Films, where police interviews were bloody good hidings, kids getting caned at school, poofters and TVs having the piss taken out of them and racist remarks galore !

  7. Dahmer was attracted to blacks because they smell of beefburgers.
    I bet the writers don’t allude to that in the script.

  8. I’ll bet the old Black and Decker was smoking a bit by the time he drilled through a Sooty skull… Coloured’s skulls are 75% thicker than normal people’s skulls to protect their brain,which is 75% smaller than normal people’s brains, from falling coconuts.

    It’s wise to treat every Fruity Gentleman as a potential serial-killer….because they are…..one swipe of a handbag containing a house- brick and then death-by-botting awaits the unwary victim….I always wear a wehrmacht style helmet when using a public shithouse for fear that The Gays attack while I’m at my most vulnerable.

    I wouldn’t be seen dead in Jeffrey Dahmer’s company…or black people’s come to that.

    • Bloody hell yes, the clacking of a trap door whilst one was having a piss. Shivers up the spine, you had to have a stick in one hand and your dick in the other. Some of those bogs were dangerous places. Still are I suppose.

  9. Netflix is agenda driven shite.

    Hardly anything on there worth watching.

    Half the stuff on there that generation woke all seem to binge out on is brainwashing depressing shite and are unwittingly placing murdering criminal pieces of shit such as this Dahmer character up on some kind of pedestal.

  10. Homosexualist killers are more common than others given their numbers. Nilsen, Port and this cunt Dahmer are just a few examples. Their lifestyle of depravity makes them difficult to catch. Not gay victimhood just gay lifestyles.
    Never seen Netflix and never will even though I have it on a, a’hem, hooky, stick.

    • I had a 6 month trial when I, unfortunately, went with Virgin TV for a year (that’s worthy of a lengthy cunting of its own). It took so long to open that by the time it did I’d lost interest and I never went near it again.

  11. I did watch this and noticed very quickly the left wing bias woven into the series that really didn’t need to be there at all.

    Over all its the story of a demented homosexual with sick desires that would drug, fuck, mame, kill then eat people in the most heinous ways.
    Racially motivated attacks were never his thing. He even said in nick that he was attracted to the male African-American physique, he had no prejudice towards any race in the same manner that I have no prejudice towards a fit Asian bird I may fancy or a Big-Mac I may wish consume………….

    The series is just another example of US/Hollywood lefty woke bullshit that has infiltrated the entertainment industry.

    Trouble is the easily influenced young adults who have never been taught world history, geography and how to be objective will believe the ‘white straight man bad’ line plugged by Netflix and others.

    Sadly in the same manner our schools are teaching freaks like Dahmer and Gacy were normal just slightly confused gay men and in no way a danger to society in the scheme of things………..

    These will be same young adults that will become easy prey to the current generation of psychotic homosexual clown dressing serial killers (just make sure your own kids ain’t one of the next victims!!!)

    • Makes me wonder how as a child,and videos were still a new phenomenon,my dad chose ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ as entertainment for one particular evening.? Seen em all,Amytville,Carrie.Exorcist etc…all good wholesome stuff but TCSM ?….,a whole different ball game.Depraved and repulsive on every level.No fukin way should that shit have made prime-time unless it was an actual psy-op,mass traume event designed to cut through the post-hippy,languid and hopeful cultural landscape of the 1970’s.Almosr a satanic ritual on celluloid but probably threw a few pebbles into the still-waters of the collective consciousness of planet earth.

  12. Jeffrey seems to be attributed to a few creepy cunts considering its not that common?


    never trust a Jeffrey, personally I would have liked Jeffrey to be played by a spayed, not realistic but would have ticked a box, could make him a wheelchair user too, diversity is our STRENGHTH!

    • Archer…Jeffrey fucking Archer….if that Cunt wasn’t the mysterious Mr.Kipper in the Suzy Lamplugh case…or Mr. Jerry McCann when holidaying in Portugal…or Jack the Ripper….I’ll be fucking surprised.

      • Have you seen that photo of Mcann hanging out with John Podesta’s pedo art collecting sibling ?…(including a bronze statue of a decapitated Dahmer corpse in his collection).
        It’s still lurking somewhere online and they all appear to be wearing red-shoes.

  13. Turns out the black lady who kept reporting the smell never even existed.

    That bit where the cops got awarded at a cop ceremony after sending a 14 year old lad back to Dahmer…never happened.

    The bit where the cop was calling the Laotian family to racially abuse them?

    Never fucking happened.

    The whole thing was fantasy, designed to make rozzers and honkies look evil and stupid.

    • Was just about to post the same.
      Half of the program is all made up.
      Fucking Netflix.

  14. When it comes to serial killers my favourite is Richard Kuklinski,
    The iceman.

    Wasn’t a bumboy
    Didn’t eat anyone
    Didn’t wear the victims skin and do a little dance.

    It was strictly business.
    A family man
    Married, good dad,
    Respectably tall, over 6ft

    A cut above the rest.

    Kept a nice garden.

      • Vietnam,psycho-traumatised veteran perchance ? ‘ l believe a number of them never quite re-adjusted from their jungle based butcherings over there.David Mcgowan published a couple of books on the origins of serial killings that connects many of the dots as well as a masterpiece book on the shady…(to put it mildly) shennanigans connected to the Laurel-Canyon,60’s ‘music-scene’ ‘Weird Scenes inside the Canyon’.

        All those leading lights-Zappa,Crosby,Stills,Gram Parsons,Jim Morrison and more,all had parents working at the highest levels of the military/intelligence complex and worked around a certain propaganda – C.I.A facility nestling in the hills of Laurel Canyon.

        A chronicle of death,house-fires,ritual murder (Manson family) undergirded all that…’Let it all hang loose’ hippy vibe.An eye-opener but very unsettling for those who were suckered into the false optimism being engineered in those times.

        The music was incredible and unsurprisingly so considering Phil Spectors,elite session musician’s (The Wrecking Crew) performed and probably had a hand in creating the bulk of the work.

        Excellent website-‘Snippits & Snappits’ has the book in pdf with some interesting illustrations.Redacted in parts now l believe,but the book pulls no punches.

    • I dunno MNC, I think he enjoyed killing people. He just got paid to do his hobby. He admitted to torturing and killing people’s pets for fun too.

      • Oh.
        See I didn’t know about the pets.
        He’s let the side down badly there.

        you can’t even trust a serial killers now.
        What’s the world coming to CB?

      • Aye.

        Worst one was that Richard Ramirez in my opinion. I’ve got a strong stomach, but felt sick and did vomit a bit watching that series about him. Thought it was summat I’d eaten but I think it just turned my stomach listening to his crimes.

        Or maybe I’m a soft cunt?

        I’ll stick to Peppa Pig I think.

    • None of them can hold a candle to “The Old Dear Hunter”…our very own Dr. Shipman…he knew how to save the NHS a few quid.

      • One ill-advised demand for a home visit….one no-longer-needed set of dentures on the bedside table the next morning

      • Harold kept loads of jewellery of the old dears he’d helped shuffle off.
        Gave it his fat missus.

        She looked like mrT when going out the bingo.

      • Give him his dues…made sure his wife got his pension by topping himself afore they could take it off him.

      • She’s a eligible widow Dick.
        Make a good wife .

        Well stocked cupboards
        Keep her trap shut
        Money in the bank
        Plenty of jewellery

        But I’d always wonder if I measured up to the good doctor between the sheets?

      • There’s been another one at it recently, that Letby woman (allegedly).

        That note she wrote?

        That’s going to take some explaining (‘I killed those babies I am evil”?’ etc.)

        Her lawyer is trying to say the note proves she’s innocent lol.

        Good luck with that one.

      • I feel sorry for kwasi.
        Set up to fail !

        A boss who’s every decision she’s backtracked on.

        He’s out of his depth as chancellor!

        Would you appoint David Blunkett as life guard at the swimming pool?

        Ellie Symonds into the Harlem Globetrotters?

        Course not.

        Man’s gotta know his limitations.

        Get a job your suited for.


      • Day one: Clough meets team for first training session.

        “Throw all your medals in the bin, because you only won ’em by bloody cheating!”

        Spoke his mind at least!

    • There she was, boasting about her diverse cabinet. No straight white honkies in any powerful position.

      How did that go for you, you dumb bitch!

    • Becoming farcical now….Labour must be shitting themselves at the thought of inheriting the current mess.

  15. Dont have Netflix and in fact im enjoying reports of its share price crash and this is prime example of the subliminal, corrosive, anti white agenda that all the main stream media, TV stations and Film Studios now cravenly follow. Grossly misrepresent the racial make up of the country, humiliate and belittle (white) men at any opportunity, emasculate all men, embarrass them. Its disgusting but the worse thing is that it will never end, never go back to how it was.
    ‘Streaming services’?? We were perfectly happy before those cunts came along.

    • It’s Cunt – Jeremy Cunt. Everyone’s favourite non-entity. Larry would have been better – at least he can lick his own nether-regions.

      • Longest serving senior UK officials (in days) –

        King Charles III 36
        Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng 38 (sacked)
        Prime Minister Liz Truss 38

        Larry The Cat 4,290

  16. They’ll be remaking a woke Goodfellas next. “I’m sorry Tarquin, but why do you think I’m funny? Do my think my observations on the Green Agenda and Gay rights are not serious?”

  17. The narrative also becomes about a honky targeting blacks. And how thick and evil all honkies are.

    It’s more about the dangers of the degenerate gay (male) lifestyle in reality. I’m amazed when watching serial killer documentaries, just how many of them are gays.

    Lots of drugs and orgies and meeting people you don’t know on gay dating apps. Lots of Hep C and the Aids floating about. Loads of drug rapes.

    But to point out these dangers to people is deemed ‘homophobic’ so fuck ’em, quite frankly (not literally, I hasten to add).

  18. Dahmet even said himself that the reason that most of his victims were black.was due to him.being more attracted to them and that he lived in a black neighbourhood.

    This isn’t conjecture , he said it after he was fucking caught.

    But no, it has to be whitey racist cannibal.

    Just fuck off

  19. This is what makes me chuckle, unlike many in America , Jeff was quite progressive in his views, given the time and didn’t discriminate against people of colour.

    To be fair, he would kill you , eat you, chop you up and try to turn you into a zombie but I reckon he’d be quite pissed off that they were trying to paint him as a racist ?

  20. Netflix dramas are just morality plays for wokies. I’ve got better things to do, like laughing at our parliamentarians.

  21. I’d rather watch a documentary about Geoffrey Palmer. From his one off appearance in The Battle Of Billy’s Pond to his hilarious antics in As Time Goes By.

    • The Netflix generation and millennials in general are such pig ignorant clueless cunts.

      On a radio show the other week, Shakin Stevens was discussed. This millennial know all shitstain sneered ‘Why do you keep calling him Shaky? Surely it should be Shakin?’ Then the little smug fuck added that all irriating ‘Hel-lo!’ The presenter responded with ‘Shaky was and is his known nickname, you prick!’ Little millennial knobhead. Should have had his lights punched out.

      Also, all those tossers that watch that Stranger Things bollocks who think that Kate Bush is a new discovery and that Running Up That Hill is her debut single from 2022. Fuck off, you clueless cunts. I was wanking to the lovely Kate as far back as 1978. No knowledge, some people….?

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