Christopher Packham (3)

I’m sure this cunt has been viciously cunted on multiple occasions previously so hers another cunting for his collection. I must admit I used to have quite a bit of time for this plastic punk cunt when he kept it wildlife and stayed off politics and trying to piss on the chips of country folk, but as the years have rolled on the lisping retarded cunt has become more and more outspoken, all the while receiving a nice bundle from the TV licence payer.

This cunt is one of the reasons I told the BBC to ram my licence up their fat woke arseholes. The other reason was that cunt of cunts, the UK’s premier junk food peddler Mr Gareth Lineker but that’s a whole other cunting.

My main beef with this retarded angry little cunt is that he lies and sets false narratives especially with regards country sports or blood sports as the provocative shouty dribbling vegetable would prefer to call them.

I am certain that the threats this over paid hypocritical cunt has received are all fabricated. The 4×4 that was burnt out next to his gated cunt palace was probably not targeted at him, stuff like that happens in the sticks a lot. The dead birds hanging on his cunty gates could quite easily have been roadkill put there by his cuntship yet the press rushed to defend this pathetic streak of piss and simultaneously vilify the field sports community.

Woe betide any individual or organisation that dare speak ill of Kwith cunting packham for trying to piss all over the freedoms of other folk. His cunty virtue signalling moral crusade to ban field sports by fabricating hate from the field sports community is a step too far.

Live and let live you opinionated over paid hypocritical cunt. I don’t agree with zoos but you don’t see me trying to get your girlfriends zoo shut down on the Isle of White.

What a cunt.

Raptor News Link

Nominated by: The Cunt Finder General

80 thoughts on “Christopher Packham (3)

  1. “Live and let live…”

    Yeah, try telling that to cunts involved in blood sports. ?

    • We’ll just let all the foxes, badgers, rabbits, crows, deer etc breed like fck and not manage their populations, then when they’ve destroyed all the crops the veggie morons can ask why nothing was done.

      • Ienjoy shooting and eating animals. Unlike golfers or cyclists most shooters are not cunts. I support the local hunt, those pesky foxes aren’t going to shoot themselves. Do not agree with badger bating, gassing and shooting is just as much fun. Playing with firearms is also good practise for home defense when society collapses.
        Hornet nest in the attic? You’ll call a pest controller. Ditto rat infestation. Urban fox going through your bins and eating your cats? You ‘ll get someone to shoot it (trapping and releasing has the same end result, they just have a few more hours to regret their life choices).
        It may be a cliche but it’s largely true, soft sanctimonious townies (Packham included, I can give many examples) don’t understand land management, and should keep their cretinous opinions to themselves. I don’t go around telling people what wine they should be serving at their dinner parties, so fuck off and don’t tell me how to manage vermin.

  2. another weirdo who cracks one off over greta thundercunts pictures, oven.. morning all

    • I don’t mind him,
      But refuse to listen to anyone with a speech impediment.
      I much preferred Johnny Morris who gave animals names and funny voices.

      If Chris can’t be bothered to make a effort
      I can’t be bothered to listen to his hippy shite.

      • Afternoon Mis. Don’t really know much about him, but he can’t be all bad if he pisses off the bloodlust wankers.
        Being a bumpkin I’ve encountered quite a few wildlife assassins over the years, and they all seemed to be missing something upstairs. And downstairs probably…..?

  3. Fox hunting kept me and a lot of others in gainful employment as well as keeping the fox population under control and healthier. Now we are overwhelmed with the feckers and a lot of em are in less than pristine health. But that matters not to modern progressives in their artificial plastic bullshit world, they dont like something ban it!.
    Well I dont like immigration or trans-bollocks and numerous other issues beloved of the right on cunts.
    If packman had one iota of how the countryside worked he wouldn’t be such a mouthy ban everything cunt.
    Oooops my mistake, he would still be a cunt but not so odorous.

  4. He doesn’t look right, does he? Looks like something off Doctor Who.

    • You beat me to it . An early to mid eighties Dr Who extra that meets a sticky end. Here’s hoping.

    • “He doesn’t look right, does he?”

      Anatomically he looks to be near enough Nato standard. What gives these weirdos away I think is facial expression, hair style, metal or ink in their faces; in other words all stuff under voluntary control. Tells you everything really.

  5. He used to be normal but Michaela Strachan forced him at crossbowpoint to lick her rancid vagina, which contained all manner of pestilence, disease and Bill Oddie spunk.
    The toxic effect of this on his vegan tongue has turned him doolally.

      • I do have footage of a horny Michaela in action.
        Unfortunately, it’s backstage after the filming of “Hitman and Her” wrapped and she’s busy giving Pete Waterman an enthusiastic blowie whilst he pretends that she’s Kylie Minogue.

  6. Packham is ace. If he irritates the Blood Sports cunts, then good. Any form of animal abuse is vile, be it grouse hunting or killing foxes, and deserves to be highlighted. These animal-killers are old men who can’t get it up anymore. The impotent fuckers shoukd turn the rifle on themselves.

      • I don’t blame them, uncle. The toothless bumpkins who breed the dogs are a bit odd though, arent they. Desperate to doff their cap to beetroot-faced, gammony types. They should all have their caravans burnt.

      • The Beagles in Fox hunting and the Beaters in Pheasant shooting. They’re the real cunts.

      • Beagles who smoke are the worst.
        If the fox doesn’t cark from being torn apart it soon gets cancer and dies due to inhaling secondhand cigarette smoke.

    • I think he is a great scientist but we hear far too much about his mental health problems. A lot ( but not all) people who have anything resembling a mental health problem seem to spend rather a lot of time talking about it. I don’t wish to return to the days when no one said a word about such things but I do wonder if it is partly his way of staying in the game as he is white and apparently straight, or if all this is a knock-on effect of mental health services being run down, i.e the health service cynically encouraging people to unburden themselves as often as they can, whilst saving itself time and money.

  7. Whiny vegan Cunt who is apparently very “close” to his step-daughter…odd how many of his pushbike-riding,preachy,oh-so-clever,Barrat-box dwelling type seem to enjoy interfering with……matters that are fuck-all to do with them.

    • A good early afernoon to you, Mr F…and what perfect timing.
      I’m just about to implement my new business (funded by Patreon) of kidnapping minor celebrities and holding them to ransom.
      In this case, for a modest fee, I can have Packham chloroformed and delivered in a crate to your estate by tomorrow evening for you to let loose, give a 3 minute headstart and then make after him with your choice of firearm.
      It’s also your choice whether I dress him up in wimminz clothes or force him into a fox costume…all part of the service!

      • No firearm,Mr.Cunt-Engine….I’ll just use my “bullock-walloper” length of alkathene pipe to beat the Cunt to the consistency of an Eton-mess pudding sat on by Diane Abbott.
        I’ll still tootle my little hunting-horn while the Hounds and I chase the snivelling,weedy Cunt over hill and dale of course….I look forward to a fine day’s sport.

        Tally Ho

      • You’d have to be careful not to let your woofers get too far ahead. He looks like the sort of degenerate who’d cheerfully bum a male dog.
        Especially as the fox costume I’ve supplied is crotchless.

      • Bullock walloper alkethene pipe, now I know you’re a country gent who knows his onions!

      • His type have usually had their unfortunate dog removed but retain the collar and lead which they wave about in the Park while asking children to help them find their lost puppy

    • ‘wildlife assassins’ someone wrote above.

      Fuck me such glamour Mr Fiddler. Have you ever thought of yourself as an Assassin when out with your gun?

      I bet you’ve ‘assainated’ many pigeons over the years. You cruel man.

      If you see a rabbit on a ‘grassy knoll’ its definitely had it.

      Yes with the music to ‘mission impossible’ you go out…

      See there you are slyly, silently stalking your prey.

      The Jackal.

      • Fair play Miles, you’ve managed to acknowledge me every day this week.
        Becoming a little obsessed?

      • I yearn for new prey,Miles…I have become jaded and bored of cutting a bloody swath through Northumberland’s cuddly wildlife….perhaps I’ll up my game on a couple of those scruffy Anti-types…super-charge my cattle-prod and have at them like a knight in a jousting contest.

    • Didn’t he have a go with Terry ‘strange hair’ Nutkin after they’d finished filming ‘the really wild show’….

      Or was that Timmy Mallet.

      Anyway they all need shooting, even Nutkin and he’s dead.

  8. Wokies love killing animals for sport.
    None more so than King Jug Ears and Prince Baldilocks.
    Two of the wokest bastards in Christendom.
    Doff cap, tug forelock.

  9. An excellent cunting Sir, he is a cunt that should be up on the wall by now, he should in fact be “frowwn to the fwoor vewwy wuffly” for being such a cunt!!!

    I’m no fan of hunting or the like, but I’m not a cunt so don’t stop any other cunt going about their perfectly legal pursuits!

    Most Packham fans in my experience are urbanite fuckwits and council house dwelling, 2 chickens for a fiver, Aldi frequenting hypocrites!

  10. Not a bloodsport fan, but if a fox could ride a horse and hunt humans, would it do so? Would a march hare don a cape and become a matador if asked?

    Of course it fucking would!

    Think on.

  11. And any cunt who sucks Greta’s ringpiece is a fucking cunt on a monumental level anyway.

  12. All this talk of hunting has reminded me of the film “The Hunt” [2020], in which a group of Trump-voting deplorables are hunted by rich liberal pussy-types.
    It’s actually very good, well worth a watch.

    • I saw a good film of the same name starring that Danish bloke of the Calsberg adverts. It’s in foreign so you’ll need subtitles on, unless you can speak foreign.

      The townsfolk hunt a suspected pea dough, although it’s never quite clear if he’s guilty or not. Seemed like he wasn’t but you can’t be too sure I suppose.

      If in doubt, shoot the cunt. That’s my motto.

  13. Packham is a cunt. End of.

    Fox hunting. Has its place. Shooting vermin of all types also has its place and if i can’t shoot rabbits, then I can’t shoot fascists.

    Don’t like it. Fuck of back to town. Probably Brighton.

  14. Become a ‘Furry’ Capt. M. It would release your social inhibitions. You could leave your one bedroom flat finally and really live.

    Take on the ‘fursona’ of the Fox you so dearly love.

    Have a read-

    Furry Fox

    ‘This may be due to the frequent anthropomorphization of the fox in literature such as in Aesop’s Fables, and movies such as Disney’s Robin Hood. In addition, the fox is part of popular figures of speech, such as “the fox guarding the henhouse”, “crazy as a fox”, “she’s a fox”, etc.

    As the fox is portrayed frequently and in a myriad of ways, this may give it broader appeal, and make it easier for people to associate with; hence, its popularity as a fursona.

    In the aforementioned media, the fox is portrayed as mischeivous and cunning (Aesop), or heroic (Robin Hood), but in furry fandom, the fox is such a universally popular character that it is in no way restricted to those traits. In fact, furries choosing the fox as their fursona typically fall into one of the following three categories: #Realistic – Often chosen by those who desire a quiet, introspective, and perhaps shy persona. This is likely due in part from observing the mannerism of the fox in its natural habitat, and observing its quiet beauty in photographs. Moreover, these people are often intelligent, choosing the fox for its fabled cunning. #Toony – Although the fox is seldom portrayed as a buffoon in popular media, many furries choose to portray the fox in a silly manner. Toony fox fursuits are popular, as is playful online roleplaying. Furries may run over a fox with a steamroller, whilst chatting on Anthrochat. Furries who carry their affinity for sports over into their character would fall into this category as well. #Yiffy – As with any other species, a percentage of furries wish to emphasize an adult sense of playfulness in their character, and the fox is no exception. Often foxes are chosen by those who consider themselves submissive as well.’

    • See it fits you like a glove-

      ‘Often foxes are chosen by those who consider themselves submissive as well.’

      That’s you Capt. That’s you!

      Your Foxy ‘fursona’ will hide all the tremendous social inadequacies that you suffer from.

      It’s the answer to all your problems. As I say go for it!

  15. I am no fan of blood sports but we live in a pheasant rearing and shooting area. The shooting is done by vacuous Hooray Henry’s but lots of land is left to grow wild which is a huge benefit to plants, insects and animals in general. So on balance I see the benefit.
    Packham is a cunt. He spends his holidays lying in a sewage farm in the Gambia photographic something or other.
    Not a lot of people know that but it is actually true.

    • Indeed. However I’ll wager it never happens. Ever.

      A bit like the ‘meat is murder’ brigade’ and their silence over halal slaughter.

      Utter hypocrisy and cunts the lot of em.

    • Indeed. However I’ll wager it never happens. Ever.

      A bit like the ‘meat is murder’ brigade’ and their silence over halal slaughter.

      Utter hypocrisy and cunts the lot of em.

  16. Fucking BBC cock-womble. I’d wager that his interest in wildlife isn’t purely professional and his employment is merely a front to get close to animals in the same manner Savile used his job to get close to spakkers in Stoke Mandeville.

    That isn’t a smug look on his face in the nom picture. That look is the result of a field mouse stuck up his arsehole.
    Sick Fuck

  17. Nothing wrong with loving animals, it shows decency, however, I’ve always found this man a little odd and a bit of a mummy’s little bender.

  18. Like many of these overpaid over ego’d cunts he really should invest in some decent body armour. Thing is the cunts never seem to appreciate the awful consequences their lefty self righteous cuntishness whinging can generate in people who do not share their wanked out beliefs. People get a tad pissed off when the roads are blocked by arseholes protesting against whatever is the thing to whine about now, use a fire hose with a 1inch branch that’ll do nicely. As to the cunts throwing milk around that’s easy, theft, criminal damage section 5 public order offence and a good fucking kicking

    • What’s left wing about protesting animal cruelty?
      Is human decency now classed as left wing?

      • Of course not, ending cruelty to animals should be an aim of left, right and centre. Sticking your arse to a road and preventing persons from going about their lawful business is fucking cuntiness of the highest order and will not make the government reduce its interest in fossil fuels one iota. The persons indulging in such fucking annoying protests are skating on thin ice methinks glued arses or not

  19. Packham had a good go at protesting HS2 and the needless destruction of ancient woodland… I abstain from this cunting.

  20. Otterhounds, bet that would give him the trumpeters lips and no mistake, big hairy hounds chasing an otter. Not so long ago either, then when Otters became protected the packs hunted Mink..
    With his preachy, I’m right OK condescending manner one would have thought a collar of the clerical type would have suited him better than his chosen occupation as mother natures spokes person albeit with a minor impediment.
    Too much money, too much publicity equate to cunt.

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