Trevor Sinclair and Uju Anya – Race Baiting Cunts

I would like to nominate the washed-up ex-England international, convicted drink-driver, admitted racist and supposed Talk Sport pundit Trevor Sinclair.

This chip-on-the-shoulder fuckwit responded to the death of the Unions much loved monarch by stating on Twatter that, to paraphrase:

…..’Black and brown people shouldn’t mourn the Queen’s passing, as racism was outlawed in the ’60s yet has been allowed to ‘thrive under her reign‘.

After deleting his anti-social media accounts and being suspended by his employers pending ‘further investigation’, he has come out and ‘apologized’.

What a load of bollocks.

This divisive, racist cnut will deserve everything he’s got coming to him for his ‘ill-advised’, attention-seeking outburst.

Nominated by: The Cuntinator

Daily Mail News Link

And seconded by: CuntyMcCuntface

Second this nom!

Ex England footballer (questionable) done for D&D pleads and guilty and guilty to racially abusing a Police Officer during his arrest and pissing in a police car.

BBC News Link


Now it takes a genuinely special type of cunt that’s been convicted of racism to accuse anyone of the same crime that hasn’t.

And then we have Uju Anya – a Professor of race-baiting cuntitude, a nomination courtesy of mystic maven

I was going to do a double nomination today, firstly that ex-footballer cunt who said that black people shouldn’t mourn the Queen, but I’ve seen that he’s already been correctly cunted.

Anyway, a single cunting then for Uju Anya, a supposed professor at some US college, who posted a tweet stating that she hoped the Queen died an excruciatingly painful death. I won’t go into it in full detail as it’s all in the link below, and in lots of other places. A cunt of the very highest order.

I’m not a royalist myself, but I’m sick of these hate-filled race baiters using their skin colour as a shield to create even more racism and division. Might be interesting to question her about the long and deplorable history of tribal conflict and genocide in Africa, including her home country Nigeria, but I suppose the Biafran conflict was Lizzy’s fault too?
Even the vile ‘Dr’ Shola Mos whatshername hasn’t gone this far yet, but I’m sure there’s still time for her to put in her two cents worth.

Daily Mail News Link


100 thoughts on “Trevor Sinclair and Uju Anya – Race Baiting Cunts

  1. Did the monkeys in Chester zoo shed tears? No of course not, and would anybody expect them too? So why expect apes in human clothing to be any different?

    So they don’t mourn the queen or anybody else white (bit of leap here I know, assuming they are capable of any vaguely human emotion)?

    Fine, I don’t mourn baboons stabbing or shooting each other, or them dying or suffering in any way in any place at any time.

    This sort of anti-white bile from these apes doesn’t bother me at all. Rabid dogs don’t offend or upset me. I just know never to turn my back on them and to always try and avoid them.

  2. I don’t understand why all of these ethnics keep moaning about “colonialism” and slavery. They were the best things that that happened to them! Without us whiteys, they’d all still be living in mud huts and worshipping trees. Now, they get benefits, housing and anything else they can play the race card for.

    RIP your majesty and, fuck these ungrateful, hypocritical dark keys.

  3. Typical reactions of the fecking chippy, permanently aggrieved coloureds.
    Bout time they stopped using slavery and skin colour as a cover and excuse for their many many shortcomings as a race of people . Stop the feck whining and prove yourselves equal to the evil honkies only then will you get respect for your achievements rather than pity for your distant past.
    We got over the Romans , Vikings and Norman’s enslaving us , we aren’t using it as an excuse for our present woes.

  4. This is exactly why we should mourn the Queen’s passing!

    The Progressives, the Neo Marxists, the New World Order types, the pro Trans types, the child groomers, the baby killers, the Climate Change wackos, the Islamists and Jihadis have all declared war on Western Civilization. They attack us as a people. They attack our institutions. They re-write our history. They seek to destroy our way of life. They wish us ill and they rejoice when we die.

    No more apologizing. No more appeasing. I mourn the loss of the Queen. And I condemn these cunts for the vile savages that they are.

    • I’d like to get Huge Anytime all worked up, then drop her one of my steaming hot cables as a going away present.

  5. Dear Uju,
    Here’s hoping you contract some horrific disease, preferably something incurable.
    Drown in your own blood.
    You despicable cunt.
    Get To Fuck.
    Jack ( not a Royalist )

    • I’m mentally logging every cunt who is going above and beyond to be king cunt in deliberately offending the passing of our cherished monarch, and therefore US.
      For me, its circumstances such as these, that expose totally what this Country has become, and shows just many enemy within we have amongst us, which grows ands grows each passing year.

    • Both monumentally vile cunts.
      A 7.5 tonne lorry driving over there shit heads and then reversing to finish the job would be too mercifull a fate.
      Wankers like this make me want to puke

  6. That pseudo Dr Shola twat has joined the shit party of cunts. Stating it is her right to not mourn. Yes they have the right but hopes she dies a painful death then to not refusing to mourn its being a horrid cunt. Apparently everyone who is critical she is using the right of freedom of speech. Freedom of speech doesn’t give you a right to be a cunt

    • You may not like it but freedom of speech does give you the right to be a cunt, with a few obvious exceptions which are clearly defined in Law.

  7. I believe these cunts carry – on like they do because they wish they were white!
    Look at this Sinclair, married to a white slag.
    Lenny Henry. Ditto.
    For such proud sooties, they certainly have a funny way of showing it.
    Trevor fuckin Phillips another rabib racist, currently being given carte blanche for more than 2hrs or so by sly news to spout his bollocks.

  8. Uju Anya…..we should have kept you in a cotton field instead of giving you a pretend title .. Dr …ha ha ha ! You think ! Spouting bile like that from your coon mouth.You are no Dr just a box ticked , you privilaged little nigger .All you understand is the whipp .And by god I would lash the skin off your back .Why we gave these Apes a voice I will never know. They are a nation of victims using it to advantage and progress themselves easily in a white world. Send the bitch back to her black village .. see how successful the cunt is then .Blacks have built fuck all

      • Not entirely. Some see these ‘inflammatory’ remarks from the baiters as just that; bait for people to come out all guns blazing so the baiters can then say ‘look, we live in a racist society! i’m oppressed!’

        James is just playing their game, and the Mail get their clicks.

  9. How many cards in an ethnic deck, answer = 55. 52 playing cards, 2 jokers and the race card that trumps all the other fuckers.

  10. I find it highly hypocritical that someone who had the opportunity to become an educator in this country would blame the British Empire for their hardship when it clearly gave them a chance to make something of themselves other than a fucking water carrier in their backwards arse country they started off in. The amount of blacks that complain about the empire and it’s racism, yet benefit from having the opportunity to move to and work in Britain boils my piss.

  11. I know Sinclair of old, and he’s always been a cunt. Went to the same school on the Hillock Estate, and he fancied himself as the ‘cock’of the school. Well, he was a cock at any rate….

    The Man City alleigance is much exaggerated and – truth be told – a load of bollocks. In those days he ‘favoured’ Liverpool, And during the 1990 World Cup, he was wetting himself over his ‘beloved’ Cameroon. Until England shat on them, that is. And the fact that the knob now markets himself as a City ‘legend’is fucking hilarious. City do have their greats, but none from Sinclair’s era. They have no legends from that time. He was shit in a team that was very shit. And how he got near and England shirt, I will never know.

    Oh, and on the subject of cunts slagging off Her Majesty, I am getting my ‘Kill Jedward’ T-Shirt printed tomorrow. Plastic Fenian Fucks…

    • Spot on Norman son.
      At WHU he was regarded as a bit of a cunt, but we just put that down to being a typical manc.

      Plenty of stories of him acting the cunt, from refusing to engage with the littlens for autographs, to caught shagging a senior staff PA in the dressing room after a game.
      Never liked the lard arsed oddmark.
      Makes one wonder how many of these ethnics in this country secretly despise you.. I know, and soon enough, the divs will too.

      • Dead right Ralf. The thing with ‘Chalkie’ (that’s what he was called as a kid. Named after the Jim Davidson character of the time ) was that he always was a chippy cunt. He was born in London, and he arrived in Manchester around 1978. Always acted the hard case and strutted around like he was the top bollocks and ‘holding court’. And we admittedly thought he was good at football and running, until he did a thing on Granada Reports and Andrei Kanchelskis (then of Man United) left him standing on both counts. Never once saw his ‘love’ for Man City either. I remember when he once (only once, mind. Hardly Cantona or Aguero, is it?) scored a Derby Game winner. And all the crap about scoring for the team he supported as a boy? It turned my stomach, because the gloryhunting little cunt ‘supported’ the then ascendant Liverpool in the 80s. And it must run in the family, because his sister was an even bigger cunt than he was. She used to make other schoolgirl’s lives hell. An absolute sadist.

  12. AFRICA.. third world shit heap.. but like the Caribbean lazy fucks its all the fault of honky?
    Where do we start on that.
    The only African nations that even remotely resembled any sense of law and order and economic success were run by honkies, dutch granted, but honkies.
    They knew that keeping the sooties on a short leash was the only way, look at the shit hole its become since.
    Mandela?.. What a fuckin fraud he was

  13. it was a black period in our history teaching these stinking kunts to walk upright & wear clothes, should have left them in their filthy shit infested mud huts riddled in tetsy fly eggs and eating their own cubs

  14. Who is this Nog Nig.? I remember feeling the same way when that terrorist Mandela snuffed it, in fact when every famous one of them gives a Bat it’s wings i enjoy a nice Single Malt.!

  15. Notice old Chalkie Balls said ‘Black and brown people’?
    Well, he doesn’t like to mention it, but his mater was white. She was also as mad as a box of frogs. His stepdad was a lovely bloke though. One of the best.

  16. It’s only these fucking eggs and spoons keeping waaaaysism going now, nobody else really gives a fuck, it’s more about trying desperately to keep the chip on their shoulder alive and well, so can carry on playing the victim.
    They need this shit in their lives because it’s all they have and treating anyone who isn’t a shade as the enemy is keeping their game going, same as all the other groups of victims that we now have to accept, being blick isn’t even on the same scale as the shit stabber, trannies, men who want to compete against women in sport, cunts who identify as they.
    FFS get over it, move on and play the white man,stop acting like cunts…

  17. Just another black loudmouth drama queen cunt trying to provoke. Half me tribe was wiped out. Shut up cunt.

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