Trevor Sinclair and Uju Anya – Race Baiting Cunts

I would like to nominate the washed-up ex-England international, convicted drink-driver, admitted racist and supposed Talk Sport pundit Trevor Sinclair.

This chip-on-the-shoulder fuckwit responded to the death of the Unions much loved monarch by stating on Twatter that, to paraphrase:

…..’Black and brown people shouldn’t mourn the Queen’s passing, as racism was outlawed in the ’60s yet has been allowed to ‘thrive under her reign‘.

After deleting his anti-social media accounts and being suspended by his employers pending ‘further investigation’, he has come out and ‘apologized’.

What a load of bollocks.

This divisive, racist cnut will deserve everything he’s got coming to him for his ‘ill-advised’, attention-seeking outburst.

Nominated by: The Cuntinator

Daily Mail News Link

And seconded by: CuntyMcCuntface

Second this nom!

Ex England footballer (questionable) done for D&D pleads and guilty and guilty to racially abusing a Police Officer during his arrest and pissing in a police car.

BBC News Link


Now it takes a genuinely special type of cunt that’s been convicted of racism to accuse anyone of the same crime that hasn’t.

And then we have Uju Anya – a Professor of race-baiting cuntitude, a nomination courtesy of mystic maven

I was going to do a double nomination today, firstly that ex-footballer cunt who said that black people shouldn’t mourn the Queen, but I’ve seen that he’s already been correctly cunted.

Anyway, a single cunting then for Uju Anya, a supposed professor at some US college, who posted a tweet stating that she hoped the Queen died an excruciatingly painful death. I won’t go into it in full detail as it’s all in the link below, and in lots of other places. A cunt of the very highest order.

I’m not a royalist myself, but I’m sick of these hate-filled race baiters using their skin colour as a shield to create even more racism and division. Might be interesting to question her about the long and deplorable history of tribal conflict and genocide in Africa, including her home country Nigeria, but I suppose the Biafran conflict was Lizzy’s fault too?
Even the vile ‘Dr’ Shola Mos whatshername hasn’t gone this far yet, but I’m sure there’s still time for her to put in her two cents worth.

Daily Mail News Link


100 thoughts on “Trevor Sinclair and Uju Anya – Race Baiting Cunts

  1. I believe this sort of ape shit is referred to as “biting the hand that feeds you”.

    Well I wish we would bite back,charge them with treason and hang them.

    • Pair of cunts.Whilst Sinclair is just a useless classless cunt Anya is in a league of her own.Wishing a 96 year old lady you never met and who did nothing to you ever is just continue on such a magnitude that spills over into the realms of being evil.A deeply sinister wicked individual who should have no place educating young minds.The bitch is poison.

      • Cuntitude not continue.

        I had a friend who sent that unironically to a group chat and as another one of my friends in the chat pointed out that says nothing about the Queen yet everything about them and their character.

      • And fuck Carnegie Mellon University too.

        “Free expression is core to the mission of higher education”.

        Just try saying that St George of the Blessed Floyd was a junkie drug dealing piece of shit or that biological men are not women on a university campus and see where your right to free expression lands you.

      • Indeed.

        If I lived in the area I’d see how true that statement is.

        I’d have a huge banner with that quote from them. I’d then rant on a microphone that George Floyd get himself killed by being a criminal, junkie, arrest resisting cunt and that all trannies are mentally ill freaks. I might even go on about race related IQ, delayed gratification, low impulse control and a propensity to violence.

        I bet, as you say, they wouldn’t fucking tolerate any of that (even though at least some of it may be true!)

        I’d be surrounded by screeching blue haired freaks and chippy dark keys (like this cunt) until security and the cops came.

        Load of fucking bollocks that statement.

  2. Tell you what guys, my grandfather on my mothers side traced the family back to the early 1200’s, there was much military service over the generations, sacrifice for the nation, there was my great great aunt impregnated by a member of the aristocracy as she worked in service in the late 19th century.

    My mothers father was born on a narrow boat in London, his parents were canal people or water pikies as some would call them. I’m sure some members of the family were equally humble alongside the admiral and member of the thatcher cabinet whom also share the same lineage. Believe it or not Trevor the majority of white indigenous Brits didn’t live in luxury or walk on pavements made from gold.

    My fathers side of the family were from the fens, mainly farm workers, there heritage is less known but my brother does have service medals from my great grandfather, grand father and father which were awarded for active service in two world wars and the boer war. All of them believed they were fighting to preserve your right to express your opinions no matter how offensive they may be.

    So I’ve no problem with what you have to say Trevor, my issue is I don’t believe you have the slightest inkling of why you are allowed to say it or the sacrifices made by men who’d be considered boys today that fought for your right to take a piss on their unimaginable sacrifice.

    Take a trip to some actuality systemically racist countries and see what employment is available to a second rate has been footballer.

    Now fuck off!

    God save the King

    • Fcking well said, sir.

      Those who hop on occasions like this to garner some attention for themselves are beneath contempt. They show themselves up for the sub human shite they are.

    • Good for you Six, I wish you could ask that wanker Sinclair the question live on TV.
      And God bless your family for their service, from someone who does appreciate it.

  3. I’m also sick of cunts saying the Queen never did a days work.To be in any job for 70 years is remarkable and to do it until the very end when you are 96 clearly very ill and frail and as we now know literally at deaths door still with a graceful smile is something else altogether.It shows duty service grit dedication on a scale most critics could not even conceive of.

  4. When Dick finally signs off on my PhD from Fiddler University – subject: the Life and Times of Wing Commander The Hon. Kiddie Fiddler DFC and bar – I look forward to a life as an ‘expert’ on various low-rent ‘news’ channels.

    ‘Will spout crap for money.’

  5. In the case of Sinclair, I suspect idiocy and resentment.

    In the case of Hakuna Matata, I suspect extreme narcissism, self-loathing and racism. ‘Look at me!…. Another seething malcontent on Twitter!’

    Either way, it’s extremism and the US authorities might want to look into her past.
    She should be banned from travel to Britain. Others have been banned for less.

  6. White privilege?

    What a load of shite.

    Sinclair was nicked for driving pissed up. He then tried to play the race card but was found to have been the one racially abusing the copper. He then pissed in the police car.

    Now the law dealt with him, he was found guilty (should’ve done time imo) but the BBC and other channels have continued to have him on as a (very shit) pundit.

    Big Ron Atkinson made a few admittedly racist comments once (he thought he was off air) and has never been on again. Le Tissier refused to wear a BLM badge and was potted for it. Haven’t seen either of them since, have we? I might cunt Jeff ‘I’m going to quit in solidarity’ Stelling soon, the lying cunt. He’s still babbling on on Sky Sports Soccer Saturday.

    White prof Frances Widdowson was sacked for a few anti woke comments (and this has happened to quite a few others.) Meanwhile, dark key profs and lecturers make far worse comments and keep their jobs. One particularly nasty cunt actually got promoted after wishing death on honkies.

    White Privilege?

    My fucking arse!

    • And the worst thing is that Big Ron was a great co commentator/pundit. Le Tiss was decent too.

      Sinclair is fucking awful.

  7. Haven’t heard either of these twats What a delusional mental cunt that Trevor Sinclair is and the 2nd race baiting cunt looks like Lenny Henry in drag FFS lol

  8. I (hopefully) predict a riot, to coin a song. The backlash must happen, surely, and it won’t be pretty.

    God save the King.

    • Not if HFC has got anything to do with it DCI.

      Dun…Dun dun dun…”Rising up back on street………….

      • He will clean up on both of these race baiting bastards and not back down. Fucking pair of cunts, one should be sacked the other cunt barred from Britain on a permanant basis.

  9. Sinclair is just a tosser, fucking shoot yourself in the foot why don’t you, you thick cunt.
    Anya: perhaps a scaffolding pole up the rectum & put on display at the Tower of London for the filthy piece of shit. Wish on THAT star, you cunt!

  10. No need to suspend Sinclair, instant dismissal will suffice.
    And any son or daughter of an immigrant who agrees with his sentiments should be relieved of their citizenship.

    • According to his ‘apology’, he says his comments were “ill timed”. In my opinion, there is never a time for race baiting comments from chippy, thick as pig shit cunts like him.
      Burning at the stake is too good for them.

  11. Who gives a shit what a couple of privileged ‘African Americans’ say, fuck the cunts, they can say whatever they like, perhaps some nutter (there are a few in the US of A) will kneel on their necks for 9 minutes and we can all have a laugh.

    Trevor Sinclair showing his ‘n*gga credentials ?

    • Interviewer: Now, Ooga..
      Uju Cunt: Uju
      Interviewer: Oogu…
      Uju Cunt: Uju…
      Interviewer: Uju Angry
      Uju Cunt: Uju Anya!
      Interwiewer: Why do you want the job as Profesdor of Whining and race-baiting?
      Uju Cunt: Me is qualify in dem fingies an’ me is an-gry, an’ me ‘as a chippy ‘aircut and colourful necklace for to do da teach, aiii.

    • Many Americans seem to love HM more than I ever did, so she might get a few comments from her compatriots.

    • And all the worse that the filthy cunt actually put on an England shirt & represented the nation, the steaming pile of shit! Fucking disgrace.

  12. I’m no royalist by any means but this had made my blood boil.
    Fuck you, you chippy race baiting second rate footballer of colour.
    What’s her majesty got to do with it.
    Piss off and I hope you never find work again. Good riddance you weapons grade Cunt.
    As for the other bint give me an hour to calm down before I read it.

    • These disrespectful apes just make whites more racist. I wasn’t even remotely racist against blacks 20 years ago, but now I’d happily see them all catch Ebola in their millions.

  13. Just read the “uju” link blimey, certainly not a fan whitey.

    It’s been said before on this esteemed forum..

    “If you are not happy where you are ” FUCK OFF” to somewhere you feel is more in keeping with your ethnic group…?

  14. Uju Anya = chip on shoulder anti-white “skintellectual” wimminz type.

    Trevor Sinclair – Chip on shoulder average footballer type with a post football career in the media thanks in no small part to… Yes – his skin colour.

    Both a pair of repugnant bastards.

    Good Afternoon.

  15. It’s always the fucking uppities. Always.

    I’m pig sick of these cunts decrying this country and it’s history and tradition along with fuckers like the BBC, twitter etc aiding and abetting their every bullshit racist utterance.

    Compare and contrast if you will with the dignified and eloquent statements marking HRH’s passing made by such figures as Vladimir Putin and Macron. Jeez, the small Frenchman even spoke in English when paying tribute.

  16. I used to be tolerant and optimistic. I thought the early generation of immigrants would fit in with time. Fucking idiot.
    Crime, savagery, women shuffling about in binbags, babyfathers, a black demographic 8 times more likely to be criminal.
    And then the race baiting brigade. Kaffirs who dont know how fucking lucky they are with chips weighing them down from their positions of privilege. Hand wringing white fuckers who make things 10 times worse.
    We are paying the price for tolerating these cunts. Just like the rest of Europe, even peaceful laid back Sweden is awash with violence from the cunts.
    And wherer a tinted fucker puts their head above the parapet to say ‘hang on, this is not true’ they are vilified by the cunts.
    Fuck them all and the banana boats and dingies they crawled in on.
    And lest we forget. The total BAME population of this country is 14%. Think on that when you see crime reports or the TV and advert demographic. I wonder where the discrimination is?

    • ‘even peaceful laid back Sweden is awash with violence from the cunts’

      That is the problem; Tolerance of the intolerant. The liberal worldview since the sixties.

  17. I really hate cunts who “apologise”, if you say it you meant it. A grovelling apology adds to the cuntishness. I have really pissed people off, never said sorry, it’s take or leave it.
    Saying sorry is a sign of weakness.
    God Save The King!!

  18. This is where the Chimp Boy and Willy Baldybollocks have got it completely wrong with all their wokie bollocks. The lefty wokies will always hate them no matter what. They can spout green bollocks, mental elf bollocks, apologise for slavery, disparage the Empire, do charidee work till the cows come home….they will still hate them. But by going woke they alienate their natural supporters……the normal people who are patriotic and love this country and its past. Whoever is advising this pair of knobs doesn’t know his arse from his elbow. I’m beginning to think Hewitt did the right thing getting his arse out of this country. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…….they are digging their own graves.

  19. I hope trev takes up he’s drink driving hobby again and wraps himself round a lamp-post..
    Talentless chippy cunt..

  20. Second day in a row where I’m thinking of violence. That thing around her neck – could it be tightened up ?
    Sick of these wankers. Professor? Joke.

  21. There’s little we can do about the American bitch, other than hope her great, gaping, black, gob gets her thrown out of her profession.

    As for Trevor Sinclair, every boot in the Coldstream Guards should be kicked down his throat.

    God save the King.

  22. Apologies should never be accepted in future. We normal people have apologised to the blacks and where as it got us. No fucking where.

    • A) These cunts are predictable.

      B) It’s ragebait.

      I knew Twitter would be crawling with these Marxist mongs spewing their poson. Many of them probably know about our corrupt hate speech laws and want to goad British white people into saying something terrible.
      It also plays into the hands of the Mail and the advertisers there.

  23. Do Trevor and the other one realise that young black AND white men died on the beaches of Normandy so we can have free speech today? It makes me wonder if those lads are looking down on this and those still living are thinking “We didn’t do it all for this”. There’s no respect any more. A very selfish, look at me society. Would Trevor and the other one want people to talk about their Grandmothers like that?

    • I have no interest in the monarchy and I’m not in mourning, but this crap from these coloured cunts is totally inappropriate. They’re simply taking the opportunity to earn themselves points among the non-white community. It’s shameful and pathetic. As for the queen supervising the government, they’d probably have run the country a lot better if she had.

      • Good point. She couldn’t do any worse that’s for sure. Personally I’d like to see Princess Anne running the country. I bet she wouldn’t take any bullshit from anyone and be kicking arses left, right and centre.

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