The Many Faces of Paul McCartney (10)

Old Macca has just done a photoshoot with Madonna. Now, both look like a pair old fools as expected. With Madogga looking like the well past it mutton dressed as spam decrepit attention seeking old whore that she is. But, why is McCartney a cunt (apart from the obvious) for having his mugshot taken with the auld slapper?

Well, McCuntney has spouted on about animal rights and vegetarianism for decades. Surely he must know that the old slag shoots animals and wears fur coats? If I know that, then he surely must?

His horrible bug eyed daughter, Stella, is also a mate of the slag-wagon. And she also preaches about animal causes, while hanging out with an animal killer.

Old Kipper Snatch and that Guy Richie turd used to gun down pheasants on their cunt-ry estate. And pheasant shooting is a very cruel method of blood-sport. One of the worst. Yet the McCartney’s have no problem with fraternising with such a cunt?

Hypocrisy must run in the family.


Nominated by: Norman

117 thoughts on “The Many Faces of Paul McCartney (10)

  1. I thoroughly enjoy pheasant shooting….but I am,without doubt,an utter Cunt.

    • PS…McCartney should join up with Lennon and Harrison at the earliest opportunity….Linda’ll be there too..veggie Cunt….Mull of Kintyre indeed.

    • Well, Pheasants aren’t indigenous to the UK. They only were introduced for sport, so no sport no pheasants.

  2. Paul McCunt freaks the hell out of me. I’m virtually half his age and he looks younger than me (perhaps he’s had lots of jizz over his face these last few years).

    Madonna’s lamb chops have been used more times than Stormy Daniels made movies and this old slapper need to sit down and take up knitting.

    I was watching a programme last week on the Stones in 2016 touring South America. Now, they made some good old tunes but I swear the drugs is what is keeping them alive guv.

    • I have a feeling that King Jug-ears III won’t be handing out Knighthoods to celebrities as much as Liz did.

      King: “Who’s this Gareth Southgate?”
      Aide: “He is the manager of the England football team, Your Majesty.
      They won the World Cup last year.”
      King: “Oh yes. But I want to give Greta Thunberg
      a Damehood. And Eddie Izzard, she’s marvelous!”

      • Gareth Southgate, the same bloke who missed a penalty against the Germans?
        Twat then and twat now.

    • Then made a pizza hut advert to cash in on his miss.

      Quite simply, an inept FA yes man and an utter Kanut.

  3. I was at a barbecue this summer and there was a guy there dressed in a blue satin pseudo-military uniform and he was scoffing all the burgers. He then walked barefoot over a zebra crossing and his private jet landed in a field killing many cows, then he flew off. Still a mystery who he was. I was appalled.

  4. It’s always a sure sign of a cunt when a multi millionaire has-been keeps themselves in the limelight instead of retiring to enjoy their fortune.

    Voice gone,hair gone,credibility gone..

    Yey keep plugging away like a drug addicted session musician.

    Ultra Cunt.

    • I don’t know. Being a musician is a ‘job’ you retire from. No musician has ever ‘retired’ from writing, composing, recording, performing, unless through illness like Glen Campbell through Alzheimer’s. Willie Nelson is still great in concert at age 89. McCartney once asked Willie, “when ya gonna retire, Willie?” and Shotgun quipped, “retire from what?” and I think Macca took inspiration from that.

      I’d rather he kept writing, recording, performing as that keeps him from becoming a full-time pontificator on veganism, climate change and other hobby horses.

      As with all the other activists, just laugh at McCartney. As George Harrison said, “all things must pass.”

  5. He’s a liar.
    He eats meat.
    I saw him eating a big Mac at Chester services.
    He was loving it.

    As for health benefits of meat and dairy free diet,
    I point you to his missus Linda.
    Ask her, if you’ve got a ouija board.

    As for mad Donna, Christ!!
    Like Simon Weston in lipstick.
    What the fuck happened there?
    She in a car accident or summat?

    Separated at birth from Mickey Rourke.

  6. These cunts are all the same. They’ll espouse any trendy , wokie cause to keep their name in the media while, in reality they don’t give a flying fuck.
    I bet McCuntney has steak and chips every night the lying cunt.

      • Heather Mills. Remember her? Missing a leg. How’d she lose it? Yup… Paul ate it. That’s why current wive, Nancy Shevell sleeps in a sealed, Dr Phibes-type chamber at night.

      • Yep, Dr Dull would write a essay telling you about how you’d made a glaring error there Le Cunt.

  7. And I once tried his missus range of veggie burger.

    Made from low fat guinea pig bedding and shredded newspaper.

    No wonder Macca looks Ill.
    Imagine getting home and that shites on the table?!!

    Personally I’d of kicked Linda right in the clopper.

    • Just reading this in the pub, nearly spat my beer out reading this. In the clopper . Quality

  8. Anything to stay relevant and in the limelight. I see Fat Reg has been at it again too, hijacking Britney Spears recent media attention, by letting anyone who gives a shit, know that he’s recorded a song with her.
    Please Macca and Reg etc, you’ve made your money and now nobody gives a shit.
    Retire or die. Whichever option suits us.

    • Poor old Britney . Last time I saw her, she was in the nuthouse. I also hear she’s been posing in the rick. Two decades too late, love. She hasn’t been doable for about 20 years.

      And as for Fat Reginald? Well, the mincing cunt is now more famous for being a tantruming uphill gardener than for being a singer…

      • Britney’s dad comes across as a fucking mental cunt that puts Brian Wilson life-coach nutter, Eugene Landy in the shade. “Britney has mental illnesses that prevent her from leaving the house.” Err… okay, then we she is performing in Las Vegas? Fuck me.

  9. ?Slaggy Madonna, children at your feet
    Wonder how you manage to make ends meet
    Who finds the money, when you pay the rent
    Do you think that money is heaven sent ?

    She’s a twenty dollar hooker Paul.

  10. The cow was lying to you Sir CUNT. You are as ugly as the holocaust and should have disappeared back to self pity city decades ago before you started looking like a Basset Hound after an acid attack.

    The sad thing is, that quote at the top of the page, i can’t actually work out if it’s legitimate or a joke since McCunty is so fond of revisionist drivel and fanciful nonsense when it comes to the Beatles music, lyrics,themes etc.

    Wasn’t Blackbird retconned by Sir CUNT into a civil rights song? Get Back retconned into some protest against Enoch Powell? He’ll be claming that ff you play the Frog Chorus backwards, it was a future warning about Donald Trump and global warming next.

      • Also his song about tiling his bathroom ‘twist and grout’
        And his song about Welsh lava bread
        ‘little kelp from my friends ‘.

      • Don’t forget the other Chinese hits,

        Day Tlipper
        Ticket To Lide
        Rady Madonna
        Paperback Liter
        Rove Me Do
        Prease Prease Me
        Penny Rane

    • Aye, Blackbird was -in 1968 – a song about a Blackbird (as in the worm eating feathered ones that make a nice noise). Macca even said as much. And Lennon said it was about a bird and its warble was sampled at the end of the song. But Macca has since ‘revised’ it as a ‘civil rights’ song about some cunt like Angela Davis.

      And Get Back was about a transvestite or something like that. Fuck all to do with old Enoch.

      Thing is, with Harrison and Lennon gone, Macca can now ‘revise’ and ‘reimagine’ as much as he likes. He used to do it when they were alive. But now they are dead, he is even worse. Bealtes biogrpaher, Philip Norman once said it was difficult doing his book in the 80s because of three factors.

      1. Lennon was dead.
      2. Ringo couldn’t remember while pissed.
      3. McCartney changes history all the time.

      • It’s like he is trying to sabotage his legacy. He has spoken of of having, ‘impostor’s syndrome’ where a successful person feels they don’t deserve their success and accolades.

        Of course, this has played into the conspiracy that the real Paul died in July 1966. I hate that conspiracy, it’s so dumb. Yeah, his entire family AND the Beatles went along with that, sure. And no one else has ever been ‘replaced’ by a lookalike and soundalike – just McCartney? Sure. The photos do seem to show a difference between pre-July 1966 Paul and post-November 1966 Paul, but you need better forensics than that, Faul-tards! I actually got into an online fight with bellends over this last week, so it’s all fresh on my mind.

        I like the Beatles and their solo works. Macca’s alright. I think there are Lennon lovers out there who hate Paul, which is sad. Even the Yoko hate is still mental. She’s annoying as fuck, but I can’t hate her, she is what she is. Just enjoy the music, folks.

  11. And with the upcoming reissue of Revolver, we will hear McCuntney doing his ‘I said to John, and John said to me’ routine. I’ve also no doubt that Macca will big himself up as the most ‘cool’ and ‘avant garde’ Beatle for the umpteenth time. He has a real bug up his arse about being overshadowed by John Lennon, even all these years later.

    Another cuntish aspect of old thumbs aloft is how he splits Lennon and McCartney songs into percentages. First of all, does it really fucking matter? But you will hear the cunt saying ‘In My Life’ was 70% Lennon 30% Me’. Seriously, who is that petty, especially decades after the event? Macca has done that with loads of Beatles songs. Yet it is well known that both Harrison (‘Ah, look at all the lonely people’) and Starr (‘Darning his socks in the night when there’s nobody there’) made contributions to Eleanor Rigby, yet you will never see or hear Macca give them credit for that. Yet he gets all precious and uppity when it comes to other Beatles compositions.

    One renowned journalist said this about Macca’s autobiography: ”This is McCartney’s full-scale attempt at historical revisionism. I identified sanctimonious justifications and sideswipes at Lennon throughout the text. This book portrayed McCartney as a man extremely sensitive to criticism. the adoption of songwriting percentages It is faintly embarrassing and desperate, and I similarly bemoan McCartney’s “‘I was the cool one really’ justifications”

    The cunt in a nutshel….

    • Revolver is the apex of not just the Beatles, but 60s pop/rock in general. It’s just perfect. After that, the studio wankery began to overwhelm the songs. Sgt Pepper has a lot to answer for, in that it ushered in the studio wankery and crappy ‘concept’ album, err… concept.

      Keep it simple, coz the more you THINK, the more you STINK.

  12. He looks like a balloon two days after the party ended.
    Can’t tell with Madonna, slap 4 inches thick, but look at her hands, she’s probably the same.
    Slowly deflating.

  13. He always does that peace sign thing in photos.?

    Fuck me.

    Ringo does too, and Mickey Jackson used to do it.

    Just so, Lame,trite,
    A multi millionaire telling you to give peace a chance.

    I’m shocked he didn’t do a benefit concert for Ukraine?

    Thought he’d be all over that!
    Missed a trick there Macca ££££
    Losing your touch.

    • He did send a planeload of Linda McCartney’s veggie lasagnes and vegan sausages for Ukrainian refugees but they were so insulted they gave them away to Russian POW’s.

    • I hate that peace sign shit also. I think McCartney and Starr were doing that because they had that most dire affliction: They were scousers. Phony sanctimony is the raison d’être of the average Scouser. The only thing more important to them is of course, collecting their giro.

      Michael Jackson, being black was a bit more simple minded and was just showing off the fingers he placed up Macaulay Culkin’s botty.

      I thought that cunt Bono would have crawled out of the woodwork also for a Ukraine benefit concert.

      • The best sign/symbol for peace is the broken arrow of native American tribes. That V-sign always gives me douche-chills.

  14. People have said I write some shit songs. That may be so but I take solace that I will never write as much shite as McCuntney.

    Came across him a couple of times way back when. Tight as a fish’s arse.

    I can honestly say I have never seen him stand his round. .

    Can’t stand the bloke.

    • I have heard tales of his notorious tightness, Chas. A couple of Wings members (including Denny) Laine will confirm that. Macca once sent Denny and his wife unwrapped M&S bed sheets as a wedding present. Renowned Liverpool sax player and old Beatles pal, Howie Casey played on the Band On The Run album. McCartney asked Howie if he wanted anything. Casey replied ‘I wouldn’t mind a beer, Paul.’ Macca got one of his lackeys to bring Howie on solitary bottle of beer. Tighter than a shark’s arsehole. And that’s watertight.

      • Mick Jagger used to haggle with hookers! He should have brought out a book with that title. Such a cunt, Hurry up and die, 60s/70s rock stars. Dying of drugs was a great move back in the day. Imagine Hendrix as a sanctimonious BLM-preaching cunt these days? Being on X Factor. Thank fuck we were spared that.

      • Mick Jagger used to haggle with hoókers! He should have brought out a book with that title. Such a cunt, Hurry up and die, 60s/70s rock stars. Dying of drugs was a great move back in the day. Imagine Hendrix as a sanctimonious BLM-preaching cunt these days? Being on X Factor. Thank fuck we were spared that.

  15. Funny how these two cunts still think they’re somewhat relevant. Off to the retirement home with both of them. Sir Paul could have his balls washed daily by a pretty 23 year old Filipina. Life would be grand. As for Madonna, fuck Madonna.

  16. It’s this fake posturing about vegetarianism and peace shite I don’t like .

    It’s bogus.

    Bono does it too,
    Geldofs guilty of it.

    I don’t take driving advice off Stevie wonder,
    Or horse riding tips off Christopher Reeve,
    I don’t want some rich cunt preaching to me.

    Just do your song/dance whatever,
    Then do me the courtesy
    of fuckin off.

    And act your fuckin age.

  17. I do like ‘Free as a Bird’. Thought they did it well. Jeff Lynne producing.

    I dont like slagging McCartney off. Because Lennon was such a bit of a cunt.

    But George Harrison (a cunt in himself the way he behaved) was right when he said Paul ‘had no more good song left’.

    Cut to it-McCartney needed Lennon more than the other way.

    To work off him.

    Do think Lennons later stuff great. ‘Mother’ ‘Instant Karma’ two of my favourites.

    Lennnon kept simple whereas McCartney turned to orchestration and stuff. Stuff on top of it tbecause the ‘song’ not strong enough.

    Like ‘Band on tge Run’, ‘Live and Let Die’, ‘Jet’.
    Not like Beatles songs at all.

    Do like ‘C Moon’, ‘My Love’.

    But but all the rest Starr, Harrison, Lennon really were indebted to Macca for doing the heavy work in the Beatles.

    Not a cunt.

    Did I say Lennon was a cunt?

    • The Beatles owed a lot to Macca. Everything from Sgt Pepper to Abbey Road was due to McCartney rallying the band and keeping the Beatles going. He was also treated like shite over the Klein thing. I don’t blame him for sueing the others and Klein. That Get Back documentary shows how much he wanted The Beatles to continue.

      But after the Beatles demise, both Lennon and McCartney were cunts, and mainly to each other. Bitching like schoolgirls in the Melody Maker. And the call and response songs. Mind you, How Do You Sleep is an ace track.

      • Being reading about their maharishi carry on. And Lennons role in that. Accusing the ‘giggling guru’ of making sexual advances to Mia Farrow.
        Anyway turns out (admitted by all) that it was a lie.
        And McCartney went visit the Maharashi to apologise.
        I like that about him as well.

      • Yeah cereepy George Harrison playing on ‘How do you Sleep’.

        Just another thing. Lennon owned up that it wasnt great leaving the Marahashi.

        Meaning he wasnt good at leaving things/relationships.

        ‘How do you Sleep ‘ being an example.

        I am bit like that.

      • A lie perpetrated by Magic Alex, the scammer who conned them into paying for a 48 track recording console that never materialised. Among other cons.

  18. The Beatles were before my time. The “British Invasion” for me was Def Lepard AKA Mutt Lange. More likable than the Beatles overall I would say.

  19. McCartney is like a very decrepit version of David Beckham. Now the doddering old wanker’s career is over he would team up with anybody, just to get another photoshoot, another newspaper column, another five minutes in the spotlight – he and Cliff Richard should team up – Cliffy might convert him.

    The older Beckham gets the more desperate will his stunts become. He might even bump old Victoria off and claim insanity, so he can have his “I’m ready for my close-up now, Mr. DeMille” moment.

  20. Indeed Norman, didn’t he do his first concert in the canteen of the old Stanley abattoir, didn’t bother him much then did it, if I wanted to be dictated to by preaching cunts I’d go to church, sjamboking is too good this cunt!!!

  21. Impossible to overestimate what McCartney along with the other Beatles achieved during those 8 years between 1962 and 1970.

    Since then he’s become increasingly irrelevant to me, last decent album he did was Band On The Run, not that I bothered with it, was more into stuff like Todd Rundgren, Alice Cooper, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Blue Oyster Cult, etc, at the time.

    In fact if it wasn’t for Norman I’d never give McCartney a second thought nowadays. Same goes for Madonna. That said, Lady C did try to spark my interest awhile back by mentioning he was headlining at Glastonbury… Fuck me, I’d sooner watch paint dry.

    • Will somebody tell Paul McCartney to fuck off? No-one gives a fuck any more. And as for that old powder-bag trout, I didn’t want to shag her when she was young.
      Using each other to get attention. It’s over, you cunts. Accept it.

    • A great track off a great album (Something/Anything?)

      My favourite Todd album is ‘A Wizard, A True Star’

      Evening Miserable. ?

      • Evening Ruff ?

        I’ve only just discovered his music to be honest.
        And as I say it was a happy accident.

        Nice when you find something new to listen to isn’t it?

        I become a bit obsessed with early blue grass/ country music for a bit.
        The lad who works for me hated it.?

    • I love how Todd Rundgren refused to attend his induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame/Lame. He’s a true musical genius. I’m not an expert on him, but just from his early 70s albums like, Runt, Something/Anything, A Wizard A True Star you get hit my the fact that this guy was born to make music and was genius at a young age.
      Humble chap, too, dryly funny.

  22. Wish the cack-handled guitarist had taken up the violin instead. There’d have been a good chance the lead violinist would’ve bowed him in the eye socket.
    Only he goes and marries Jake the Pegg’s daughter for a laugh.

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