Old Macca has just done a photoshoot with Madonna. Now, both look like a pair old fools as expected. With Madogga looking like the well past it mutton dressed as spam decrepit attention seeking old whore that she is. But, why is McCartney a cunt (apart from the obvious) for having his mugshot taken with the auld slapper?
Well, McCuntney has spouted on about animal rights and vegetarianism for decades. Surely he must know that the old slag shoots animals and wears fur coats? If I know that, then he surely must?
His horrible bug eyed daughter, Stella, is also a mate of the slag-wagon. And she also preaches about animal causes, while hanging out with an animal killer.
Old Kipper Snatch and that Guy Richie turd used to gun down pheasants on their cunt-ry estate. And pheasant shooting is a very cruel method of blood-sport. One of the worst. Yet the McCartney’s have no problem with fraternising with such a cunt?
Hypocrisy must run in the family.
Nominated by: Norman
“Mull of Kintyre” is a stain upon humanity.
“Give Ireland Back To The Irish” appealed to my naive schoolboy sense of injustice (I was 14), but only for about 5 minutes.
“Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” is funny and “No Pakistanis” is an interesting throwaway, it evolved into “Get Back”.
Best McCartney song has to be “Back In The USSR”.
Or maybe “Penny Lane”.
Or perhaps “I Saw Her Standing here”.
“You Won’t See Me” is a classic of his.
Too many classics to name.
I’m a big fan of the Beatles.
The quality and the consistency from Help through to Let it Be is unrivalled in my opinion.
Macca is obviously shite these days with his best years very much in the distant past.
Having said that – just imagine how painfully insufferable Lennon would be if he was still around.
So I’ll take Macca still being around instead.
Mark Chapman did the world (and Lennon’s legacy) a great favour.
The 80s were tough as Hell for the 60s rockers (Dylan, Neil Young, Bowie, Pete Townshend, etc) and they would have been just as tough on Lennon. A Beatles reunion in the 90s around the Anthology time would have been great, but we’ll never know. I’d just like to see a new age begin in music and art, as we’ve had to wade through an insipid swamp for what feels like fucking ages!
They had the whole world eating out of the palm of their hand didn’t they?
From little kids, old ladies, hippies, other musicians, revolutionaries,
Urban guerillas,etc
broad mass appeal.
Never been done since.
A boy band that serious music fans like?!
Together they were the biggest band in the world.
Cheeky young scousers,
America went doolally for them .
And every album just got better .
They wasn’t afraid of experimentation either ,
Trying all sorts of things,
They didn’t play it safe.
They just grew up, got rich, became ugly people.
Spoilt self indulgent.
But whether a fan or not,
They were the biggest band ever.
Awesome Mis.
If I could pick the one Beatles song which caught my ear and made me want to explore the rest of their work then I’d have to say it was that one.
Evening Herman?
For me it’s this.
Used to sing it to my son when he was a baby.
I have a beautiful voice ?
My dad took me to see the Beatles in 1963. It was his turn to take the boy to a show, much to my mum’s later regret.
That’s just it, isn’t it – he made amazing music in his 20s and it was always going to be hard to live up to in later years. Bob Dylan, Neil Young also made amazing music in their 20s – but they kept going and the inspiration kept coming. Others have kept at the musical inspiration game, but it gets hard or gets less fulfilling as time goes by.
Even Dylan said, “those songs I wrote in the Sixties, I couldn’t write today.” What is sad, is that no one of that level of inspired genius has came along in the past forty years, certainly not in the past decade. All these, ‘I met this girl/guy who cheated on me’ type songs, utter wank, or songs that are even less profound than that.
We’re in a dark age and we need to come out of it.
I understand this fellas pain.
(13 minute vid on why modern music is shite)
That was great, Herman! Cheers!
Middle class scouse cunt….
Bit of an old tit he may be certainly a wrinkly and the dyed hair has been ridiculous for many a year but middle class he definitely isn’t he’s from Speke therfore arguably the fab from the shittiest area Lennon was a hypocrite and from an even posher area than me and I have a downstairs toilet
Interesting to note lennon was the one who banged on about being working class when the closest he got to Speke was having the fucking airport named after him that in itself is embarrassing even for Liverpool and we are experts at embarrassing ourselves
For half a mo, I thought WJ Krankie had suffered a stroke. Strewth, doesn’t he look a right old grannie?!
looks like fagan, didn’t realise he was gooish, that hook nose
He looks like Dot Cotton
Would you be sad if he died? Harsh but legitimate!
Gas the Scouse cunt
Yep, hes a cunt.
Im going off on a tangent here but does anyone else find it intensely annoying that pop stars like ‘Macca’ are always bursting with pride to come from places like Liverpool, write charming songs about their home towns such as Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields. Then, the minute they get famous and make any significant money, get the fuck out as fast as they can and never go back. They talk fondly of the fantastic people referring to them always but always as the ‘salt of the earth’, people so wonderful in fact that they distance themselves as far as possible from them to places like LA or NY.
Cunts. Sellouts.
Why dont they follow Arthur English’s example? Even in the giddy heights of his fame he never moved out of the cramped, shitty terrace he grew up in.
Integrity. Pure integrity right there.
The cunt of the century Cilla Black lived in a big fuck off house not far from me (Denham village). George Harrison lived in an even bigger fuck off house a few miles away. It had high walls and gates to keep Cilla out, but that didn’t stop a lunatic breaking in and giving him a good stabbing. I used to have to keep the car locked in the garage. Fucking scousers.
Back to Macca, wrote some good stuff but nothing atones for the fucking frog chorus, or the Rupert the cunting bear song.
Out of date joke, What has 3 legs and lives on a farm?
The McCartneys.
And do you still live in a 2 up 2 down? Do they have such modest homes in Denham? No, we progress through life and buy properties according to our means. Those who become rich and successful buy the biggest and best houses. Would we expect stars to remain living in a terraced street? Are we communists?
Just saying.
Or Dear Ol Bernard Manning, he knew how to appreciate a shit stained council house
The real Macca wouldn’t have been a vegan had he lived, Billy Shears is a cunt with a hook nose