The Killer of Olivia Pratt-Korbel

(RIP Little One – Day Admin)

Whichever cunt killed this defenceless 9-year-old girl is as big a cunt as it is possible to be.

Whoever it was, he was having an argument with another cunt and for some unknown reason they ran into a house where there was a woman and a young girl. Now most people at this point might think it was a bad idea to go firing a gun. Not this cunt.

Their pathetic little squabble was so important to them that the cunt with the gun fired “indiscriminately” according to the police, killing the child and hitting the mother in the wrist.

The police have caught the other cunt – the one the killer was trying to target – but not the cunt who actually killed the girl. Apparently he might already have fled abroad so there’s a real danger he’ll get away with it. If he’s ever caught, both men should be paraded through the streets so we can all tell them what absolutely despicable cunts we think they are.

BBC News link

Nominated by: DoYouThinkIMeantCountryMatters

(But remember: White Lives Don’t Matter – Day Admin)

53 thoughts on “The Killer of Olivia Pratt-Korbel

  1. A gangland assassination gone very wrong.

    The gloves should come off with these cunts…but they won’t.

    What should happen is every suspected member of these gangs should be violently arrested and placed in camps until the murderer is found,tried and then hanged.

    Use the army,use special forces but smash all the gangs into fucking dust.

    Vermin for oven.

    • Damned right they won’t, UT!
      Remember that cunt that killed Baby P?
      There was supposedly a gangland fatwa on him, but he’s still alive and well.

    • It’s what the rozzers used to do. if this happened in the 70s, a load of known criminals would have been lifted and have fallen down the stairs repeatedly until they got a name.

  2. As Unkle T points out, every resource the Govt have to track down this child killing shit-cunt should be used.
    Even if the cunt is hiding in Tibet, we should send a couple of SAS men dressed in Yeti suits ready to slot the cunt and bring his skull back in a fucking box.

    Every cunt in gangland Scouse town should be lifted, violently tortured and exterminated like rats as a repurcussion for this.

    If one innocent dies then 100 petty violent crooks must die in turn, and so the crimewave spreading across our once great nation will come to an abrupt end.

  3. Time for a referendum on the return of corporal punishment..

    I’m guessing this will never happen, the powers at be would cringe under an overwhelming “YES” vote..

    • All well and good JM but would you trust the professionalism and honesty of the pigs or the CPS if they were trying to secure a guilty verdict against someone who might be innocent to get conviction numbers up?
      I wouldn’t trust a single person in the judicial system to tell me it was raining if I was stood next to them in the rain.

  4. There is something that I always like to point out about British firearm laws, they don’t apply to criminals, if this happened in the good old US of A, said perpetrator would probably of been lying in a pool of his own blood seconds after this atrocity occurred, I hope they catch this fucker and leave him in a cell with Charles Bronson and a set of butchers knives!

    • If they ever catch this cunt, he’ll be sent to a cushy prison ( IF the CPS even manage to grow a pair and prosecute said Cunt ), then the’ll let him out with half or less of his sentence served.
      A Fucking Sad Joke.
      String the bastard up, get the victims family, supply 100cwt of Jewsons best cobble stones and let them stone the fucker to death.
      Televise on all channels so the crims get the message.
      Christ this country is becoming like the fucking wild west.

  5. I see old bills refusal to mention wether a suspect was black or white applies to this case too. As this is Liverpool we’re talking about, it could be either, but a clue might be helpful.
    God help the police if he has done a bunk. The scouse desire to blame authority for tragedy will come to the fore yet again.

    • They released cctv footage of someone running from the scene, couldn’t really see what colour he was, but they must have a description, even if it is vague, from the mother and why isn’t the target of the attack singing his socks off.

      • I don’t doubt it Mr Fiddler. They’re just waiting for an opportune moment to strike with their rainbow liveried squad cars.

  6. I’m just surprised that the scouse gits haven’t blamed the Police/Maggie Thatcher/ the Tory government yet…nothing is ever the fault of the lovable rogue bin-dippers…..I bet the “no win,no fee” lawyers in Liverpool are swamped with traumatised scousers looking for a payout for the stress that they’ve suffered.

  7. I have no doubt the criminal cunt he was trying to shoot had something coming to him, in fact, I’m all for the scum wiping each other out, but this kind of indiscriminate shooting is the problem with these kind of ‘hits’ – some crim fancies himself as a cross between The Jackal & Leon The Professional & is out on the streets brandishing a pistol. It all could’ve been done on the QT quite easily & if the soft cunt with the gun had any sense, the second the general public were on the scene, it should have been gun away & leave sharpish. Stupid inept murdering cunt.

  8. The East Lancs Road should be lined with gibbets every 100 feet, each adorned with a dangling Scally drug peddler. That might make the cowardly criminal cunts think twice before popping innocent children. Massive, massive Cunts.

  9. It’s time that the ‘Liverpool, great city, great people’ was put to bed forever, it’s a shithole full of fucking criminals ranging from benefit cheats to this cunt who was so useless as a hitman the cunt shot a little girl.
    After the toxteth riots, what did the cunts do, well they just tarted up the city centre and thought everything would be wonderful sadly the place is still full of scumbags.

    The cunt could have been any nationality, British, Albanian, who knows, but whatever else happens all those Albanians crossing the channel have to be deported quickly because if not you can bet there will be more instances of innocent people being killed. The Albanian drug gangs are ruthless and don’t give a fuck about anyone.

  10. Had this poor little girl been a dark personage,there would be arson, looting, statue toppling. and knee taking aplenty. I wonder, will Wokegate and his fairies pay tribute to the kid? Nah, course they won’t. She wasn’t black…

  11. This sort of shit happens all the time in Yankland……..innocent people caught in the crossfire of a street gun battle. It’s happened in Scouseland before too, if you remember the little boy, Rees something, shot dead taking a short cut through a pub car park. At the rate we are importing foreign criminals you can expect a lot more of this in the future. But it won’t affect the libtards and the wokies, nobody will be having a gang war in their leafy streets. If I was a criminal cunt I would be heading for this country too. It must be like heaven for those cunts.

      • Think the local scouse criminal cunts are quite capable of this, but the pigs lack of perp description may lead one to think it’s a fucking ethnic

    • First time Cunter, long time here
      I worked for a while on a ‘gang project in the Midlands and have first hand experience of “african american” crack dealers who happened to have dual UK citizenship and chose to ply their thuggery here because the police/laws/punishments are perceived as so soft compared to the US..

  12. The rozzers will get on this once they’ve completed their gay marches and arresting kids for hurty words on Arsebook.

    RIP. Hope the cunt ends up in Mexico and gets beheaded in a nightclub by the local gang.

  13. Taking of scousers – a lot of Liverpool fans are not in the ground yet for the Scally Derby that’s just kicked off.

    Some kind of ‘safety issue’ the commentator just said.

    I know one thing. It won’t be their fucking fault. Never is.

  14. why don’t we ever get a referendum as to whether we want the death penalty back? We all know the answer will be yes, but the powers that be seem to be so against it. Most right-minded people would want it back for the filth who did this.

    • Also very strange that we don’t get a referendum on the return of the death penalty for treason… As repealed by one Tony Blair.

      Couldn’t possibly think why that treasonous, lying, war mongering sack of public lice would want to repeal such a law.

  15. If the child murderer is black, the case unfortunately won’t be solved.

    Just like the ashtray on life support won’t ever have the plug pulled until her kindred spirit killers are found.

  16. Hope they catch the cunt, but I’m afraid to say this will happen again. Nothing changes, nothing is addressed, it’s ‘lessons will be learnt’.
    Slightly off topic, my Mum had her car stolen recently. They Police caught two scumbags in the car but the Police have advised that they can’t charge them with anything. Is it any wonder that’s there’s zero confidence in our Police Force and Judicial System?

  17. Unfortunately I think we can expect more of this. No one in authority seems to care.
    Everywhere is going down the shitter. Anywhere nice that is still affordable left?

  18. I’m afraid attention to this case will quickly die down because the victim was the wrong race in modern anti-white Britain. The anti-white media would be all over this if it was a black drug addict and woman beater who was the ‘victim of an accident’, as we already know from the George Floyd case. That one legitimately led to street protests during the harshest lockdown ever seen in the U.K. and all encouraged and endorsed by the media and politicians.

    P.S. this is a blast from the past but if anyone believes a change of government at the next general election will somehow stem the destruction of our country, well…..

  19. A tragedy indeed, but I don’t’ think her dad was ‘whiter than white’ (you probably can’t say that anymore). Despite advances in technology CCTV pictures are shite and the published picture of the alleged gunman have the colour and resolution of something like an early Charlie Chaplin film.

    The Police should arrest all known hoodlums that do that sort of thing, lock them up and throw away the key.

    The people in Liverpool don’t like or trust the bizzies preferring to deal with things in their own way: “Eeh our Cilla”, “We love The Beatles”, “Hillsborough” etc.

  20. The little cowardly would be gangster is the lowest form of waste and I wish him a slow and painful death.!

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