Emergency Cricket Cunting For El BEEB, Agender Peddling Again
i give up i really do. This fucking Transgender Arse Fucking Monkey Pox Agenda and now cricket ripped to shreds by the BBC and their ram it down your throat agenda.
Cricket has now gone full fág South Africa test, the ‘special flag’ flying and BBC focussing on that rather than quality commentary and entertainment. Even the fucking scoreboard has the poxy thing flying in top left. Burn it Burn it with fire.
Isa Gooshi warbling about absolute tripe just parroting her ear piece no doubt. Emphasis all in the wrong place, and then to cap it off some new tart saying how Nortje blowing all the competition away for fastest ball of the year. (96.7mph vs Mark Wood at 96.5mph).
Yes new dozy bitch 0.2mph is considerably quicker. Whatever the BBC program me to say.
No doubt more bollocks tomorrow and an ugly rainbow scoreboard, covered in dildoes maybe.
Bring back Clive Lloyd, Botham and Boycott. Fuk the BBC their agenda and their illegal tax. Burn the down for good measure (figuratively speaking of course).
Fuck you and your 0.0001% of the population and grooming the nation for knee rubbing paedo’s.
Nominated by: getfuckedwokecunts
And on the subject of cricket, there’s this from Cuntybollocks
Mel Jones and Ian Ward
This week, cricket fans have been treated to seeing England’s latest test match being used to promote the gayness. Rainbow stumps and we all need to be ‘inclusive’ with regards to cricketers or cricket fans who like eating da poo poo or are partial to a fish supper.
I’m so used to sporting events being hijacked by attention seeking, grifting cunts, that I’ve now become almost immune to it.
However, these two fuckers from Sky managed to get under my skin.
In essence, Ward, a proper arse licking, tow the line, company man; who was one of the very worst for the pro BLM shite, interviewed co commentator Mel Jones (Aussie wimminz cricketer from a while back).
Now, of all the female sports commentators, Jones is actually one who doesn’t annoy me too much. Fairly knowledgeable and has a voice a bit like a bloke.
What pissed me off was Ward asking Jones if ‘progress’ was being made with regards to inclusivity for the gays. Jones said it was, but that ‘progress’ was slow and that she wished that ‘things would speed up a bit’. To which Ward said with a smug smile “We’ll get there in the end.”
What I’d like to know is why things ‘need speeding up a bit’ with regards to gayness cricket inclusivity?
Are cricket grounds refusing entry to the gays? I don’t think so. Are they being abused by fans? I highly doubt it. Especially in today’s pc climate. Are gays banned from playing the game? Listen, if the player could take 5 wickets and score a ton in every game, every team on Earth wouldn’t care if he took part in gay scat orgies every night.
What exactly does she want to be ‘sped up’? She says it’s all about ‘inclusivity’ but they can play and go to grounds as much as the next man.
She therefore, must mean that we need to understand and accept what they do. What else could it mean?
Maybe we just need to let them bum each other in the ground? Or have a mass scat orgy during the game while everyone applauds their bravery?
And when Ward says “We’ll get there in the end,” where does he mean by ‘there’?
Maybe giving royhpnol laced soft drinks to unsuspecting teenage boys in the crowd? Maybe then they’ll be included enough?
I genuinely don’t get it.
But I know one thing. Nothing is ever enough.
Because if it was, groups like Stonewall would have to get a proper fucking job.
Fuck off.
Sorry she thinks inclusivity is moving slowly.
Is she fucking insane?
I’ve never seen anything like how demonised people are for saying perhaps adverts should actually reflect the population.
If you landed some aliens in the UK and asked them where they were using only adverts for information, they would all answer Nigeria.
It’s fucking absurd
Well cricket can join rugby and football into the list of sports ruined by diversity, women and the rainbow gang.
No shiny shites awarded for these cretins
Auntie are promoting shirt-lifting, to prevent them from sacking any more staff.
The colour brown is nowhere to be seen in the rainbow. The brown-hatters will be furious.
I recently realised just what it is about woman commentators that really bugs me..obviously the screeching is bad enough but the real problem is when they try to do “banter”…it’s grating enough listening to that simpleton,Tufnell, but when “the ladies” try to join in or indulge amongst themselves, I cringe and feel fucking embarrassed for them.
Instead of the “Give racism the red card” campaign, I’d have a ” Ban the Botters from Batting or Bowling” campaign
The footy ones are the worst, especially during goals or near misses.
The accompanied high-pitched shrieking genuinely goes right through me.
The cricket ones tend to be very clueless and say inane shit.
“Edged and gone!” (copied from almost every male commentator).
“And he’s hit it for 4/6!”
“It’s up in the air and it’s caught!”
“Bowled ‘im!”
“He’s on 99. Just one more run needed for his hundred” (I think I heard that Isa Gua say that once)
Come back Brian Johnston.
‘The bowler’s Holding, the batsman’s Willey’
‘He couldn’t quite get his leg over’
I like it when one of them begins with ” When I played in the Champions League/World Cup/Test etc….you just know that they’re about to spout shite…it’s like comparing the noble sport of foxhunting with giving next -door’s tabby a kick up the arse.
I watched the Hundreds cricket recently..caught the end of the woman’s final where the commentators were honking on that it was great to see a sellout for the woman’s final…unfortunately the camera panned round to show a half-empty stadium which would,admittedly,be full a couple of hours later…for the men’s final.
I notice they put the wimmins finals on first as they know if it was on second, there’d be no fucker left in the stadium.
The sly cunts.
DCI and DF,
I predict the following:
1. The wimminz super League will fail. Grounds will be empty and it’ll lose money hand over fist.
2. They’ll see that the hundred has been a (fake) success by tricking people into watching women’s cricket.
3. They’ll copy and expand on this idea for the footy. At 2:30 (fans will be in or getting into the ground at this time) they will toss to see who plays the first half first. For example, women win toss so they play first half. Followed by men’s first half etc.
4. Ah, but the wimminz and men’s teams aren’t all in the same ‘premier’ league. How will this work? ( I hear you ask)
Well, here comes my most chilling prediction of all:
5. When the wimminz league fails again, they’ll do the above but will need to cancel their league and play in whatever league the men are in.
Of course, that will be sexist so will only happen for the first season. After that, they’ll add the points of the men’s team to the women’s to decide league winners and promotion/relegation.
Sounds ridiculous?
I’d put my nutsack on this happening within 10 years.
They want to force this shit down your throats and want equal pay for the women’s game.
It might make (idiot) fans take a genuine interest in the women’s results too.
I’d definitely fuck the game off well before then though, but many won’t!
Be more a case of tradition, I would think. The warm-up act always goes on first.
I strongly suspect that Steve Smith takes the tradesman’s entrance:
Time you came out the closet you big fairy.
He definitely takes it up the Gary.
I’ll bet that he likes tampering with more than just cricket balls, the dirty bugger.
Why don’t they just make arse fucking in the bushes over Clapham Common compulsory and have done with it?
Speaking of dirty poofs I’ve just heard that Brighton fa**ot boy Russell Lloyd whatsisname talking about the Queen. Shut up you cock loving fucking cunt!
Which Queen was that , his boyfriend?
The more the cunts shovel this shit towards us all the more normal people recoil in disgust and stop watching.
The nest of traitors at BBCistan couldn’t care less of course..they are accountable to nobody and get paid anyway.
Of course everyone knows they are cunts and that wimmin sports presenters are extremely annoying..but they are here to stay.
Scotch it is then.
China has done the right thing and banned gays and gayness from their TV channels.
They are rightly concerned about their young men growing up to be effeminate.
That raises an important point.
The Chinese, like the majority of intelligent, free thinking people throughout the world realise that people are not born gay.
It is acquired behaviour that can be avoided.
Nobody is hard wired to be gay and nobody is born in the wrong body.
It’s all attention seeking nonsense which the feeble minded go along with.
The BBC should be fucking ashamed of itself.
You are Edwin Poots and I claim my £10 Northern bank note!
Jumping butterballs!
I love spinning balls. And creases. Also `gulley`. But my favourite is `deep third man`. To my fellow Cuntaliers (outside of England) this comment may will be mostly gibberish to you; for which I make no apology.
Now now, Sam.
Don’t be niggardly.
Good evening.
Deep third man was Orson Welles, with his husky voice. I tell a lie, its last in line of a bumming contest. How silly mid on of me.
BBC this week made a big deal of some football bint being sold ‘ for a world record £400,000’.
How made leagues/divisions do you have to go down to find this pittance being shelled out for a male footballer?
Did a quick search and found that the lowest tier of professional football in England (League 2, which is the 4th tier of professional football) has at least two transfer fees paid over this amount. One was 1.7 million and the other 750k.
One league below, the National league, Notts County paid £405,000 for Ruben Rodriguez and get 7,000 average gates, last year got a record of nearly 13,000 for non league.
I still talk of League tables of being divisions 1-4. What’s sacrilege, is now awarding the second division the old beautiful silver trophy, that was given to division 1 champions.
What I want to know is who is furthest up the victimhood/virtue signalling pecking order?
Sub Saharan’s and other assorted ethnics or LGBTQ?
I was unfortunate enough to see a video the other day which featured a couple of chippy looking cultural enriching sassy ethnic types (a male and female I think) battering a couple of (male and female I think) rainbow types on what looked like a tube train.
Naturally the white folk on the train immediately got up and ran away leaving their homosexual brethren to endure their assault and humiliation but it did leave me with something else to ponder.
Who’s side would the BBC and other assorted wokies be on in all this commotion?
Especially if the chippy sub Saharan thugs had cried racism.
Come to think of it, the rainbow people were white so I think I know the answer on this occasion.
I think I’ve seen that vid. It’s on a train going back to Brum after the Notting Hill stabfest. There’s a black couple and a white couple and they all have Brummie accents. The white bird says something to the black bird which she doesn’t like. She tells her to shut up and moves away. But the white bird won’t let it go. She’s just spent all day with black people and thinks she knows all about them. The black couple end up battering the shit out of the white couple. It was great, I loved it. If you don’t understand black people don’t patronise them and don’t fuck about with them. They don’t like it and quite right too.
Fuck sport.
More lager.
Don’t mind if I do.
Get To Fuck.
Fiddlers favourite sport during the fox hunting off-season.
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOD8PRNz9KI"YouTube
Evening Jack.
It’s propaganda, it’s programming, it’s 1984 and we are being filled with right think. It’s been going on for decades. We’ve always been subjected to propaganda, it’s a powerful tool that was elevated to a science by the Nazis.
Do you remember being asked if you wants mass immigration? Do you remember when you started to think how much you love living in a multicultural society? Do you remember when you understood that this nation has always been multicultural ad multiracial? The box in the corner educated you to right think or at least enough of you to neutralise any questioning of the official narrative.
Now it doesn’t even matter if the majority don’t believe or buy the official line, 24/7 mass media that’s now portable and can reach you anywhere at anytime screams right think so loudly it’s easy to be convinced that your alone in your abhorrence of what’s being preached at us.
The success of the programming is based on out inherent human decency, we are not intrinsically racist, most of us don’t hate gays, we don’t care what other consenting adults behind closed doors. The problem with that is they need us to negatively react to justify imposing more and more restrictions on us.
Not satisfied with our acceptance that our own freedom depends on defending the freedom of others they need to provoke us into a reaction they can use against us.
Drag queens in classrooms, public displays of deviance hidden behind parades for rights that the rest of us don’t have, you get the picture.
The most worrying thing for me is they have may have now realised we will never stand up too them.
They flaunt their recreation of our society by defacing everything that’s traditional or had some cultural meaning with whichever agenda wedge they can find and leave the host a corrupted hollow parody of what once was.
They will get round to your favourite escape from the grind sooner or later.
Learn to right think
Good post.
Spot on …?
Fucking right. By “favourite escape from the grind” I presume you mean ISAC. Yeah, they will be coming to get us sooner or later. See you in Dachau one day ladies and gentlemen.
Time to send these wokies to the oven for treatment
Yes, it’s 1984.
If George Orwell were still alive today he would be on Twitter.
Lol the child molesters running twatter would have banned Orwell years ago
Don’t know if you cunters remember a few years ago the incident of the fire engine and crew who came upon a pair of rutting sausage and mash merchants, they proceeded to turn lights onto the deviants. The benders complained to the fire brigade and the crew were sent to a diversity course to rectify their heads, even though bummery in public is/was illegal.
I phoned the service in question and asked when it had become a duty of theirs to indulge in social engineering, answer was there none, but he did inform me that a lot of their crews had been taking sign language courses, whereupon I asked him how useful that would be in a dark smoke filled room, the fucker put the phone down.
Does one have to confess to being good with colours to get a place on cricket team?
Watch very little sport and as it appears to have gone over the Rainbow even less.
Crickets gone downhill since the involvement of Kerry “fudge” Packer.
Know, drank, worked with benders for over 40 years. Just got on with life, now it is rammed down your throat, no not that.
My old work mate Phil the faggot hated anything to do with pride and the associated hysteria, just a regular guy apart from trawling through grindr and then telling you about it………
My understanding is that gayers lack hand-eye co-ordination and are subsequently shit at sport.
On the cricket thing, the England has a lot of former public schoolboys in it, so I’m pretty sure they don’t object to getting stumped by a third man or the odd googlie.
What would make my day is to hear of guilty prisoners hanging themselves in cells with rainbow shoelaces, who purposely, didn’t have them removed by the screws.