Peppa Pig is a cunt, isn’t she.
Apparently, a pro-LGBTQ petition garnered over 23,000 signatures demanding that the show add a homo couple to be more inclusive to children without traditional families.
“I’m Penny Polar Bear. I live with my mummy and my other mummy,” she tells her classmates. “One mummy is a doctor and one mummy cooks spaghetti. I love spaghetti,” the child bear says as she makes a drawing of her family. It doesn’t mention whether the lêsboe mums were teaching their child to loathe men or were just scissoring.
Maybe this character could have their own spin-off show: Doughnut-punching with Penny (bi-) Polar Bear.
Perhaps they will soon introduce more characters: Trannîe Tortoise, Hip-Hop Hyena, Muzlim Maggot, Pæedo Pig.
“Hello kids!”
Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous
As a devout Muslım, I’m appalled that a program about unclean swine is allowed to be shown in modern, multicultural england.
It’s a disgrace and an insult to Almighty Allah and our beloved Prophet.
Peppa ‘pissflaps’ Pig is indeed a tuppence licker.
I’ve known this for ages.
Squeals for fish fingers
Oinks for a trotter upto the knuckle.
Boris Johnson the famous liberal is a massive fan.
The dirty pale fucker.
Do you allow them smoked ?
Did anybody get Hilary Mantel in the dead pool?
Didn’t Little Weed have Bill and Ben as parents? Didn’t understand a fucking word they told her, but they managed somehow.
Peppa Pig needs to become Peppa Bacon Sarnie.
With sausage between two slices of bread. Lovely.
An egg!
Yet again, the abnormal sexual deviants are targeting children.
23,000 signatures in favour of brainwashing youngsters eh?
Put them all straight on to a paed0phile register, which prohibits them from approaching closer than 440 yards of any child, anywhere.
They should include an obviously limp-wristed “asian” character who’s continually given a thrashing and getting his head flushed down the bog by the other kids.
Just like the good old days.
If your bacon tasted of cod,
It’s a lezza oh by God,
If your sausage tastes of eel maybe Peppard had a feel?
If your ham reeks of trout it was Peppa coming out.
Peppard is involved too?
George Peppard?
What about the rest of the A-Team?
How deep does this Peppa Pig/crack commando unit sentenced by a military court for a crime they didn’t commit conspiracy go?
A Peppa Pig/A-Team crossover would be highly entertaining, MNC.
Faceman could try and chat up Mummy Pig but she fancies Mr T instead, the filthy pink wench.
“I ain’t gettin on no pig, fool!”
The old joke ‘ what’s green and smells of pork? Kermit’s dick’
Perhaps the 23,000+ people who signed the petition could all chuck a £1k each into the pot and produce their own kids cartoon with suitably inclusive characters, instead of attempting to hijack an existing production to further their agenda?
I suspect scissoring between the dirty Les bos
Oh and as a keen amateur naturalist please don’t offer polar bears spaghetti.
I know it’s done through kindness,
But polar bears are apex predators and not know fans of Italian pasta.
The most likely outcome is your jugular vein spraying arterial blood all over the permafrost as your eaten alive.
Pffft. Get with 2022, MNC.
Modern polar bears have dyed pink fur, multiple piercings (including clit or Prince Albert), eat lentils and post on Twitter about Alaskan environmental matters, especially fracking and non-binary penguins.
I would like to know who these ‘fans of the show’ were signing a petition demanding more same sex characters, not the kids themselves but their millennial wanker parents.
None of this bollocks from my youth, Super Ted, Banana Man and He-Man were always on although He-Man always did look like he was on his way to Brighton Pride.
Your saying as a youth you preferred men either in masks or just fur underpants LL?
Forward little blighter wasn’t you?! ?
I’m just grateful I was too young for the Jim’ll Fix It era excitedly asking to meet Gary Glitter backstage Miserable.
He-Man was almost certainly hetero, LL…
…as that picture proves.
Although he looks more of a muscular Joe Biden. That poor little girl.
A good sniff of a small child’s hair is like a superpower to him Thomas and makes him feel 75 again.
I’m shocked ?
I’m more a Mary, Mungo and Midge man myself.
I was a fan of Fingerbobs.
Whilst Yofi looked like a serial child sex offender he was more interested in putting his fingers inside animals.
Pogles’ Wood. Hmm.
Like Richard gere I like rodents all over my organ and around my pecker.
The BBC banned Pogle’s Wood because Mrs Pogle drank too much elderberry wine, LOL!
My favourite was Four Feather Falls.
Master hedgepig
Mary, Mungo and Midge is not very progressive so it’s been updated to a new iteration:
Mary, Mary and Minge.
A couple of tasty lezzas and me? Don’t mind if I do, squire.
The first time I saw this programme I spotted the politics straight away. Peppa is bright and curious, Daddy pig is well meaning but dim and George is an absolute fucking moron. All problems are solved by Peppa and Mummy pig and every episode ends with us laughing at the stupidity of George and Daddy.
When I pointed this out to people at the time I was called a cunt……”it’s just a kids show innit?”
Now we’ve got poofs and lezzas in the “kids show.” There’s no such thing as entertaining kids anymore. It’s all about planting ideas as early as possible. Wokie ideas obviously.
” It’s just a kids show, innit?”
But how many times have we sniggered at Captain Pugwash and The Magic Roundabout?
Some “kids” shows we’re too good for children!
Bloody Hell!
Comment in moderation, used the “s” word instead of furtive giggles or tittered.
I’ll have to write a list and keep it handy.
Who hasn’t giggled at Magic Roundabout?
“Time for bed, said Zebedee”
Or snorted with laughter about Roger the Cabin Boy, or Seaman Staines.
Too good for kids, some of these kids programmes.
Admin, delete mine waiting moderation. Thanks, your devoted fan.
You should see kids books. There was one on sale in Morrissons late last year entitled ‘How to Become a Young Activist’, contents included surveying whether local restaurants and shops reflected your ‘community’ and trashing them if not, etc. Fuck Off. At that age I was reading Rupert the Bear and Enid Blyton, and generally being a small kid. Christ I’m glad I don’t have kids, poor fuckers.
My favourite show as a kid.
Still find it Hypnotic!!
It’s Oliver Postgates voice,
Perfect for storytelling.
In the lands of the north,
Where the black rocks guard against the cold sea…..
Where are all the ethnics and two spirit gender q*eer vegans?
It was the perfect society LL,
agricultural based, northern and white.
In the bin
“It’s just a kids’ show!” cry the libtards.
Well, they won’t mind my new characters for the show. Colin Ireland the Camel and Adolf the dirty badger.
In the next episode, Colin Ireland Camel causes 100s of injuries in the local gay bar after setting of an IED, and Adolf sends Peppa and her family on a train ride when their face shapes attract suspicion.
But..but it’s only a kids show!
Fuck off.
Sounds a good idea. Then children can grow up thinking all parents are deviants.
‘Perhaps they will soon introduce more characters: Trannîe Tortoise, Hip-Hop Hyena, Muzlim Maggot, Pæedo Pig.’
I see the ‘animal lover’ nominator is making fun of animals.. dispicable really. ‘Trannie tortoise’ indeed. Tortoises have feelings too!!
They should have Mohammed Pig and his husband Yitzhak Pig….appeal to the Muslim and Jewish market as well as the Fruities.
They should do a episode where Peppa finds non binary Billy goat hanging from a tree.
Or penny polar bear taken into the care of social services to save her from her spaghetti eating deviant parents.
An episode where Mohammed Pig takes his husband Yitzhak Pig on a nice holiday to I ran, I wonder how that one might end
I’d like to see the episode where Mohammed and Yitzhak organise interfaith Poofy Piggy Pride marches in Mecca and Jerusalem….Justin Welby could make a guest appearance as a simpering Cunt..shouldn’t stretch his acting abilities too far.
I’d ban kiddies telly anyhow…. little Sods should be outside doing something constructive rather than sitting in front of a telly while their slovenly parents loll around filling in benefit forms.
Kids TV should be broadcast for just one hour every day like it was when i was a kid. By God.
Rupert Bear can Fuck Off too…prissy little Wanker.
Did someone mention Rupert Bear?
Evening Dick. ?
Duke’s right. One hour viewing per day. With a one hour complete shut down Sunday afternoon.
Why on earth anyone would think that a cartoon that’s been around for years needs to be updated to “reflect” modern society, I really don’t know.
I hope they never ever make another episode of it, and just keep showing repeats, over and over again, as they’ve been doing since God’s dog was a pup.
It’s a cartoon, to entertain small children, while you cook their tea, you vapid cows!
Peppa Pig and it’s gang of degenerate magic animals should,by law,be shown in every mosque in Britain.
Anyhow I’m off to watch Pisshead Perry Parrot and his chum Kunt the Koala break into a Wendy house and shot in the plastic tea pot.
Fucking trannie cunts.
FFS shit not shot.
If that’s appropriate.
It’s Percy the Pisshead Parrot you fucking arse end of a phone.
I think Percy and Kunt need a trip to Korea to sort the little yellow bastards out,once and for all.
I’ve some great ideas for kids shows,
But none have been accepted ☹️
” Tarquin isn’t normal”
” Ahmed go home!”
” My 2 mummy’s are in prison ”
And ” the monster from the Tavistock clinic”.
Damned shame, MNC, even I would watch those!
“The monster from the Tavistock clinic.”
So appropriate Mis I find it chilling. Finally the authorities have been stirred into action and are closing it down. Be thankful.
Eddie Lizzard?
why oh why, doesn’t the normal peoples of the West get 10 million signatures in a petition and submit them, as a counter move every time these Quares come up with some shit about inclusivity, gender cobblers and political correctness clangers.
The peoples need to fight back this wave of insane indoctrination of young minds or there will be no ISAC in the future, it will end up, is a tranny or is a they.cum
Fuckin sick of it.Numb
Because, Mecuntry, we are unaware of these stupid petitions, and GoFundMe things until they reach a certain velocity, for example, over 20 thousand signatures, over £20k, just as an example.
At which point, a certain apathy kicks in, as in ‘ look, they’ve already got over 20/30k, whatever, what’s the point’
Apathy is killing this country. Not invasion from France, not the current Government, not the weather or the Energy suppliers.
Well said Jeezum and its killing most of the civilised West.
No moderate political alternative is available for the 90 percent of common sense.
Cunt and all he is for various reasons i hope Trump wins and changes that landscape now that he has real experience of the task at hand. The Sledge hammer is needed to enable things to be put right later.
“Watch with Mother” they used to call it. How very quaint, how very old fashioned. Now it’s Watch with Uncle George the Trannie from Social Services.
That was in the days when a child had a Mother and a Daddy, Freddie, instead of two Daddies, or indeed two Mothers!
It’s no wonder young people are thrashing about, trying to find some direction and stability.
Quite how that throlls with stabbing someone to death, I’m a bit unsure, but I’m sure the phycopath will explain it, so we can understand.
‘Watch With Mother and Mother’…
Curses! I forgot to watch the start of Strictly…has that tiny little hobbit lass been on yet?
When I finally see her “dance”, I’ll not be quite sure whether to laugh, cry or have a wank.
Are they popping her on stllts or making her dance with that goblin fellow Peter Dinkylegs?
I think he’s just going to lob her over his shoulder, chachacha a bit, then spin her across the floor, scoop her up with a lacrosse net, prop her on her unfeasibly high platform stilletoes and say,
” well that was fun, Ellie, and you did brilliantly”
Just as she comes out of the ether mask daze.
What about the Seleb travel announcer from Radio2, it dancing with another gayer apparently.
Fucking deviancy and poovery the norm for the cunting BBC.
It’s a full sized man.
He’s going to sling her round his neck, do a few pretensions moves with his hips and lips, spin her artistically across the dance floor, before scooping her up in a landing net, propping her up against him while she recovers from the chloroform daze, and muttering ” Ellie, you were fabulous, listen to the applause”
I say, chuck a bi – polar bear in there insted! That would be worth a look.
23,000 signatures? That’s less than 8% of the population of Brighton.
That’s what makes me laugh, what’s that, 10 days worth of dinghy riders, a small drop in the ocean.
Bad weather coming soon, deep joy!
Yes J.P. Down here in ‘Helfire Corner,’ the winter will bring some sort a
of a reprieve
Let the dinghy riders drown
I dread to think what they’re going to do with Andy Pandy and Big Ears.
Still. Look on the bright side.
The coming war will bring what’s important back into perspective.
Like finding food and shelter.
And ways to prevent yourself from shitting out your internal organs.
Year zero.
Muffin the mule won’t need to bother to check first anymore, I guess, (Deep sigh)
Is that David Cameron in the picture?
Yes, it’s David Cameron initiating a young Boris Johnson into the Bullingdon club.
Bill and Ben, the Clangers,Wacky Races, Ivor the engine all stuff from my boyhood.
No fucking hidden agenda just simple entertainment for brats why do these piss weasels on the left want to deny children their childhood, they will know everything and nothing. They will have zero adult experiences to look forward to except going to woke meetings or cancellation enquiries with their right on dads.
I had great fun finding copies of knave and rustler up the woods with stuck together pages left me horny as fuck for days most of the birds in them had mingles like a briar patch and a staple in the clit.
Have fond memories of the huge breasted auntie Jane in her stockings and webbing.
The fucking left, weirdos,and freaks love petitions. 23000 signed it, 60+million didn’t
So fuck off.
I hear there’s going to be a Christmas edition of Strictly Come Prancing.
No competition, just previous contestants twirling and whirling.
Culminating in Ellie being thrown up and attached to a Douglas Fir, wearing a Little Miss Twinkle party frock and a paste tiara.
The perfect Christmas Fairy.
This thing has got me completely flummoxed JP. I can’t sleep for thinking about it.
How is it going to be done?
She has been ‘paired’ with Nikita Kuzmin. I have googled him. His height? 1.8m.
How tall is Ellie? Not very.
Mr C-Engine above suggests ‘stilts’. But surely that’s impracticable. Surely not.
A moveable ‘frame’ like device for Ellie?
Nikita on his knees. How is it to be done?
Nikita bending over and down to her I suppose. But how can they possibly ‘dance’ like that.
Can you help me JP?
I am deeply troubled.
It’s a shame David Rappaport isn’t still around and the Time Bandit lads.
Perfect for dancing with Ellie.
Couldn’t they get Dusty Bin out of retirement?
4ft 1.??
She should’ve paired with one of those rhythmic gymnastic cunts. Just swap the hoop or ribbon for a mid get and viola!…new Olympic sport.
Could also be introduced into throwing sports or even the relays (pass the mid get instead of a baton.)
My fear is that the bloke will chuck her up in the air too high and she’ll cause thousands of pounds worth of damage, after crashing her gigantic head through the ceiling.
Fuck off.
He is 5ft 9. Miserable. She is 4ft. So not insurmountable.
The choreography will include lots of lifting I suspect. Twirling her about.
“Nikita, you and i know
when you suspended Ellie in the air
try once more to see
If she’s had a Brazilian
Nikita tell me the truth
Theres no way you can deny it
Try once more, like you did before
For a peek a boo at Ellies, chicken eat ah”
Typo in your screen name, mate. I fixed it for ya. – NA.
Thanks Admin, i does be dozy sometimes.
Was pissed last night but now just tired and not pissed
Sound Admin, asleep i will be shortly