Nasa (3) – Wokeing on the Moon

A Final Frontier cunting for those galactic wankers at NASA.

I’ve been following the Artemis mission on their website for a while & noticed the other day that one of the stated aims is the first woman on the moon and you’ve guessed it, the first person of colour on the moon (presumably closely followed by the first stabbing on the moon.)

Now I’m not against either aim, per se, but surely the astronaut selection criteria must be the best person for the job, not whether or not you’ve got a minge or eat mainly at KFC. If it happens to be a female and/or a POC, great go for it.

Actually it strikes me they could kill two birds with one stone here and send that fat bitch shitting in the phone box (in the Notting Hill Carnival nom); she looked like she already had enough sustenance on board to not need food and they could save weight by not fitting a shithouse, then drop her off on the darkside of the moon and forget about her. Though I bet the cunts wouldn’t headline it ‘The First Spoon On The Moon’.

Apparently the aim in all this is to show that space exploration is open to everyone. So does that mean the new lunar buggy has to be a spaz-chariot? Will the first Peaceful mission to the moon be launched on a winged horse and tie in with the first underage girl mission to the moon?

As a kid, I watched Armstrong walk on the moon, the main aim was to just do it and it was a fucking awesome success. Those astronauts all the way through the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs were fucking heroes in my eyes and now NASA has to shit all over their legacy with this diverse, woke bag of bollocks. Cunts!

BBC News Link

Nominated by: The Stained Gusset

And how about this from The Wizard’s Sleeve

A very straightforward one, this. The USA’s newest attempt to send a rocket to the moon.

Whether you are on the side of the so-called conspiracy theorists and believe that the original 1969 moon landing was falsified, due to many factors including the Van Allen Belt, flag movement, no stars etc. (check out this link: or whether you believe that man reached the moon whilst sitting in a tin-can (this is ground control to Major Tom!) with computers a myriad of times more basic than our mobile phones; regardless of which “side” you are on – the question I would like answered is: Why even bother in the first place?

If you do believe that human beings reached the moon all those years ago, all it showed us is that there is bugger-all there of any interest – It is just a cold lump of rock covered in dust. It’s not made of cheese and there isn’t a man that lives there either. So why return? What’s the point? It costs shitloads of money to do these missions, so why not forget the whole waste of time and use the money to try and sort out some of the many problems we already face down here on planet Earth: surely that would be money better spent?

They can’t even launch a sodding rocket unless the weather is exactly right or the temperature of the equipment is exact (check out:BBC News Link for more info) so watching all that cool sci-fi star-trek stuff with high ideas such as warp speed, teleportation and shagging aliens who want to understand our human emotion of “love”, makes our efforts to go into space look like a laughing stock anyway, as I really get the feeling we will never reach the point where real life matches sci-fi anyway – and certainly not in our lifetimes.

The human race will end up making itself extinct due to stupid wars or scientific cock-ups way before we achieve anything useful in space. It will be too late when the cockroaches have taken over, or Earth resembles something out of Planet of the Apes (those damn filthy apes!).

107 thoughts on “Nasa (3) – Wokeing on the Moon

  1. I’m beginning to doubt the moon is anything other than fake news or a clever hologram?

    • It is a long established fact that within the moon there exists an alien space station which has been in operation for centuries.
      The first man on the moon was Lionel Jeffries in 1901. FACT. And if you look at Earth from the moon you can clearly see that it is flat.

    • Wahey something juicy stirs my web…(scurries down from the rafters for putative emeshed prey option)…Possibly an artificial platform not performing much in the way of use i suspect.Who needs tides or anything else from it’s presence l ask in all innocence? Moon’s a Patrick Lunt no two ways about it.and as you may guess l don’t buy any moon landing bollocks.Way too hot up there but that’s not to say it isn’t occupied in some shape or form.Kubrick was an amazing cinematographer.

  2. They never went to the moon in the first place, a bloke down the pub, who’s mate’s brother’s cousin’s boyfriend, who hangs around bike sheds, somewhere in Worcestershire, read it on the internet. ‘Capricorn One’, apparently, was a subliminal message letting us know.

      • Yeah, people say that Kubrick actually directed the Moon missions, but if he did, they would have looked amazing, not shit as they were then and are even more shoddy now. No, I reckon Kubrick figured out that the mission were fake, as he was a master photographer and he eventually placed subliminal imagery in The Shining. There was a purported interview with Kubrick confessing to working on the Moon mission deception, but that video was a hoax, but people still bring it up and I try to explain it to them, but many anti-NASA people get things wrong and many hate the flat Earth movement – Bart Sibrel, the guy who was punched by Buzz Aldrin and is anti-NASA fucking LOATHES the flat Earth movement.

        It’s the characteristics of the Earth we are talking about, not the Holocaust, not even 9/11. But I’ve never seen a topic attacked as hard and as persistently as this.

        I just do my own thing, I don’t follow gurus, experts, extremists, crass people. I figured out that Earth isn’t a globe, it wasn’t hard and I’ve moved on to other mysteries, but it’s fascinating to see the flat v globe war escalate and at the moment, the globers are in a tizzy, it’s hilarious! I wish them well, as Trump said to Ghislaine Maxwell.

  3. Good Morning

    No need to worry, with all this bloody awful wokeness going on and positive discrimination, so that the best person for a job is replaced by an incompetent, the Chinese and Russkies will be here before we know it.

  4. I notice with glee that cunts like the BBC are all over this, fawning over all the details yet also tell us we are destroying the planet.

    Surely sending a giant rocket into the atmosphere is one of the worst things we can do?

    It seems not,putting the kettle on is causing tidal waves in Pakistan they tell us.

    Time for a brew then.

    • NASA can fuck off,why not pack the rocket like a KFC in Birmingham at midnight and see if the crew gain orbit without stabbing each other to death over “respek” or some such monkey shit.

    • “It seems not,putting the kettle on is causing tidal waves in Pakistan they tell us.”

      Ooh, really? Two sugars please, Terry!

    • With all these weird new kinds of beings lbgtqxyz bollocks+ we’ve no need to go to outer space and look.

      The ‘aliens’ are here. They have landed.

    • Space is not our friend it’s certain death. The moon is so extreme in temperatures that tinfoil heap of crap would have boiled or froze them in seconds of landing.

      • If the luminosity of a full Moon is so bright that you can read The Daily Sport with, imagine how bright it is to the human eye ON THE MOON? Every light source has heat. How hot is the Moon really? it can’t be cold, it must be scorching, unless it is some sort of exotic object that skates the laws of physics. People say it’s plasma, I don’t know. It’s amazing whatever it is, our mythology is drenched in it. And there are mythologies of when the Moon wasn’t there and then suddenly was. I wonder if anyone knows, even secretly knows what it is. Same with the Sun. Same with a fucking tonne of things.

  5. Will the rocket have tinted glass, alloys, furry seat covers, the ability to park where it wants and an out-of-date tax disc?

  6. Why go back?
    It’s barren, just dust an rocks.
    Could understand if Noel Armstrong had left his wallet up there,
    Or Buzz light-year had found oil up there.

    I’ll enjoy them trying to retrieve the first POC s corpse from space
    Especially when the first splitarse reverse parks the rocket ship right into a lunar boulder.

  7. We have to reach out around us or we’d still live in caves, dragging our wives around by their hair. Evolution.

    And just imagine, there would be no Eastenders to watch on TV, no mad conspiracy theories on the Internet and no premiership dominated by the richest club. No wokery or LGBTQ+.

    Actually, it doesn’t sound too bad when you consider all that.


  8. They are planning for the first launch to be unmanned because of the inherent risks involved. What wasted opportunity. Could we not use dark keys in a situation like this?
    They sent a monkey up into space before white man, so there isn’t much difference.
    Astronauts are usually intelligent, hard working, forward thinking types, so how the fuck would a sub human cope?

  9. There won’t be fuck all on the moon. The totally out dated piece of shit will never lift off.

  10. Given all the infighting going on between the Alphabets (see previous nom), by the time they get their shit together they’ll all be demanding to be the first cunt on the Moon! And then they’ll pull the victim card when they’ have to make way for a more “deserving” gender such as one-legged, black, transgender, hedgehog-sniffing, drug-taking, alcoholic, four-eyed fat cunt with a lisp and 14 fingers!

  11. If NASA really are intent on sending the unqualified into space, perhaps they could send Greta and Attenbore to Mars. Once there they can try to explain how a once earth like world has become uninhabitable without human interference.
    And then just leave the cunts there.

  12. Why this obsession with sending a chic spic macaroon to the moon ? or anywhere for that matter. Let them invent a suitable craft and then they can take themselves and proudly proclaim a monumental success.
    Until then get on with your usual day jobs.

  13. A silvery moon on the moon – how apt. Perhaps we could send them all their. Moon Base Negro – would be fascinating to see how their society developed. A fucking disaster is my guess.

    • To boldly go….?

      Science now says there’s intelligent life on other planets,
      We are not alone.

      And the biggest score for them would be first contact.
      A meeting with people from another planet.

      It’d be great if the diverse and inclusive group that meets these alien visitors
      Was met with the statement

      “Oh you have n*ggers on your planet too.
      Back on Alpha Centaurus we hunt them for sport”.

      Broadcast live to the world.
      The biggest awkward silence in history.?

  14. According to many Blek “scholars” The moon was created by Wakandan n1g-noggery. The same scientist who oogah boogah danced the moon into existence also created white people and we apparently turned evil because we couldn’t rap.

    Rap was the language of the gods that made pyramids fly you see. I read it in a research paper by Professor Tyrone Washington III, Professor Darnell Muhdik, and Witch Doctor J’quanda Jones.

    The Moon was once a colony for the Bleks. It was glorious, huts made of cow shit as far as the eye could see, until whitey took away their melanin powers of course.

    In all seriousness though, that rocket would be put to better use being fired up Owen Jones worn out ring piece because it’s not going anywhere else as long as long as the crew consists of bleks, women and batty men.

  15. Can you imagine the rocket sending procreators form Earth at the end of it’s life? Mankind would just simply die out. The craft would have poofs, rug munchers, trannies and other assorted wokeness. No actual breeding stock. We’re all doomed….

  16. Its already happened guys. In 1961 Ham, the chimpanzee, or ‘Apeonaut’ piloted a rocket into space and returned it successfully to Earth.
    Quite an acheivement for a monkey!

    • Hehehe ?
      Morning Ruff,
      Nearly posted that myself.
      Well done Mr Light-year?

      What’s Buzz short for?

      • Morning Miserable. ?

        Apparently he got the name as a kid when his sister mispronounced the word “brother” as “buzzer”.

        He made it his legal first name in 1980s.

  17. Ground Control to Uncle Tom
    Take you doping pills and put your hoodie on

    This is Ground Control to Uncle Tom
    You’ve really made a grave
    And the papers want to know who’s brands you steal
    Now its time to leave the capsule if you kneel…

    Ground Control to Uncle Tom
    Your Bruv is dead, can you hear me Uncle Tom, can you hear me Uncle Tom…

  18. I know it’s against protocol to nominate fellow cunters, but Stained Gusset the line closely follow by the first stabbing on the moon made me choke on my bacon sandwich to the point where through lack of air and pissing myself I almost passed out…CUNT.

  19. I wipe my arse with NASA T-shirts.

    What prevents “space” travel? The Firmament. We can’t leave Earth as humans, in these meat-suit avatars. Must be great working in the “space” industry, though, jobs for the boys/fellow Masons, money for old rope.

    The veil of lies is lifting, great time to be alive!

    Enjoy this music video mocking NASA:

    • Gordon,
      Genuine question.
      Why do you hate NASA?
      I’ve never given them much thought to be honest,
      Don’t appear particularly sinister to me,
      What is it they’ve supposedly done?

      • Don’t worry, Mis, Kirsty MacColl’s song about Elvis was a subliminal message that he’s alive and well, too. Head of NASA, apparently.

      • After decades of looking into all this, I am 100% convinced that the off-Earth NASA missions didn’t happen. It’s something that you have to look into yourself. You won’t be convinced by a wee witty paragraph or 10-minute video. Best to not bother, mate. I don’t seek to convert folk to anti-NASA and flat Earth. The world is what it is, just try and enjoy it.

      • @MNC
        NASA are deceivers because they persist in promoting the fiction that the world is round and not flat, LOL.

      • I’m siding with Le Cunt here.

        I have no scientific reason to believe that man has walked on the moon, and so I don’t believe it.

        No one has explained how to get biological through the Van Allen belts and back again without killing them with radiation poisoning. So much less shielding would be required that the craft would be too heavy.

        This is why the space station, satelittes, space walks, etc, take place well within these belts.

        Not sure about the shape of the Earth, pretty sure it’s not revolving on its own axis.

        my two penneth 🙂

  20. I can see it now, the sooty pilot will fuck up and splat into the moon and all the n*ggas with go ‘ape’, claiming it was racist whitey’s fault.

    The n*gga needs to stick to what he is good at, drugs, stabbing and flicking his fingers init, that’s quite an evolution from pickin’ cotton.

    Maybe in another 1000 years Nigeria will have a space program and can put as many cunts on the moon as they like.

    • My suspicion is that just as the Nigerian space program is about to launch its first mud craft the sun will expand into a Red Giant,thus ruining their fine effort.

      If only they’d listened to the white scientist who told them “You’re wasting your time with that you thick cunts.”

    • They’re already there. Fast the flabbot and then feed as much rank kfc/bbq beans as she can inhale. Place a fish tank on owen jones head and screw him into her council, tell her she’s standing on a unfilled expenses claim – hey presto gay moon shot.

  21. NASA

    What a fucking waste of money, but if that want to send a woman of colour to the moon then Kamaltoe should be the one to go, one way only!

  22. Send tin cans of deviant alphabet soup, with black beans to the Sun. This time, we’ll do a better job on Earth.

  23. Well as you know, I hold very deeply with the inclusion of all cultures into programs especially if it means sending n*gnogs to another planet. I can only wonder why they are sending a woman. Maybe the moon needs vacuuming up a little! Imagine the surprised look on the faces of those little green when, when S*mbo leaps out of her rocket ship and relieves them of any valuables!

  24. Why not strap the fat black bitch onto one of those probes that just keeps going out into the universe for eternity.

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