Just Stop Oil (4)

The cunts are out and about, around the M25, not the hot hatch yobs driving like cunts but the return of Just Stop Oil (a stupid name for a bunch of stupid cunts)

This time they have been blocking entrances to filling stations, ok seems to be civil disobedience but the cunts went further and started smashing the read outs on the pumps rendering them useless.

Police have made a number of arrests, yes we know what will happen to these cunts, absolutely fuck all.

The loss of business and damage to these filling stations with run into 6 figures, I just hope BP and others if involved take these cunts to court and sue every last penny out of the bastards (it won’t happen of course because the fuel kings are making more money than they know what to do with).

At the end of the day it is Joe Public who are inconvenienced, and no one gives a fuck.

BBC News Link

Nominated by: Sick of It

106 thoughts on “Just Stop Oil (4)

  1. I’m not a violent person, but seeing this wankers face again makes me want to hit it with a spade.
    Same for Animal Rebellion drilling holes in milk lorries tyres . They’ve not got the confidence to just argue for it, they have to commit criminal damage and inconvenience everyone.

    • Notice they’re all whiteys?

      And all middle class?

      These little student wankers need a firm hand,
      So the police are out of the equation.
      To busy disco dancing on tik tok.

      Only a matter of time before some of them get a good shoeing by either a petrol station employee or someone who’s had a bad day and just wants to fuel up and get home.

      I’m sort of hoping to see some just so I can be outraged and justifiably chin one.

      How’s that for damage Crispin?

  2. Even the insipid Jeremy Vine challenged their leader to stand for parliament if he really thought the protest was as popular as he claimed.

    Like a good politician the cunt avoided the question.

  3. Caption for the picture…
    “Daddy knows the chief constable, you oiks”
    Bring back corporal punishment.

  4. Just stop oil
    Just stop PPE for the NHS
    Just stop bicycle tyres and helmets
    Just stop skis
    Just stop surf boards
    Just stop sunglasses
    Just stop pens and ink
    Just stop hair dye
    Just stop plastic water bottles
    And sorry, Wupert, but you’ll have to stop gweasing Hawwy’s botty hole with vaseline before slipping him one.

    Cunts one and all.

  5. I saw them on the news the other day and was shocked to see that as well as young student Grant types some of them were quite elderly!!

    Some miserable fuckin pensioner attacking the pumps at a filling station.
    He’s old enough to know better.

    I hope you die of hypothermia this winter you silly old twat,
    And shame on the people there that didn’t get out of their cars and give this silver haired vandal a almighty boot up his boney old arse.

      • I’m surprised that you showed your face today Miserable after yesterday.

        Yelled at by angry pensioners in the street, small children fleeing indoors and refused service in the local shops is just the start of it.

      • Naw, you misunderstand LL
        I’m the clarion call warning of a royal death.

        I perform a terrible yet necessary thankless task.
        Like hangman , executioners and nightsoil drivers .

        ‘I saw, and beheld a rider upon a white horse.
        And his name was Miserable.
        And he had a northern accent,
        And hell followed behind him…”

        In the Bible that is.

      • “And he’ll follow behind Him”, not: “And hell followed behind him…” (in the Bible, that is).

      • It was a pale horse, which could be translated ‘sickly green’, and He’ll followed WITH him.

        One de-merit for the pair of you, and report to Sir at the end of class for some, ahem, corrective spanking.

  6. Subversive thick hopeless cunts.

    The refinement of oil provides these clowns with everything they own.

    Stick the cunts in a cave,as this is where they’d see us all again with their laughable windbag energy “policies”..

    Then fucking dynamite it.

  7. News just in.

    No need to change the banknotes in Liverpool, they’ve all got Charlie on them.

  8. If the criminal courts won’t deal with them the organisations and individuals who suffer financial loss due to the antics of these fools should sue them.
    A bill of a couple of million quid will make them think long and hard. Even a CCJ can fuck up your finances and credit rating.

  9. All it takes is for the coppers not to show up and the public to show these cunts what natural selection means.

    Meanwhile, I have made £30k in the last two weeks on the rising stock of small UK oil and gas companies.

    Fuck you Tarquin, Fuck you Jemima and above all fuck Greta Thundercunt!

  10. We need a counter movement; Just Stop Whining and we glue ourselves to the likes of Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil. See how they like that!

  11. One trusts that their lovely orange t-shirts weren’t manufactured by any processes that require oil at any point during production?
    Of course not, they wouldn’t want to be hypocrites.

  12. Oh fuck me, I love anti-oil idiots! They get on their haunches and scream about ending the oil industry while wearing oil-derived clothing and, of course, their “smart” (dumb) phone has plastic components!

    Don’t get me wrong, I hate plastic, I try to avoid having it in my house, but it has became a necessary evil of life. One day it might end, but not this decade.

    Big black lubricated dildos up your arse!

  13. These cunts are middle class cliches. The trustafarians with useless degrees living on daddies dime who will never do a hard days graft in their lives or contribute anything useful to society or the well off retired pensioners who are bored and need a crusade to stave off daytime TV and Lorraine Kelly.

    They wouldn’t dare pull this shit in China, Brazil or Russia, its just the West that has to live in eco poverty. By an amazing coincidence these countries are also leaders in mining and refining lithium and cobalt used in rechargeable batteries needed to help reach our net zero obsession.

    • I’ve just done a job for a young couple who had been out in China.

      Said no crime.
      Streets are safe to walk.

      Also said the state follows your movements through track an trace apps.

      The woman mentioned something about some athlete with duel nationality,
      Something the CCCP frown on.
      That night the police visited to check their paperwork.

      Just stop oil would be working alongside the Uyghur Muslims in a camp within 24hrs.

      • Yeah I have a customer with an expensive electric car and I was sweeping up around the drive once and noticed that a bit of packaging from some Moroccan raspberries trapped under the wheel. She spent probably twice my years wage buying this car to ‘save the planet’ yet still buys foreign fruit travelling a few thousand food miles and out of season. It seemed the perfect metaphor for this house of cards con trick.

      • You’ve got to hand it to the government.

        They have managed to cock most things up, even the most simplest of things, but when it comes to greenwashing the younger population they have one slick, mother-fucking effective campaign in operation.

      • We have the lefty woke indoctrinating teachers to thank for the greenwashing. The government doesn’t have to lift a finger.

  14. Plastic dinosaurs are made from oil. Oil is made from decomposed dinosaurs. Therefore, plastic dinosaurs are made from real dinosaurs.

    These bastards are dinosaurist.

  15. I suggest these retards chance their arm in one of the countries below:-

    CO2 emissions by country – in tonnes, 2019
    China – 10,175m – 7.1 per capita
    USA – 5,285m – 16.1 per capita
    India – 2,616m – 1.9 per capita
    Russia – 1,678m – 11.5 per capita
    Japan – 1,107m – 8.7 per capita
    Iran – 780m – 9.5 per capita
    Germany – 702m – 8.4 per capita
    Indonesia – 618m – 2.3 per capita
    South Korea – 611m – 11.9 per capita
    Saudi Arabia – 582m – 17.0 per capita

    Source – Our World in Data

    • I wonder if they also get threatening letters about paying their TV Licences in those countries, per Capita.

      • “Paying the TV Licence” or “paying their TV Licences” are both correct. “Paying their TV Licence” is not correct, unless of course the 3+ billion inhabitants of those countries all share a single TV Licence. Possible, if a bit unlikely.

        Actually, I don’t think they need such a licence in those places, so really there are no TV Licences at all.

      • I wouldn’t worry yourself about it.

        If you get confused with anything else I’m always around to help.

        Just shout, or rattle your calipers.?

      • Strictly, it should be “paying for their TV Licences” (or indeed “paying for the TV Licence”). The omission of the preposition is however a generally accepted ellipsis.

      • That’s genuinely quite amusing coming from someone who is on here morning, noon and night every single day, year in year out. I think the technical term is “projection”.

        Do you get out at all?

      • Hehehe ?
        “Do you get out at all”…

        Do you YOURSELF get out at all.

        For someone who likes to correct others Grammar you might occasionally check your own first?

        Must try harder.

      • Yeah, every time Ewan Kerr corrects someone’s grammar, he usually cunts-up his own! He has an agenda, but sucks at executing it. Bit like Klaus Schwab.

      • I imagine Le Cunt if he ever got married he’d correct the vicar

        ” To love and to cherries, in sickness and in health
        Not cherish”

        Bride rolls eyes.?

      • You should have dismissed at the beginning Miserable with- ‘I was using poetic licence’.

  16. And what, pray, are we supposed to use instead of oil?
    Advocado skins?
    Coconut husks?
    Ground pangolins?
    Sorry about the lard, it’s what these idiots have in their thick skulls instead of brains.

    • If only we could somehow harness the excess energy of the gum flapping wankers in the House of Commons and the farts of the peers in the House of Lord as they snooze gently in their leather wingbacks sleeping off lunch.

  17. It always was and always will be the spawn of the middle classes that are at the forefront of these protests whatever the cause.

    When you’ve had a privileged, comfortable upbringing you get to an age as everyone does where you want to rebel.

    But when you’ve had everything what can you rebel against?

    The eco movement over the past 30 years is perfect fodder, especially when the message is apocalyptic and is so ‘complicated’ only these shit cunts who believe they are above the rest of the Prols both intellectually and socially can understand it and the only way they can get the message over to us thicko’s is by taking direct action because thicko’s understand that.

    But in the naivety of youth what they don’t realise is that they are getting themselves criminal records that will cause them problems in all sorts of ways when they finally grow up.

    Banks can refuse to open accounts, many car insurance companies won’t insure people with criminal records or slap them with massive premiums, mortgages can be harder to obtain and there’s many occupations that you’ll be excluded from with a criminal record.

    And really what’s behind all these movements are puppet masters who really just want to cause havoc for their own selfish reasons.

    Ah well. Fuck them

  18. They’ll overplay their hand.
    If they act up at the Queen’s funeral they’ll need police protection.

    Times are getting serious,
    When people have money worries, cost of living, power blackouts,
    Food shortages,etc
    Indulgence will wither,
    They might yet get a real taste of ‘mob justice ‘.

      • I think they will JP.
        Only a matter of time.

        Their actions will scare upset women and kids,
        And some protective husband and/or dad at the end of his tether will snap and batter one of them.
        Or a car full of lads will get pissed off and pile into them.

    • Agree Mis.

      The end of the 70’s and up to the mid 80’s was a time I lived through and saw massive social unrest and upheaval.

      We can all have an opinion on why but the fact was for the first time in many years different social-economic groups in society all found themselves in similar situations ie living in poverty with little chance of bettering their circumstances at least not in the short term.

      I think as long as there is work the chance of mass civil disobedience is low but if that changes then people who will have possibly lost everything become extremely dangerous indeed

  19. I’m usually a mild mannered bloke but these deluded cunts make me want to go in the shed and find some pliers and a blowtorch then go all medieval on them.

  20. These Rick from the Young Ones cunts should be forced to live without any oil influencing their lives.

    They’d literally have to live in a fucking igloo. There is oil in wood, remember.

    When I am supreme leader, I’d have a transit van full of tigers to let loose on these twats whenever they super glue themselves to stuff.

      • Or,..may I suggest hyenas?

        Who’d laugh as they settled student Grants attitude problem!

    • Speaking of glue, I’m surprised that Gorilla Glue hasn’t been called racist and clumsily renamed.

      “Ant Adhesive! Strong, no pong and gets into all the cracks!”

      • Do you know, I’ve never heard that before!
        Not that dissimilar from the Roxy music version is it?

        My mates mum used to run the Roxy Music and Kate Bush fan clubs in the late 70s early 80s,
        I thought it was dead glamorous ?

        A massive mirror picture in the living room of a woman walking a black panther through New York,

        “Fuck sake! Don’t touch it!
        My mum will skin is!”

      • And the stupid fucking krauts shutting down their nuclear plants, just when leccy is so badly needed.
        Thick as pigshit square heads, the CUNTS.

      • She ran a Roxy AND Kate Bush fan club? Fuck me she must have been kept busy! Kate Bush fans alone are obsessive. That Stranger Things TV show has boosted Bush’s (ooh-err!) sales massively in the past few years.

  21. In reality these twats could be stopped with some of their own “direct action “, get to their protest site before the Peelers and give them a wake up call.
    They are really like fleas on a dog not fatal but fecking annoying, why the fuck they are indulged so much by not just the authorities but the public is beyond me, the human rights of people has gone to far boundaries need to be reinstated and the majority voice heeded once again.
    Festering little snot boxes “stop oil” protesters and all the other eco fruitcakes, deportation would be nice.

  22. Got an estate worth more than £325,000 you will pay 40% capital gains tax.

    Got an estate in the billions and you are “royal”

    You pay NO capital gains tax.

    Seems fair to me….!!!

    • I think you mean Inheritance Tax. The Queen has been subject to capital gains tax and income tax since 1992. Her personal net worth at time of death is estimated to be 500million.

      • Stand corrected, inheritance tax.

        Friend of mine just paid £135,000 on his brothers estate ,

        Jug ears pays fuck all on Lizzie’s millions.

        As I said, seems fair to me…??

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