Grief-jackers, Disrespecters and the Hypocrites of the Queen

A bit of a pre-emptive nomination for grief-jackers and the hypocrites.

It happened with Diana Spencer so expect it to happen now Her Maj, has died.

The Guardianistas the Lib Dems, the Greens, the Corbynites, the BLM activists, the luvvies, the remainers who said sovereignty is over overrated, they’ll be wringing their hands on social media along with their simpering, retarded followers. ‘What a great monarch she was… an inspiration…’

Just fuck off and die in a fire. As if you really cared or supported the monarchy. As if you met the old duck.

Just carry on hating Britain, you spineless, traitorous bastards.

Nominated by: Cuntamus Prime

Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler..Mayor of Simpleton has something to say on the matter as well.

Hysteria over the death of an Old Woman.

The Daily Mail reported that Liz Truss on hearing the news of the Queen’s death had a look similar to George Bush when told about 9/11….comparing the death of one old Lady to the thousands who died on 9/11 indeed…. today we have this fucking ridiculous article…Daily Mail News Link

I remember the mass-hysteria that greeted Diana’s death and wait with interest to see just how nauseatingly low the usual suspects.. the celebs..can go in their rush to show how much they care….Another “Goodbye England’s Rose” will take some beating but I’m sure Dame Elton is up for it.

Personally I care about her death about as much as I care about the deaths of all the other old Biddies who died yesterday.

And then we have cunts who wantonly disrespect the death of the Queen, including this one from DCI Gene Cunt

Jaki Pickett.

Daily Mail News Link

Ladies and Gents, a ‘Wish I’d Kept My Dull Trap Shut’ cunting for the above dozy trollop, if I may.

The fish and chip shop owner celebrated the Queen’s death with a bottle of champagne, shouting ‘Lizard Liz is dead’ has had some robust feedback.

She posted the now-deleted clip of her happily celebrating the Queen’s death on Facebook, but it caused huge outrage with locals who blasted the dozy trout for disrespecting the late monarch, smashing the windows and pelting it with eggs and ketchup.

Well, fucking good, you disrespectful cunt. Now, fuck off, deep-fry a Mars Bar, and jump in alongside it.

And this from Nanook of the North

Evening, Boys and Girls. Just watched the respectful funeral procession of Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth the First (of Scotland) up the Royal Mile in Edinburgh today

Some fucking arse started shouting some republican bollocks!  Plod didn’t have enough time to respond, but the rest of the crowd did – not shown on MSN BBC, but hope the cunt got a right good kicking. Whatever your political views – it was a fucking funeral – cunt

Might be a Jock, hairy faced and even more hairy arsed, given my age, but wore her uniform and held her commission with pride in my younger days

RIP , Your Majesty

God Save the King

Here’s another one from Lord Fiddler

Feeling utterly baffled and queasy is a cunt

Daily Mail News Link

I find that letter utterly nauseating … I couldn’t have written such a disturbing thing no matter who it was who had died….never mind that it was about someone who the author didn’t know and who wouldn’t have given a shit about them even if she had.

What the hell do people get out of it?…I genuinely don’t understand.

177 thoughts on “Grief-jackers, Disrespecters and the Hypocrites of the Queen

  1. I was never, and am still not a Royalist, but I respect her late majesty simply for the fact that she worked 70 years and never waivered whilst having to cope with her severely fucked up family. She deserves a medal.

    I don’t think I’ll be saying the same for ole’ jug ears there… seeing him hiss like a right prissy cunt at that aide, just because the inkwell was slightly too close – what a tosspot.

    The fucker has hands like a shovel, could he not just have moved the cunt himself ? Lazy spoonfed fuck monkey.

    That one act tells me he is bound to be a shite King.

    But hey, I’ll be dead soon, so who gives a flying fuck…

  2. After reading this bile do any of you really wonder why the hordes of peacefuls who are invading and taking over your country have no respect for your laws, your institutions, your culture and indeed…YOU.

    • My brother an ex soldier took a train to London today, queued for hours just to pay his respects. He swore an oath to her and took her shilling all those decades ago and it was important to him to pay his last respects.

      Every nation has its ingrates good General but every nation has its share of good upright citizens who gladly pay the price for the ingrates to flap their lips.

      I’m proud of him today!

    • I would hardly consider 4.4% of the UK population to be “hordes”, especially when most are law abiding, despite whatever bile you may have read on here or been taken in by elsewhere.

      • 4.4% isn’t hordes. It just feels like it when you see a hospital ward full of the cunts. Or when the only white people are you and the till operator in Poundland.

      • “As of the year ending June 2021, people born outside the UK made up an estimated 14.5% of the UK’s population, or 9.6 million people.” – The Migration Observatory August 2, 2022

        14.5% is considerably more than 4.4% and I think 9.6 million…or 9,600,000…qualifies as a horde.

        And here’s another source:

        So the good news is; Brexit and the Flu Manchu seems to have slowed the tide…at least for now.

        If the link doesn’t work I’ll try again.

      • @GC
        Your post referred specifically to Peacefuls – not every UK resident born outside the UK is a Peaceful. And most of them were born in the UK. Number of Peacefuls in the UK, approx 3.5 million.

      • @MJB

        Perhaps my grasp of British slang isn’t as good as I think it is. And I certainly didn’t mean to exclude anyone. In the spirit of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion I should have used the more inclusive term…Shitholians.

        Can we agree that 3.5 million or 3,500,000 Peacefuls constitutes a horde that is approximately 1/3 the size of the entire Shitholian horde?

      • @GC
        You say that 14.5% figure refers to people born outside the UK. That’s cunts from all over the world, including Irish, continental Europeans, Yanks, et al.
        Likesay, the majority of the 3.5 million Peacefuls in this country were born here.

      • Well, Manchester certainly seems to be full of most of Bucharest, Warsaw, and that other flyhole (Albania?). And the peacefuls haven’t even been mentioned yet (and there’s enough of them cunts). And let’s not forget all the free gift cunts from Somalia, Eritrea, and all them shitheaps. Biggest ‘minorities’ I’ve ever bloody seen….

      • @Norman

        I was in Manchester recently and it was more like Mogadishu meets Islamabad.
        That’s not me being a racist/prejudice cunt either.
        It’s just what I seen with my own eyes.

        To deny that this country (or the major cities at the very least) is being quite literally swamped by the detritus of the 3rd world is to be in denial of what is clearly reality to any cunt with 2 functioning eyes.

      • @Fiddler

        “The thought of an old woman shooting her own grandchild and spending the rest of her life in prison…”

        And here’s the important part:

        “…for essentially performing what would have amounted to a public service…”

        And so:

        “…is deeply troubling.”

        Maybe I should’ve used smaller words:

        I wouldn’t want to see the old lady go to jail for taking the moral high ground.

      • Take my advice,General…stop digging. You’re now making yourself look even more ridiculous.

      • Well, Herman, it isn’t just the major cities either mate.
        In early 2019, I went to my local dentist. In a tiny little town between Whitefield and Bury. It was fucking swamped with African cunts demanding interpreters and the like. The once quite pleasant market town, Bury (near Manchester) is also infested with the cunts as well. Parking Stanleys, Dooshkas and Bogo Bogos. Totally unrecognisable from the town my mum used to go shopping all those years ago.

        And even my local Spar had two African fuckers shoplifting. They never got nicked, of course. They were merelyand very mildly ‘told off’ by the staff (the ‘No speaky English’ card the cunts always play). And the very fit young lady standing next to me at the time had it bang on. She said to the staff ‘If me or him (me) had done that. We’d have our arses in the office, waiting for the coppers. It’s unnacceptable’.

    • @General

      I think you sometimes fail to appreciate British mentality..we don’t tend to go in for the schmaltzy ( I hope I’ve used the correct word) self-indulgence that Americans tend to spout…we are disrespectful and enjoy a good moan…laying it on with a trowel occasionally…but a lot of what we moan and honk on about isn’t meant to be taken literally and most people recognise that..although I do admit that sometimes lines can be crossed ( by me mainly)

      This is a site called “…is a Cunt”.. the name alone should give a hint that there are pretty likely to be some disrespectful things written. If you’re after sanctimonious, moral high-ground contributions….there will be other sites more to your taste.

      • @Fiddler

        In the spirit of civil discourse.

        I have no issue calling a cunt a cunt. But I don’t think everyone is a cunt. Therefore, I think the following distinction applies:

        One writes a different obituary and delivers a different eulogy for Winston Churchill than one does for Adolph Hitler.

        Also in the spirit of civil discourse; am I to infer from your remarks that at least some portion of them are hyperbole rather than conviction?

      • @General

        ” But I don’t think everyone is a cunt”…..I do.

        Hope that also answers your query about hyperbole.

      • LOL! Making a cocktail of seriousness, satire and silliness is the best way to express yourself online. If you take an Oxford Union Debate approach, you end up like Gutstick Japseye, poor fellow. Come back, Gutstick! The madness is only just beginning on the FLAT Earth! 😉

      • @Le Cunt

        I actually think you are correct about seriousness, satire and silliness. Often, I use a fair amount of all three when cunting, responding or just commenting.

        But unlike Fiddler and some others…I don’t think the Queen was a cunt. Therefore, I think sentiments to the contrary are not appropriate and I oppose them.

        Furthermore, my view of the world is that there are nefarious elements who oppose Western Civilization. These disparate groups often make alliances based on the old adage; the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

        That’s why the Progressive Left makes a common cause Radical Islam. They have nothing in common other than the mutual commitment to destroy Western Civilization.

        They look for allies in the west and take aid and comfort from those in the west who decry its traditional institutions. I refuse to give them aid or comfort.

        Maybe a bit too serious for some at IsaC. So be it.

        As for my septic schmaltzy, the best way to not be triggered by it…is to not read it.

      • @General

        ” I think sentiments to the contrary are not appropriate and I oppose them.”…… closely followed by “the best way to not be triggered by it…is to not read it”.

        LOL…. rather confusing…you think that you are entitled to oppose views that you find disagreeable but suggest that anyone who disagrees with your views just shouldn’t read them ?…. Let’s be honest,you’d be most upset if you thought that people weren’t reading your rather pompous pronouncements.

      • @General

        ” I think sentiments to the contrary are not appropriate and I oppose them.”…… closely followed by “the best way to not be triggered by it…is to not read it”.

        LOL…. rather confusing…you think that you are entitled to oppose views that you find disagreeable but suggest that anyone who disagrees with your views just shouldn’t read them ?…. Let’s be honest,you’d be most upset if you thought that people weren’t reading your rather pompous pronouncements.

      • @Fiddler

        Nothing contradictory at all. Anyone is free to say what they want. Anyone is free to disagree. But no one is forced to read. Why would you want to read something if you’re predisposed to be upset by it?

        For example, I read some remarks made by you earlier in this thread that deeply upset me. You commented with something to the effect that…your grandmother would have shot you.

        I was and still am deeply disturbed by this. The thought of an old woman shooting her own grandchild and spending the rest of her life in prison…for essentially performing what would have amounted to a public service…is deeply troubling.

        Wit and hyperbole have a place on this forum. But only when they illustrate an underlying truth.

      • @General…… “Why would you want to read something if you’re predisposed to be upset by it?”…you are aware of the general tone of my posts,so why don’t you follow your own advice and not read them if they’re going to distress you?

        No… like to feel that you should be able to impose your own ideas of acceptability unanswered while giving yourself permission to pontificate from your imagined moral high ground on other people’s posts

        It is completely contradictory no matter how much you burble otherwise.

      • PS….Why would you be disturbed at the thought of my Grandmother shooting me ? I wouldn’t be disturbed in the slightest if I read that you Grandmother had shot you….

      • @ Fiddler

        In short:

        I wouldn’t want to see the old lady go to prison for taking the moral high ground.

      • Take my advice,General…stop digging. You’re now making yourself look even more ridiculous.

      • PS…perhaps you should have used shorter words…your usual windbaggery certainly isn’t getting you anywhere,is it?

  3. On the day her death was announced, we were treated with a photograph of a grinning moron, clutching a plastic urn, with the caption
    ” I bought my Nans ashes to say goodbye to the Queen”
    What the fuck!
    I had a stiff G&T in her honour.
    It was the right and proper thing to do.
    The sun was over the yardarm.

  4. Requiescat in pace, Ma’am. You assuredly deserve it, after putting up with Halfwit and his pet chimp, and Andy, Epstein’s friend.

    I am not hopeful about the replacement. Chucking his toys out of the pram over a pen.

  5. And apparently the rinky drinks are complaining about lack of invites to the bun-fight, even though they probably wouldn’t turn up. Just keep the greedy fat fucks away from the corgis

  6. I am sad about the passing of Her Majesty and her mourning (except Hewiit and Megain. They made their bed). Partly because of reminders of another time, another Britain and a lost era. And also because my recent brush with my own mortality, and what my own loved ones went through when I collapsed and ended up in Salford Royal last year.

    But these cunts who say shite like ‘She was like a neighbour’ ‘She was our grandmother’ and ‘I shall miss her terribly’? Do fuck off. Grandstanding attention seeking griefjacking cunts who give the rest of us Brits a bad name.

    • Great Britain – From an empire in which the sun never set to a globalist multicultural surveillance state colony on the outskirts of Eurasia.
      In a relatively short space of time.

      It’s easy to feel sentimental.

      • I’ve never been a royalist.
        I don’t believe you have to be a monarchist to be a patriot.

        Tony Benn once said the same thing to Nigel Farage,
        Admonishing him

        ” I flew a spitfire you know!”

        But I’ve been watching some of the coverage since the Queen died.

        Lot of people intensely proud of this country, to be British,

        And I like it!

        I also like the fact the woke left hate it!

        So if your a monarchist go for it,
        I’ve no issue with you celebrating your heritage or mourning the loss of the Queen.

        But it cuts both ways.
        Just because someone doesn’t believe in constitutional monarchy doesn’t mean they don’t love this country, it’s people, history or heritage,
        Not for a second.

      • That was great, Mis. No one can disagree with that. I just hope we see a better Britain emerge this decade and into the future.

  7. Just been hearing that the US gov may now be able to tax the Crown/Royal Family.
    Need to look into it more.

    • Everybody grieves in their own way. He probably got the horn contemplating Brenda lying in her coffin all vulnerable like.

  8. Wasn’t there some leaked audio of Beckham bemoaning the fact he hadn’t received a knighthood?

    Seem to remember there was, and it didn’t serve his carefully crafted PR profile to well.

    Evening all?

    • They were hacked emails if I recall correctly.
      He used the c word quite a lot and slagged off Katherine Jenkins for getting a gong.

      He later claimed the emails had been doctored.

      He was right of course……..

      there’s no way he can know such a long word as c***

      • Evening Harold,
        That’s right.
        I forgot about the Katherine Jenkins part.

        Yes, really felt entitled didn’t he?

        I’m glad the little shitehawk for once had something in life he couldn’t have, or demand.

        It’s good for the soul…

      • Katherine Jenkins…

        Once said on some crappy X-Factor type show that Leonard Cohen’s ‘Hallelujah’ was a ‘beautiful hymn’. and a ‘Lovely Christmas song’.

        Thick as fucking pig shit that’s been frozen…?

      • Oh, there’s no way Slapper Spice/Skeletor Spice would wait to see our dear departed Queen….

        The skinny po-faced dog wouldn’t even wait at the Old Trafford bar. Believe me, ‘Posh’ is as big a cunt as people say. Worse, in fact. A copper bottomed twat of a human being.

  9. Here is a top tip, you can avoid very long queues by visiting a local cemetery and become emotionally sentimental about someone you never knew!

  10. How does one know if Queen Liz was in the coffin. She may have been elsewhere, with embalmers tarting her up for the big day. The only ones certain of getting to see her and making their acquaintance will be the worms.

  11. And today’s front pages?

    Beckham cries over Queen’s coffin….

    A sewer rat on crack that has also got VD has more morals and integrity than that cunt. The dirtiest whores in the Bowery also have more ethics than ‘Becks’.
    This is conclusive proof (not that we needed it) that he is a weapons grade surface to air intercontinental thermonuclear cunt!

  12. I’m surprised that twat Robbie Williams hasn’t jumped on the bandwagon with this.
    I can see him now with his gurning Norman Wisdom-esque face holding a copy of his latest album in the queue.

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