Gangs in Leicester, the BBC (76) and the MSM in General [19]

Yet more third world enrichment

Apparently gangs of ic4 males have been roaming the streets of Leicester of Saturday nights since a cricket ? match between Pakistan and India took place in August.

BBC News Link

It was like football fans leaving the stadium was how a resident described it. What lots of hoodies smelling of curries.

How the really old original folks of this city feel about this will never ever be told because it goes against the diversity is our strength bollocks.

The acting head of plod says they ( plod) are taking control. Yeah right till an ic4 thug cops an unfortunate one. Then it’ll be racism.

Whatever it’s a Cunt.

Nominated by: Everyonesacunt

Seconded by: Sixdog Vomit

I’d like to add the media into this cunting. The BBC for a start totally ignore the diversity aspect of this story.

If this was BLM they’d identify the culprits whilst justifying their actions due to something that happened in the US or something that happened 300 years ago.

Because this disgusting behaviour is between two imported enriching communities the media don’t mention the participants race or religions.

I can only assume that’s because it would highlight the total cultural suicide of inviting the cunts here to begin with.

Does Leicester now follow the mother country into separation and partition?

...and this from the grand old cunter of cunts, Dioclese…

Yes, it’s another cunting for racial intolerance in Britain – only this time it’s not the wicked white colonial slave trading supremacists. What! I hear you say. Surely only white people are racists?

Well it appears not as unrest continues on the streets of Leicester between muslims (the religion of peace) and Hindus (which God would you like to pray to today?)

I confess an interest here as Leicester is my late father’s home town and many of his family still live there although thankfully not I. Last time I was there, my meek mild mannered and tolerant cousin John had turned into the grand wizard of the Klu Klux Klan. Apparently this was as a result of dear old Idi Amin (see recent cunting) kicking all the Asians out of Uganda so they could settle in Leicester.

I don’t condone his attitude but I can understand how he got there. The town he lived in all his life has Ben changed beyond all recognition.

But it’s good to see that whitey is not the racist mob for once. Makes a refreshing change doesn’t it?…

Daily Fail Link.

And finally, some words of comfort and joy from Sir Cuntalot:

Riots in Leicester and Birmingham

Peaceful Cunts are fighting with Hindu Cunts after bringing their enrichment and diverse strength to two of our major cities. Even though Hinduism is much older than the peaceful fairy story, the adherents of Hinduism are not as dangerous as the carpet kissers; indeed they tried to rid themselves of the savages when partition occurred and resulted in the pariah country of Pakistan. Fuelled by misinformation on Social Media and ignorance on both parts they are now becoming a threat to their fellow citizens. Unfortunately no U.K. politicians will try to do anything effective to stop the dangerous nonsense, Eventually, indigenous citizens may have to deal with the problem to stop their primitive third world cuntitude.

The National News Link.

More here, this time from Field Marshal Cuntgomery and those cunts at the BBC

The BBC’s coverage of the Leicester riots. Sorry, mean ‘Unrest’.
Auntie has got her knickers in twist over the recent spectacle of Muslim and Hindu gangs kicking off in Leicester.
This simply isn’t meant to happen in the woke bubble they inhabit, so sidestepping and blame shifting seems to be the order of the day.
First it was blamed on a recent international cricket match, but that just makes the protagonists sound like hooligans.
The latest theory is that it’s all the fault of social media and a innocent misunderstanding. The fact that your average Indian cannot abide a Pakistani, and visa versa, doesn’t come into it apparently.
Another BBC article claims that the people of Leicester expressed surprise at the shenanigans. Which completely contradicts what a friend of mine who lives there told me, she could see it coming years ago.
Old Bill don’t come out of this too well either who, like Auntie, also wish to revise the truth.
Let’s just pretend it didn’t happen eh? Maybe it’ll go away.
Don’t fucking bet on it.

BBC News Link 1

BBC News Link 2

62 thoughts on “Gangs in Leicester, the BBC (76) and the MSM in General [19]

    • Sorry for the smug comment above. It’s due to me living in the arse end of nowhere with fuck all going on.

  1. I’ve just got to rub this boot polish on my face, stick on my Freddie Mercury moustache, and jump into some Hindu pyjamas to go and join the riots.

    As Henry V said, “For Shiva, Vishnu, and Saint Krishna!”

  2. This immigration is sold to us on the basis of cultural enrichment, provision of certain job skills we lack and the long term integration within the indigeous population to join with us, our culture, our moral fibre and the British way of doing things.

    Bollocks… Leicester, Bradford et al, all that happens is they stick to themselves, bring in thier own beliefs and ways of doing things and are divisive within local society.

    They don’t fucking integrate, because they don’t fucking want to. That goes a long way with the issues here. Not helped when MSM and even the government refer to them as a ‘community’ in their own right, which just endorses the fact they want to be treated differently. CUNTS.

    • Quite so Mr Chugger,
      Unsurprisingly everything we’ve been told is completely the opposite of our personal experience.

      Propaganda is the work of cunts.


    • Throw in a community of good “Christian” negroids and there is bound to be trouble. This was fucking obvious 50 years ago in Derby, where all these diverse groups openly hated each other and refused to interact with anyone who wasn’t part of their own bigoted racist doctrine.
      Naturally we, the white population, were expected to welcome these nasty suspicious cunts with open arms.
      Unfortunately a surprising number of white wimmins welcomed them with open legs, adding more fuel to the fire.
      Imagine being the father of a teenage girl, and having her knocked up by some ignorant rubber lipped nigbo or child and dog raping Pakistinky.

    • If they provide job skills we lack, how come the vast majority of the scrounging cunts end up on the dole?
      Must be whitey’s fault……..

  3. Sectarian violence on the streets of the UK in 2022.

    Thanks to political posturing/ineptitude and virtue signalling, the powers that be have unwittingly imported Northern Ireland version 2.0.

    Thanks for that.

  4. Unfucking believable who would have thought that after fighting the war to rid the world of our enemies who were trying to batter down the doors of Blighty to cause havoc and mayhem, that a few short years later we would openly admit and worse still invite a bunch of 3rd world scum here who are like the bosh of the 30’s openly intent of foisting their views and way of life on a population who in the majority dont want it.
    All these excitable types always come from hot countries the sun must fry their fecking noggin.

  5. I have it on good authority that that well-known ethnic, and Leicester fan, Gary Lineker, is going to negotiate between the two factions.

    Failing that, an Apache gunship…

  6. When I started Primary school in the 60’s there was the occasional asian in the year. Now you’d be hard pressed to find a whitey.

  7. Never mind. “Sir” Kier Starmer and the labour party will save us.
    Today’s Daily Mirror says so, so it must be true ???

  8. New Labour or Tories. It’s akin to a choice between being fucked up the arse by a broom handle or a mop handle.

  9. With running battles on the streets of the UK, by young men with no cultural association to the UK, who have more allegiance to their great grandfather’s home shithole country, who see the UK as an alien host to extract as much from as possible, diversity is most definitely our strength.

    Thanks to our forefathers who had the insight to import third world vermin to infest our once-great country.

    While they’re rioting and pillaging, if they wouldn’t mind at least lynching Leicester’s favourite son, Linecunt.

  10. It was decades ago and still make me laugh to this day when commentators would say, “the boxer in the white shorts is” …. affix black cunts name in space.

    • The organised criminal gangs of Lebbos here have started shooting each other’s ‘non involved’ familiy members along with each other for a while now.
      Carry on says I and good hunting.

  11. To paraphrase a comment – because whitey wasn’t the issue… didn’t get reported immediately. It was going on for days before the woke BBC even dared report it and even then was watered down and thrown deep into the news schedule.
    Remind ourselves of the police self defence ( was never referred as such in the MSM) whereby the latest aspiring rappist was shot by police.
    His parents screaming blue murder until the bodycam footage was shown. Then it became a hushed up event.
    Did the bbc report this sudden sea change ? Not at all as it goes against the pro coloured anti-whitey agenda

  12. Fucking ridiculous. Every cunt knows these w*gs have been fighting each other for centuries. It was only the British Raj ?? that prevented continuous warfare. Pakistan was created to prevent that war when we pulled out.
    Now our politician friends have brought that war to our own shores. Do we have another Partition to solve the problem? Build a fucking Great Wall down the middle of Leicester and every large city in the country? Call it the Peaceful line?
    Whatever……it’s all the fault of whitey and his wicked colonialism.
    I think these fucking w*gs in Leicester can teach whitey a thing or two about raaaaaaaaay-sism.

  13. …….and all because Gandhi wouldn’t eat his fucking dinner! ( c The Thoughts of Chairman Alf)

    • You watching the repeats of ‘Til Death Us Do Part’, on ‘That’s TV’? Despite the obligatory warning, they still bleep out certain words. One episode they bleeped out ‘Co*ns’, ‘W*gs’ and ‘Gyp*os’ but left in ‘Pakis’!! Still bloody funny, though.

  14. Much reluctance on the part of the Establishment / BBC etc. to report this and actually enforce the law.
    But they have no qualms about restarting the trial of Soldier F, over the ‘ Bloody Sunday ‘ shootings. Which has been announced today.
    Pity they aren’t as keen on bringing the murdering Fenian cunts of the IRA before the courts.
    Oh sorry, I forgot. Tony Blair gave them a Get Out Of Jail card.
    Get To Fuck.

  15. somehow James o Brien on LBC has not covered the riots in Leicester, if it was white Brexit voting White van man there would be outrage from him and all of his kind, I heard on the news the other day that it was also “outside elements” causing the trouble, well fuck my old boots, really? ya think? send in the parachute regiment, that will put order there

  16. May the Shit of a Thousand Camels Arses Fall upon the Cities of Birmingham and Leicester, and may the bowels of the Prophet prolapse into his squatter.

  17. Yeah, it’s always “outside elements” just like every Peaceful running amok with a bomb or knife has been “influenced by the internet.” Nobody to blame when the effnicks kick off. But when it’s whitey then it’s the “far right”, Farage, Tommy Robinson (real name Adolf Hitler) , systemic racism, brexit, the British Empire and slavery.
    This shit writes itself. Every media outlet in the country has a template they trot out every time. They think we’re fucking stupid.

  18. Apparently the fault of ‘fake news’ according to the BBC.

    They’re blaming it on tweets from Muslims and Hindus (saying temples/mosques were being trashed etc.)

    Even if true, tweets shouldn’t see hundreds mob handed out fighting the rozzers.

    Always a fucking excuse. Especially from the peacefuls.

    It’s simply imported sectarianism.

    Fucking great idea, isn’t it?

  19. In a completely unrelated story Philadelphia PA has large roaming gangs of n****rz looting stores. To watch the footage is heartbreaking. The lawlessness is appalling. How long before they are in Toyota trucks with machine guns like the dark continent?
    The destruction of western civilization is well under way my friends.

    • First time I have read the speech in its entity. Impressive, and prophetic. It actually is so damned true that it is an insult to the indigenous population of this country, that they are so casually the victim of the foul ideological politician who is both corrupt and wanton.

      I look forward to a certain gentleman pressing a red button, for I see no other solution to this shit.

      Thanks for the read John Mortar. Good post

      • Thinking further, I never read the speech before. Like most people I just heard bits of it via the MSM. Reading the speech makes me realise why the establishment gave a collective sigh of relief when Enoch died. His argument was flawless and importantly, it was impossible to paint hin as a nut-job. He was patriotic, educated and straight as a ramrod. Had he found a penny over in his change he would have returned to the shop to give it back.

  20. How come when Enid Blyton wrote of atrocities going on in Toyland with Noddy
    being attacked, tied to a tree and gang raped by unruly Golliwogs, it was immediately stopped, as not to offend children. But a much greater real life experience is needed now that’s happening in Leicester, for everybody.

  21. At last some ethnic on ethnic action which hopefully will run and run. I remember when the government dumped a load of Kurdish might have been Afghans (who fucking cares) illegals in lovely Leicester. Trouble with the resident peacefuls almost straight away, seems the new arrivals paid too much attention to peaceful women??.
    Same thing happened in Dewsbury between various varieties of peaceful newly arrived. Knives akimbo and lots of illegal driving etc.
    Best thing that ever happened all this cultural enrichment fucking amazing, hardly contain myself whilst I await the arrival of the next million or so bearers of wondrous things, plus their entire family to follow.

  22. The areas where this kicked off are not worth visiting if you’re an aboriginal like myself. I’m not interested in gold shops, saris , mosques, and there aren’t any decent pubs left there.
    I believe some new Hindu arrivals are a bit right wing and upset the peacefuls. Why our police force were out in the streets without protective gear tells its own story. We don’t want that image on the TV do we?
    This is the same police force who will dress up as robocop and kick the crap out of a local footy fan for the slightest misdemeanour. Must be their bosses who are happy for them to be injured.

  23. These Parkee scum should have been horsewhipped for even thinking about causing trouble so shortly after the Queen’s death. Human filth. Jettison the lot.

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