Donmar Warehouse Theatre

The Donmar Warehouse theatre for its preachy sanctimonious new piece of bullshit where a group of adults are held to account by a bunch of young holier than thou cunts, over climate change.

MSN Link.

Naturally all of these young cunts are scientifically qualified to give us lectures, they learnt everything they know from St Greta Thundercunt.

No doubt the Guardianistas and metro cunts of North London and Brighton will cream their collective kecks over it.

Nominated by: mystic maven

48 thoughts on “Donmar Warehouse Theatre

  1. Just when you thought every level of cuntish behaviour had been exposed!

    Meteor strike on the opening night..


    • Never take any lip off youngsters.
      The little know it alls are impertinent.

      My son (university educated) tried to tell me I didn’t have right of way whilst driving ( I did)
      He doesn’t drive himself but is a expert in all kinds of matters.

      I asked him if he was driving nowadays,
      And when he said no,
      I advised him to shut his fuckin yap .

      He asked me to drop him off there and then,
      Miles from home and I obliged .

      That’s the problem with youth.
      Don’t like to be wrong.
      Can’t debate without crying.

      Any youth telling me about eco matters will be countered with the philosophical question

      “Did that hurt?”

      • I think the point is Mis that most young people go through a period where they think they know it all but it’s only in recent times the adults have not just given up ignoring them but actually afford them credibility. What’s worse is the adults taking notice of a certified nut-job like Greta. Asperger’s syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, selective mutism? In my circles we have one word which sums up all these diagnoses succinctly; it’s spelt T-H-I-C-K. Oh, and did you know she has a middle name “Tintin”? HeHeHe!

      • I mean, in your day such people were locked away in asylums Arfurbrain. Don’t use Thundercunt as a reason to bash people with such conditions who aren’t cunts.

      • Apologies OC. That’s me generalising after extrapolating from people I have known who cannot accept one of their kids isn’t very academic and latch on to one of these conditions to explain it away to their middle class friends. I strongly suspect Greta falls within this group. My error.

      • Although autistic people can be actual cunts, but then exploit ignorance of their condition amongst laypeople and pretend it’s their autism/aspergers.

  2. Let’s hope Truss does the decent thing and kicks the net zero/climate change bollox into the long grass and gives these cunts something to whinge about.

    Somehow I doubt it but there’s a couple of days left to hold out hope?

    • We shouldn’t kid ourselves. Truss will finish the job of destroying the UK, a job that Johnson grabbed with both hands and spent two years fumbling about in the dark with.

    • If Truss has a grain of common sense she would fuck the net zero green (anything but green) bullshit off within hours of her first day in the job.

      I get the feeling though that she’s going to be a unmitigated disaster which, interestingly enough, would still only place her on a par with the last half dozen leaders (so called) that we’ve had.

      • That’s true, it would only place her on a par with the previous cunts, but I think the difference now is that a lot of the country has woken up to this climate change bollox and those that haven’t will soon do so when they are shivering in the cold this winter. The Conservative party must surely see that their survival depends on votes far afield from Islington. Or do they? That’s the quandary. We’ll soon see – just don’t hold your breath!

    • The best thing, possibly the only thing, about Boriis going is that Carrie is no longer deputy a Prime Minister. I hope that a lot of Green policies will be kicked into the long grass.

  3. What a bunch of preachy, sanctimonious posh little pricks. Fuck off and get a job and stop p*ncing off mummy and daddy. And stop coming to rehearsals in Daddy’s Merc or Mummy’s Range Rover you cunt. As for “wildfires raging on our doorsteps”……..not on my fucking doorstep mate.

    • The picture of the Swedish nutter at the top of your link So Long, is breathtaking. Unflattering doesn’t do it justice.

    • You should see all the litter the sanctimonious cunts leave at Festivals whilst lecturing everyone else about the environment.

  4. They moan about fuel poverty, well the winters will be hot you wounded heating. Cunt off and did you boring nauseous cunts.

  5. But… it’s their future, right turn everything off (that includes the internet), soon have a change of heart ?

  6. Wait until they start freezing.

    Once the electric (therefore the internet) goes off, these little know all cunts will be sitting in the dark and freezing cold.

    Still, millionaire grifter Greta Cuntflaps will be sad if you put the power on.

    She needs her power on though, and thankfully she can easily afford it.

    She needs to make those tweets and see all that support!

    I can’t wait to see these little pricks having meltdowns when they can’t post on TikTok or sit in a warm room.

    First one of these pricks to moan about it will get the ‘suck it up you massive spastic!’ treatment.

  7. I thought I knew it all at 15 or 16. Idealistic and thought everything was free and everyone the same.

    Fucking clueless looking back.

  8. In my wildest dreams, my PM’s first speech will be:

    “People are asking about Net Zero. I say, I support Net Zero…Net Zero fuck’s given! Eat my shit Greta! We’re opening the coalmines, we’re fracking and we’re sending Greta a signed photo of my hairy balls!”

    (fires machine gun into the air from my balcony)

  9. From the mouth of babes maybe, not from some brainwashed scrote who thinks critical thinkings an X box game. Get to fuck and rightly so, utter bollocks with a big handful of taxpayer supplied funding no doubt one has to wonder if the correct gender/bender disexual gender support is in place in case one of those being “questioned” by someone who only found his arse a year ago says a hurty word.
    Fuck me I would cry if I could.

  10. The only cunts stupid enough to go and see this thinly veiled morality play will already be self righteous, left wing, middle class Guardianista wank socks

    It will be an echo chamber of fuckwitted cuntitude so epic that it may actually tear a hole in reality.

    I bet anyone who has ever disagreed with them online has been described as ‘literally Hitler’ or ‘climate change denier’.

    The fucking moronic cunts.

    • I’ve never met a genuine and sincere climate-change worrier. To see a jumped-up Aberdonian who says, “tHe eArTh iz HeAtiNg UP!!!” after the cold and windy summer we just had, we’d all look at him like he had just said,”Scotland will win the World Cup this year!”.

      Earth is undergoing changes and there is fuck all we can do about it except enjoy the fireworks.

  11. We’ve just had summertime and it’s been a hot one for most of the country (especially the south)
    It’s been dry and the temperatures have been high.
    Not the first time that has happened has it.

    With regards to these “wildfires” has anybody considered that arson, either deliberate or mischief, might be to blame for this phenomena?

    When I was a kid growing up, the area was almost semi rural (before the housing developer’s moved in and destroyed acres of ancient woodland and cornfields to build new fucking houses – how progressive and how green) we used to on occasion through nothing other than childish mischief, nick matches and light grass fires which would sometimes end up out of control resulting in the fire brigade coming out etc.
    I’m not proud of any of this by the way but as I say – we were children lighting fires and generally behaving like unruly little twats during summer time.

    I don’t recall every cunt on the estate running around screeching “climate change” “this is global warming”
    They were more like “I think I know who’s lads will be responsible for this”

    Seems that such a thing doesn’t exist now and rural fires are caused almost exclusively by fossil fuel being released into the atmosphere.

  12. Speaking of climate cunts

    Did anybody see those Extinction Rebellion twats glue themselves to the Speaker’s Chair in Parliament the other day?

    Wonder how they managed that eh.

    The most egregious example of controlled opposition in the history of controlled opposition.

  13. There is on Twitter I believe an Australian newsreader giving young Greta both barrels unfortunately I have no idea how to upload link off of WhatsApp, shame cos its bang on.

  14. There’s one of these little theatre groups round my way. Never been in there but I see the cunts going in and out…..all posh , hippy types, tats all over them, bits of metal sticking out of their stupid faces. No doubt a nice chunk of my council tax ends up in there. Bunch of fucking cunts.

  15. Apparently there is a play out, London I presume, about a non binary Joan of Arc (whatever the fuck that is) which the Guardianistas are creaming their keks over. They havent twigged her carbon footprint though, all that wood being burnt.

  16. This is the second Nom in a couple of days about ‘warehouse’ theatres.

    Why would you want to go to a warehouse for an evening?

    They do ‘workshops’ in warehouses theatres.

    They create a ‘piece’ in a warehouse ‘space’.

    So weary of warehouses.

  17. A den of left wing twats for left wing twats.
    I’d bet my bollocks that the actual building has a poor energy certificate rating.
    If I could be arsed I’d get the energy performance certificate from the council and send it Enviro-spakker Saint Greta Thunderbird herself, but ultimately I can’t be arsed as the whole environmental/ Global warming lobby is the biggest scam in human history.

    Dan Peña (Trillion dollar Man) calls out the REAL truth on Global warming:

  18. Nail the doors shut with them inside.
    Shut-off the water and heat.
    Check on them in 2 weeks.

  19. Have had many battles over the years in Theatreland, the breeding ground of Wokedom. Am proud to announce that I have been cancelled in virtually every major theatre in the UK.

  20. Mindless pap for basic cunts.

    Look at the state of the thing in the video; Fucking Marxist-Feminist twat.

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