A stars and stripes cunting for this ancient piss-stained American twat, who has come to London to meddle in the rail strikes, which are causing untold inconvenience to so many people, but which this ignorant arsehole regards as “inspirational”:
This of course is music to the ears of ignorant lefties like Mick Lynch and John McDonnell to name but two Marxists.
I wonder what old Biden would say if we went over and interfered in their business matters?
Nominated by: W. C., Boggs
(I wonder if Saunders, Lynch and Mac all use public transport when commuting and shopping etc? – Day Admin)
Biden has no fucking idea who he is, let alone worrying about anything else.
Be nice to see Truss tell Sanders to fuck off.
But people do seem to like his chicken.
And a military man as well
I’m pissing myself laughing and it’s not even that funny! (Must be, I retract that).
“Colonel Bernie Sander’s Fraaaahd Chiggun”
Fiver a portion, or just steal it…
I’m just glad I’m on a Rest Day! I generally kill time, queuing at hospitals, reading this and the patients generally ask what I’m laughing at. I’ll show them, one day.
It’s all in the Colonel’s secret recipe.
Best not ask as you may never eat fried chiggun again.
This cunt is the Yank equivalent of Corbyn. A commie bastard who sides with anybody who hates America. Trash like him are destroying the USA from within. If he’s over here poking his nose in you can expect to see a lot of the wanker on the BBC. Another fucking foreigner slagging off our country. At least this one’s going home and the sooner the better. Fuck off cunt!
Yeah, but his brother ain’t going. Here’s…. Larry!
I heard on the radio yesterday that world leaders attending the funeral next week will have to be “bussed in” from West London due to the congestion expected in Central London I just hope the one used for old Joe has a super efficient lavatory available, and he should be sat right next to it, or, indeed, on it – that or a special supply of Dominic Grieve’s rubber knickers should be made available to him.
I would have Micron seated next to the Lav for the whole journey.
A multi millionaire. Like every other piece of shit that peddles this crap.
Send him to dignitas…
Yeah the champagne socialist cunt owns three houses worth millions. Bernie likes to keep himself comfortable while he’s engaged in the struggle for justice for the poor and oppressed.
I believe grandpa Corbyn isn’t short of a few quid either.
Champagne Socialist.
Or just “socialist” for short…
There was a time when there were REAL socialists, like Jimmy Reed, but these days, “socialist” more often than not means a sanctimonious bellend who hates everything and wants the world to to become a sort of shit version of Logan’s Run.
I’d prefer Saddam Hussein’s version of dignitas.
A bark chipper.
He popularised the wearing of patterned wool mittens. As in the header pic.
I supoose that’s some achievement.
Just been reading about him and I kind of like him. He’s thoughtful isnt he?
Yes boring but thoughtful.
You just cannot imagine Trump or Biden sat in ‘The Thinker’ – like attitude -fist beneath chin, weighing up the differing options to get the country more cohesive.
A shout out for thoughtfulness. For ponderous poltician trying at least to wrestle with problems.
Away with ‘soundbite’ level political debate.
If you like Bernie, you’ll love his older brother Larry, who has lived in the UK since 1968 and has joint British & American citizenship.
Naturally he joined the Labour Party but defected to the Greens in 2001, citing Blair had moved Labour too far to the right.
He is currently Green Party spokescunt for Health & Social Care and has stood for Parliament in three general elections, most recently 2017.
He’s also UK representative of U.S. Democrats abroad, which should please General Cuntster.
Thanks for that mjb. Sounds exactly like his brother.
Just another thought on thoughtfulness. I was listening to Tump the other day talking about a friend he had- (something like) ‘a successful guy, you know, always travelled first class, a smart guy, you know…’
But the ‘smart guys’ he so much admires are only interested in making money…-they havent an interest in- will not stop the fentanyl problem or homelessness or crime soaring or a myriad other problems that need a coordinated considered response.
Yep, only interested in making money and paying no taxes. “That makes me smart”.
Left to the little people to fund the military, etc.
Of all the ‘smart guys’ Trump admires, he admires himself the most.
He looks like the sort of piss-stained old cunt with a UTI we have to put two inco-sheets on the stretcher, for.
He looks like Larry David three weeks after dying.
Old Bernie is a beloved cunt!
For anyone not familiar with this cunt’s work, he’s a washed up, far left, insane, money-tree worshipping twat politician who thinks giving everything away for free is the right thing to do. A true waste of oxygen if ever there was one.
He won’t be giving one of his houses away to be occupied by three or four illegal immigrant families though.
Oh they don’t have illegals in America anymore do they? Everybody is welcome.
Too right, Freddie.
I forget who said it, but someone famous said something to the effect, ‘if you don’t have borders, you don’t have a country’. So technically speaking, there’s no such thing as the United States anymore, thanks to Biden.
Sends billions of our dollars to Ukraine to help them protect their borders and push back an invasion. But lets anyone and everyone just walk in over the southern US border and greets them with free handouts at the tax payers’ expense. You couldn’t make it up.
We don’t have to make it up IY, we have the same fucking thing over here. You turn up in a dinghy on the Kent coast, no passport , no paperwork and you get bussed to a fucking 4 star hotel. About a thousand a day on most days. Cunts!
I heard that the governor of Texas is sending busloads of migrants to sanctuary cities like Chicago and New York who’s mayors don’t want them. It’s only a few thousand if that but is just a fraction of what Texas and Arizona have to deal with on a daily basis.
Yes and they don’t like the busloads of early 20s men even though they claim to be “Sanctuary Cities”. Socialism sound great until it becomes reality.
What our rail issues got to do with him?
Fuckin yank fossil.
Mind your own business!
Is he being paid for being here?
Never known a socialist do anything for free.
He’s probably mooching on our NHS.
Like all foreigners.
Free vasectomy or hair transplant that effects his self identity.
Fuck off Bernie you parasite, all yank trade unionists are in bed with the Mafia.
Hope you get what Jimmy Hoffa got.?
Old fucker’ll be getting his catheter and colostomy bag done.
Fucking health tourist.
Yes IY I am very familiar with this cunt and whole-heartedly applaud this nom. He must have a glass belly button because he’s never had his head out of his commie ass yet he still gets around.
He’s never had a job or accomplished anything that benefits mankind. Vermont must be a lost cause to keep him as a senator all this time. He sings the praises of communism but never has moved to a communist country. No one does. Funny that.
Sorry old cunt.
Well, Hackney has Diane Abbott since 19-fucking-87. Unreal.
In Diane Abbott’s case it helps if your constituents have IQs in single figures.
Hackney (and Stoke Newington) has always been a Labour stronghold. David Weitzman was Labour MP for 29 years. There have only been three MPs for Hackney and Stoke Newington since 1945. It’s been landslides for Abbott over the years. People say it’s an alright place to live. I never ventured that far east when I was in London, as bumping into Diane in a pub might have led to her sitting on my drunken face.
She’s easy to spot, and therefore avoid – she wears two left shoes.
That’s unfair.
She was born with two left feet.
Not easy to see in a dark bar or club at 1AM. Easy to hear. She’d be the one arguing with the barman over her change.
“I gave you a ten pound note, so you owe me 13.75, I’m afraid!”
He looks a right sad old cunt, how can going out on strike be inspirational, it’s supposed to be the last resort.
See the latest on you tube about Lori Lightfoot. I know everyone is entitled to be ugly, but shit she abuses the privilege.
Lori is about to make murder legal in Illinois. A landmark ruling that will bring harmony to that much-troubled state. Arresting black people for crimes is RACIST.
She is proof aliens live amongst us.
One the strangest looking people I’ve ever seen make it to a position of power and holy fucking shit has she made a monumental cunt of running Chicago. That city needs to be flooded by Yahweh. Clean slate. A lot of America needs that.
Is this that white hating Beetlejuice character?
Her voice is even worse.
her/his/it – whatever it is it needs killed with fire.
Yes, this is the fabled Beetlejuice! Great nickname. Of course, the real Beetlejuice got this done, was competent at his job. Ended up with a shrunken heid, though!
She looks like a South Park character.
The Old Bolshevik is one of the most vile and despicable old cunts to ever disgrace the halls of the US Senate. He is reputed to be worth millions of dollars and like the Soviet leaders of old, he owns 3 Dachas (read vacation homes) in Vermont.
His cunt wife was involved in a real estate/fund raising scandal while she was President of Burlington College and asked to resign as its head.
It is said that while he was in Moscow he observed people standing in long lines for bread. He is said to have remarked what a good thing this was because it meant they could get food.
He was elected as an independent but caucuses with the Demonrats. His brain dead followers like to refer to themselves as “Bernie Bros.” But as they include despicable little cunts like AOC I think that is sexist and exclusive* so I call them “Sanders Sibs.”
A thoroughly righteous and well deserved cunting for one of the true villains of the Progressive Far Left that plagues my country, the world and indeed the whole of the human race.
I eagerly await a Dead Pool announcement.
*I love to point out the gross hypocrisy of the Diversity and Inclusion idiots. If there are Bernie Bros then that excludes the Bernie Sis’, Bernie Trans’, Bernie Unicorns and on and on. Thus they should be grouped together as the all inclusive Sanders Siblings of Sanders Sibs.
Afternoon General.
As remarked upon by fellow cunters he is a U.S Corbyn. Beloved by idealistic college students probably in the hope that one day they can get brainwashed at college for free.
“Feel the Bern!” I seem to remember was the rallying cry. Cunts.
If ever there was a U.S Glastonbury style festival he would surely be front and centre leading the crowd in “Fuck the Republicans” a la Magic Grandpa.
Hey LL,
I always found it more than a little ironic and indeed morbidly amusing that a Jewish Senator’s followers would shout as their rallying cry:
Feel the Bern!
Jewish you say General?
Maybe I was a little hasty in thinking Jezza Corbyn would welcome him with open arms as a fellow porridge brained leftie.
As a Jew, Bernie has gone about having political power the wrong way by being the puppet and not the puppet master! LOL!
Although he was good in Weekend with Bernie, in fairness the part didn’t require a lot from him, but his best work so far.
Fuck me my brain went to Bernie Winters
I thought what on earth has Snorbitz done
Perhaps this lying old commie could have another stroke and fall in front of a Tube train.
Spatchcocked and fried?
Next stop bins behind KFC Bermondsey.
What a fucking meddling cunt.
Shall we fire up the oven and feel the Bern?
I’d heard his name but know next to nothing about him.
He’s 81yr old, and still got the politics of a 18yr old student.
He’s learnt fuck all.
With age should come wisdom.
“A man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20,
Has wasted 30years of his life”
-Muhammad Ali
To be fair Mo probably couldn’t remember most of the last 30 years.
Ali had his second autobiography published in 2004, when he was 62. He had a great memory, it was his motor-skills that were bad.
Although I have to say I do like those mittens he’s wearing.
Way too big for him.
I saw the old corpse asleep in that chair?
He’d wake up sans mittens.
Looks like Norman Bates had a mummified dad in the attic as well…
Wood chipper.Feet first.Stupid old goat.
It’s pretty shocking that there hasn’t been loads of grassroots leaders emerging in the age of Biden. If that fucking clownasaurus is the opposition, then there should be an army of patriots – Left, Centre, Right – emerging from the masses. Fear is keeping people frozen. America needs more than Trump to galvanize the people to take back their country from the parasites.
@Le Cunt
You are absolutely correct. There is a small army on the right that is emerging and a few in the center. In the right they are worried about liberty and their traditional way of life. In the center it’s more a reaction to pro trans peddle files who are grooming our children in the public schools.
The only people on the left who are mobilizing are the pro death baby killing cultists who promote infanticide.
The Biden pupptecy is well aware of what’s happening and they are trying to shut down all but the most extreme leftist loonies…whom they promote and protect…BLM…Antifa…establishment types and the common criminals who defile our nation and it’s values (bot to mention laws) with impunity.
Of course this is done under the guise of preserving democracy. I’m putting together a nomination that will detail their Gestapo like, Banana Republic tactics and what Americans really think of them.
Should be ready in the next day or so.
It’s not going to end well for the current powers-that-be.
Friday 24th September is a date people are saying to watch.
There was an announcement in the German legislature a few days ago:
“Dear colleagues, this 24th of September 2022 will be a day that will remain in our memories as a day we will say, ‘I remember exactly where I was.’ ”
Original video is in German with no subtitles:
Could be bollocks, could be nothing, but there are rumblings that something BIG will happen that day.
Biden no longer knows his arsehole from his earhole …
What amuses me about the left is that they choose duff leaders and stick by them no matter how much humiliation it causes ???
I know, politicians are meant to be ephemeral not have a 50-year career where they just hang around the corridors like a greasy pimp – but that’s what they are these days.
Thanks for that mjb. Sounds exactly like his brother.
Just another thought on thoughtfulness. I was listening to Tump the other day talking about a friend he had- (something like) ‘a successful guy, you know, always travelled first class, a smart guy, you know…’
But the ‘smart guys’ he so much admires are only interested in making money…-they havent an interest in- will not stop the fentanyl problem or homelessness or crime soaring or a myriad other problems that need a coordinated considered response.
For minge juice bottler above.
“Like a dog without a bone
An Actor Out on loan”
Problem is with some of these leftist cunts is that there’s more work in a sick note.
What’s that? Gaffer shout at you? Get yourself on strike mate – that’ll show em.
I think that photo was taken at Biden’s inauguration. A man his age shouldn’t be out in the fucking cold for hours on end. He should have worn one of those Russian fur hats the fucking commie bastard.
The old bastard looks like he could have been at Herbert Hoovers inauguration.
Spunk trumpet commie yank cunt. Fuck off to Washington DC you prick and take your Marxist lefty anti west cunt nuggets in the UK labour with you especially that fucking Fat spàde Lammy.
All that’s missing from that picture is a tartan blanket and tartan zip-up booties.
Get him in the bus, DCI, drive around for 12 hours on the most potholed roads you can find, then tip him out in Brixton, with a cheery “you’ll be right, mate!”
Another geriatric old cunt, like other evil cunts Soros, Hesseltine, Mandehlson that just refuse to die.
Off topic, the ‘period of silence’ to remember HRH at Anfield was not observed by the fenian fuckers in the crowd. Im no royalist but as for these footballists, I never want to her the cunts utter another word about Hillsboro.
Radio 5live were hurriedly trying to mute the noise but you could hear them shouting and bawling. Wankers.
I bet Hesseltine gets lauded when he dies. Never has someone made so many millions from doing so little.
I don’t know if he still does, buy Heseltine had his hobby of growing trees (!), subsidised by the EU, which no doubt is why he’d like us back in the dictatorship. If he still grows trees that is. Not a joke – the BBC made a documentary about it years ago with his Lordship and Lady Heseltine.
Pity they didn’t have water cannons at the ready.
The ref blew his whistle to end the period of silence after around 25seconds cos the fuckers could t even keep it under wraps for a minute.
Real cannons would be better.
What about the guy who shouted, “ANDREW! YOU’RE A SICK OLD MAN!” in Edinburgh?
While I dislike Andrew that wasn’t the time or place .
Dunno, if all this constant media coverage is getting to me?
I’ve never been a royalist,
But acting up at a funeral procession is ignorant,
Andrew might be a dirty fucker but I don’t think raising the issue as he’s walking behind his mother’s coffin is fair.
Exactly. The SAS should take him for a short helicopter ride over the channel…
There has to be a veneer of civilisation,
A ‘No man’s land’
A place where you stop squabbling and act like a decent human being.
A funeral is that place.
Don’t care who it is,
Hitler, Stalin, Nelly Mandela, Sid Vicious,
Their family has the right to bury them without any bullshit.
I take it you mean Andrew.
Not my King …!
He is, and, unless you move to a republic, plenty to choose from, he’ll continue to be, whether you like it or not.
Well said sir.
I definitely do not like it….!
These twats won’t be turning the heating off this winter…or pawning their possessions to make ends meet…!
‘I definitely do not like it….!’
That’s your perogative, as we live in a democracy that entitles you to that view, enabled by people that have sworn an oath to His/Her Majesty. HM Forces/Government/Constabulary etc. That’s how it works. Nobody’s holding a gun at your head to stay.
I hear Cuba’s nice and warm…
Whilst he’s here, I would like him to step outside from a first floor building, just after somebody had asked him did he have a spare fag on him. Then the only similarity to us and the yanks, is that he’d be stone dead.
Old American cunt…!