Apparently the ‘ethical’ board of Ben & Jerry’s (those of the fucking expensive ice cream) wish to prevent the sale of their products in Israel because:
‘The ice cream maker’s board argued that its social mission could be undermined’
To which a judge said ‘Like fuck will it’ or words to that effect
It’s a but cuntish for the board to state they have a ‘social’ conscience, yet this was seemingly absent when they accepted the Unilever buyout of $326m and sold their moral arses in return for shitloads of cash.
Stick by your principles- fine, but don’t sell them then complain after.
Nominated by: Chuff Chugger
Off topic it would seem another aspiring architect has been shot dead by armed police in South London, the good old not biased BBC news annoucer in its 6 o clock new said ” a man has been shot dead by police in South London the “victim” ffs my piss piss is vapour and steam, the fucking newsreader said victim, Jesus Christ
Yeah just down the road from me in Streatham Hill. A “talented rapper” apparently. Those coppers are very harsh music critics, they’ll never get a job on the Guardian.
May I digress slightly seeing that ice scream is white, I see BT’s “Champions League Goal Show” is still following suit with its all white male panel. What a relief from the mixture of weekend halfwits.
The only genuine ingredients in Brain Cell 1 & the other Brain Cell’s tubs, are shite, piss and spunk. Oh I nearly forgot the sugar. You can’t forget the sugar. That’s why it sells.
That will sort out those naughty oppressors of the peaceful ones. Bet the IDF is totally demoralised by the loss of this overpriced over advertised crap.
Ben and Jerry you sell ice cream not platinum cylinders filled with natural gas, methinks you have slightly over estimated your effect on the global politick
Fucking eejits, head boiling time.
Ben & Jerry. Should be invited to a Barrymore pool party. Tried the ice cream once. Shite.
Lionel Barrymore? Bet his pool parties were amazing.
Typical hippy shit.
Every fucking one that I’ve ever known has sold out.
Bread heads to a man.
They are what they supposedly despise.
And they smell.
I only eat British ice cream ???
And so should you.
Good evening.
Marshfield’s are pretty good. Much better than Ben and Facist Cunts. Funny enough the Co-Op is selling it as part of the meal deal. More brain washing through corporation.
Wasn’t this the same company whose employees took them to court over their working conditions. Bloody hypocrites!!
Can’t beat British customer service.
And the chimes of Greensleeves to get you running to the van.
Dracula lolly?
Truly magical.
Our local ice cream van bangs out ‘ La Cucaracha’ tune, to the amusement of my Spanish speaking missus who’s not a big fan of cockroaches.
Who buys this political, overpriced ice cream crap?
I’m not 12 so don’t really eat I’ve cream very often. As it was quite warm this Summer, I splashed out on a couple of packets of Tesco Choc ices, less than a Pahhhnd each and remarkably good.
These tossers have also criticised the Rwanda Plan, and funded a US anti-police, Pro “brown and black” people movement to the tune of 10 million dollars apparently.
Food for thought, if you pardon the pun.
I see ” That’s Tv” are showing all 13 series of “till death us do part ” over autumn.
If its unedited you going to see little wokey wankers heads exploding in rage, cant wait.
Probably cut so much that the starting titles will finish, Alf will say ‘Bleedin’ Nora!’ and the ending credits will roll.
I don’t think we’ll see any drunken rhymes with ‘See, your moons…’ outbursts.
I hope I’m wrong though. Alf in full flow will give them all funny turns.
Something’s gone awfully wrong in Londonistab.
The cops have shot dead an aspiring architect.
What were they doing playing about with guns ?
They should have been back at the station, painting rainbows on their squad cars.
I predict a riot ????
Get To Fuck.
Banana, coffee, peach,orange, and dare I say it?
Yes, even pineapple!
All great flavours of ice cream.
I’m considering a range of ‘adult’ ice creams for swinging Playboy’s like the ISACs.
Ginger growler!
69 (wanna flake in that luv?)
Popping cherry ?
Liquorice for diversity
Raspberry nipple
And Viagra for any Mr Softys.
I scream for ice cream.
I’m sure we could come up with a Bushmills infused one for Fiddler too.
A pigeon one for Dick?
Hehehe ?
Where is he anyway?
Quiet isn’t he ?
I like it when his danders up and he’s making people cry.?
His last spat with Vernon Fox was hilarious! Especially his ‘If you think I’m going to beg you to stay, etc’ comment!
The Fiddler vs Captain Mag bouts are epic.
Go on all day!
Fucking hear hear!
I watched a video about these two cunts who PROMISED when they had started out they would not sell out to Unicunt – then some flash fuck in a shiny suit got the cheque book out and these two cunts quickly changed their tune.
I’d rather eat my frozen jizz than give money to Ben & Cunty’s.
Bent & Jacksie my arse.