Ben and Jerry’s (3)

Apparently the ‘ethical’ board of Ben & Jerry’s (those of the fucking expensive ice cream) wish to prevent the sale of their products in Israel because:

‘The ice cream maker’s board argued that its social mission could be undermined’

To which a judge said ‘Like fuck will it’ or words to that effect

It’s a but cuntish for the board to state they have a ‘social’ conscience, yet this was seemingly absent when they accepted the Unilever buyout of $326m and sold their moral arses in return for shitloads of cash.

Stick by your principles- fine, but don’t sell them then complain after.

BBC News Link

Nominated by: Chuff Chugger

97 thoughts on “Ben and Jerry’s (3)

  1. If Ben & Jerry’s had the slightest social conscience they would demand a halt to the sale of their overpriced shite everywhere.

    • Won’t buy their shit as it is overpriced, sugar-laden shite with little or no nutritional benefit.

      And Ben and Jerry are lefty hippy cunts.

      • From the Communist socialist Republic of Vermont, the state that bought us the most left wing senator Uncle Bernie, Corbyn’s old mucker.

    • That and the fact it’s a load of shite you can’t get out of the container without using a saw!

      Fuck Ben and Jerry’s and long live Israel?

  2. These motherfuckers are never happy unless they’re telling us how to behave.
    Shove your ice-cream up your arse, and refilm Two Girls, One Cup.

  3. They take the moral high ground and yet charge a fortune for the kind of shite that probably costs them a fraction of the price – nice tidy profit for these anti-capitalist scum bags, pricing their items out of reach of poor downtrodden cunts.

  4. I won’t touch their filthy hippy ice cream.
    They can fuck right off.

    I’m strictly a Mr Whippy buyer.
    Hear those chimes I’m dead excited!!!

    But Ice cream from yank beatniks?

    No chance.

    Jerry Garcia muthafuckas,
    Draft Dodgers and druggies.

    You both should of died in Vietnam.

    • My mom used to tell me that the chimes meant that the ice cream man had run out of ice cream. Bitch 🙂

  5. Sorry Mordechai, the game’s up.
    Ben & Jerry won’t sell their shitty, overpriced gunk in occupied Palestine, so obviously the Israelis will start dismantling all the West Bank settlements right now.

  6. Ben’s and Jerry’s, not Ben and Jerry’s

    (Note: on this occasion, the solecism is the fault of Ben and/or Jerry, rather than any isac contributor, as “Ben and Jerry’s” is the registered trade mark)

  7. Lefty, p*ncing, virtue signalling, hypocrite, money grabbing cunts. Their shit is aimed at the American yoof market and they assume their wokie stance can yield greater profits than anything they can make in Israel. Same with all these fake, lefty champagne socialists…….the bottom line is always money.

  8. A little hypocritical.

    Their head office is in Vermont.
    An occupied territory once belonging to the the Abenaki and Mohicans.

    Now occupied by cunts it would seem.

    It’s amazing that a company can be worth billions whilst being run by cretins.

  9. Ben & Jewies is owned by Unilever? Bwaaahaahaaahaa! So much for being an anti-capitalist hippy dream venture. Tastes like shit, anyone, ice cream for people who don’t know ice cream.

  10. I don’t think I’ve ever had B&J ice cream in my life. The store brand where I shop is plenty delicious and a decent price. This virtue signaling turns me off to products. These people would sell their children for the right price and they want me to believe they hold the moral high ground?
    Guess they stand with the peacefuls in believing Israel doesn’t have the right to exist on that sliver of land they barely possess.

    • Imagine if dumb person took vanilla ice cream and chucked in broken biscuits, marshmallows, overly sugary caramel. Oh and big harsh bits of hazelnuts and Elvis’ last bowel movement, topped off with greasy dandruff hippy hairs.

  11. All this Palestinian bollocks is laughable.

    Name one Muslim country that is a democracy? Where people are allowed to do what they want? Yet you don’t hear these cunts like Roger Waters and other posturing libfuck bellends feeling sorry for the people of Iran, Sudan, Pakistan, Saudi, or any other peaceful shithole. I also bet Ben and Jerrys Dog Turd Ice Cream will be on sale at the Qatar World Cup. Such reeking hypocrisy and virtue signaling bullshit.?

    • Yeah, they’ll all be in Qatar, every big virtue signalling corporation in the world splashing their bastard names across every camera angle. The place will stink of hypocrisy and right in the middle will be arch hypocrite, Sir Gareth Wokegate himself. Fucking two faced cunt.

      • I reckon they’ve stopped the kneeling because the likes of Qatar and Iran will say ‘Fuck off’ when Wokegate asks them to ‘join in solidarity in taking a knee’.

        Wokegate wants his team of cunts to be able to make as much cash as possible.

        Remember what Wokegate said in an interview when asked about standing for his so called ‘anti racism’ stance? He was asked about the slaves who died.

        He said some shite about Sainsbury’s and said it was ‘complicated’.

        No, it isn’t. He’s just a fucking massive hypocrite.

        I reckon they’ll shit out of this ‘stance’ they’re going to take for the gays/dark keys or whoever.

        Good if so. I’m sick of all their virtue signalling. But if they do scrap it, it’ll be for cash and their own safety.

        Tell the Arabs that bumming is ace and they’ll fucking lynch the cunts.

    • Yeah that would be the cherry on top of the turd Norman, maybe they can get Beckham to market it whilst he is arse kissing his Qatari paymasters in their PR campaign.

  12. Respect for the cunting, I would not give a fuck who they decide to and not to sell too. The reason is never buy it is it’s rock hard shit.

    In saying that the woke cunts are about 10 years too late on this one as even the cunts that truely hate isreal such as the Saudi’s and the uae are now sucking their cocks.

    5 years ago you could not even call the place from these countries and now Abu Dhabi is building a synagogue. Built by Muslims
    And palasitinans.

    A better one was Coca Cola who years ago refused to supply the Muslim world. Stupid when they are the only group of cunts that don’t drink alcohol. Pepsis biggest market.

    Fuck Ben and Jerry

  13. Ben and Jerry’s, or BJ for short – will suck and swallow anything that makes them a fast buck!

  14. Ben and Jerry’s are standing up to Israel, no more ice cream and early to bed ?

    I just watched the Liz Truss speech, yawn, the drive from RAF Northolt was much more interesting.

    • Yawn indeed, Mr Sick.

      Said her government would: “transform Britain into an aspiration nation”

      As opposed to the laughing stock the Tory government she’s been a part of over the past 12 years managed to turn the country into.

      Mind you, she repeated her pledge: “We’ll get spades in the ground.”

      Music to the ears of ISACers! ?

      • I know is hard to believe but she has less charisma than Sir Kweer ?

        He could get a new nickname Kweer Interesting Starmer (as long as Steve Davis doesn’t mind) ?

      • There is one going in ground today, Police shot him in Streatham, an aspiring rapper, what else would he be ?

  15. More free advertising that has saved company a fortune and put them in the headlines.
    Youve got to admire them for getting lots of attention for nought.
    In the real world nobody gives a tuppeny wank about the love and peace hippies as they sit at home counting the Lolly.

  16. An ice cream company involved in politics?

    Whatever next?

    Carpet World lecturing China on coal usage?
    Screwfix deeply involved in disarming North Korea?
    Farm Foods arming the Asov Battalion?

    What a set of fucking lying sob story basket weaving cunts.

    Baked Alaskan oven.

    • Exactly unkle, i prefer beening educated by thick as mince footballers about all the problems in the world.

      • Yep, nothing I like better than being ‘educated’ by a dull cunt that wears their fucking socks pulled over their fucking knees who can hardly string two fucking words together without going “Errm” and “Delighted” and thinks a ‘Homophone’ is a form of prejudice. Harry ‘Old-Man Steptoe’ Kane being one of the worst protagonists.

        The fucking gormless whelk.

  17. They put fudge in everything.

    I want a flake and some pigs blood on my ice cream,
    That’s it.
    Not fuckin fudge.
    The homosexuals choice.

    Bet there’s toenails masquerading as macadamia nuts,
    Earwax, pubic lice allsorts of shite floating around in it if I know hippies.

    I heard they came up with the idea whilst out at Spahn Ranch with the Manson Family!

    I want a flavour called Altamont Hiding,
    Where it’s filled to the brim with hippy tears,
    And shattered dreams.

    • None of this sickly sweet American shite beats proper Cornish ice cream with a flake in it.

      Except maybe a Strawberry Cornetto if you’re feeling posh.

      I’ve seen these fuckers putting ‘cookie dough’ (biscuits in proper English) in their ice cream.

      If some cunt had put soggy biscuit dough in our Mr Whippy, the local kids would’ve trashed his van. Then set fire to his house.

  18. Wouldn’t catch me with this Bent & Jerry can yankie diabetic shite. Give me the true Cornish Cream any day.

    • Shouldn’t this pair of money grabbing cunts be selling black ice cream to their beloved hamshank brethren ?

  19. Absolutely shite in a tub.
    Try Lidls strawberry cookie, delightful and actually tastes of strawberry with chunks of strawberry fruit, and very little cookie.

  20. Pretty sure the Israelis couldn’t give a dead rat’s cock if Ben and Jerry don’t want to flog their overpriced shite there.

    Israeli ice-cream is fucking lovely. Particularly after a hard day of installing irrigation plant, while being shot at by Hamas.

    • And if the Israelis were not there and the territory was occupied by the Palestinians would they really be desperate for decadent western luxuries from the American infidels?

  21. We have 2 ice cream bars just a short walk away.
    And very popular they are too.
    Even in the winter they are busy and open until the early hours.

    They make their own ice cream.

    I like the coffee flavour.
    Family and friends make a face just like Kenneth Williams before he says ‘Disgusting’ when I order it.

    Ben and Jerry can shove their mass produced, overpriced shite up their dung funnels.


    This is Ben & Jerry.
    Didn’t realise that they were Jewish?!

    So why deprive Israel of their sickly shitty ice cream?

    Knew that they were hippies, summer of love,
    Haight Ashbury, Joni Mitchell, flares,

    Idea for a new flavour
    ” Streaks of Anne Franksisco…?

    • Yeah Ben especially needs a good walloping with one of Jerry’s sandals.

      I think its the beard and glasses. It just screams “I should be on register!”. Probably a vegan too and in need of a good steak.

      • Eye ties are famous for ice cream.
        Meant to be nice?
        And Cornwall is meant to be good too.

        But the best ice cream I ever had was in York.
        Gay as fuck I know,
        But I’m unrepentant.

        It was amazeballs.

      • You need to get up to Scotland, Mis and try, Old Granny Henderson’s Heroin Sorbet. You’ll be crawling back for more!

    • Ben & Jerry’s “Uncle Joe’s Droopy Diaper”

      “To celebrate the most popular President ever, we at B&J’s are proud to present this delicious new flavor! The running chocolate sauce represent’s President Biden’s ever-flowing diarrhea! And we have impregnated the smell of young girls into the Corn Pops!
      Available this November!”

  23. I heard that Liz Truss’ new Defence Minister hails from somewhere in Worcestershire. Said that if Putin thinks he’s fucking hard enough, bike sheds, somewhere in Worcestershire, tomorrow at 1900hrs.

    He won’t back down, either.

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