These so called refugees are cunts, nothing is good enough for these sponging fucks, if things are so bad here, stay there you dumb fucks, yes it’s cold, wet and you don’t speak the language, this is what happens when you don’t do your homework, turns out it’s not as hot as the middle East in Scotland and Wales, although I reckon it is this week, there is no real hot-spot in the UK that’s going to satisfy these sand wogs from fly blown shit holes and yes everyone here speaks English, so great reject Scotland and Wales and fuck off somewhere else with a thousand blessings.
The problem is these cunts can’t screw the system anywhere else so no doubt the will stay, piss and moan about how unfair life is, may the fleas of a thousand camels infest their sweaty crotches and may Allan be praised.
So yella yella to the nearest housing department, benefits office followed by the dentist, optitions and hospitals to get your worthless balls checked so you can breed like rats and extend the waiting lists for those who pay for it all,,,,, now that’s fucking unfair, and they wonder why they are unpopular….. Cunts
Nominated by: Fuglyucker
Fuck me….this is a nom that’s really going to get some comments.
They are all cunts…no exceptions.
..and the spineless bullshitting government ministers who don’t have the fucking bollocks to say fuck off to them all- just come out with halfhearted ideas which are instantly brushed under the carpet after a few days in the news.
There will be civil disobedience in this country soon ,but the normally passive silent majority.
I hate to say it I am a member of the tory party, and both candidates are cunts so won’t be voting- I will tell you now the tories will lose the next election if they don’t do something serious about these scrounging economic cunts, and another parts says they will.
Fuck me…my blood pressure……NURSE!!
I’m increasingly veering to the notion that a mass uprising is very much the game plan in play.The UK military wouldn’t necessarily be au fait with stamping down on it’s populace,unless they really believe in those vows to protect HRH Lizardbreath,l did once,but sure as fuck would’nt honour them knowing what l know now.
I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if thousands of these hotel ensconsed architects are in reality an imported military option for the bankster cartels who know their game is up.
I fully concur. This is a complex experiment in social behaviour to see just how far the indigenous people of the UK can actually be pushed before they put down their cup of tea, remove the knitted handkerchief from their sweaty heads and fight back. The n*gnog, the stanley and the filthy gimmegrants should be driven from the shores along with the sick, the lane, the lazy and the criminal in the same way as the Roman legions. England was appalled at Uncle Adolf when he strived for a united Germany, and drive the filth, the immigrant and the parasite from the land, but I bet there are many who wish that the whole of Europe had succumb to the Nazi hordes. At least they would have been white, and held the whip firmly in an iron fist.
*another PARTY says they will*
Are they all interpreters?
The British army had more interpreters than bullets in Afghanistan..
Fuck em hope the taliban butcher them all.
An intolerant thuggish one party state, terrible healthcare, education and always begging for handouts.
Goodbye Afghanistan, hello Scotland.
Rubber boat gang contribute nothing and get free dental treatment. I am an OAP have paid taxes since 1971 ; last year I had to pay over £2000 for dental work as there is no NHS dentist willing to take me on.
This is the sort of scandal that the Media should be raising hell about.
Although the approaching disaster of unaffordable fuel and rampant inflation will likely cause misery to millions and isn’t to be taken lightly it will nontheless be interesting to see if the appeasers,apologists and various other types of dung who welcome the invasion by these evil medieval cunts start to have a change of heart.
After all,it’s not so easy to be happy clappy when you can’t afford your third skiing holiday of the year…perhaps listening to the whining of cynical grasping foreigners won’t be quite so popular.
If anything positive comes from the looming recession I hope it’s that the majority make it quite clear that enough is enough.
Turn the cunts,every last one of them,out in the streets and redirect the money to providing pensioners with financial help to weather the storm.
Oh, don’t you worry, Unkle. Those apologist cunts will be the first to lay the blame on someone else. They will blame everyone but themselves for being intentionally mislead by Govt, MSM and social media for not giving them all the facts! Cunts, the lot of them and to be honest I live for the day when these fuckers have their kids raped/murdered, their homes burgled and their families assaulted by this tide of filth just to see the looks on their pathetic faces!
Why live in Scotchland when you can hold out for a nice pad in Chelsea or Kensington, when it’s all for free!!
I hear Albania are crying out for people to go there, must have plenty of spare homes, all the cunts are heading here.
I was walking through Chelsea yesterday, past the £7m flats with their BLM and Stinky Rebellion posters in the window, and thought they should send some Albanians there.
Oh and when they start committing crime give them summary justice..
Shoot the cunts.
Unk, HOW DARE YOU!!! A rope is the way to go. Recyclable and a lot cheaper than the bullet option. Sorry Greta the barmy eco scientist got into my mind there.
Why wait? Shoot the cunts before they arrive here and the crime won’t even happen. Minority Report had the right idea.
Bunch of vermin.
Imagine if they rocked up in say , China, and expected the same red carpet rolled out for them.
Would pay to see the reaction
The rinky dinks would execute the lot of them.
Not that the western newspapers or news media would even mention it…
Home Office say the hotel costs for this filth is 4.7 million quid per day.
Councils get £20,500 ‘integration grants’ for each one of the cockroaches… there’s 37000 of the fuckers. Guess who’s footing that fucking bill.
The TripAdvisor reviews of the Grand Palace Hotel in Scarborough were fucking hair raising.
I think they were taken down eventually but people said their rooms were being broken into on a daily basis and some this human detritus were using the lift as a toilet.
This is the issue of our time as far as I am concerned, it is fucking atrocious what has been allowed to happen.
This is another hotel in the Britannia chain that they initially dump a load of the ‘economics’ in.
The same mugs who are still footing the bill for the last two and a half years of fucking hysterics.
Fuck this government,and the one coming.Same shit,different smell.
2 cheeks of the same arse
You’d have thought these ungrateful swine would be right at home in Scotchland – it has a thriving trade in heroin, handouts from the English taxpayer, free jam-rags… err, the Scotch Nazi Party government crying out for unlimited immigration.
No doubt Wee Krankie and her deluded band of expenses cunts want as many vermin as they can lay hands on..there will be a nice “formula” that means the English pay handsomely for it.
Set the cunts adrift.
They shouldn’t be here. None of them should be here. They won’t learn the language, they won’t adapt or integrate with others, they won’t pay in and never will, and they just take and take and never put anything back into Britain and its society.
I and others have had my fill of them for a start. In the kidney unit the other day, a lad who is quite unwell aside from his renal problems came off dialysis and he was waiting for the transport to take him home like they usually do. But a taxi was booked for him, but he wasn’t even told and it didn’t turn up. He sat there for an hour, not knowing what was happening. Then two african types came out half an hour after this kid did. And when the ambulance turned up, they took the dark personages, and the lad was still there and he wasn’t happy at all. Surely, ti should be first out, first in (as in first to be taken home). The young man was well pissed off. Because he wan’t told anything and because even though he was out first by a mile, they were taken home before him. I said I didn’t blame him for being pissed .What the fuck is that sort of thing is about? Whatever they want, they get. And now there’s more of them from Afghanistan? Sod that for a game of egg with soldiers..
And those dirty Albanians.Yes we are the shit hole of the world.I despair.Come back Enoch all is forgiven.
Mrs says that all the time
I don’t understand this…”Carry On Up The Kyber” was filmed in Wales and both The Karsi of Kalibar and Bungeditin seemed happy enough..if it was good enough for them,it should be good enough for today’s Afgan refugees.
PS…. Princess Jelhi..…. wouldn’t need worry about the weather….the canopy of my vast four-poster is all she’d ever see…and the pillows occasionally.
PS…I agree with them…best that they stay in the South of England.
How many have been relocated to America, for example?
The UK wasn’t the only country to have troops in Afghanistan, so why is it our responsibility to are we expected to take them in?
“As of February 2022, some 65,000 Afghans evacuated during the American withdrawal from Afghanistan have settled in U.S. communities. Several hundred more remain on military bases in the U.S., while nearly 2,800 are still waiting on U.S. bases abroad.”
“Me interpreter for British Army.”
“Ok, get in that line for free everything along with the other 3 million of the cunts.”
So not having to stay in a hotel for free and of course your “refugee” state benefit of about £37 is much worse than mechanicking goats being shot at, no medical care the abuse of boys classed as a cultural treasure. Well we have not got enough social housing because of all the other cunts who got here first. Why not go home, you useless cunts let the Taliban back which anyone who knew anything about the last 50 years of Afghanistan was bang on to expect the Taliban to be back in charge. Chinese were sure that would be the outcome which is why they went in like Flynn to secure all those lucrative mining contracts etc as the last western involvement plane buggered off from Kabul.
So in summation, our little isle was lead into a war by a bunch of fuckwit lying politicians, this pointless exercise costing lives of hundreds of British service persons and billions of pounds has a net benefit to us of hotels full of fucking ungrateful goat fuckers piling work on the nhs, transport system, housing and every other bit of infrastructure that is having to cope with a population increase of millions in last twenty years. Thinking about this carefully just gives me a headache.
Have a fun bank holiday you brave band who dare yes dare to speak the truth. I’m going to get hammered.
Just a reminder BB and the rest of you, August bank holiday and the Notting Hill insurrection, er, I mean carnival is on again after a two year hiatus. I may pop down there if I can just find my stab vest….
I have never bought in to this ‘our brave allies’ bullshit. They participated in and benefitted from the rampant corruption. They are still a culture that buys 7 year old girls and shouldnt be anywhere near civilised countries.
They kick off and even burn down and smash up places they’re staying in because they want a free house.
Social housing staffing is an area targeted by the peacefuls. I know because once I worked for the local council in the offices and then had dealings with them as a civil servant.
These places are run by the cunts.
And guess who get housed first, in the nicest homes available?
These fuckers know this full well. It’s not a myth that they jump straight to the front of the queue.
Get every last one of these cunts out of the country and ban peacefuls from working in social housing.
All they do is make sure Uncle Abdul in Shitistan and his 50 relatives apply for housing in their area.
I thought we won the war? I’m honestly wondering if we’d have been better off ‘losing’ now.
Got loads of these vermin living in the hotel round the corner from me.
All got phones, one with six kids in tow plus another on the way. Bikes and scooters all the kids have got.
I so pleased my council tax is helping whilst the roads and pavements are shit.
Oh! Surely if they were helping an invading power are they collaborators? ?
These bastards won’t have to worry about gas/electric hitting record prices, our people will die whilst this fucking lot are nice and toasty with three square meals every day…
We know kweers party want these fuckers here, seems the torques do to…
My piss is boiling OVER….!!!!!
.50 cal for the goat shaggers.
I get really sick of the hoity-toity immos who foreever whinge they are “fed up” with living in 4 star hotels, when we know full well some of our own people who have fallen on hard times (often ex servicemen and in the future God knows who with the cost of living going through the roof), don’t get the chance to get a place in a hostel, let alone 4 star hotels.
If they are so far up their own arses they should either pay for their own accomodation or fuck off back to Afghanistan, or wherever else the ponces have come from.
My wife used to work for a homeless charity , her friend went to show an Middle Eastern ‘refugee’ a flat and he beat her up for wearing a blouse with her arms showing in the Summer.
Offended his sensibilities apparently, the utter medieval cunt.
Fucking interpreters? Fuck off. Every British soldier must have been talking to the cunts 24 hours a day to need that many. I see Priti Useless was all over the media this week bragging about the withdrawal from Afghanistan and Britain’s great humanitarian effort. Yeah, great to congratulate yourself at your posh dinner parties but these fucking savages ain’t living in your street. Fucking politicians…..they are all clueless cunts and they give a fuck about the people of this country. Fuck the lot of them.
Guy Fawkes springs to mind
Patel’s firmly on the PTB’s ((( shekel ))) make no mistake.Frequent flyer to Palestine.
The only way to sort these flea ridden twats and the fuckers paddling across the channel is this…
100% agreed
Had a look at the website, plenty of stuff about immigration, well, everything is about immigration.
Couldn’t find anything on the economy, or the multitude of other problems a real manifesto would have.
Just a rehash of national front, BNP etc.
which I imagine are the target demographic.
No thanks.
Right i’m in charge..
Ten year moratorium on all immigration.
border force under MOD control
Six metre high steel wire netting from the Solent round to the Isle of Sheppey, and from Southend to Great Yarmouth patrolled. New class of littoral patrol craft commissioned for RN.
NHS to chase up all outstanding costs from health tourism.
Anyone on a watchlist for Islamic extremist sympathies deported or relocated to sites in Wales or Northern Ireland
Anyone responsible for defacing or vandalism of public works such as statues is classed as a domestic terrorist and relocated to sites in Wales and N.I.
Steven Bray and his Ilk banned from Westminster or face seven years in jail.
Extinction Rebellion and related activism classed as a terrorist organisation.
Net Zero scrapped. Shale gas and Nuclear given the funding from wind turbine projects.
Tavistock clinicians face public inquiry and possible jail sentences.
Teaching of Non-binary gender banned until proven to exist.
Stonewall disbanded.
HS2 scrapped. focus on better region rail connections.
Tory Party scrapped. Party for The New British Century launched.
I would vote for that without a qualm.
And me
Do camels and goats get any agonisingly painful and fatal diseases (eg camelpox, goatpox)? Hopefully these stinky rapeugees will pick it up and expire.
Even the French are laughing at us. These people are usually the dregs and apparently a lot are from Albania. If they are not happy then fuck off. If they like protesting on the roofs push them off like they do us gays.
Link to the full article:
“Mohammad, who is in his 40s, said: “I want to settle and integrate but how can I when we are living in a hotel for months and months? I can’t start my life properly.”
How about getting a job and commuting from your free lodgings, save the money you would have paid out on free board and lodging, and get a deposit down on your own place to rent? Was it just me that found it difficult to save up a deposit to buy a house while paying rent, council tax and food bills living somewhere else? Probably.
Throw Mohammed in front of a bus