I know we have had a cunting on monkeypox but this warrants scrutiny.
”LGBT groups demand more action on monkeypox”
For bare faced, entitled cuntitude this takes the fucking biscuit.
It goes on:-
”With two of the UK’s most popular Pride events, in Brighton this weekend, and Manchester later in August, many people are trying to get vaccinated in order to feel safer.
BBC News has spoken to gay and bisexual men who say they have struggled to get the jab at their local clinics, and have had to travel to London or other large cities.”
Now here’s a thought. If you don’t engage in whatever fucking degenerate activity that spreads this virus, that might be more effective than blaming the fucking government or the NHS.
A spokesman for the Department of Health and Social Care says:”We have procured over 150,000 vaccines, and we’re working with partners – including the NHS and UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) – to share targeted, non-stigmatising communications with the LGBTQ+ community.”
” targeted, non-stigmatising communications with the LGBTQ+ community.”
Lifestyle, morals and degenerate promiscuity have nothing to do with it. It’s every fucker else’s fault for stigmatising turd burglars.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
And here’s another view point about these entitled little angels, this time from Miles Plastic
Alphabeti Spaghetti
The utter confusion. LIke Spaghetti Junction. Going one way then the other. This way and that. What am I talking about?
The Alphabeti Community. Or LGBT.
L is for Lesbian. Well that has some history -more than 2000 years ago. On the island of Lesbos and old Sappho. G for Gay. Well that is relatively new. The Pope saw fit to use it to my utter dismay. B for bifocal of course. No only kidding Bisexual. T for Trans.
But it didn’t have the T for years. They hadn’t turned up yet. It was always just LGB.
So it became LGBT. Then if became LGBTQ. The Q standing for Queer in the hope it would satisfy as an umbrella term.
But there was always potential for more deviants to turn up so they added a plus sign. So it became LGBTQ+.
But as expected more have turned up. Or more have been ‘identified’.
LGBTQ+ is not now universally accepted. In fact there are moves away from the strict order. Here is a variant.
2SLGBTQIA+. 2Spirit, Lesbian,Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer,
Questioning, Intersex, Asexual.
But what about poor Pansexuals? Or GenderQueers? They are not represented in the acronym.
The P word hasn’t been added yet but give it time.
I mean there are two P words added sometimes coming very near. P for Pansexual. Well ‘pan’ means across the board. P for Polyamourous. Loving everone.. Mmm…
Some Cunter wrote on here a day or two ago that everyday is like ‘April Fools’ Day’. The most famous one comes to mind-‘Spaghetti grows on trees’.
Spaghetti growing on trees is more believable than what going on with this shit.
Look like three cracking reads on the header pic.. here’s hoping queer is a pop up book should startle a few old ladies in the public library
Restraint or use a condom- problem solved.
Poor ducky darlings.
Always getting illnesses.
Monkey pox
Hamster fever
Gerbil Irritable bowel.
They have a weak system.
That’s why they spend more time in Boots Chemists and the doctors than disco dancing at a orgy.
Fuckin sicknotes.
I’m never Ill.
Know why?
I don’t attend orgies
And I don’t let other men put their winkies up my Khyber
I am one of those who favours vaccination as opportunity to euthenize.
Alphabeti LGBTQ + PP Spaghetti. In a rainbow coloured can, of course! There has to be a market out there somewhere. Just add toasted Mothers Pride bread, for the perfect combination.
it stinks, the qaure activists cry
Fucking right you are, its disgusting the stench during these festivals
Can you imagine if we went back to the dark ages and there was a plague of Syphilis
rife in the UK, first thing the government would advise is to lay off all the fucking.
Not, keep on fucking while we sort some anti biotics out in due course.
How much as all this shit cost us through the NHS, fucking HIV/AIDS, monkeypox, trans gender dysphoria, not to mention policing the fucking stupid Pride events.
Yes you cunts feel proud about all the shit you are causing.
Just ban the cunts from using the NHS, degenerate bastards ?
I read in the news that the new gay plaque is spreading exponentially. Although this does not seem to affect the rug munchers or normals for some rather obvious reasons.
Look, weirdos. Nobody really has a problem with the puddle jumpers or the lovers of fish pasty. What you get up to in the privacy of your own home is your business. Just don’t wave it in my face and we will get along just fine.
What does boil my piss is the promiscuous, fuck-anything brigade who are spreading this disease about like a mad woman’s shite. All under the protection of the LGBTMGBGT banner.
Just fuck off with this shit!
The disgusting photos paraded about in the MSM seem to show the effects of seriously damaged bummers showing off their pox infested mouths, like it is some kind of badge of honour.
It isn’t. It is the after effects of sucking off some degenerate, who at some point has taken it up the hoo hoo from some other degenerate who likes beastiality.
Get a fucking grip! Your lifestyle choice is very likely to get you killed and take out numerous innocent bystanders in the process.
You’re not special, you’re just perverts and no, I do not have to accept your fucked up version of reality or let you anywhere near my kids.
That’s my right.
Now fuck off!
Oh look. Straight (lol) to moderation.
MGBT ? brilliant.
Not all gays subscribe this woke bullshit.
The LGB Alliance represents a significant section of the gay demographic who are opposed to being lumped in with the trannies and the biological sex deniers, etc, etc.
Naturally they’ve been labelled transphobic by organisations that thrive on division like Stonewall and the Labour Party, rarely does their common sense position get a hearing on the media.
Why do they need an organisation/PR departement?
I don’t constantly define myself by how straight I am.
They need these organisations to proselytize their sick hobby because they cannot reproduce themselves in the normal manner.
Ban the fckn lot. Section 28.
Agreed RTC. I would argue that very few gays agree with this woke weirdo bullshit.
Sadly my comment went straight to moderation for saying more or less the same thing.
You said pérverts, hur hur….
I am always genuinely astonished by really piss-poor MPs feel they deserve to be in the Cabinet/Shadow cabinet because thy are q ueer – the most glaring examples being Wes Streeting and Alan Duncan, or that they should be in te cabinet/shadow cabinet as a compensation for their homosexuality, and why people like hoity toity Peter Mandelson, Lord Adonis and the late Norman St John Stevens think they are morally superior to the rest of us just because they like a dick up their back passages.
Better when they knew their paces and were in the chorus of some of those duckie American musicals or the cast of Are You Being Served? . Chris Bryant would have made a great “Mr. Humphries”
Even better is the Jerry cunt who caught monkeypox which in turn is now rotting his nose off.
Luckily when he went to the Jerry doctor they also discovered he has syphilis and AIDS.
Apparently monkeypox is much worse when mixed with AIDS..
Who would have thought?
These filthy cunts want a vaccine so they can carry on with their rampant bumming?
No wonder the NHS is fucked.
You don’t have to bum someone to catch monkeypox, you just have to make skin contact. It can also be caught from an infected persons bedding and clothing.
Whatever, but it must be a complete fluke that 98% of cases are amongst the fruity types.
Who said this?
The Mail?
The Express?
Some Bitchute nutter?
No, t’was the Guardian.
It’s spread by the fucking gays (with a few outliers), end of.
They should just play it safe, have a wank using shit as a lubricant.
Or fuck a doughnut in the public toilets.
I’ve just had a epic wank.
Over Johnathon Rosa’s missus’s tits,
I’m the best lover I’ve ever had.
Can’t keep my hands off myself.
Purse uns
Yeah his Mrs looks filthy.
When I tell you his youngest daughter is body positivity activist you know she is a munter. Its looks like all of Janes bouncy titty genes went straight to her arse and thighs.
Bet she’s well dirty LL?!
I like to think so anyway!
That’s not fair to the hotel cleaners who have to clean and wash the mess left by the poxies after the rainbow bash.
Needs to be exposed in the MSM. “working woman with husband and five children riddled with Quare disease after work during pride week”
That would stir the shit up
Indeed. I was listening to a podcast recently and they read out an article by a gay on this topic. In it, he said something about getting urinated on by several men at an orgy and then from finding out he’d got the gaypox.
Look, each to their own, but homosexual sex is not normal. Why is this even a debate? Fucking nature tells you this, surely?
If you engage in such things, nature has a nasty way of dealing with you. Not saying they deserve it, but it is what it is.
Get your arse spunked in by loads of blokes then drinking their piss might, just might, cause a few nasty infections.
When they educate kids in schools, they should tell them not to persecute the gays, but that gay sex can and does lead to a bigger chance of the Aids and the monkey pox and several other ‘bacterial infections’ (Dame Reg has cancelled a few concerts due to these!). Usually due to ingesting excrement (their own and others, intentionally or unintentionally.)
Will they teach them that?
Will they fuck! It’s all rainbows, unicorns and happy clappy shite!
Get to fuck and don’t eat da poo poo and drink men’s piss at orgies every weekend, how about that?
The reason they have so many ‘pride weeks/months’ is so they can meet up for orgies.
Dirty cunts should not be given special and expensive extra NHS treatment for their degeneracy.
I’m afraid most of the sheeple do think fruitiness is normal. Decades of repeating the mantra that benders are born bent has completely penetrated (pun unintended) the public psyche. Most people are convinced that gaylords are born that way despite there being no historical or medical evidence to support that notion. Cunts always cite animal behaviour to support this idea. My reply is always….yeah animals, that’s exactly my point.
No doubt some cunt will pop up now and tell me I’m wrong, citing some dubious research by some fa**ot doctor. They can all suck my cock.
I often do the wife in the back door (especially if she wants her nails and hair paid for) then she pisses on my spunky cock after to wash it off.
Am I safe from gaypox I wonder?
I’ve had several conversations with the gradly lass about the alphabet soup, she thinks it’s all a load of shit, and finds the health and science??? chats at school excruciatingly boring.
When she wants to know summat, she asks her Grandy, as is right and proper.
Afternoon CB, as infectious as pøofterpox is (and 1980’s AIDS), it’s still rather milquetoast, wouldn’t you say?
Why can’t the rotten bumders mentioned in your post contract an STD so awesome that it causes them to melt into puddles of multi-coloured goo, like in 1980’s low-budget horror “Street Trash”:
It’d be ironic if they melted into the very rainbows they use to represent themselves. The cunts.
What I’d like to know is what in the name of fuck have any of these hideous monstrosities got to be proud of?! Have they no shame?
” targeted, non-stigmatising communications with the LGBTQ+ community.”
Good grief, really. How’s that work then? I mean it’s not as if they’d be targeted with a campaign along the lines of ‘you filthy fucking degenerates come and get a vaccine to stop your knob falling off and paid for by normal folks who don’t feel the need to be pissed and shat on by half a dozen wrong ‘un’s’.
But this is where we are now, most people scarred shitless of offending anyone especially those in the public eye.
I was listening to Peter Hitchens a few years back and he was talking about how the the Marxist/socialist/trots disguised as Liberals had almost completed their long March through the institutions to effect what is and has become a bloodless takeover of the West.
His hatred of Blair et al was clear, even though Hitchens isn’t an emotional man it was clear.
He spoke about how he and his cronies set about policing the populous not through beatings and disappearing’s, because they had learnt from the mistakes of other Marxist/Socialist regimes that when they fall the newly freed oppressed come looking for you and you end up on the end of a rope.
There plan was and is to control people through the use of language with the omni present threat that if you dare use the wrong language you will at the very least loose your job and push it too far you will end up in Chokey.
Then to hammer it home in the last 20 years or so we have had a raft of Legislation to back this up.
What’s most concerning though is we’ve had a ‘Conservative’ government for the past almost 10 years and the ‘hate crime’ bill passed under these cunts, one of the biggest attacks on freedom of speech ever.
Anyway I hope the Monkeypox jabturns out to be as effective as Thalidomide.
Excellent post ?
If darkıepox did turn out to be “as effective as Thalidomide”, presumably you mean that it would causes benders’ arms to disappear leaving their hands sticking out of their shoulders*?
Because that would be hilarious!
* Even with flid hands coming out of their shoulders, they’d still manage to wank off Kevin Spacey on Clapham Common when he was out walking his dog at 3am.
Excellent post ?
If darkıėpox did turn out to be “as effective as Thalıdomide”, presumably you mean that it would causes benders’ arms to disappear leaving their hands sticking out of their shoulders*?
Because that would be hilarious!
* Even with flıd hands coming out of their shoulders, they’d still manage to wank off Kevin Spacey on Clapham Common when he was out walking his dog at 3am.
Wanking off Kevin Spacey on Clapham Common at 3am with Flid Hands
Thomas you have a deviant mind……
Well it’s the Black Community that I feel sorry for….disgraceful racism to name a fruity disease after them.
I know Dick, we have already had the Black Death and the stigmatizing of the sizable black population of 12th century England.
By black rats as well
They call that intersectionality Sir Fiddler. If you are black and take up bumming as a hobby you get extra victim points. Even more if you’re a black lezza.
They found the original AIDS advert offensive now they are asking for help. By croak, they might have actually woken up to their depravity.
Easy to see why Normal cunts who lead normal, clean and safe lives are getting fucked off with these depravéd sordid dirty cunts.
People are getting sick to the back teeth with these vile cunts who moan about how the whole world fails to support their disgusting and pérverted life style.
When folk hear how they piss and shit on each other for séxual pleasure amongst other dépraved activities (I hear that some use live rodents and insert them up their bum-holes for some sort of twisted pleasure) one wonders why the gay community fail to see why so many people hate and despise them through and through.
These Gays are solely responsible for the spread of Monkey Pox in the UK.
The first x50 cases recorded in this country were all Gay men. Big coincidence eh?
These nominations are coming in thick and fast. The other day it was about brothers bumming each other. This gay business is leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
I don’t mind the pissing….has to be a girl though.
Simon at History Debunked probably talks about this issue more eloquently than I could ever:
These kind of jabs? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FacsaVeacAIYAiH?format=jpg&name=900×900
Two bummers living together got monkeypox from bumming loads of blokes during their open relationship. They then passed it onto their pet dog, which ‘shared’ their bed.
Nothing to see here…
It must be about eating the poo poo @Cuntybollocks.. There has got to be transmission between the anus and the mouth in that sort of sexual carry on. ‘Flecks” of it.
I won’t go any further.
Scaphism is the ‘cure’!
But you’re an Anachist aren’t you John Doe.? You all about freedom aren’t you?
Sexually or politically.
This is what you want isn’t it?
An authoritarian anarchist… what is the world coming to?
Talk about the bleeding obvious..
Bandits of the Arse , need to read this….
Turd burglary is not good for your health…????
I remember the gutter press back in the day.
“Ive got a monkeys hole all over me” and photos to back up the story.
I miss those days, rose tinted as they were
If these disgusting promiscuous sexually-incontinent deviants didn’t stick their disease-riddled cocks and tongues up complete strangers’ festering hairy bum holes and behaved like normal, and I repeat , normal human beings they wouldn’t be at risk of the monkey pox!
Look at what happened to this HIV-riddled shit sucker.
Multiple surveys that have been swept under the carpet by the woke left time and again have proven that the majority of homosexual men engage in “scat play” during intercourse with the bulk of those consuming excrement.
They are by and large shift eaters and they wonder why they are always front and centre when it comes to catching and spreading these normally rare diseases.
It’s nothing to do with discrimination. It’s to do with unhygienic and frankly vile practices.
An old joke at school c. 1985 was “I feel sorry for Rock Hudson. The first person to catch AIDS because he bummed a monkey.”
Also poor old Liberace, Michael Sundin and Mr Claypole out of Rentaghost.
They now have PrEP. I mean how desperate do you have to be to think taking it up the shitter is a good option? Those girls that do bareback are taking their lives in their own hands. It’s not hygenic!
What a load of toilet
Live and let (the cunts) die…
I have no big problem with the Gays, but the rest of the LGBTQ movement can do one, especially the non-binary ‘quares’.
Entitled, degenerate, pink-haired fagguts.