The BBC (70) – Universally Challenged

Oh no. Oh no. They have chosen him. ‘Amol Rajan to be the new host of University Challenge.’

We sometimes come to a moment in our lives Cunters when we finally realise there is no hope for a relationship. That moment has arrived for me. ‘This is The End’ sang Jim Morrison and it is The End of me and the BBC.

See I thought Samira Ahmed who had substituted for Jeremy when he was ill and who was thought to have been a success was a shoe-in.

I mean she’s not the most exciting of personalities but at least she wouldn’t be political.

But then ominous noises off-others names mentioned- Sandi Toksvig being one. Oh no that’s the lesbian box ticked and that supercilious voice …oh how it grates on me.

I read on and and to my horror they were even considering the dreadful Amol Rajan. Oh no surely not, him from the terrible Trump-hating, Brexit-hating ‘Mash Report’.So predictable. So unfunny.

And he was booed off stage remember because of his ‘political’ comedy once.

And the BBC in their wisdom have chosen him.

No they couldn’t they wouldn’t dare stick two fingers up to the Great British Public so blatantly could they? Even they can’t think he has a pleasing personality. Everyone knows he’s disliked intensely.

I used to watch University Challenge with Bamber Gascoigne. A true academic Bamber. A deep historical sense he had. You’d have questions on ancient Greek myth or the English Middle Ages.

That all went about the time he left. And Everyone knew like Mastermind it had become much easier. Many more questions on contemporary life and culture. The music questions on popular music not Classical. Just not as difficult.

Anyway I lament. I just feel that this this choice Amol Rajan is a kick in the teeth. And we know who’s teeth they’re kicking? ‘The Gammon’ in their small tiny world.

Guardian News Link

Nominated by: Miles Plastic

58 thoughts on “The BBC (70) – Universally Challenged

  1. This cunt should be sat at the side of a road in Bangladesh charming a cobra out of a basket.

    • Perhaps as he’s such a greasy little fucker he’ll slide out of the presenters chair and break his neck.

      Have a bath you cunt.

      Then fuck off on a river cruise in Pakistan.

      • He is of Indian Hindu descent. They hate the Pakis almost as much as most cunters do.

  2. I think Miles got his Amol Ragan’s mixed up with his Nish Kumar’s. Both box ticking BBC wankers though.

    • That is very true Cuntingdon but Amol Rajan is all over the BBC, like a herpes rash, and similarly you can’t get rid of him. There are far better choices mine would have been Lucy Worsley so I could have a wank whilst being culturally enriched.

      • Rajan must be a total arsehole crawler – or James Pur-nell’s secret boyfriend. He has done The Media Show, and several other Wireless 4 shows, does Today and uses his usual snide lefty impression and is taking over University Challenge. He will probably do the Children In Need’s version of “Pointless” taken the role of that smarmy cunt “writer” Dick Osman.

      • All the beeb are good for, is watching their ads free films with an all white cast. It’s a way of getting your own back
        at least.

      • When working in a factory during the 70s power cuts, a black bloke worked alone in a room. Workmates shouted him to show his teeth if he was there, so he didn’t get locked in at going home time.

      • You can be apparently “culturally enriched” by the daily boat arrivals, tho I doubt anyone would want to have a wank over that :-/

  3. Glad you’ve finally realise that Aunty Beeb is dead Miles,(15 years ago since I did, bbc biased etc), enjoy your new world clear of the socialist cancel woke cunt fest that is the rotting corpse of Aunty Beeb.

    • Funny @Everyone Mrs Plastic squanders money every which way. But when it comes to bills especially the BBC she pays promptly.

      See we got a tiny bit behind one time and they were on our doorstep. Long interview with a uniformed inputting our info into a machine.

      Since then Mrs P has the BBC first on the list.

      When I complain she says ‘well we watch Strictly’.

  4. They should have Ted Bundy….he knew how to deal with uppity students.

  5. Precisely why I stopped funding these cunts back in 2016. I haven’t paid a penny in license fee since then. I do this totally legally and I’ve never looked back or missed them once.

    I’m no longer bombarded with their token dark-quay/Parking Stanley/Alan Snackbar/lesbó loving presenters either.

    Plus I’ve saved near enough £1000 in all that time by denying these corrupt, thieving, anti British, paédophile harbouring, pro Brexit, immígrant loving, tràns gender obsessed freaks at the Beeb all at the same time.

    If enough people stopped funding these fucking lefty sanctimonious vermin then the BBC will die a death it so needed to twenty years ago.

    Rot in hell BBC you fucking Vile scumbag Paédo loving cunts!!!

  6. Nish Kuntmar would have been excellent as the host of university challenge, BBC love the Brexit/Trump hating cunt.

    Amol Rajistan got the gig because the BBC pay the cunt so much they had to give him a fucking job, sacking the cunt would have been better.

    I see Lorry Kuntberg has got the old Sunday morning slot previously occupied by Andrew Marr, can’t wait ? (another cunt who gets paid too much).

    • The four twats on the bottom row are basically playing themselves ?
      Afternoon Mike…

  7. Is it me or is he’s head gigantic.
    Does he have a touch of the midget about him..

    • Most actors and presenters are rather small with large heads known as lollipops in the trade.

  8. He looks like a Mexican bandit in a spaghetti western.
    “Hey Gringo….you stink like a pig”.
    Never heard of the cunt but if he works for the BBC he’s obviously an anti British, champagne socialist, fake wokie wanker. He’s also the same colour as Gary Linekunt I notice.

  9. Even and I mean EVEN Mariella Frostrup has complained -‘is the only one presenter for BBC programmes? ‘

    That’s taking her career in her hands.

  10. Lets give the cunt a chance and let him find his feet with a nice gentle opening show.

    First up Brighton University vs IsAC Polytechnic.

  11. Yes got the wrong fella. Anyway my point still stands. Lets not get an older white man with a traditional wide learning that the dreaded Gammon would be plessed with. No lets stick it in their face AGAIN with another left wing ethnic.

    Yes wide learning. I suspect Amol’s wide learning consists of…Partition, Windrush, Enoch Powell’s ‘rivers of blood’ speech, racism in the 60s and 70s. The Grenfell fire.

  12. I saw him on ‘Xander’ (cunt) Armstrong’s Pointless once and he was absolutely fucking shit.

    That game show is hardly cerebral is it.

  13. The boy’s not all bad. Definitely not in the same class as Nish Kumar or Linekunt.

    For one thing he rejects the assertion that trans women are women and he supports the exclusion of trannies from women’s sport and women only spaces.

    Which is one of the reasons he’s unsuitable to host University Challenge, apparently. The other reason appears to be that he’s not a woman. ?

    He’s on my clock/radio for half an hour while I’m dragging my wretched carcass out of bed of a morning. I’d say he’s probably one of the better presenters on the Today Programme.

    • A lot of the negativity seems to be coming from ‘sources’ within the BBC itself. I read he negotiated a higher salary after playing the BBC and ITV off against each other and now the complaint is he “gets every gig going” presumably to justify his pay.

      Afternoon Ruffington.

  14. I remember he wrote for the “i” newspaper when it first came out…

    Nuff said…..?


  15. I feel your pain Miles. I think we can all lament about a form of entertainment we coveted for a time only to have it hijacked by wokeness in some way. I myself have retreated to the past (pre-2018) to find enjoyable shows, movies, and series. Everything current is dog shit. I pay for nothing. If it ain’t free, I ain’t watching.

    • Universally challenged is for mitmots
      I get every question right!
      Unless it’s sports related.

      This Sabu Daktari or whatever the fuck he’s called shouldn’t be hosting it!
      I can’t understand him.
      Every thing sounds like he’s asking if I want poppadoms.
      Wobbly headed worshipper of Kali,
      The goddess of destruction probably?

      Strangles people with a knotted scarf.

    • Or internet services.

      “Ello Miserables sir, are you vanting special dealings on the internets?”

  16. It’s not possible to cunt the BBC too many times. It’s a good job I don’t watch or listen to their shit or I’d be banging out two or three noms a day, seething with anger, blood pressure going through the roof. I hate the cunts.

  17. What about the chap that shouts out the contestants’ names in an increasing sense of panic;
    “Cuntington-Smythe; Queens!”

    Presumably his posh white tones will need to be replaced by someone a bit more ‘representative’ – perhaps that stand-up comic with cerebral palsy who sounds like she is fighting to speak through a gob full of old socks?

    • Good point Gunner. They should get one of the bruvvers for that job…..

      “Posh batty boy, Durham!”

      “Big titty bitch, Kings College!”

  18. Why is anybody surprised that a whog has been chosen? “University”! give it a few more years and who know what they will look like.

    PG tips college Cambridge vs Floyd college Oxford.

    Rastus watermelon: don’t know what the fuck read means

    Leroy machete: doctorate in shit throwing

    Hercules wakanda: Oooh, ooooh, oooh , oooh!

    Julian ringpiece: token white scapegoat

    Fingers on safety catches, starter for IQ 10: spell IQ………bang, bang……..

    Fuck me. If this actually happened I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised

  19. Nice to see Mr Shifter gainfully employed.

    Paxman’s fucking marvelous on University Challenge, giving them looks of contempt and chivvying the cunts along with:

    “Come on, I MUST have an answer”.


  20. Disgusted with Aunty, obvious choice was a person of colour in the half way stage of gender transition. In these exciting times just any old ethnic will not do.
    No fucking class at all shame.

  21. We are getting to the point (and this will happen in my lifetime) where they will be no whitites on TV.

    Like Lord of the Rings we are in the age of the Dakis.

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