This from the Guardian (where else)
”Manchester police under fire over ‘deeply racist’ tactics ahead of Caribbean carnival”
It seems that this is ‘deeply racist’ because the majority of Manc gangsters are black. Well blow me down, whod’a thought it?
This bit merits close scrutiny:-
”Joseph-Salisbury, a presidential fellow in ethnicity and inequalities at the University of Manchester, said “serious questions” needed to be asked of the carnival organisers who, he said, appeared to be acting as “community legitimisers for the enactment of police racism”.
” a presidential fellow in ethnicity and inequalities” No liklihood of looking for racism there then. Pprobably money (our money) well spent.
Many parts of the USA have reached this point. Policing totally hamstrung because the miscreants are mostly black. Let the fuckers get on with it I say. Any fucker with any sense will avoid this fuckfest, sorry, carnival unless they want to be robbed and stabbed.
Chiggun, innit bruv.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
The banning order was issued because the organisers and local community asked for it, i.e other black people. Maybe they just see these stabby drug dealing cunts like the rest of us do and want safer streets, regardless of skin colour.
The organisers are black, end of story.
Police racist init bruv. The carnival presents a great opportunity for the little criminals to get some action so they are being denied their human rights init.
If the organisers had been white, ‘we don’t want no n*gga trash at our bash’, they would have been arrested for hate crime ???
I think they should let them have as many of the stab-fests as possible.
Thins out the herd.
The professional race baiter says that a street gang is a “deeply racist construct.”
Oh so they don’t exist then? That’s reassuring. Only the Guardian or the BBC could dig up such a lying, ignorant cunt.
Fine, let the Police boycott the event.
We all know as soon as the Red-Stripe flows and the weed is smoked, the knives and guns will appear.
Might aswell rename it a crime carnival because that’s exactly what it will become.
Lots of stabbings, Lots of nicking, Lots of looting the odd shooting and maybe a rape if a white chick is daft enough to show up.
Leave the cunts to it I say.
They wouldn’t need to issue letters banning people if they policed the carnival properly and any miscreant was then dealt with properly by the courts. Fat chance of that though!
A rich history in Caribbean carnivals ?
Oh do fuck orff!!
What the fuck is a presidential fellow in ethnicities and inequalities? Just reading the titles gives some insight into the post. Presidential in such a case indicates “made up bollocks” no real World academic qualification required. Fellow, a term used to add gravitas in this instance to something totally without any gravitas at all. Ethnicities and inequalities tick the box required to garner taxpayers money for mostly useless fuck ups, cuntfest..
Therefore I surmise that the holder of this post was awarded said post due to him ticking the right boxes, smarting the right people and basically being a cunt with chips on both shoulders and his brain in his crawling smarmy arse. My advice to anyone who becomes the target of this Uber cunt and a half would be to a. Tell him to fuck off b. Anonymous tip to HMRC about his property empire and how he thinks that all employees of HMRC are cunts. Cunts like this give humanity a bad name.
It was The Grauniad. I think they meant ‘residential’.
What is it with nıg-nog bints and bent over wiggling their substantial arses about?
Some sort of sub-Saharan simian mating courtship?
Hopefully vegetable Sasha was undertaking this silly pastime when one of her fellow PG Tips enthusiasts inadvertently trepanned her dome.
To me, it looks like dey be filling dere nappies with da poopoo…
Temporarily suspend the police during this and any other major carnival and let us see what happens!
If there is any crime I guess the BBC/Guardian either won’t report it or will blame Far Right infiltrators. They will also blame the police for their “racist” actions of not being in attendance due to their institutional racism and unconscious bias blah blah woof woof.
You can’t win with these cunts
That’s right you can’t.
So napalm the carnival instead.
Just a little bit drastic but I get where you’re coming from
What’s going on in the header picture..
I can see people in white face..
As a member of the White supremacist movement I find that highly offensive..
I hope the perpetrators of this offence are imprisoned forthwith.
God point.
They’re just jealous as fuck and dream of being honky.
It’s fucking ace being a honky.
Their jealousy is the reason for their uppityness. Look at all the great things honky created. Basically, everything useful.
Africa gave us Aids and child soldiers.
If honky had never set foot in Africa, they’d still be walking around naked, living in mud huts, chucking spears at each other and eating rival tribes.
The header picture looks like a gay Rourke’s Drift,
Easy fix for these cunts who think the place is too racist.
Go to Africa to be amongst your own.
If they did (the chippy ones), there’d be fucking impromptu street parties all over the fucking country.
You don’t like yt? Feeling is mutual, after all your whining you shit houses.
Why would the Africans want a load of mouthy, self entitled cunts who always blame everyone else for their problems? They may have the same skin colour but they would be as deeply unpopular in Africa as they are here. The cunts.
I am not sure if I have told this story before so sorry if I am repeating myself. At the time of the Toxteth riots in the early 1980s there were copycat riots by the black communities around the country. Saturday morning I go down to the Hackney warehouse and am I am wondering how to board up our plate glass windows. Our local beat bobby (a very nice blonde bird about 8.5/h0) is passing by and asks what am I doing. I explained and she asked if Inwas mad. Therevwasn’t going to be any trouble in Hackney because they knew who the trouble makers were and had them in and given them a bloody good hiding and told them if anything kicked off that would be just for starters. Sure enough Hackney was about the only ethnic borough with absolutely no problems and today, these fuckers are complaining about a complaining about a politely worded letter?
Fuck me rigid.
Looks like the stabbing of that poor old fella in London yesterday was done by one of our effnik brothers.
Yes but the police description is:-
”Police now want to identify the man from CCTV as a matter of urgency.
He is described as wearing grey shorts, a dark coloured T-shirt, a white baseball cap and white patterned builder style gloves.”
Something missing? Would a complete description be racist? Or is it now a given what shade the perpetrator is.
There will come a point where:-
skin colour
hair colour
body shape
colour of eyes
shape of nose/mouth
type of clothing
… will all be redacted from police investigation pleas to the public just in case it offends some affected cunt.
Thus:- “police are on the lookout for someone who did something really naughty. Please contact your local police”
Yeah, well that narrows things down a bit.
Much like the stabbing in Oxford Street the other day. A man, no other description…Do they think we’re all as thick as they are?
A bit different but not quite – an old guy has been stabbed on his mobility scooter by yes none other than a dindu
Culturally violent and only hunt in packs the police need to be upping the stop and search for these architects, rappists and footballers
‘Campaigners believe the letters were issued to about 50 people, predominantly young men of colour, although this has not been confirmed by Greater Manchester police (GMP).’
Jeeeeeeeez Louise. Not a single person has been identified so just fuck off to hell you presumptuous racist cunt.
Worth a cunting but these cunts really aren’t worth engaging with. It only encourages them.
Manchester Poice, racist?
You mean the same Manchester Police who still haven’t made any arrests at the Didsbury, mosque, where the Arena bomber was radicalised?
Or the same Manchester Police who disgracefully turned a blind eye to grooming gangs and fucked up Operation Augusta?
They are the most peaceful appeasing and woke police force in Britain….
Police have released an image of a man seen fleeing the scene and carrying a knife following the stabbing of 87-year-old Thomas O’Halloran in West London.
He has been described as a dangerous individual and urge people not to approach him.
Are they blacK? Ah, quelle surprise…
Nah Norman. He is a “good boy, trying to turn his life around when this old, privileged, white male tempted him to fall back in with the wrong crowd.
And, no doubt, an aspiring architect or Doctor. Or a football whizz-kid on the books of West Aiiim, eh, Paul?
Seen one, seen ’em all….?
Apparently a prolific shoplifter who lives in a council house.
Hmm. Who fits that bill?
The thumbnail says it all. A typical British street with terraced houses juxtaposed with sheer baboonery. Don’t they have mirrors these people? Look at them!