Lyrics Police

Just when you thought modern life could not get any more absurd, we now have ‘outrage’ and woke arseholes ‘literally shaking’ because of an “offensive” word in a new song lyric.

That’s right pop pickers, the output of da moosik biz is now being monitored for “ableist” slurs, reports the BBC:

A number of questions race through my simplistic little brain. I didn’t know “ableist” was a thing. Is it? Since when has new pop releases been subject to such scrutiny? Who has the time or inclination to sift through the lyrics of every new release each week looking to be offended? The hurty word is only referred to as “the S word” (so we’re doing that now are we?), so I’m guessing it was “spastic” or a derivative thereof? It wasn’t that long ago we had The Spastics Society and those coin collection figurines outside shops of a little girl with leg braces. Not seeing the problem here.

Since we’re in the territory of policing song lyrics and demanding reparations, apologies, public floggings, etc. how about we also go after all the black/rap “artists” who continually use the “N word” in their lyrics? The same lyrics which also promote promiscuity, violence, killing police officers and partaking of illegal substances? Hmmm….thought not.

My favourite quote though was from some random bellend on Twatter called Stephen Callum (yeah, me neither, but he does state his preferred pronouns – quelle surprise):

“Language is such a complex thing and words can validly mean different things to different people, but I don’t see why any artist would use a word in their song that causes so much upset to millions worldwide.”

Brilliantly defeating his own argument in a single sentence. Classy.

Nominated by: Imitation Yank

With a second verse from Chuff Chugger

The ‘offensive’ word used was Spaz, which in Blick language is ostensibly used in a colloquial way to mean going crazy or wild, which is derived from “spastic”

The lyrics in question were: “Spazzin’ on that ass, spaz on that ass.”

All a load of fucking shite bollocks

48 thoughts on “Lyrics Police

  1. Such evocative, emotional lyric! Fgs.
    I think our current Poet Laureate can rest easy.

  2. Just wait until these cunts mature and get a taste for opera.

    Plenty of scope for the perpetually offended there.

    Ortello in black face makeup.
    Performers in Turandot having yellow make up.
    Gender violence in Carmen.

    Television, films, books and now song lyrics.
    It’s only a matter of time until most operas get cancelled by the woke.

    • It’s only a matter of time before speaking is banned. Start conversing in grunts and clicks..

    • we are now at the point where a white actor could never play Othello. We would have to rely on some useless black actor – probably that cunt Idris Elba (who the fuck names their child after ginger beer?)

      • I wonder if this idiot has ever seen Rigoletto and especially listened to The Duke of Mantua.

        This guy rapes women after first imprisoning their husbands.

        He boasts about it in his arias.

  3. Spastics, “Hit me with tour rhythm stick Hit me Hit me.
    Its nice to be a lunatic, Hit me, Hit me”.
    Ian Dury didnt give a fuck about hurty words, in fact he embraced them and he was a spastic trapped body but possessed a mind and told his story and you wouldn’t fuck him about back then.
    The spastics we have now, fuck me

    • Spasticus Autisticus was Ian Durys answer to a request by the Spastic society for a album that donated to their coffers,
      They didnt ask a second time.
      But Im with Ian.
      Having a gammy leg and suffering from childhood polio,
      Ian would of heard ‘spaz’ daily growning up in less ‘enlightened times’
      So own the word
      Take the venom out of it.

      He wasnt the type to sob about it,
      Ian was better than that!

    • He’s a musical hero of mine, an absolute genius. Sadly missed. New Boots and Panties, not a single bad song on the whole album.

      • Bertram@

        A talented, wickedly funny, clever, man.

        A great Briton?

      • Baxter Dury is brilliant.

        Check out ‘Miami’

        A great tune with a intro peppered with Hurty Words guaranteed to send Stephen Callum into meltdown.

      • “Hit me with your rhythm stick/ two fat ladies, click, click, click”.

        Fat shaming?

        May as well ban all pop music before 2000.

  4. “Spinning around faster than a spastic in magnet factory”.

    DCI Gene Hunt, Hyde, 1973.


    • ‘As limp as Liberace’s dick, when he’s looking at a picture of a naked woman!’

      – The Guv, 1973.

      Life On Mars was fucking ace.

  5. It’s a nice bit of free publicity I dare say.

    It’s impossible to not offend these mental cunts anyway.

    • In Jilted John by Jilted John, the titular John says ” not that puff, I said dismayed” when he learns that his girlfriend has binned him for a cunt called Gordon. Never fails to make me laugh, but I should think the alphabet people will have a problem with that when they spot it. Luckily he is hiding in plain sight as John Shuttleworth these days, so might get away with it.

  6. “See the little f—-t with the earring and the makeup?/ Yeah buddy, that’s his own hair/ That little f—-t got his own jet airplane/ That little f—-t, he’s a millionaire”

    Dire Straits – Money for Nothing. They have now changed the lyrics. Mark Knopfler is a cunt. Good songwriter though.

    • apparently Knopfler wrote down verbatim a conversation between 2 taxi drivers to make that song, bet they didn’t get any royalties for it though!

      • “What’s up with that/ Hawaiian Music?/ He’s banging on them bongos like a chimpanzee”.


    • My missus used to think he was singing:

      “Get your money for nothing and your cheques for free”

      Ah, bless. ?

    • Ironically,given his lefty leanings,how has Peter Gabriel’s -‘Games without frontiers’ avoided the woke radar for so long?…something about…”piss on the coons in the jungle” if my ears don’t deceive me.Bloody good song though.

  7. We had Mary Whitehouse and Lord Longford doing exactly this sort of thing
    Back in the 70’s and 80’s.
    Most people ignored the stupid bastards, but some media and especially TV figures openly antagonised and ripped the piss out of them.
    Spitting Image did some great sketches.
    Problem is, nowadays, no one is allowed or has the balls to kick back at this cuntishness.
    Calling a cunt a cunt when 99.99% of the populace would readily agree to the cunting, will just get you dragged into the nearest nick with the promise of jail sentences and probable loss of livelihood.
    Fucking sickening.

    • I bet they haven’t come across this pearl yet.
      From Quadrophenia 1973,lyrics by Pete Townshend.

      When a man is running from his boss
      Who holds a gun that fires cost
      And people die from being old
      Or left alone because they’re cold
      And bombs are dropped on fighting cats
      And children’s dreams are run with rats
      If you complain you disappear
      Just like the lesbians and queers
      No one can love without the grace
      Of some unseen and distant face
      And you get beaten up by blacks
      Who though they worked still got the sack
      And when your soul tells you to hide
      Your very right to die’s denied
      And in the battle on the streets
      You fight computers and receipts
      And when a man is trying to change
      It only causes further pain
      You realize that all along
      Something in us going wrong
      You stop dancing
      Is it me, for a moment (for a moment, for a moment, for a moment

  8. I can’t see anything the matter with calling someone a “Spazz”…it’s not like they’re liable to do much about it even if they hear you….hit you with a leg-caliper or run you down in their cripple-chariot,possibly,I suppose…which is why I always take the precaution of climbing up a couple of stairs before I address them.

  9. Apart from the British, does anybody else find humour in møngs and spåzmos?
    Many years ago I was in a car with 3 other men. On the news was a story about the Spastics Society changing their name to Scope. Without missing a beat, one of my mates went “Fucking Scopies”. And “Scopie” has stuck as an insult ever since.

  10. Last nights and now this morning’s submissions have been spåztastic!

  11. What about these lines from “Aqualung”……
    Sitting on a park bench
    Eyeing little girls with bad intent
    Drying in the cold sun
    Watching as the frilly panties run

    Unremarked on at the time (1971) but would meet the approval of the wokies because kiddy fiddling is ok now…….especially if you’re a fucking Pa*i !

  12. This is the centre piece for the ongoing existence of Twatter and the Grauniad.

    Both of them have become hurty-wordy Nazi zealots, constantly looking out for anything that can be dug out and used against the innocent party for the purposes of public humiliation and instant cancellation.

    Of course the definition of hurty words only cuts one way with these cunts. We all know Stormzy and that Sasha “cabbage patch doll” Johnson have fired out really quite offensive lyrics against good old whitey. But they get a free pass because what they say is somehow justified.

    And its not just the usual hurty words/lyrics that causes so much anguish with these touchy-feely twats. Even punctuation can now be construed as offensive, micro-aggressive and even toxic, especially the good old full stop and exclamation mark!!!!!!!!

    If Putin wanted to defeat Britain in a full scale war, he wouldn’t need nuclear weapons. Just drop thousands of books containing hurty words over the heavily populated areas of wokedom in England and within a week we will have surrendered under mental cruelty, stress and anguish.

    • Ah, but little Sasha won’t be doing it any more…
      Oh dear. How sad. Not a single fuck given.

    • I’ve got recordings by the Fugs and GG Allin. Better not let these moaning cunts listen, they’d die of a stroke foaming at the mouth.

  13. As the article points out, there is a difference in the use of the word in the states. In fact, gangsta culture uses many words in guises unfamiliar to us normal people.
    All Beyonce and her publicists need to say, is that it’s ‘part of their culcha innit cuz’. That should put it to bed.
    The beeb and the Grauniad would be in an awkward position. Back the raspberries or back the dark keys?
    Whatever, it’d be great to see the woke eat themselves again.

  14. The “S” word?

    Spook? Scoop-gob? Spear-chucker? Sambo? Spade?

    BTW, the neologism ‘ableism’ would mean discrimination against able bodied person’s, which goes to show in just one word what a load of shite this blame-game twattery actually is.

  15. The Stylistics should be had a word with for their best seller from the 70s

    But good old Rod takes the biscuit for Tonight’s the night

    Don’t say a word my virgin child
    Just let your inhibitions run wild
    The secret is about to unfold
    Upstairs before the night’s too old

    The dirty bastard. Though some on here might say the lucky bastard…

  16. And the long forgotten Richard Harris/Jimmy Webb epic ‘Watermark’.

    How innocent her visage, as my child lover lies.
    Pressed against the rainswept windy windows of my eyes.

    Fucking top song, mind….

  17. The Stones with Stray Cat Blues…

    I can see that you’re fifteen years old
    No, I don’t want your I.D
    And I can see that you’re so far from home but
    That’s no hanging matter
    It’s no capital crime

    I bet, bet your mama don’t know you scream like that
    I bet your mother don’t know you can spit like that

    From one of Bill Wyman’s diaries, no doubt…?

  18. ‘And now, we ask you to join us once again for ‘Shoot the Poof!

    – Monty Python’s Flying Circus, 1972.

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