This is a pet cunting of mine, as stories around my ‘manor’ like this have been bandied about over the past couple of years….and I don’t fucking agree with it.
Basically if you buy something and then throw the packaging and/or product on the deck in a public place, they are now suggesting it’s not ‘your’ fault, but the fault of the shop you bought it from, so they are going to look at fining the shop keeper!
How fucking skewed is that thought process?
I should imagine they are suggesting this because the police/councils either can’t be arsed or don’t have the resources to give the chavvy little cunts who drop litter a clip round the ear and tell them to pick it up and put it in a bin. Now, it would seem, these entitled cunting litterers are going to feel even less responsible for their actions, as it will be someone else’s fault apparently.
What has this fucking world come to? Next time I have 6 Pints with a curry and I’m pissed up walking home at three in the morning and I have a piss in a shop doorway, then lay down a pavement pizza……apparently it will now be the brewery and the curry houses fault and they should receive a fine….fuck all to do with me!
I mean….I’m lost for words.
Nominated by: Chuff Chugger
I can believe it.
Some years back I had to do a H&S exam which contained a question, if a kid climbed over a fence, climbed a tree and fell off a low hanging branch, who was to blame?
The landowner was at fault for not cutting the branch down.
Same thing if kids smash their way into a substation and get fried.
This was >20 years so inevitable I suppose.
Councils are mostly all cunts.
In 1970 I’m sure it would’ve been the kids fault. Simpler times. I thought I heard the other day that Thatcher legalised the ambulance chasing lawyers, might be wrong.
I feel like popping out and buying a knife, it’s not my fault if I stab a few cunts, blame Tesco.
Don’t waste your time. A Certain race of people in London have that covered..
Haha funny
If we can get fined 10 grand for not wearing a mask then fining this inconsiderate scum similarly should be a doddle.
Old Bill won’t do it though, because it won’t be little old ladies sitting on park benches that lob their crap all over the place, it will be Stabby McChav. Too risky.
Don’t believe it, read that an old dear accidentally dropped a tissue when getting her keys out of her bah. Council good jumped on her, £100 fine. Over half her pension. All councils are cunts.
I went on a H&S course back in the 90’s. We discussed a case history, whereby a trained first aider on a building site was held accountable for paralysing a labourer.
The case was the following: Labourer on buliding site falls from ununstable scaffolding surrounding a new build. He fell from some height and resulted in him receiving some serious injuries. The trained first aider was called to help. The guy was unconscious where he fell with badly broken limbs. During the course of the first aider assessing him, others helping noticed the very same scaffolding was so unstable it was swaying in the wind. Concerned that if it should fall down, the injured labourer would have been right in its path. The first aider took the decision to move the guy to an area of safety, but in doing so broke his spinal cord. Soon, after being moved, the scaffolding did indeed totally collape onto the area where the injured guy would have been, and would have died as a result.
The guy made a full recovery from his broken bones, but was permanantly paralysed and lost the use of his legs. He took it to court stating the first aider shouldn’t have moved him and should be held responsible for his paralysis.
Nowadays, first aiders are not accountable for such actions (presumably, you wouldn’t get many volunteers if they were)
As someone who has suffered a broken neck and a year of total paralysis I can safely say that I’m glad I was moved given that the other option was to be left at the bottom of the pool.
Precisely sir.
The evidence I see every day is that a large proportion of the British public are littering cunts.
It’s nothing new,sightseers in the countryside where I live come for a day out and leave shit all over..
Full disposable bbq on top of a hillside that takes considerable effort to get to..just this week I found a full plastic baking tray halfway up a hillside I’ve never seen anyone else on.
Bizarre and disgusting…
About right for the times.
Was the baking tray any good for your oven Unkle Terry ? ??
Perfect excuse for fly-tippers to carry on with their dodgy activities and simply blame everyone else for not doing enough!
“Keep Britain Untidy” should now be the updated moniker today.
This is bizarre.Just before logging on here l just read our council here are ‘advising. (with copious waffle)…”years to biodegrade”…”water-table pollution” blarzy bla,concerning textile disposal/collections.You can leave curtains,bedsheets,duvet covers etc in clear sacks for them but not apparently anything ‘bulky’ such as duvets,pillows or mattress toppers,precisely what i need shifting as the tip won’t allow me on site on my suzuki burgman scooter.Health n safety natch.
Tempted to take them to the local beach for burning,in fact precisely what l did in July for a bag of old clothes unsuitable for Africa.Very organic,not a single thread totally invisibled by fire.
New takeaways? Well that says it all!
No way will the councils be giving it the same to the likes of Mc.Donalds and Kentucky, who shoud be made to make customers pay extra for takeaways. Only getting a refund when the packaging is returned and then sent away to be recycled. Any left in the streets could also be taken back for cash. As for the food, if it tasted half decent then there would be less of an issue on that side.
And the cunts don’t take my used hardcore anymore, without me having to pay for it!
There seems to be a link between fast food cunts and littering. You can guarantee that litter in the countyside round my way will be McD and/orKFC or similar. It seems that the cunts that live on this shit dont give a fuck.
And then there’s the Pikeys. Should the land/caravan/garage/shed owners be fined for their goods being dismantled and dumped?
Probably…’s the meek and law abiding in this country that get fucked over.
The piles of takeaway cartons that get dumped on country lanes are usually ejected from high end Range Rovers or expensive German cars.
It’s not just the “poor” that do it…
Good Afternoon Cuntstable
I believe the correct term is Caravan Utilising Nomadic Travellers .
The meek shall inherit the earth, along with all the shite on it
Most of the cunts that do this are teenage knobheads who need some correctional education.
We have a KFC up the road (or Kunt Fried Cunt as I call it) and you know what I am going to say, it is a magnet for Boys from Da Hood (and we’ve constantly being told stereotypes don’t exist – they do, no one forces darkies to eat fried chicken all day).
These wannabee rude boys throw everything on the floor (when they’re not spitting like the dogs that they are, marking their territory).
The vacuous waste of space these cunts are who hold the keys to the future (God or Allah save us all) should be rounded up and made to patrol the streets litter picking, dirty bastards.
Littering is one of my pet hates. Travelling abroad it’s very noticeable how clean other countries are compared with this cunt infested country. It’s very depressing looking out of the window of the Gatwick Express watching the litter build up as you get closer and closer to Stabistan. You can provide as many bins as you like cunts just throw their shit anywhere they choose. I don’t know what the answer is, other than instant execution.
I don’t know what’s hard about putting something in a public litter bin or putting in a bin at home from your car. Morons, who know there’s no punishment even if they do get caught. This country is a cesspit of litter, graffiti and human trash,
I recently made a sign saying ‘Don’t dump your dogshit here or leave it in the hedgerows bag it or bin it and take it home you idle cunts’… and then attached it to a 5’ pole and hammered into the ground.. marvellous how plain english can get things stopped.
Up in my neck of the woods we have tourists walking up Scafell Pike (highest mountain in England) taking selfies of themselves and them leaving a ton of litter behind.
And then the same cunts write reviews of their experiences and go on to complain about all the litter left behind by other tourist cunts despite them doing the very same.
If I had my way those very same littering female tourists – and in particular those reckless young wimminz from France, Austria, Sweden and Japan – should be bent over my knee and severely spanked!
The Japanese ones would like it
What could be an idea is takeaways stamp the registration numbers of vehicles on all takeaway cartons. If dumped. Then put the cunt who owns the vehicle feet first into a woodchipper.
That CuntyMort, may be a more realistic idea than you imagine. I posted on here before that McD have a huge surveillance system in their outlets which takes your photograph at the booth where you order the pigswill and also records your vehicle registration number in and out. It would be easy to attach said number and perhaps your plastic card number to your order and even link those back to your photograph.
Anyone throwing litter from a vehicle should have their vehicle crushed, preferably with said cunts inside..
Hi Barry,
I have been advocating that for years, maybe not with the cunts inside, at least for a first offence, but certainly watching. You wouldn’t have to do many cars before there was a noticeable improvement in littering.
A lot of littering is from lorries. Not only would I crush the lorries but, for a first offence both the drivers and the board of directors should do 3 months in a proper prison. You would have to give them 6 months as they would be likely to get half off for good behaviour.
Littering is impossible to police so you have to have draconian punishments in place if you want to prevent it. There is a story about the Japanese taking over Hong Kong on Christmas day 1941. The first thing they did was put up notices forbidding people from spitting in the street, something the rinky-dinks do a lot. The next day a patrol is sent out and the officer in charge saw someone spitting, got him to kneel down and apologise. Whilst he was still kneeling he chopped his head off. He repeated it half a dozen times before returning to barracks. There was no more spitting in the streets until the British returned in August 1945.
An idea who’s time has surely arrived.They made a big mistake cutting of their oil circa WW2.
I’ve seen videos of Chinese people shitting in shopping malls. They seem to see no problem with it. Saw another one from Africa where a Chinese cunt took a shit in a safari park and this African dude admonishes the filthy fucker. I’ll see if I can find it, actually…
“Eez deez what you do in yoo country?”
Any way of keeping Katie Price indoors for the rest of her fetid life?
Easy cheap option, if a bag blowing in the wind has Ebernezers fine fruit emporium in big letters on the side then easy for the private contracted company employed to deal with such horridness to locate said emporium and collect big fine. My advice to any business would be to use anonymous packaging..
You are not after all the keeper of useless lazy bastards. The council exists to support them in their lifestyle. We only fund said lifestyle
Traditionally it has been the role of the Tories to clear up the rubbish left by Labour. Now that the Tories have spent 12 years transforming the UK into the contents of a skip (especially post referendum) there is no-one remotely competent left to clear up the mother of all messes they’ve gotten us in. All Truss will do is finish the job of destroying the country that Johnson supercharged. The extraordinary thing is that the Tory membership, who will elect her, have no perception that they are committing political suicide.
gotten us into.
Indeed, trash on the street is just one small indicator of the trash we’ve had governing us in recent years and i can only see it getting worse.
I thought convicted people and/or category C prisoners had to do some form of community service, including picking up litter in the public domain? Or would that be against their ooman rights!
Tricky that…no wait,if they refuse shoot them.
Occasionally I’ll throw old single mattresses and tyres on country lanes or over farmers hedges.
But that’s business.
But when not working I’m always putting stuff in bins.
And if I can’t find a bin I use a post box.
Bags of dog shit,
Sometimes my skiddy undercrackers if I’ve a gippy tummy,- in the post box.
That’ll teach the theiving cunts!
The council binmen up here are on strike, the filthy Commie shit-stains. Off I set this morning to find my recycling bin still full, “what the shit?” now I’m in the zone of not knowing to leave it on the pavement or put round the back of the hoose. Nextdoor neighbour has a thing about the bins being left out, curtain-twitching cunt.
There’s definitely been an uptick in litter in Britain in the past few years – dog-shite, too. It’s those young people. Lazy, entitled, inconsiderate, narcissistic cum-stains. Not all of them, but a decent slice of them. Revving engines at 11pm, that’s another endearing habit of these wee gimps.
Thankfully, we’ll be at war soon and these bellends will be heading East to the Final Showdown!
Twats visiting the countryside around my way tend to drop tissues – why so many sniffly weaklings I wonder. Then there’s dog walkers who leave poo bags full – they don’t need poo bags in the countryside.
I’ve seen dog-egg bags hanging from trees. Cheers. That really puts the finishing touch to the sublime beauty of nature, you ingenious artisans.
Yeah…gone to the effort of picking it up so it doesn’t litter, then launch it in a bush….which, errr litters.
Where’s the fucking logic in that. At least if they had left it in the first place, then you wouldn’t have another fucking non recyclable bag littering the place.
Bulk of the litter round my way is that dropped by the council’s recycling staff. Pick up your cardboard sack to empty in their bin, drop a couple of pieces, leave on floor, go onto next house and do the same.
After their recycling runs, the road is littered with cardboard, paper and cans.
Messy cunts.
Local councils and rubbish?
The fucking cunts want to empty our bins for a start.
That would give the cunts an excuse to put the council tax up…
A superb way to reverse the trend of high streets dying off, fine the takeaways so that they leave town, depriving already run-down towns of even more cash.
Local councils are run by dithering bints and soyboys.