The Two faces of Jeremy Vine [9]

Cunters for your consideration,

Jeremy Vine comes out as a complete and utter cunt. This overpaid talent free waste of space and stealer of Oxygen that all of us need has tried on a menopause vest.

Right you are Jeremy now go to the roof of Broadcasting house and jump off while you are up there.

Give all the cunters a fucking good laugh, whilst you are at it.

Daily Fail Link.

A short cunting, but we allowed it on the basis he really is a massive cunt and deserves another slagging. Fill yer boots – NA.

Nominated by: CuntyMort

And here’s another one from CuntyMort

Daily Mail News Link

Oh my, it looks like this broadcasting bell end cannot wind his fucking neck in about himself. Dozy bastard crosses a zebra crossing with a man with kid(s) in tow crossing at the same time. Fucking hell Jeremy, only 24 hours before you were going off on one because a moped rider did the same thing.

Are you going to hand the footage into plod so you can be done for being a road traffic act abusing idiot. Or will Auntie BeeB get some heavy lawyers to fight your case? Jeremy the use of the road is NOT a right it is a privelege. Joe Public has to follow them, why can’t you?

52 thoughts on “The Two faces of Jeremy Vine [9]

  1. Wanted to try a say something funny but can’t because my blood ? is boiling having been reminded that this Cunt
    1 still exists, for what purpose I ask ye lord ?
    2 still gets paid ridiculous amounts of money for no good reason that I can fathom.

  2. A double cunting for jezza.
    In the first one he looks like Eddie izzards more fruity brother.
    And I hope someone puts a broom handle through the pricks front spokes next time.

  3. Jeremy vine
    He likes to whine
    Moan and complain
    Much to my disdain
    Please oh please can he fall under a train.

    I know piss weak but best I can do at shit needed o clock in the morning

  4. Rather a shame that Alex Belfield (who may or may not be a cunt too, no idea) didn’t go postal and bump Vine off.
    Does any cunter know why Belfield stalked Vine, causing Vine to call him ‘the Jimmy Savile of trolling’?

  5. I’d like to see the return of walking-canes/swordsticks.

    Jeremy Vine types only flourish because people allow it…if every pedestrian carried a stout stick, they could use it to jab,smack and upend any pushbiker who endangered them by coming within range…car drivers could do their bit to bring the self-entitled menaces to heel by carrying medieval style maces that they could comfortably swing with one hand ( leaving the other hand free to steer while in hot pursuit) at any bellend-style helmet that crossed their path .

    Hopefully Jeremy Vine will get the smugness squished out of him by a cement-wagon…..soon.

    • PS…my walking-cane/swordstick has a solid silver handle and is very valuable.

      • I have a home made Shillelagh, made from a Holly stem / root.
        I drilled the knobbly root end and poured in some molten lead. Fashioned a nice grippy leather handle and leather wrist loop, to finish it off.
        It’s not at all valuable.
        But it’s very destructive.
        Swordsticks are very elegant and are far too stylish for rough farming types ?
        Morning, Dick / all.

      •’s actually an extendable white-cane that I picked up after some dothery old Cunt with a labrador made the mistake of trying to get over the pelican-crossing as I was driving back from the Pub…handy tool with the candlestick that I pinched from the church gorilla-glued to the end

    • Many moons ago, my brother in law used to keep a fully extended krooklok in his near side footwell and instructed his passengers to take a vigorous swipe at any offending cyclists or moped riders en route.
      Good fun, no helmet cams back then.
      Morning all.

  6. I don’t really know who Jeremy Vine is.
    A star of radio?

    But anyone who’s called Jeremy and is a cyclist is bound to be a copper bottomed cunt.

    As for ‘menopause vests’
    Who cares?
    It’s just women acting up

    • What a fucking time to be alive. What’s the point of a menopause vest? Does it just make you feel a bit hot, and therefore supposedly give you an insight into the condition? What a load of bollocks. I have been through it myself recently and my garment of choice throughout was a Donkey jacket. Menopause vest my arse, fucking amateurs.

      • Well said Mary! As a man I wouldn’t have the brass neck to pretend I understood how the menopause feels. Having said that I have known women who have a psychological problem with it, in that they feel it marks the end of their useful life. My mother was a prime example. Those women should meet my wife. I well remember listening to a conversation she had with a few friends of her age when she said of the impending menopause; “No more periods? No more contraception? Bring it on!” Few years on now and all she suffers is the occasional hot flush. I wish you well anyway.

      • It’s an interesting one Arfur, I think I had an easier time of it than some women but that may be because I’ve always been active and looked after myself. Two of my friends of a similar age are having a right nightmare with it, possibly because they are both very obese. I was looking forward to the shoplifting urges which never arrived. To be honest, I just felt a bit shit occasionally, so it was like life generally!

  7. The two faces of Jeremy Vine?

    I’d actually say that this odious little cuntoid has more faces than Big Ben and is the very text book definition of a prize ‘A’ CUNT.

    The other thing I’m seeing is a pattern. Why are all cunts called Jeremy?

    Jeremy Vine, Jeremy Corbyn, Jeremy Clarkson, Jeremy Paxman, Jeremy Kyle, Jeremy Hunt. Each one a Fucking Cunt!

    • He’s dead skinny isn’t he?
      Obviously got a eating disorder.
      Fashionable in media circles.
      Thought it was Lena zavaroni in the pic.

      Oh well, probably dead by Christmas?
      The lads from Halfords can carry his coffin.

  8. I’m glad that cunt rides a bike,one day either a paki wimmin or a Romanian trucker will bring about his long overdue demise.

    The vile cunt is the epitome of everything wrong with this country.

  9. It’s only a matter of time before jezza’s nearly clips one of the cities aspiring architect’s and is butchered with a zombie knife..
    Then what a dilemma for the BBC report.
    A beloved employee or a misunderstood ethnic with mental health problems..

  10. He’s the archetypal modern bicyclist.
    Skinny with a face that demands punching.
    Sneering voice and condescending manner.
    Self righteous attitude towards those he views as beneath him. (I.e everybody)
    Add to that the air of invincibility often apparent in those who work for the BBC, and you’ve got an uber cunt of stratospheric proportions.
    It’s a pity he wasn’t in front of that Range Rover that crashed onto the Piccadilly line yesterday morning.

  11. One day, someone will smash this Softy Walters face in.
    It’s good to have something to look forward to.
    In these desperate times.
    Get To Fuck.

  12. Fortunately I dont come in contact with the fucker. I will take his cuntitude as a given.

  13. This is the moron who said cyclists should ride 4 abreast because

    1. It calms the traffic behind them.

    “2. It makes it less easy for bad drivers to attempt dangerous passes.

    “3. It is more pleasant and sociable for them.”

    I can feel some more piss reaching 100 degrees Celsius

  14. Vine is a cunt. He entices whinging pathetic shitheads on to his radio show. Stopped listening to him and the BBC years ago.
    Bid shame Belfield lost the case, I hope the judge is lenient.

  15. The cunt was recently in court crying his eyes out ( literally ) because Alex Belfield had been calling him hurty names ?
    He even said there was a photo of Belfield in his hallway and told his children that this is the Bogie man and if you see him peering in a window you must call the Police.
    Fuck me , i wonder if the Jury believed his bull sit sob story ?

  16. He’s been outed as a do as I say not as I do cunt. I wonder if he’ll moan about himself on his own show, I very much doubt it the massive, unadulterated super cunt.

    • Yup, allegedly. With a Barrymore type anal destroyer to squat on. Apologies for the double cunting. I have made it my life’s work to hang thic cunt on the wall of cunts.

  17. Talking of sticks and canes, I had a beauty called a PIZZLE made out of a bulls cock with a brass rod down the eye hole, its hung up with a weight on it to dry out, fecking evil thing to get a wack from, leaves more stripes than a tiger

  18. It seems to me that the problem here as in some other areas of constant irritation, is the BBC. I watch live television and therefore the BBC is authorised by law to take money from me. It matters not if I never watch their programmes. This is iniquitous, it is undemocratic. It is taxation without representation. The fix is to turn off the money supply. Let the BBC stand or fall by its own efforts. How its managed to maintain this scam for so many years defeats me. Older cunters will remember when the utilities were state-owned. When I have related to younger folks how the gas board, the electricity board, the water companies and the GPO used to treat their customers, often they have expressed disbelief. They are far from perfect now but at least there are ways of rattling their cages and sometimes effecting changes.
    Pre-Thatcher you wouldn’t have wasted the effort it took to complain.

    Sorry, a bit of a rant. Not too far off topic I hope.

  19. The two faces of Jeremy Vine.

    I live in hope that one day I will read a report that both have been scraped along the tarmac by something with more than four wheels and a big Diesel engine power plant.

  20. Jeremy Vine was actually quite good when he first came on the go, replacing the irreplaceable Jimmy Young. But at some point he Vine started smelling his own farts live on air and the methane went to his head and altered his DNA and he morphed into what he is now – a megalomaniac psychotic bellend who is funded by the license payer. Honestly, these TV and radio presenters need to be binned by 2040 if TV and radio are going to survive. No under-40 person watches/listens to these dead mediums anymore. The podcasts/livestreams are where young people are going for topical discussion. Not that those podcasts/streams are all great, most are pish, but from that spawning pond, there are emerging bold voices, funny voices, meanwhile TV/radio is hamstrung by their antiquated formats, regulations and interruptions from adverts, hourly news and the latest shitty Ed $heeran song.

    • They need to be binned NOW, actually. But that would cause hysteria. But it’s like when a manager takes over a football club and has to get rid of the many players, popular though they may be, otherwise the club will collapse and the fans will stop buying the season tickets and merchandise.

      • I agree, Le Cunt. Almost all TV and radio presenters now are shit, especially the BBC ones. Specially trained by the Beeb SS.

        And if there is the odd one who deviates from the woke path, they don’t last long. Sarah Kennedy said something that upset or offended the Wokenfuhrers at the BBC bunker, and look what happened to her. And I notice Paxman has been given the push from Uni-Diversity Challenge, and yet another dark personage has been given his job. But I would (as Keegan would say) luv it if that cunt and woke lickarse Lineker was replaced by one of his black ‘brothers’. Now that would be hilarious.?

        And you are right. Sheeran is the musical version of a turd. Soulless money grabbing talentless little twat. Music by a cunt for a generation of cunts.

  21. Jeremy ‘it wouldn’t take the RAF more than 90 minutes to bomb the Russian convoy off the face of the earth’ Vine.

    Clueless, and a cunt. A dangerous cunt.

  22. Vine is better off wearing a stab vest in London.

    The organisation that made the vest, funded by a company that makes the most HRT products in the UK, was passing it around parliament and Jeremy Vine and basically saying the menopause is awful so you all need to buy more of our products in order to help women. Big sales stunt if you ask me.

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