”Eddie Izzard compares herself to Volodymyr Zelenskyy in bid to become MP”
And no, I didn’t make that up.
Notice how this mincing, unfunny fucking wretch is now referred to as ‘she’. I don’t recall Zelenskyy wearing tights and a bra. But never mind. In Izzard’s head he is a war hero. She is a war hero? Putin would think twice if Izzard was at the MoD.
No Izzard, you are not a she. You are a fucking freak. But he may be Kweer’s secret weapon to knock down the northern blue wall seats. Who knows?
A shoe in for Scunny, Redcar or suchlike. They will be queuing round the block to vote.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Won’t it be fun. Duckie Izzard becomes an MP and minces into tee HoC mens lavatory in his pink mini skirt and gets kicked out, as they think he is a woman. Then the old pervert strides into the wimminz bog. IN trap one Jess Phillips, the well known misandrist is in trap one with her knickers round her ankles, taking a dump, and Dame Eddie is in trap two waving his “boy parts” about. What does Jess do, call out a dodgy bloke in a skirt or pretend, like Slimy Starmer that “he” has a cervix?
This poofter will typify the modern Labour party the party of working men and women, reduced to a pantomime for benders, mincers lezzas and now dirty old men who think they are women.
but it’s not bad news all the time.
Pepper spray to the face – lovely jubbly!!
…and to think, back in the 90’s I went to several of his/her/its live shows and found his/her/it fucking funny. Intelligent humour, witty and to a degree educational.
Now, I’m ashamed to admit that. Stopped being funny, whe he/she/it decided dressing up in womens clothing and being political was more important.
A cunt now.
‘Isn’t HE lovely. 60 fucking years of age and calls himself a “girl”. I thought the insane were not allowed to stand as MPs?
Oh dear me Mr Boggs.
I caution against clicking the link.
Can you fit this freak in for a special fitting Unk?
At this rate I’m going to be forced to start a franchise.
I would take the piss out of a bird looking like that, let alone a fucking bloke … it is a bloke ain’t it?
I too used to think that Eddie was sort of entertaining – even some sort of talent. But now, the twat’s just a clown …
Good luck with your foray into the political world – you’re gonna need it !
If you’d eaten something wishing you hadn’t and want it brought up immediately, just carry a picture of this rundown old TV and you’ll be feeling right as ninepence in no time.
Great insight on the link. Apparently Eddie lizard is a oceans twelve star?
I know Brad Pitt has let himself go recently..
And the photo of it in the dress looking like a fat poundshop pink lookalike..
If ever there was a case for enforced euthanasia in the interests of public sanitation, this megacunt is it.
He looks like a shit doing a shit.
Eddie wasn’t born, they just scraped a pile off his mother’s arse and it grew into what he is now.
That’s very cruel RTC, sorry I can only give you one like.
I say leave the cunt alone, every time he opens his mouth it is a vote lost for for the Labour Party.
Won’t it be fun. Duckie Izzard becomes an MP and minces into the HoC mens lavatory in his pink mini skirt and gets kicked out, as they think he is a woman. Then the old er, mixed up boygirl strides into the wimminz bog. In trap one Jess Phillips, the well known misandrist is in trap one with her knickers round her ankles, taking a dump, and Dame Eddie is in trap two waving his “boy parts” about. What does Jess do, call out a dodgy bloke in a skirt or pretend, like Slimy Starmer that “he” has a cervix?. Either ay it will show her for the mouthy hypocrite she is. Seriously I can’t imagine the likes of Rosie Duffield, a sane Labour woman, would want him in their WC
This poofter will typify the modern Labour party the party of working men and women, reduced to a pantomime for benders, mincers lezzas and now dirty old men who think they are women.
You don’t recall Zelenskyy wearing tights and a bra? What about in latex and high-heels? Watch this…
As for Eddie Izzard, let him at it. Politics is a shit-show, what’s one more turd in the toilet?
Indeed we do, as Russia, it’s troll factories, and the usual band of useful idiots push it at every opportunity as proof of his ‘degeneracy’
As for actual degeneracy, very few of these cunts are remotely interested in Putins bizarre behaviour towards children that makes Biden almost appear normal.
Funny that.
As for the cunt pushing the video, his channel is called ‘the last trump’ and a quick scroll through his other videos shows him to be a pious religious mental cunt.
Bet he loves his guns almost as much as he loves Jesus, the fucking sad loon.
Russia bad Ukraine good there is evidence..
Unfortunately for us there are 650 turds floating in the pan already. Time to pull the flush.
I think you’d need a grenade to dispose of that many. Or even a large lump of C4.
Either he has cultivated his man-boobs or he has stuffed a couple of pairs of Thornberry’s bloomers down his top.
I honestly think this type of exhibitionistic homosexual should be treated like they did to “ordinary” homosexuals prior to 1967 – lock them up. The ordinary ones who didn’t advertise should have been left alone – it is this sort of mincing queen that needs locking up.
Is an Izzard better than a Truss?
Perhaps gladiatorial combat will reveal all.
Then set tigers on the winner.
I’d rather be in a truss than in an Izzard. It would be too confusing. With his world weary face, I suspect Dame Kweer is already in a truss, and Streeting and Bryant would like to be in (or on) an Izzard. There is nowt so q ueer as folk.
I’d rather be in the pub.
His Death Star Canteen thing was very funny, have to admit. And so is his new look.
Just look at the fucking state of it!
On a more serious note, I wonder how many bodies are under his patio?
It’s a scientific fact that all trannies are serial killers.
Does he own a little white poodle called Precious?
I’d almost put money on it…
What a cunt, I would like to see her playing a piano with her cock (actually wouldn’t like to see but it’s to make the point).
Indulge these fantasists and we will end up with a fucked up country, well even more fucked up.
Filthy exhibitionist freak. Who does he think is going to vote for him? Maybe the bent trash in Brighton but nobody else.
I can’t see Russell-Moyle . Ms Lucas-on-the-Green, or Kyle standing down for him/her/it. It might stand a chance in Islington or one of the university towns where they might think he/she/it was fwightfully amusing. Does Colney Hatch or Broadmoor have an MP – a chance there, too
Who does he think is going to vote for him?
Judging by his scarf: Arsenal fans.
This twat will fit right in at the house of cunts, I bet mp pincher can’t fucking wait for this muncher to bare his arse for a good slapping….?
I encourage everyone to nick his pink beret when he’s on the campaign trail.
Watching the confused twat have a meltdown is fucking hilarious.
Chuck it in the Thames, next to Steve Brays megaphone ?
I remember that pink beret when he appeared on Question Time back when the BBC were openly pushing the remoaner cause. He made a total cunt of himself that night with his sneering, foul tempered arrogance. And I don’t believe the bastard has ever run a marathon in his life……all for the camera.
Good for Him/Her/It….just when I thought my contempt for politicians had reached it’s highest possible setting, Eddie minces into view looking like Myra Hindley attempting to disguise herself as Jimmy Saville on an episode of ” Stars in their Eyes.”
I’d love to see it having a fist fight with that fat lad M.P who did a runner from his car while dressed as “The Unsinkable Molly Brown”
More likely to see him having a fisting, than a fist fight.
Fucking reptile.
I can safely say Leicester East will not be having Gizzard as a candidate
I was born in Leicester East when it was still white. Halcyon days.
Me too Mog, highfields.
It will be difficult to self identify as a Muslim dressed like that. Peter Soulsby maybe able to assist
Put the fucking lotion in the basket!
Breaking News.
The cunt says he is going to stand for Labour in Sheffield Central. There is a picture of the cunt mincing with the cops.
Eat all. Drink all, and pay for nowt.
And if tha does owt for nowt.
Tek it up th’arse.
Eddie Izzard MP for Sheffield Central (Miss) ???
Aren’t there enough clowns in the chamber already, it will be hilarious when old Lindsay kicks him out for being a twat, get the house fuzz to mince him out.
Send her to Russia to bum Putin to death.
Surprised she didn’t get the role of Miss Fritton on those two bloody awful St. Trinians remakes.
Apparently, Izzard is fluent in many languages and academically gifted.
Like many of that ilk, he has no common sense or self awareness.
Let us perhaps be grateful, that he chose a career as a ‘comedian’ and not in MI5 or the foreign office, the traditional eccentrics vocations of choice, he really could do some damage there.
‘don’t recall Zelenskyy wearing tights and a bra’
He does like his heels though–
Fuck me, I live in Sheffield, utter Cunt.
Fuck off Edwina you cunt. Go back to running marathons, you were a typical leftwing unfunny comedian. I bet old Zel would take one look at the mess you are and piss his pants.
Seems a nice enough lady?
Well done Mrs!!
That picture of Izzard….
‘Mickey Luv.. What is the capikul of France?’
‘It’s like Bunty, only written by tramps…’
Oven the tranny
In his comedy ‘heyday# he was just a bloke who wore tights and make-up but was ‘straight’.
Now he is a she.
Fuck off Izzard, you warped, shallow cunt.
Ooh! You are awful! But I love you! Sorry that was Dick Emery. The last person to dress in wimminz clothes. At least it was funny.
As if labour couldn’t get any worse. Puke ?
He/she/it etc needs to take over from Starmer.
Make sure that Labour don’t get in. Not that I want this shit shower of government to continue either.
We’re not only meant to tolerate this kind of shit these days, we’re meant to celebrate it. Do fucking wot????
Gender dysphoria is a fucking MENTAL ILLNESS. No more, no less.
I don’t know how much more of this shit I can take.
Better off dead ….
If he stands and loses – send him off to Dignitas. I wonder what old Denis Skinner would say, if the sick tranny had wanted to replace him in Bolsover. I suspect it wouldn’t have been a complimentary comment.