Eddie Izzard (8) MP Wannabe

”Eddie Izzard compares herself to Volodymyr Zelenskyy in bid to become MP”

And no, I didn’t make that up.

Notice how this mincing, unfunny fucking wretch is now referred to as ‘she’. I don’t recall Zelenskyy wearing tights and a bra. But never mind. In Izzard’s head he is a war hero. She is a war hero? Putin would think twice if Izzard was at the MoD.

No Izzard, you are not a she. You are a fucking freak. But he may be Kweer’s secret weapon to knock down the northern blue wall seats. Who knows?

A shoe in for Scunny, Redcar or suchlike. They will be queuing round the block to vote.

MSN News Link

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

65 thoughts on “Eddie Izzard (8) MP Wannabe

  1. Anyone who can’t make up their mind up if the are male or female is not fit to walk the streets or be in contact with normal people not to mention children, this delusional, ugly, unfunny Fag could soon hold a prominent position in Government, how can anyone take it seriously and not burst out laughing at the very sight of it.?

  2. Remember watching that Hannibal show sometime last year and thinking to myself. “Why the fuck did they get Eddie Izzard to play some hard serial killer” lol

    And now he wants to be politician again like he was campaigning too years ago. I guess when he’s bored with being a high paid actor he waddles back to politics

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