If you wondered if the world has gone completely mental here’s positive proof that it fucking has.
The aforementioned Adams is a dirty trannie who “works” in a YMCA swimming pool in Washington. A regular customer, an 80 year old woman objected to the presence of this piece of filth in the female changing room. He was wearing a female swimming costume and watching little girls getting undressed.
The reaction of the YMCA?….,,,they banned the old Doris!!
The world turned upside down!
NY Post Link.
Daily Fail Link.
(Links provided by Dickie Dribbler)
Nominated by: Freddie the Frog
All tran§bumders are pædophıles.
They should be executed.
Let’s hope they find Clementine floating face down in the pool any day soon.
Not a chance I’d let my kids in a swimming centre that employed one of these monsters.
Well said Tom
Just wait till Eddie Izzard becomes an M.P and he starts mincing round the wimminz lavatory, while old Emily Thornberry breaks the lavatory seat while she is shitting and farting, and AnalEase Dodds is wringing out her Tenaladies……
Fucking hell WCB you have a wild imagination.
Did you play with the other kids much at school or was it too much time down the mess?
Only joking of course, your posts always make me chuckle.
It’s quite plausible that Eddie lizard may find that a fucking turn on.
To my mind it’s very simple. While you have a cock, you’re a man and I don’t give a flying fuck what you want people to think you are. Using this cunt’s argument anybody can drive a car because they are ‘saving up for lessons’.
My darling clementine.. Where’s wyatt earp and doc holliday when you need them..
Did you hear about the discovery of a new type of dinosaur that was discovered in the USA? It was a large multi toothed carnivore , when they dug it’s fossilised remains they found traces of lipstick around it’s mouth and it was wearing a pearl necklace and high heels and stockings and suspenders, they named it tranny saurus rex….
I’ll get my coat,…..taxi!!
Ah yes the Megasaurarse, frightful beast.
They found one they reckoned had poor eyesight.
They’ve called that one
Didyouthinkhesawus Rex
I don’t know if this sort of thing is part of the “great conspiracy” or just another example of a civilisation that is in natural ( unnatural) decline…..but whichever it is…the end can’t come quick enough.
A society that puts the “rights” of sexual predators and the mentally ill above the safety of it’s children really does deserve the severest of “resettings”.
The decline is the result of a mixture of stupidity and blind idealism.
With dark forces watching approvingly on the sidelines, waiting for their moment.
Tinfoil hat optional…?
A tranny at a swimming pool? Where’s Michael Barrymore when you need him?
I don’t know which is more worrying. A trans in in the ladies changing rooms or Tom Daley in the mens.
Either way we are all fucked, these deviants need a live electric cable thrown in the pool
If you have a dick you ain’t a chick, end of. If you have the conversion technically your still male but will cause less unease in women’s facilities.
But hey diversity is strength, live and let live by law, speak Ill of no one except those we tell you to, suppress your inner desire to protect your kids from deviants religious, and temporal, most of all love your fellow lgbtfdewsauibcde as one off your own.
Almost forgot have pride in your dealings.
He could have taken a job in a supermarket, a warehouse, or a restaurant. However, that wouldn’t have allowed him to ogle women and young girls changing whilst he pranced about in a swimsuit with his junk on display.
The lunatics really have taken over the asylum.
This will not end well.
There’s definately something dirty in the water, in that swimming pool!
All of us cunters can be outraged at the obvious.
But on another level what should terrify us is the great strides made by the Progressive Brave New World crowd in their quest to destroy Western Civilization.
The fact that an employee of the YMCA…Young Men’s Christian Association…is so fully indoctrinated in the Left’s woke ideology as to be blind to the dangers of a disturbed man dressed as a woman watching naked little girls is truly frightening.
It shows how successful the evil Progressives have been in brainwashing multiple generations of useful idiots. Think about it, The “Y” employee is not a member of the WEF. She (probably) doesn’t go to Davos. She may or may not be a Democrat but if she is, it is unlikely…given that she has a job at the “Y”…that she moves in the same circles as the Obamas or any of the other so called elites.
She is obviously a true believer and one of an army of useful idiots the left has recruited. But she isn’t the only one. Here’s a horde of useful idiots harassing Julie Jaman as she speaks publicly on the matter:
There is a veritable army of these useful idiots out there. They truly believe this woke propaganda. They have no fear and no shame and will use any means…no matter how perverse or vile…to achieve what they believe is justice…social, environmental or otherwise. And THAT is what’s really horrific.
I had that video saved but it appears it has been taken down. I wonder why? Perhaps it violates YouTube’s laughable standards.
Perhaps I should put the correct link up before I jump to conclusions:
But then again…
Sorry everyone.
One thing the wokey triggering snowflake obminations would be fearful of is physical violence, they wont be able to misinterpret that or spin it to their own nefarious ends when they are picking their teeth up off the floor. Absolute cunts to a ??, parasites of the first water.
I read stories like this and I think…..this is the most mental fucking thing I’ve ever heard of! But I know two or three days later I’ll be saying exactly the same thing about a different story. Where the fuck will it end?
Civil war perhaps…
There’s bound to be a societal backlash sooner or later BB.
When we put a big boot in their fucking face.
They’s allowed to stick it in your face these days.
American or to be more precise, Californian mental bullshit gone worldwide
You’re a shower of cunts for making this creep exist and then defend its soon to be cunt status but not quite yet as its still got a cock and balls and likes hanging out in little girls undressing rooms.
Someone needs to perform the operation for the removal of bollock off this cunt very soon, as in a gripped fist and rip.
Send it to the electric chair ??
In the “ladies changing room,” those Spaedo trunks were a dead givaway!
As my years advance, I think the ‘Right side of history’ is the bit we’re leaving at the moment.
Things will come to a head when one of the abominations flashes their meat and two veg at some little girl who’s parents are martial arts instructors or gun nuts.
Can’t wait.
Iwo Jima
Such unbelievable sacrifice.
And this is what you get.
Fuck off.
A small fruit that comes in stockings at Christmas?
I prefer satsuma’s personally.
0795643891- Harold Hewitt’s number for you.
Hey. I said satsuma’s not butternut squash.
I always thought it was fun to stay at the YMCA
‘Many ways to have a good time’ ?
Young Man
You can perv at the kids
Young Man
you can ban the old bids
That header pic should have read; Clemantine Adams and the state of the Y.M.C.A.
When one of these trans-deviants commits a crime, forensics will always conclude that they are looking for a male.
The science doesnt tell you about the mental health of tha male, it will only tell you that it’s a male.
Science doesn’t give a shit what you think, believe, or demand. It doesn’t matter how loud you say it or any threats made.
Until science states they are looking for a woman as a result of any forensic analysis, these dickheads will have to remain mortally offended and lucky to be out in the community.
We use to lock up nutjobs who thought they were Napoleon or Jesus H Christ to protect society. Now we protect the nutjobs and pander to their shite…
Some years ago my niece took a camera to the pool to take photos of her kids. Once she was spotted they removed her from the pool area tout suite.
Then she was given a lecture about how pedro flies could use photo opportunities to perv children. Don’t do it again or you’ll be banned.
While agreeing with the message and explanation given, she took umbrage at the way security confiscated her camera and marched her out in full view of everyone present.
I wonder what the rules are nowadays with the wokies and pervs having such a prominent voice in society.
I suspect she would still get the same treatment, while allowing men in bikinis with their bollocks bulging to sit on the side ogling her daughters.
About 10 years ago all the workers at the local pool had instruction on how to spot possible pervs and how to keep an eye on them or challenge their behaviour. Sure that this useful instruction is no longer given.
As you so rightly state some of the “females” attending would be worth keeping an eye on. Due to the time of year I refrain from visiting the pool or using the public toilets in the village as even an old cunt like me could fall victim to some of the horrors that visit.