(Spot the Evil White Man – Day Admin)
Civil Wars, Conflicts and Mass Genocide in Africa.
For decades there have been many ongoing civil wars in various African states/countries, mostly due to despotic presidents, aggressive military rulers and an assortment of corrupt governments, politicians, trafficking and vested interests from abroad.
Nothing ever seems to change – a murderous president is replaced with someone equally repellent. Elections – should a country have the benefit of having one – are more often than not rigged in favour of whomever wields the most money, power and influence.
The UN and other august world organisations “tut, tut”, shake heads and demand “something should be done”, but we all know it’s just a load of bollocks. No one really gives a shit because Africa isn’t all that important apart from cheap exploitation of workers and its rich natural resources soon to be gobbled up by the Chinese.
In one respect what it does mean is a possible mass exodus of millions of people moving to Europe (we know this to be true because we see it at Dover every day). And the cynic in me thinks this all part of a grand plan to more or less abandon most African states to the corrupt and wicked rulers while letting millions of its civilians find refuge in the West.
You could imagine a scenario 30 years hence where the population of all African countries has dropped from around 1.7bn today to about 500m in 2050, with those 1.2bn refugees safely ensconced in the West (to be renamed New Africa, perhaps?)
But what is more intriguing is the lack of headline interest from the MSM. Is it because the fault lies with black politicians, military leaders, presidents, drug dealers, traffickers and murderers? If so then as far as the MSM is concerned its just a case of “Nothing to see here. move along!” (Out of interest, I went to the “Africa” web page of the BBC News, and the main headline was some legal petition by Kenyan tea-pickers suing against a Scottish company they work for!)
I would surmise their attitude might change if say there was another white leader in say South Africa and there was a subsequent civil war. We know what kind of cards the media would pull then – probably!
The likes of the BLM, the Islington Woke, the Guardian, Lilly Mong, Owen Jones, Diane Abbott, David Lammy, Lenny Henry et al. None of them are doing anything to intervene in these conflicts (i.e.. fly out to some war-torn ghetto and protest on the streets). Instead they will just blame the usual suspects while hiding behind their keyboards in nice leafy suburbs in the South East, or bleating about it on Daytime TV or Social Media.
The conflicts in Africa are mostly home-made by egotistical politicians – most of whom are black. But we see no street protests in London, no demonstrations, nothing; probably because the conflicts have little to do with those old chestnuts of colonialism, British Empire and/or slavery. But more to do with corruption, money laundering (usually foreign aid), black-on-black-slavery and tribal warfare. Therefore no one gives two hoots.
Black Lives Matter?
Do they fuck!
Nominated by: Technocunt
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ?? no sympathy from me.Let them all cook each other in their large cooking pots.Twats.
Just wait till David Lammy is Foreign Secretary. Thirty stone Dave will emerge from his aircraft, stark bollock naked, except for his warpaint and mini loincloth and read them the riot act, and all will be sweetness and light. He will take Dame Kweer as a peace offering to the Gods, who will remain behind (or at least his head will, on a spike outside the Chief’s tent). Dave will swing from the trees, find his Jane, to his Tarzan and return in triumph. Britain deserves better.
The catastrophic failings of Africa do not fit the “narrative”.
Hut made of cow shit?
55 kids with Beri-beri?
6 wives with tits like Spaniels ears?
A 40 year old radio stolen from a white missionary?
Monkeys with AIDS next door?
Nearest town looks like a nuclear test site?
Welcome to The Dark Continent…it’s rammed full of primitive swine who want to steal your house.
Let us prey Ebola goes airborne so that the whole nest can be nuked.
And Stuka’s.
And monkey Pox
Hut made of cow shit?
55 kids with Beri-beri?
6 wives with tits like Spaniels ears?
A 40 year old radio stolen from a white missionary?
Monkeys with AIDS next door?
Nearest town looks like a nuclear test site?
…….this IS Kent now mate.
Yes unfortunately
Just normal behaviour for them. Pity they exported it to the rest of the world.
If the ” people of colour” whatever the fuck that means are so sick of being belittled and held back by us dirty honkies, why dont they all get together and go back to Africa and show us their oppressors how fecking amazing and successful they are without the hated white man holding them back.
True…..all the fucking immigrants coming here because their countries are corrupt shitholes, and immediately try and change the UK into the place they have just left that they thought was shit.
Explain that?
Just look at any area that has been populated by the ethnic,
It’s a shithole.
Hit the nail right on the head Techno (and so right about the Chinese). And Unkle paints a pretty accurate picture of that continent (fucked if I would go lion spotting in Africa!)
The process will gain momentum and my grand-kids will suffer the consequence – I shall be long gone. About the only thing that will change its direction is a world-wide conflict. Sorry to be so pessimistic, but history keeps showing us that when there is (the known) world-wide turmoil, one solution is to thin out the sentient species (us) – and today we can do that on a grand scale. It will create utter devastation, but at least those that are left will be busy for a long, long time rebuilding and thinking about nothing else. No BLM. no LGBTQXYZ, no self identification as the latest twat idea, and probably not many goat shaggers left either – lots of yellow folk around, but at least the last remnants of that curse of religion might be finally obliterated.
I apologise for being such a doom-laden, negative cnut, but think about it …
A lot of people are predicting WW3 these days but I just can’t see it happening. It’s not economically viable. USA and China rely on each other, it’s a symbiotic relationship as it is with all countries in the modern age. Something else is coming, or is already here: the information wars, cyber wars. A nutter may emerge in America who starts a war, but it won’t come from any other country. The Chinese don’t do war in that way. Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” and all that.
Nah, we live in crazy times that will get crazier but it won’t be like the doom-tards predict. It will be quite fun, I reckon. Life is always fun if you just readjust your mindset.
I often ponder how the peoples of the continent that had a hand inventing everything ever made & built, according to the current narrative, ended up regressing to the current shithole inhabitants they are today.
Could it be that the narrative may be slightly (massively) askew? Or is it that my white privilege is clouding my thoughts, or even that whitey kept all the aspiring architects down?
Far too fond of kipping under the trees instead of grafting is the most likely reason, the lazy, work-shy fuckers.
White farmers make a success of farming in SA. Give the natives jobs and an income. Natives kill the white farmers, take over their farms………two years later. Famine.
I remember reading, years ago now Chuff, of how white farmers were evicted in Rhodesia. When the blicks came in and took over they pushed over the farm buildings and sold the bricks! What’s a stronger term than short-sighted? Oh, that’s right;thick.
The last bit of Techno’s excellent nom “Black Lives Matter – Do They Fuck” ought to be sung at football matches as the players are busy kneeling.
It’s an adage we should all try to live by each day.
Who cares about n*gnogs butchering each other! Next!!
Umbongo v Katanga, could apply to any African country, they are all savages.
The N*gs in the west should thanking our colonial history for slavery otherwise they would still be in the fucking African shitholes.
Ungrateful cunts.
Chinese economic colonialism will show the cunts what oppression really feels like. The CCP will prop up all and any tyrants to maintain stability for their own ends. Serves the cunts right.
I lived there when Mandela was president and there was hope. Then came Mbeki who, like Obama say, looked and spoke like a civilised human until he got into the ‘Aids cured by beetroot and garlic’ narrative. A chimp in a suit. Them came Zuma and I was outta there.
The average (unlikely to IQ) African male appears to behave in the same tribal way for many thousands of years.
Init Bro ?
Let them get on with it. The only 2 countries that were ever successful in Africa were SA and Rhodesia, run by Whitey.
Day Admin,
De white debil is Cecil Rhodes! Where me prize maneh???
A darkie pushed a leaflet through our letterbox this afternoon.
Me dog went ballistic ( she’s racist ).
I’ve reported the incident to the authorities.
It’s a fucking disgrace.
Good afternoon.
When African countries have a civil war the war crimes start straight away!
Chopping off limbs,
Rape as a weapon,
Mass graves,
People fed to crocodiles,
You’ve got to hand it to them they don’t mess about.
Whether it’s a tribal difference, a political sticking point or merely a religious aberration,
It’s out with the machetes!!
Best just to sit back, have a snack and watch.
FAO: Day Admin.
Good afternoon! I was wondering if you have any access to ISAC’s page code or is it WordPress uneditable?
Because if I’m looking at the comments on my phone and it’s a long thread, on the ‘Newer comments’ page, there’s no ‘Older comments’ button but there is one if I switch to Desktop version.
Could this be updated for phone users, do you think?
Seconded, Mo.
Piss be with you.
That’s always been a pain to deal with. Fourthed.
Dont get me started on this shit…….
Africa, richest continent on planet earth in terms of resources. Copper, Gold, iron ore, diamonds, rubber, silver, uranium, coal. You name it they have it.
Trouble is, why is Africa the poorest economically in the world? The lefty cunts would have you believe that its years of white European colonialism that have stripped this rich continent bare but why is it that 60-70 years after whitey was evicted from Africa that the continent is the poorest it’s ever been.
The literal elephant in the room is because the native blick population have contributed wholeheartedly to the collapse.
Let’s look at why. The Negroíd race are thick, lazy, greedy and brutish. Left to their own devices they can only fight, steal and fuck. That’s why their are so many tinpot wars. That is also why HIV is rampant in Africa. A certain spade gets to be warlord then the greed kicks in so he starts squandering all the wealth of the country. A rival spade warlord gets jealous, steps in to challenge the latest thug in charge thus starting a war and so it continues.
Don’t believe me? Look at Rhodesia and South Africa. As soon as the white rule ended the countries have collapsed under blick leadership. Both of those countries were strong, had good infrastructure, employment, good governance and stable/healthy economies.
Now they are corrupt, poor, run down, looted, lawless hell holes whose near ferral inhabitants would hack your arm off for your watch and rape your wife at the same time.
All because the thick, lazy, greedy and corrupt negroíds have fucked it up over the years.
The only language these spóoks understand is the boot. They literally need kicking to work. The old European colonials knew this and got the cunts working thus building a strong and rich Africa. When they left in the 50’s & 60’s the continent fell apart at the seems under the pressure from all the wars created by the greedy níg-nógs trying to steal all the wealth.
Enter the Chinese. The next chapter of Africa will be written in Chíng-Chóng.
The duck eating cunts also understand the spoóks are greed ridden idle bastards who can’t wipe their own arses. So in exchange for a crappy little railway line and the odd school and hospital and a few backhanders to the tribe chief the chínks get 100 year exclusive mining and mineral rights for the African country they are in.
They are the new colonisers and i doubt their views of the black race are anyway near as benevolent as the whites were.
Funny how Africa has more failed states than any other continent in the world. It’s purely down to the laze and greed of all the bone idle spoók bastards that run the show yet we teach kids in our classrooms the exact opposite to that regarding why Africa is in such a poor ruinous state.
The tiddlywınks ought to hope that there’s no african Martin Luther King, a fellow who can unite the savages against the incoming yellow peril.
Or they might find, once they come over en-masse like 5 foot locusts, that the tribes overcome their differences and the slit-eyes’d find themselves in the cauldron faster than they can eat a dog.
Baron Von Cunthausen, not every square inch of Africa is like that, not every nation, every person. There are awakenings in Africa, indications of a new era for certain countries to rise out of the mire. Only time will tell. As it will for Britain and America. Right now, both are on trajectories for disaster. Who will turn the Titanic around?
Fuck me, that photo! The Drifters lineup sure has changed over the years.
But seriously, the Sudan civil war barely got a lick of coverage. 1 million people fled from South Sudan to Uganda (yeah, UGANDA! I hope the Sudanese men don’t eat da poo-poo) and now live in a tent city. If they had fled to Italy we would have heard about it.
Nah, coverage of black people problems, injustice, inhumane treatment only gets coverage when it’s at the hand of evil whitey.
Having said that, I am a huge fan of Africa. It’s the last REAL, “based” as the kids say, place on Earth. I am genuinely thinking of moving to Ghana when I get older and won’t have the energy to deal with Broken British bullshit. Ghana (38) is only five places below Britain (33) on the World Peace Index: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-peaceful-countries
But most importantly, Ghana doesn not have screeching cunt celebrities like we do. People smile and are happy, sing and dance in the streets and the funerals are like carnivals. Ghana has a 40-year development program. Britain can’t even meets the demands of striking bin-men, can’t sort out the most basic, easy-to-solve problems.
Britain needs to get it’s act together or it will be Britain that becomes the country that is laughed at as a backward shithole filled with chaos, violence and depravity.
Rant over! (for now)
Just typed, “Broken Britain” into YouTube and got this BBC Panorama piece, shocking fucking shocking…
Boris Johnson was willfully useless. He should get battered if he stumbles into a public place when he steps down.
Evil cunts run this world, but not for long…
My parents lived in South Africa for about 10/11 years. Just outside jo’burg and then Durban. Loads of stories about indigenous folk fucking everything up that whitey took so long to sort out.
Pops was a pipe support engineer for the petrochemical industry and saw Positive discrimination at first hand. Some horrible stories of stupidity on a grand scale.
After the ANC got in most whitey decided to leave as too dangerous to go to work.
One blick worker was hired to clean the gangways and stairs in a section of the plant which would get oily and slippy etc.
Every morning and I mean EVERY MORNING he would ask “ hey boss, what doing today?” The reply would be “ clean the stairs and gangways as per your job title “
What’s not to understand!?!
Or the other one that got a job in IT.
On his interview he stated he was in IT. So with experience and being a certain hue ( the only one that colour applied amongst about 30 odd white folk ) he got the job.
Within three days they worked out he knew nothing about computers and code. When asked his experience he said that he had previously worked as manual storeperson for a computer manufacturer and just moved boxes into the vans !
Kept his job though I think.
Go figure.
And that man was Elon Musk!
African tribal warfare, a lot of which is based on ethnicity, is usually blamed on colonialism.
Yup. Once again. It’s honky’s fault.
This is why i can’t be bothered with the BBC or Sky. Most of what’s going on remains unreported, or covered up.
It’s all climate crisis, gender bollocks collapsing race relations in this country and the Tory ‘leadership’.
To quote a certain Orange cunt, ‘fake news’.
BBC? Sky? Newspapers? Oh, those antiquated things from the 20th century? They still exist?
I have worked in Africa for years. They are all cunts and they know it.
This is what happens when you treat them like grown ups and leave them to it …….
Is it me, or do all the cunts look the same?
T, I, A, it means this is Africa, if something can be botched, stolen, conned, scammed, pilfered, wrecked, ignored, ruined by ineptitude or greed or being corrupt, cruel or just plain fucking laziness it falls into T, I, A, it’s the excuse used by everyone all the time.
Payoffs and corruption are the norm for long enough to make some money and then fuck off before your expected to govern the ensuing mess, muck like the UK at the moment, Boris should be fucking Nigerian, he has it all except the tone, maybe he, s a homfrodite, sorry I meant albino.
Anyway most of Africa is run by corrupt, back stabbing cunts even nowadays, T, I, A explains the fuck fest that is Africa, can also be used for Albania as its pretty much the same story there to…