(Boris either taking a dump or on the vinegar strokes stage after betraying the loyal Tory electorate who voted for him and his party – Day Admin)
What is the point of this government?
Conservative? No fucking way.
”Asylum applications hit 20-year high – but just 15 rejected in a year”
That’s out of 60 000. 60 fucking thousand. 0.25%.
The Home Office hasn’t been fit for purpose for decades but they have really nailed it with this.
How many are in hotels? What does it cost? How many are single young males?
Fuck knows because Boris and his shower of incompetent cunts are presiding over a shitshow where these fuckers are escorted in by Border Force and Coastguards. Put up in hotels. Fed and fucking clothed.
And none of the fuckers are actually asylum seekers. They come from France knowing that they will be looked after by us dull cunts. And can turn our cities into 3rd world shitholes to make them feel at home.
When there was the public backed will to help real asylum seekers from Ukraine they fucked that up too.
Then we have this Rwanda bollocks. Again all piss and wind.
But wait, at least we have a net zero commitment. And the return of Imperial measures. And erm, well those.
Are the cunts from the HO ‘working’ from home still. Like the Passport Office and DVLC?
This government, the cunt who is supposedly in charge, and the whole of fucking Whitehall are a fucking disgrace. Steptoe couldn’t do worse.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
I did a nom yesterday in a similar vein to this, we’re powerless. Voting is an actual waste of time.
(We did consider merging your nom with this one since it is in a similar vain. But we decided to keep it separate and scheduled it for a slightly later date – Day Admin)
Good morning.
I’m here representing the Write ALL CUNTS Across Your Ballot Paper Party.
If you don’t want to vote positively, or negatively (to keep that even worse load of cunts out), then we are the party for you!
Our forbears fought and died for your right to vote, so vote ALL CUNTS!
RTC@ – This will just guarantee Labour or the Tories power but with less seats.
We need to be voting for a coalition of independents.
I have done that for the past several years. I draw a little box with “you’re all cunts party” next to it and put a cross in it. Makes me smile thinking some nosy old cow doing the counting will open it and see that.
I will
@Vern. “a coalition of independents”
Good luck with that. At best you might get one MP elected, more likely they’ll all lose their deposits, as is what invariably happens.
No, best to spoil your ballot paper. Vent your spleen on it or wipe your shitty arse with it. The number of spoilt ballots is always announced at the count, and the candidates do read them to check they are not admissible, I know this because my missus is an election official.
Any coalition of independents will be swiftly exposed by TV and newspapers as “Far Right extremists”
The overwhelming majority of the population will believe this, as they’ve been programmed.
Assuming they can drag their attention away from shitty football matches, Love Island or Netflix crap that is.
Sorry to sound so pessimistic but I really believe that we are fucked beyond the point of no return…
A coalition of independents is a pipe dream. Can you imagine ten of them agreeing with each other, let alone 650? It would be an ego driven squabbling farce that would make the northern Ireland Parliament seem decent.
I spoiled my ballot paper this year at the local elections, and will continue to do so until there is someone worthy of my tick.
At least my vote is counted, and one against the current system. Not voting can be twisted by any party as to why there is voter apathy, so don’t give the cunts the opportunity
You have my vote going forward ?
I’m disgusted with myself that I voted for this shower in 2019. Mitigating circumstance was that they were hiding behind a conservative badge. Like Mr Daltry sang: “we won’t get fooled again”!
Politics is a fucking disgrace.
As a country,a sovereign nation as they say,the government has one priority :
To ensure the safety and well being of its population.
That’s been chucked out in favour of political correctness.
It’s dawned on our political class that doing fuck all or getting tangled up in red tape on purpose works a treat for them.
How about telling the EU to fuck itself when it wants our money?
Human rights court in a foreign country? Fuck off.
Asylum seekers from France? returned at bayonet point.
NHS for foreigners? No fuck off.
The list of issues that could be solved by some cunt with guts is long..but it could be done if we were still Great Britain.
Fuck them all.
Completely agree unkle.
Clowns ? to the right of me jokers ? to the left. Here I am stuck in the middle with
Two sets of cunts. We’re is guy fawkes when you need him
Agreed Unkle
This story made me fucking laugh…….criminal on the run tries to cross from England to France in a dinghy and they fucking picked him up and brought him back…..can’t think what the UK immingration calais to dover water taxi service would have been looking out for on that day…..surely not someone in the channel in a dinghy? Bet they thought it was one of our cultural enrichment friends, and tried to help him out when they realised they he was going the wrong way!
CC, I think the signage in the channel is all in Urdu etc.
The flood of Migrants across the channel is more than a cause for concern, the Rwanda plan was never going to work you just knew the likes of the legal left wing vultures would soon tie up that idea, the Rwandan government must have thought Christmas had come early with the Cash bung that they have no intention of returning even if no Migrants even land there.! All these people Pissing on the idea should at least put forward an alternative suggestion to stop this Locust Swarm descending across the Channel because let’s face the harrowing truth, once they are here they are here to stay, I’m glad that me and my partner chose not to have children as the Great Britain of old is Dead they just haven’t collected the Corpse yet.!
At least the cunt Boris was able to spunk millions of pounds of public cash to some grabby Africans.
Redistribution of wealth, as demanded by his masters…
I bet Rwandan Mercedes dealerships are busy at the moment…
What’s the betting the lefty lawyers behind all of this get paid by the taxpayer? Pound to a penny says they are.
If we can’t scrap EU control like the ECHR (remind me why the fuck we voted to leave the EU anybody?!) why can’t we stop legal aid or whatever it is that pays these cunts. One or two would probably keep sticking their legal oars in free of charge but the rest of them would fuck off right away to do something more lucrative like “ambulance chasing” which more befits their ilk.
All politicians (with literally no exceptions) are bought and paid for by lobbyists, banks and corporations.
Politicians are the actors, paid to deliver the lines and provide a focal point for the idiot general public to identify with. They don’t write the script or direct/produce the films.
Spot on, Sir. Very well put.
May I just add that they mostly get quite wealthy doing it.
TtCE@ – Afternoon Thomas – that pretty much sums it up.
It is getting the 90% of the people to realise this and do something to get them out that is the problem.
What a shit storm over the last couple of years.
They are fucking useless I agree, but his blood pressure must be rocketing.
Doesn’t help with all the lefties trying to throw in legal challenges all the time when they know full well they are just trying to bring down a government. Because they love the EU so much, yet a wall in Poland has been built. It’s actually pathetic what these traitors have caused.
Can’t blame me I voted reform and they got zero MPs.
I actually love Britain but I do truly want to move abroad when my parents die. This country has now become infested with wankers.
Totally agree CCCM.
Where the fuck can you move to though? The whole world’s fucked now
I used to think NZ was a good option but not now with that horse faced bitch running the gaff. Canada?…. you must be having a laugh.
The best bet now is Hungary. Until Uncle Vlad decides to roll the tanks in again.
Narru, sounds Ideallic. Shouldn’t post it really because it will be the next go to place another place ruined.
Nauru sorry shitty phone
A great nomination indeed:
For me a lot of the problem is endemic short term thinking. Appeasement of those who shout the loudest, thereby, fixing the immediate problem to make life easy until they are longer in the job and so don’t care.
Modern day politics is a career and not a labour of love – therein lies the problem as I see it. Reap, sow, fuck off as I’m alright Jack….
Spot on MB3.
Decisions are made on the back of ‘Opinion Polls’ because the lightweights we have in Government really don’t have any real opinions or convictions other than to have power and to make money out of the State.
There’s no stomach to solve the so called Immigration Crisis because there’s lots of wonga to be made from it.
Take SERCO for example. One of these so called ‘services’ businesses. What that means is they hoover up Public Sector contracts and keep the profits for the shareholders.
SERCO is run by Christopher Soames, brother of Rupert Soames Tory MP and both Grandsons of Winston Churchill.
SERCO we’re recently awarded a £1.3bn contract to manage Asylum Seekers.
But what can you do?
The press aren’t interested because they’re pissing in the same pot, owned by Party donors.
You know I think this has always been the case but these days, because of the internet, for good or for bad you can’t effectively hide it.
I actually do think Spoilt ballot papers is the way to go.
Because that sends a clear message to the cunts that lie and cheat but are desparate to borrow your vote every 4 or 5 years that they have been given notice.
Never mind, let’s look at the positives, a set of Pride stamps from the Royal Mail, something to cheer everyone up in these turbulent times, can’t wait to get the full set.?
We have to stop demonising migrants, it’s not about France being a safe country, these migrants have a connection to the UK, honest. What’s not to like, the connection being a nice hotel and pocket money and the worst case scenario is the very unlikely chance of a five star hotel in Rwanda.
Let’s go for a 100,000 crossing this year with zero fatalities on this Extremely Dangerous Crossing, in case anyone was in doubt, it’s the busiest shipping lane in the world.
Finally let’s not forget the poor French gendarmerie, it takes a lot of skill and self discipline to keep their eyes firmly shut when patrolling the Calais beaches paid for by the UK government.
Well done Boris, keep up the good work ?
It would be a fucking dangerous crossing if I (and many others I dare say) had their way.
Line the bottom of the Channel with the vermin til they get the message to not bother,ever again.
The only deterrent, when every single boat sinks with all hands eventually they will stop trying to cross, the penny would drop, even with the fucking idiot sand dwellers.
And another dirty gay MP, a deputy chief whip no less, resigns after getting pissed and touching up blokes in some posh “gentlemen’s club” in Londonstabistan.
This follows two disastrous by elections caused by one cunt watching porn in the chamber of the House and another cunt raping a 15 year old boy.
And we wonder why this country is so fucked up?
There’s the tranny an’ all. Full of cunts.
Yeah, I’d forgotten about that cunt. Gets pissed, wrecks his car and runs away…….then claims he has trannie issues! Fuck off wanker.
Apparently this is the 2nd time he has had to resign from the Whips Office. But on the latest occasion Chris Pincher (ha!) said he was “embarrassed” over the alleged accusation.
In this day and age “groping” should really be called sexual harassment bordering on sexual assault. But rather than facing the ignominy of the sack he decides to resign.
I wonder if he’ll end up being arrested and jailed?
Dirty cock gobbler.Bin please.Drain the swamp.
Good nom CC, but you might also have mentioned:
Inflation out of control, especially fuel, hence….
Energy rationing on the way
Taxes up
Unaffordable houses
Krankie McSturgeon kicking off again
Vote Tory, get Labour.
Thank fuck it’s opening time. I’m off down the Whippet Inn.
20 million extra cunts since Blair cunt. Millions unemployed with millions of job vacancies. The government are cunts. Blue, red, yellow, green, mix it all up you get shit brown. Id like to see Putin blow up the houses of Parliament. Id laugh my head off.
We’re being trolled, by parliament.
“Right, what can we do to them next”?
That, and pitting the working man/woman, against each other, whilst doing and accepting EXACTLY the same things they’re striking or protesting about!
It’s gone beyond funny.
Aye watching your country slide out of view is no fun at all.
We ned to bring back National Service and start by calling up the Dinghy riders. Form them into a new Unit to go and stand on the Polish Border ready to face Bad Vlad’s boys.
We solve the NATO requirement to provide the 300,00 rapid reaction troops in a stroke, we move the migrants back to the EU, and save a fortune on hotel bills.
Only problem is I suspect the pool of new recruits will dry up fast!
Boris, the Civil Service and the whole House of leeches are all CUNTS
Canon fodder
Mine detectors spring to mind. Walk them into the minefield. BOOM. Job done.
Cromwell had the right idea………
“You have sat long enough for any good you have been doing. Depart I say and let’s have done with you. In the name of God go!”
He also cut off the head of a King called Charles. I like him.
All governments are useless because they’re all about party politics. You’re voting for a package of measures, some of which you agree with, some you don’t. What we need is referendum politics. Instead of names and parties, there should be several questions written on ballot sheets, for example ‘Do you want more immigration or less?’ and you’d put your cross in the appropriate box. When all the votes are counted, it will be obvious what the majority wants and civil servants would be handed the task of implementing it. No need for politicians. Simples.
Ftf@ Evening Freddie – for your perusal!
“It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place,
which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice.
Ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government.
Ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.
Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess?
Ye have no more religion than my horse. Gold is your God. Which of you have not bartered your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?
Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defiled this sacred place, and turned the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices?
Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.
Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God’s help, and the strength he has given me, I am now come to do.
I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place.
Go, get you out! Make haste! Ye venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
In the name of God, go!”
Never truer words said.
r.e. Ukrainian refugees – wait and se what they will do to our country once they are here and have access to all the weapons floating around in the Ukraine. Happened in Sweden with the Yugoslavians – it will happen here.
Bet there are plenty of discarded AK47s and RPGs to be had.
Coming soon to a city near you…
You would think these cunts would wake and smell the shite after 2 crucifying by-elections and being absolutely shite in the opinion polls.
But I am over the opinion Boris and his fellow cunts don’t give two shits about losing the next general election. They’ve made their hay and will probably find some lucrative jobs in the private sector once they’ve lost their seats. Add to that their index-linked gold plated pension and other “income” and they’re made for life.
Wouldn’t surprise me if BlowJob Boris ended up being kicked upstairs and feathering his nest further with £320+ daily allowance just for turning up.
Career politicians of all colours are just in it for themselves. They won’t be around to pick up the pieces when their policies go shitshaped. And nor will they be living anywhere near to the disaster zones they are turning our cities and towns into.
We also know that the Millennials, the Zoomers and the Alphas all have an agenda to get rid of/silence the Boomers and Gen Xs.
The MSM, the NHS, Schools, Retailers, big corporations etc are ever so slowly seeing younger people moving in and taking the top jobs. They see a new vision and they don’t want old cunts to get in their way. Therefore the Boomers are being pushed to oneside and forgotten about, not least for their “offensive ideology” and the fact they just can’t deal with “today’s new age thinking”
They want us dead asap (although they still want our money and assets of course)
Technocunt@ – Afternoon Techno – I believe it has already been arranged for jellyfish and Carrie Antoinette to get titles and be booted up to the HOL, with plenty of money making side scams.
Fatty and ratty have already secured their positions and futures as a reward for fucking up ours.
Johnson will, undoubtedly, be in the Lords – giving that cunt Blair an awards unblocked the sewer. Although why they couldn’t have just told him to do one is beyond me. But that sort of etiquette shite is more important to the cunts in charge than, say, stopping the current full scale seaborne invasion.
Johnson could have been made a Lord anytime, regardless of whatever sewer Blair was blocking. What he couldn’t be made (while Blair was blocking the sewer) was a Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. Even so he’ll still have to wait until Gordon Brown, Cameron and May have been flushed through the same sewer, and then only when he has ceased to be PM.
so true – when was the last time you saw a white male advertising anything (except for funeral plans).
The next administration, whoever it may be, will continue with the plan.
Whatever colour flag the cunts are waving…
A fish rots from the head down. Johnson and his administration are not long for this world. Genuine Conservatives within the party are at last waking up and making their voices heard and gaining recognition with the wider electorate. The only thing Johnson has going for him is Ukraine, but he’s far from irreplaceable in that role.
Starmer and Labour remain unelectable. My guess is that Johnson will be gone by the end of the year. If he’s not, I’ll eat what’s left of my grandmother (on my father’s side), loathsome creature that she was.
Why was she loathsome? what was her beef?
Just interested is all.
I’m not going into all that, suffice to say she was a cunt.
I think some are still under the impression that politicians are breathtakingly incompetent and dishonest.
They are, but they do not work for us – they are puppets who dance to the tune of Bill Gates, George Soros and Klaus Schwab – “leaders” are hand picked by these people and voting is pointless because they rig the “Elections” to get their NWO puppets in – Ardern and Trudeau being the poster children for their slave new world.
The aim is all the world being subservient to a Chinese communist hegemony except for “the favoured few” and this WILL happen and IS happening unless we unite, organise and get rid of those who are actively planning every day to enslave or destroy us – AND REPLACE THEM WITH BETTER!
This is not tinfoil hat paranoia, this is the simple and obvious truth, and we need all 650 “politicians” gone at the next Election – we will not be allowed another chance.
At this point it is now stand against it or be crushed beneath it, and my choice is made because I cannot look in the mirror and call myself a Man if I do nothing.
?????? absolutely
Vern….I’m genuinely interested….why would Gates,Soros and Schwab want a world subservient to a Chinese communist hegemony ? Wouldn’t the “puppetmasters” do better keeping world domination in their own hands ? I know that I wouldn’t spend all that time and money cheating my way to Total World Domination only to then hand over the reins to a bunch of wily Chinky commies…I’m not sure I’d trust them not to do the dirty on me.
I think it’s called “shared ideology”
Birds of a feather and all that…
DF-F@ – Evening Sir Fiddler – Schwab, Gates and Soros are the greedy “useful idiots” trying to extend their miserable lives as long as possible and to do as much damage as they can before they die whilst raking in as much money as they can and living the life of a King.
But the various threads of the spiders web all converge on the CCP.
They want world domination, and they have for 80 years.
And they don’t care how they get it.
“This is not tinfoil hat paranoia, this is the simple and obvious truth, and we need all 650 “politicians” gone at the next Election”….given that you’ve mentioned your intention to stand at the next election ( and assuming that Gates etc. don’t steal your victory ), presumably we’d have 650 elected M.P.s cut from the same stout cloth as yourself…a comforting thought indeed….to lead the World in the fight back against NWO tyranny….. Bring on the election now,that’s what I say.
DF-F@ – Evening Sir Fiddler – that is exactly the plan – and it is no coincidence that North Yorkshire Police are increasingly desperate to get me a criminal record to stop me from standing (the location tagging device one was slyly trying to attach to my car when I was released made for interesting viewing).
I saw some talking head the other day on the box, saying that quite a few spousal and work visa applications turned down.
In other words, people trying to do it the legit way, whether you agree with that or not, can easily get refused.
Hardly any of these cunts inviting themselves end up getting refused visas to live here in the end.
Seems the government are sending the message that law abiding types can get fucked, but loud help yourself cunts get appeased and treated like fucking royalty.
About time the silent majority started kicking off and helping themselves to be honest.
Seems to work for every cunt else.
“…..treated like fucking royalty”, somebody mentioned Charles 1 and that’s the royalty they should be treated like.
He wasn’t a bad old cove by some accounts,bit of a louche libertine as you’d expect but his ancestry was rooted into the common clay of Albion and the peasentry got to enjoy a more organic,bucolic type of existence considering the lack of technologies available to them but the Black-Nobility-Saxa-Coburg Windsor infiltration l would say are arguably imposters with no authentic claim to England’s throne.Not an expert on this stuff but i don’t think Cromwell was a good fit.ie-he let the coin-clippers back in after Longshanks turfed them out and downhill from there.War of the Roses,The Crown-City-of-London established (goodbye coinage backed by assets) and balls to enjoying xmas.Bit of a cunt OC ?
In unrelated news, I’ve just tried a mint Viscount biscuit for the first time in years and can confirm that they’re better than Mint Clubs.
Seconded ?
Can you still get orange Viscounts? They were my favourite. Seem to be the exclusive domain of pound shops and market stalls nowadays. Probably racist or homophobic or summat.
“Viscount” probably has “offensive” imperialist connotations and will undoubtedly be renamed “collectives” or even “Soviets” soon enough…
Traitors.They want hanging.Blue Liebour in disguise.Come back Guy Fawkes all is forgiven.We are the toilet bowl of the world.Jokes on us people.I despair.
Johnson and the Tory cunts were elected on the back of false promises and make no mistake.
The main two issues being – controlling and limiting immigration (legal and illegal) and “Let’s get Brexit Done”
Illegal immigration has multiplied under the “Conservatives” and will continue to multiply.
Which means they have utterly failed on their biggest promises and they are absolutely unwilling to enact the will of the people. I would argue that they have zero intention of enacting the will of the voters on this enormous and worsening problem.
Trudeau, Ardern, Biden, Johnson, Macron – all puppet cunts pissing in the same pot.
And pissing on our heads from their unjustly elevated positions.
Execute them all…
The main two issues being – controlling and limiting immigration (legal and illegal) and “Let’s get Brexit Done”
They have done neither and were elected under a false premise. If this government was a physical product, bought from a shop, you could take it back and exchange it for one that works!
Immigration is running riot at the taxpayers’ expense. Taxation is already at almost the highest level on record and will be ramped up further following the next GE whatever the cunts promise (so DON’T vote for them).
Brexit had never been enabled. Their is a pretence that it has but Brexit was always about taking back control from Brussels, and ceasing to pay them on top of curbing immigration. None of these things have happened. Moreover, the UK has ceded Northern Ireland over to be controlled by Brussels. How in the name of all that’s holy is that Brexit? We voted for less Brussels not more of the cunts.
This nom should have it’s own sticky like the BB fucking C and Black Lesbians Matter. On the latter subject here’s a big ? for Nelson Piquet.
The one positive thing to come out of Brexit is a nice new blue passport, manufactured by a French company in a Polish factory.
Boris and his band of useless cretins have got so many things wrong, I really cannot be arsed to list them. He keeps saying that he got the vaccination program delivered as well as……err.. that’s it really. And we will probably never know if it saved us from severe illness or death anyway.
To be fair, he has been good at one thing for certain. Spunking our money on immigrants and the feckless so we are now a financial basket case. All that cash blown on extended furlough payments and eat out to help out could be very handy now to help with astronomical fuel bills, which is something else for which he is nowhere near as blameless as he claims.
The fact is, we are fucked. And i lay the blame at his and his party’s doorstep.
old boy round the corner has had four vaccinations and still no anti-bodies. Silly fucker is still isolating after two years – he may as well top himself as what sort of life is that? Anyway, what sort of “vaccine” gives you four doses and still can’t protect you?
I think,my lord,that the consensus is that the vaccine provides a largely temporary change to the immune system and is vastly inferior to the protection provided by natural immunity.
Regrettably the old were scared into isolation and vaccination rather than gaining natural immunity.
Best say no more,Day Admington will confiscate my oven.
Fuck me Admington
Where the duck did that come from
Thank you Admin.
He’s a dumb cunt, the world’s fulla them.
The sort that we’re all now paying for via the “cost of living crisis ” tax grab.
Remember that Little Britain sketch where every week an MP would address the media, with his wife and kids in tow, to explain his latest “unfortunate incident “? He would come up with things like “I slipped and accidentally fell on a man’s penis.”
Life imitating art ?
I think they ripped it off the Viz character Baxter Basics. There was one strip where he was showing the labour candidate (a hippy wimminz) a picture of his cock with drawing pins shoved in it.
Back when Viz was still good, before it morphed into the Grauniad/New European with tourettes…
Look Boris, we couldn’t give a cold dead rat’s ass about fucking Ukraine, the Pavels have already invaded the UK so why would I give a fuck?
Get some shit sorted you greasy fat shifty cunt…sort out the horde of illegals, sorts out the workshy, chavs and neds, sort out the fact that Morrisons can charge £2 a litre for fuel and most of all, the last thing we want to see is your fat carcass and your horse faced slut of a wife hobnobbing with other world leaders while I’m paying £3 for a pack of Kitkats.
You really are a fat cunt Boris and I would string you up with piano wire and hold it tight if I had the chance. Cunt.
Benito & Clara as I prefer to think of them hanging from lampposts
We need business men like Donald Trump in charge. I’m sick of career politicians, just in it for the big bucks and peerages. Not cow towing to the woke left, speaking your mind, securing our borders, fucking up and shaking up the established order, draining the swamp. We need a leader with brass balls. Say what you will about Margaret Thatcher, my god, I wish we’d got someone in charge like her now.
Even Putin respects Maggie – not the weak, woolly, wokey, wankers we have currently masquerading as leaders.
BF@ – Evening BF – I am doing my damnedest!
Great Britain should be run like a business instead of a charity with everything in the world free unless you are white, straight and English.
I see that horse faced commie New Zealand bitch is in Downing Street today pissing it up with the Jellyfish. Probably laughing at the “little people “ they despise so much. Pair of cunts.
Queen of the woke brigade that fuckpig.
Is that the slag that wears the peaceful attire?
I would drop the cunt in the middle of Syria.
See how much she likes them then…
Rome burns while Nero fiddled.Twat of the year.
All politicians are the same now. All parties are equally useless. Put them in power and they act like rabbits frozen in the headlights of an oncoming juggernaut.
And guess what’s written on the side of that juggernaut ? Woke paralysis. Virtue signalling. Quangos. White guilt. The Human Rights Act. The European Court of Justice, the IMF and the United Nations.
Politicians have spent the last twenty years giving away their powers to a host of quangos, devolved governments and multi-national organisations. Now they are helpless. And not having studied anything better than PPE at Oxford compounds the problem.
The cast of Dads Army would make a better job of running the government than this lot. Or any lot.
Keystone Cops all over again.
The Chuckle Brothers
Sorry my old son, that cunt Bliar and his Umon Rites laws. That cunt as destroyed this cuntry and he still pops up to advise us. He created the monster Krankie. Say no more, we are fucked…… Back in the 70’s, the motto was GET PISSED NOW.
To paraphrase Colonel Kurtz.
” Errand boys, sent by grocery clerks, to pick up the bill ‘
All cunts.
All can Get To Fuck.
Good afternoon.
“The horror, the horror”.
– the original Kurtz in Heart of Darkness. Also spot on.