The Ruling Class

How I loathe the ruling class…

The entire West is run by effete arseholes. These are the worst people in the world. Everything they touch turns to shit. They are the product of immense privilege, of gigantic wealth, of connections to the sources of power that are forever beyond the reach of working people.

But, thanks to the ruling class ideology of identity politics, they can claim some kind of spurious victimhood based on their gender, their sexual partners, their skin colour or the fact that they like dressing up in clothes usually associated with the opposite sex. Utter cockwombles.

I’ve often heard identity politics described as left-wing or even, laughably, as Marxist. It is neither. Identity politics is the ideology/religion that complements the ruling class’ favourite economic policy – neoliberalism.

For nearly fifty years now, the West has been brutalised by this misanthropic economic system. Despite promises to the contrary, wealth has not so much ‘trickled down’ but ‘gushed up.’ The obscene wealth of the few (and the crumbs they allow their running dogs in the media, universities and arts) is in stark contrast to ordinary people’s struggle to afford a decent standard of living.

I have sometimes , tongue-in-cheek, described myself, here and elsewhere, as a Leninist. I do not mean that I want to recreate the nightmarish system that developed in Russia after 1917.

What I do want is to utterly destroy the system created by the smug bastards who rule us. I was a supporter of neither Brexit nor Trump but the unhinged reaction to both these elections in 2016 shows that the ruling class simply cannot tolerate anyone challenging their insane lust for power and wealth.

I utterly despise these smug, patrician, undemocratic fucks who have wrecked, and continue to wreck, the lives of real people. Their system cannot be reformed. It can only be ended.

The Times News Link

Nominated by: Emperor of East Anglia

126 thoughts on “The Ruling Class

    • Leninists stringing up shopkeepers tradesmen and other “class traitors” probably.
      Replacing one bunch of cunts with another…

  1. Great post Emperor, one would have to ask the question, as MJB already has.
    The only revolution worth it, is a renaissance of the mind with the outlook being for betterment.
    A simple return to local economies would be a start and anybody who refuses to participate starves and fuck em.
    we don’t need corporations running and ruining our basic needs.
    All cunts in the upper tiers of the system need culling

    • Rishi Sunak is the favourite to take over from Boris Johnson. Him and his wife are said to be worth £730 million. So what has he got in common with the working man? Things don’t look like they’re going to change any time soon.

      • Sunak is an oily heap of shit – the Tory Starmer, who thinks everyone is either beneath him or only have the attention span of a goldfish, so we don’t recall all the bollocks they have come out with in the past, even though many of their stupid comments have been captured on film and tape.

        That said I’d rather have a patrician leading the country (NOT Paki-patrician Sunak) rather than a world of Rayners and Lynches, Burgons and Corbyn’s, load of coarse ignorant bastards.

      • I would love to see Badenoch elected leader – the opposition would spontaneously combust!

      • Badenoch may well be the reincarnation of the greatest Prime Minister, we NEVER had:

        Badenoch………..Bad Enoch

    • Land reform.Divvy up the corporate farms into 1 or 2 acre smallholdings which surplus off to large farmshops.(A new era of Kulaks) Forest the golf courses,or at least trim them from 18 to about 10 holes but more importantly confiscate vast billionaire and Arab owned estates into a version of the National Trust as opposed to the current pc infused affair we presently have,and while about it ,turn some of those vast,pompous Downtown Abbey type piles into hospitals or socially useful facilities and ditto any that belong to the Coburg mafia.

  2. Bring back the Empire, when we were kings, people knew their place, the English were top dogs. The masses may have been poor but we were English!

    • Looking down on Johnny Foreigners, as they tremble at the sound of British jet engines and multiple Lee Enfield rifles being cocked ???

      • They took our Lee Enfields of us after 1918, frightened to fucking death we might turn on them.

        We should have….?

  3. Problem with that ideaology, is unless you incentive selected people to ‘run it’ no cunts going to bother to volunteer.

    …I know I wouldn’t if I were receiving the same as the lazy cunt next to me.

    • i wouldn’t want socialism either but the doctor and the architect and the engineer and the political cunts should live in the village.
      They would only then clean their mess up pretty quickly.
      Excessive pay to cunts is rife everywhere in the West and while extra reward is probably justified to creators and innovators, they must live in the village as they only get ahead of themselves otherwise.
      No private gates in my world, even if there country cream in colour.

      • he he he hah hah
        ok im willing to compromise on your country cream pirate gates.
        where will it end though, as the minute i allow my principles to bend, then i will become like the rest of them.
        Four legs good and some four legs are better than others

  4. Very good shout Emperor.

    There’s everything to dislike and fuck all to like about the cunts.

    Frankly I wouldn’t give a flying Chinese vampire bat if they were crooks…

    Just so long as they were patriotic and brave.

    As it is,they remain parasitic vermin.

  5. Leninism is commie shite. We have cunts in charge, yes.

    Replace them with Leninists/Marxists?

    Like being beaten to death with a baseball bat or a cricket bat.

  6. A lot of people who describe themselves as marxists seem to support all the identity politics billshit, which at least proves that ideology doesn’t guarantee intelligence…

  7. You seem to have lost your way, Emperor.
    Shouldn’t you be on your soapbox at Speaker’s Corner?

      • Indeed, it’s a stone’s throw from the Edgware Road which is now a suburb of Algiers and various other A-rab cities. No free speech there these days and don’t even dream about the coppers doing anything.

  8. I wish you would invent something and sell it for nothing. Good business model that, lots of employment. Sadly the directors who create wealth do pay a liveable wage. If you got food on the table and a roof over your head, you’re rich. Most people in the world don’t even have that.

    • I love wealthy people. I’ve never been employed by a poor person. My clients are not poor people.
      Most people don’t know what freedom is or basic economics. They don’t want either but just resent not having everything they think they deserve.

  9. The system is fixed.
    Social mobility is virtually impossible in this and most countries.
    The cunts who went to Eton & similar, WILL control your life.

    Apathy is the real enemy.

    • This is the problem. Lack of social mobility, it’s just a load of crusty old croaks in power with their own deceitful agendas. Mainly politicians.

  10. As Billy Connolly once said, the desire to be a politician, should bar you for life from ever being one.
    I’ve a feeling though, if we’re still alive, that we’ll look back on the days of a white ruling class with nostalgia. We’re seeing the beginnings of an Asian/Dark Key elite. And as we all know, they really do look after their own.

    • Without a shadow of a doubt they look after their own.

      White people are absolutely fucked and it’s mainly been brought upon by general apathy, learned self loathing via the media and education system and misguided benevolence.

      Up shit creek without a paddle won’t even come close to the problems that working class whitey has to look forward to in this country and most of the West.

    • Unless you live where they are actually from, then they utterly shit on you

    • Interesting point.
      The truly great men of history were the reluctant ones not the politically ambitious.

  11. The biggest discrimination in the UK, and the world, is class discrimination – they can call it Marxism, liberalism (the fucking irony of that title) etc but it is what it is – a system designed to keep the rich in place and everyone else in their place.
    Working class, heterosexual white boys are by and large pretty much doomed to failure from birth and have a life of misery mapped out from the minute they are conceived – we are just grist for the mill in war and fools to be worked and taxed to death to maintain the lifestyles of the privileged few in the peacetime they allow us before another generation is harvested in the battle for arms shares profits and cheap oil.
    We have a system which has been refined over thousands of years to keep the wealth, privilege and favour the ruling class have always expected and demanded with the ruling class, the “nouveau riche” of the tech and business billionaires have merged with the “old money” in a drive to treat us like insects and eliminate those who are not on board or resist – they have never been as influential or open in their ambition and NOTHING will change, ever, until we change it.
    We begin to stop the rot by sending the biggest shock wave around the political world since Cromwell dissolved a rump Parliament – ALL who are concerned by the planned and ongoing destruction of everything we have and are need to be standing in their local area as political candidates at the next General Election – not “left”, not “right” just common sense individuals with some grit, some loyalty, some competence, some honesty and a keen understanding that if they take the flying piss like the bastards who have been placed into power previously they are out the door – perform or piss off.
    We have hard choices to make, and our present “politicians” do not figure in one of them.
    I have said it before but it is true – we have two years to save our Country – do we have the salt to fight for it or do we walk meekly with head bowed into the eternal night of totalitarianism?
    WE run this Country, not the bastards in politics – time to remind them of this fact, in the hardest and clearest way possible by making every last one of these parasitic, dangerous, traitor puppets unemployed.
    If not us, then who?
    And remember – vote Fox or it’s a transit van ride to t’ back of the Worcestershire bike sheds for the lot of you! ??☠

    • Afternoon,Vern.

      “Working class, heterosexual white boys are by and large pretty much doomed to failure from birth and have a life of misery mapped out from the minute they are conceived”…..

      Do you really believe that ?….I’d have thought that there are plenty of white,working-class heterosexual boys who lead perfectly happy and content lives in this Country and to be told that their future is as miserable failures seems rather harsh to me..and unproven.

      The “shadowy elite” are often accused of keeping the people down by sowing division between classes,colours etc…..presumably you won’t use the same tactic come the Glorious Fox Revolution?

      PS…Vern,please don’t think that I’m having a personal pop at you…I’m not.

      • DF-F@ – Afternoon DF – I work on the evidence my own eyes and direct experience have provided me all my life, and to me is complete fact to state that any white, working class, heterosexual predominantly but not exclusively English boy will face a lifelong struggle just to be solvent and healthy and even if they are they will never be rich or well connected enough to “fit in” unless they are prepared to go down the path of corruption and degeneracy, and even then they are barely tolerated.
        The indigenous working class population of the UK have every single disadvantage – worst housing, lowest wages, worst jobs, worst health and are always the very last in the queue for anything as people who have done nothing grab everything and accuse anyone raising a grievance or comment on this discrimination as “racist” to bully, humiliate and browbeat them into silence – but when someone cries havoc and lets slip the dogs it is not the children of the rich and privileged being killed in some fly blown foreign hell hole.
        Opportunity should be for all – if we progress people on talent and graft as opposed to who was bumming us at Eton we might finally get people who want – and will effect – REAL change and real opportunity, if we do not use our talent we waste it and it truly saddens me to see the bright kids round here who do not even know what is being ranged against them – I regard every kid with nothing who I can help lift out of the shit into a decent job and life as a victory, because round here they get nothing.
        Now don’t forget to load up the pickup with the very expensive bicycles of the lardy gimps who will expire from heatstroke over the next 3 days – you could make a tidy sum selling them, a tidy sum indeed! ??

      • “Opportunity should be for all”…..but not if the’re immigrants presumably ?

        You seem to be saying ” Blame the Immigrants” but have also added “Blame the upper Classes”… and the shadowy “Puppet-masters” eh ?

        You seem to be painting a picture of the white working-class labouring under the yoke of a cruel,medieval “Sheriff of Nottingham” style system and see yourself as some kind of Robin Hood figure. I see a Country that provides a very comfortable lifestyle for anyone,regardless of colour,class or sexuality, who is prepared to work for it..and trying to push the idea that immigrants etc. are keeping the Honest Yeoman of England under the yoke is pretty far from the truth…

  12. Whilst it’s sometimes hard to feel wealthy as an individual, the system we live in, however wrong, is the reason we have modern society. Without all that, we’d all be spending our lives scratching in the dirt to grow our own food, interbreeding with our fellow villagers

    and ultimately dying at 30.

    • CF-u@ – Afternoon Count – and we have exactly the same system today, except with more iphones to keep the slack jawed masses happy and death at thirty is an all too unpleasant possibility when we have inbred carpet riding enemies everywhere plotting to destroy us.
      Shinier toys, same class oppression.
      Everyone looking forward to the planned winter fuel and electricity rationing?

      • I don’t mind it, hopefully it will wake a few cunts up. I’ll get the candles out and a guardian newspaper to wipe my arse with.

  13. It’s all bollocks isn’t it? But please spare me this bullshit “ I’ve often heard identity politics described as left-wing or even, laughably, as Marxist. It is neither. ”

    It’s straight from the left, but as ever the left denies it’s failures.


    All now denounced as “not of the left”

    There’s a lot wrong with the world but no form of socialism is the answer.

    There is always going to be a elite because that’s how the world has always been and always will be.

    What balances that out is the elite fearing the masses but make the masses fat and lazy and there is much less to fear.

    It’s not the elites that are the problem, it’s the rejection of personal responsibility in everything and anything, that includes the responsibility to stand up and be counted.

    • The newer ‘elites’ are the same elites repackaged.AKA, the juxtaposition of the Venetian-Black-Nobility-Papal-Jesuit- bloodlines (Orsini,Breakspears,Aldobrandini’s etc) fused with the Khazarian Babylonian origined (‘illuminati’) bloodlines-(Rothschild,Du-Pont’s,Cavendish,Harrimans and Rockefellers etc)

      A Satanic alliance of Vatican- meets- Babylonian- money-magick hustlers who can be called the ‘elite’ in the truest sense,Soros,Gates,Zuck et al, enplaced as merely the shop front-‘rags to riches’ fairy-tale,fronting for their respective organizations with set nefarious agendas.

      The ‘Elite’ utilize interlocking societies for control purposes in a pyramid modelled fashion… (the higher up the structure,the more power concentrates)…,infused with Luciferic and occultic agendas to exercise their power structure.Groups such as Club of Rome,Jesuit Council,Bilderberg-group,Committee of 300,Knights of Malta,Council of 13,CFR-R.I.I.A,Pilgrims Society and the more powerful Masonic Lodges such as P2,Scottish Rite and Yale Universities most sinister-Skull & Bones.These are the ‘elite’.

  14. The Woke – The new danger to democracy and freedom, Unelected minority lynch mob that has somehow managed to immerse/indoctrinate the media, our schools, social media, big corporations and a whole lot more!

    They seem to be an invisible force, a tsunami of Leftist thinking that no one seems able to resist. The government and plod seem impotent to challenge this colossus that seems to have more influence to change things than any government policy.

    But then again this is all part of the New World Order and the Globalist agenda. The rich call the shots, while the plebs are forced to accommodate their demands.

    Another 10 years or so and we will be living in the Past.

    • ‘They seem to be an invisible force,’

      Yes, what was it? Can’t remember. It was some traditional organisation suddenly turned Woke. And I thought ‘where did that come from?’

      And now it carries all before it.

      Strange phenomenon.

      • By the way Miles, it needs to be brought to you attention that an ever increasing number of members of this site are professing lustful thoughts to Lilo Lill Rayner.

        Such impure thoughts are a temptation to lust.

        I recommend you immediately take said wayward members to one side for a confession to expunge their sins.

        That woman with her red hair, R2D2 stilettos and crafty feminine wiles will lead all cunters astray if you’re not careful.

      • If they’re having lustful thoughts about that rough-as-a-badgers-arse old boiler, I fear their unfortunate souls are beyond redemption…

      • ‘He who casts the first stone’ Harold I’m afraid. For, I fancy her too.

        It was the alleged showing of her ‘growler’ to Boris that inflamed me.

        Has made me see her in this saucy way.

        No like the others there’s no help.

      • Harold/Miles et al. Grandma Rayner is a “reality wank”-because the reality is, she is a fucking slapper.
        Fill yer boots lads. She is not for me?

      • @CG

        Just for the record she’s not my cup of tea.

        If I was going for a MILF it would be someone more along the lines of Helen Skelton or Kirsty Gallacher.

        I have standards.

  15. The ruling class is there because we put them there. We buy the products that make billionaires, and vote for the cunts in power. We replace one cunt with another and any decent candidates are smeared in the press and we believe the lies.
    If we were principled people we would carefully select where we spend our money and who we vote for but we don’t.
    The ruling class are of our own making and now we have buyers remorse.
    I give you the cunts that deserve the cunting- US.

  16. Perhaps its the sunny weather and a couple of beers, but I have a penchant to want to take Angela Rayner (or the Duchess of Cambridge if poss) up the Tradesman’s entrance

    I bet they love a bit of rough from the uneducated minions

    • Technocunt@ – Afternoon Techno – unfortunately Grangela has just left mine – she’ll be fuck all good for at least a week!
      Last I saw she was trying to find Harolds address and muttering “that dethspicable thwine ith on to t’ fact ah’m thcum”..

      • I do have a modicum of respect for her.

        To be fair to her she’s turned her life around.
        She wanted to prove the people wrong who had written her off as another statistic – teen mum, no qualifications, council estate.

        She broke that cycle. If only other young people born and growing up in similar circumstances had the same drive.

      • Harold@

        The estate shes from is dog rough.
        I know it well.

        To go from a single mum there to being a politican takes some doing.

        Im with you,
        Some admiration.
        Tainted with lust.?

  17. Sadly all that happens is you replace on set of corrupt, self-serving, double-dealing arseholes with another set of the same.

    As the old adage goes “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.

    The real aim of the Marxist / Socialist/ leftist utopia espoused by the likes of Messrs Jones, Corbyn, et al. is for everyone to be poor and grovelling around at the bottom of the quagmire with each other.

    As we have seen in other “Socialist” countries or governments, there are usually a group of corrupt arseholes at the top enjoying themselves. While the peasants fight over mouldy bread in the gutter. Animal Farm anyone?

    Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor was it destroyed in a day. It happened over time. A slip up here, a mistake there, glorifying hedonism here and excess there. Celebrating mediocrity, encouraging laziness. No work ethic anymore.
    The counter culture now is working hard, trying to better yourself, being a decent human being.

    Stirring the pot to have people fight against each other over perceived iniquities real or imagined. Tall poppy syndrome – resentment of anyone seen to be doing better and attempting to keep everyone down with them.

    As DCI put it, the great race to the bottom.

    We are coming to the end of the Western society as we know it.
    I imagine what we will have within the next 20 years will be some sort of plutocracy run by tech billionaires.

    We’ve seen a similar thing before in Rome, Greece, the Zaibatsu of Japan, and the industrialists of the 19th century and early 20th century – see the textile mill owners, steelworks owners, railway tycoons in America during the 1800s to 1900s.

    What we are now seeing in the information age is the digital and technological equivalent of the “Robber Barons” of the industrial age.

    And there was me up until a few years ago thinking that Ready Player One and The Circle were just books and films.?

  18. I don’t know which class I hate most, they’re all full of cunts.
    Ethel and I are as happy as pigs in shit.
    At present, we’re both stark naked ….. apart from pith helmets, due to this infernal Continental weather.
    Soon be time for drinkies.

    • Dunno if cunters have ever met the truly wealthy?

      Ive met an worked for footballers and twats off the telly,
      Who are rich,
      But once or twice for someone truly wealthy.

      This bloke has his own fuckin lake on his land, award off the Queen,
      He wants for nowt.

      But hes so removed from normal living he knows the price of fuck all.

      Hes a nice bloke, not flashy, friendly like, and I did a job for him took most of the day.
      At the end I said it was £500,
      He said

      “Oh ill have to transfer it, I thought itd be £20!!!”

      I said “your takin the piss arent you?”

      But he genuinely did think he could hire 2men and a removal truck all day for £20!

      Id used twice that in fuel.

      He lost that money hed be fucked.
      The dozy cunt.

      • I once spoke to the owner of the company I was working for. Proper rich, he bought the Chicago Bears for something to do on the weekend.
        Me, I’ll talk to any fucker, from the binman up. I don’t do envy, never have, never will, its how I’m immune to the rabble rousers, and those who use class and things like that.
        So, I treat everyone like I’d like to be treated, and if they reciprocate likewise they are fine by me.
        I don’t think he was used to shop floor people just walking up to him for a chat, as he looked worried initially, but when he realised I wasn’t going to murder him he was OK.
        Funny old world. ?

      • I hope you pissed in his swimming pool.
        The cheeky cunt.
        Afternoon, MNC.

      • Afternoon Jack?

        Ive just finished work,
        Its already sweltering☹️

        Some people hate the rich,
        Blame them for everything,dont they?

        But theres nothing from stopping anyone bettering themselves but their own limitations?

        Im lucky Jack, a man of simple pleasures,
        Pint of bitter a pork pie,
        Im happy as fuckin Larry?
        Dont need a mansion an ferrari .

      • Well this is going to get ugly.

        I grew up in a Chicago suburb and was a Bears fan. But rather than dispute this nonsense with anecdotal stories and fading memories, I will rely on the official history of the Chicago Bears.

        From its inception as the Decatur Staleys (1920 – 1921) the team was owned by the A.E. Staley Company.

        After its relocation to Chicago, the team was owned by George Halas and Dutch Steinaman from 1921 to 1932. It was then renamed the Bears.

        Steinaman left during the Great Depression and George Halas owned the Bears for more than 50 years. 1932 to 1983…until his death.

        After his death, the ownership of the Chicago Bears passed to Halas’ daughter Virginia Halas McCaskey. She still owns the team today.

        She is listed as the principal owner with an 80% stake.

        The remaining 20% is owned jointly by Andrew Mckenna Sr. (Former Director and Chairman of the Board of McDonalds.) and Patrick Ryan formerly of Aon and a past Sponsor of Manchester United.

        Even if you’re referring to Patrick Ryan, your story of a bored millionaire buying the Bears for something to do, doesn’t quite ring entirely true.

        By the way, the President of the Chicago Bears is one Ted Philips…not to be confused with the former English footballer of the same name.

        Something else has occurred to me. Perhaps you worked for Andrew McKenna…flipping burgers at McDonalds.

      • Mis-I have met some truly wealthy people-multi-millionaires to billionaires.
        Money doesn’t impress me much.

        Rich/poor, black/white, straight/gay-to me it’s all about the content of your character. You are either ok or a cunt.
        I cunt, cunts?

      • Agreed!
        To be honest CG the rich cunts ive met didnt seem as happy as me?
        Didnt seem to value what they had?

        I over the fuckin moon im having fish n chips for tea and ice cream for pudding.

        Simple pleasures…

      • This could be about to get even uglier. I wasn’t aware there were any bears in Chicago till one cold afternoon in late December 1970 I went into this sweet shop to have a little look around (I was about 12 at the time) and the old buzzard behind the counter (who incidentally once owned the red sox) proceeded to inform me that wild ferocious bears had been known to rampage all over Chicago since 1925. That year, and through 1934, with the exception of 1926 and 1927, Red Clunge, a Chicago Bear, ran through NFL defences so well that he is said to have put pro football on the picnic blanket! Also I didn’t know that bears are adept sprinters, but they are. A grizzly can easily run 300 miles an hour, and in the spring, some of them may reach 400. The opposition swore that Clunge was going at least 600.
        Of all the bears, Gale Sadist and Walter Peyton-Place were the most worthy successors to Clunge. Before injuries drastically shortened his Hall of Fame career, Sadist made clowns of the best defenders in the game. When already slowed by those injuries, in the true tradition of a bear, he still led the league in rushing by and running over people in his gold plated Cadillac Sedan. Peyton-Place played on the 1985 Super Bowl team. His nickname was “Sourness” for his unpleasant personality. he was, however, a very sweet treat for his opponents. A bundle of muscle, he rolled through the heart of the strongest defences like an oversized bowling ball then flashed his meat and two veg from the end zone.
        From 1953 till 1973 several more traditional type bears prowled through Soldier Field. They were undoubtedly descended from Arcotherium Angustidens, the largest mammalian terrestrial predator of all time. These were big, strong, though quick, and surly bears of massive bone density, who preferred to maul the opposition. Susan Atkins was a tall (6′8″), monstrously strong, and quick defensive end. He would leap right over the blockheads to get to the sergeant-at-arms, or even pick him up and hurl him at the terrified signal caller. Dick Buttkiss continued and built upon the tradition. Almost every opponent he hit flew backward, as if run over by Noddy and Big Ears. Instead of trying to keep them from gaining yards, he begrudged them even the tiniest centimetre. Hall of Fame Coach Tom Landgrab pointed out that Buttkiss even growled like a bear when he was backing up the line. The 1985 team had several such bears, who collectively crushed opponents as if they were so many marmots.
        The story of Red Clunge and his successors has already shown that ursids are a diverse, adaptable group. One of them evolved convergently with cheetahs. His name was Devin Hustler, whose job was running the football from one end of the field to the other on kickoffs and cunts. Like the famed feline, it took this Bear fewer than three strides to reach maximum speed, which seemed to be a significant fraction of the speed of sound. As great as he was, no one knows what he looks like, because in every photograph of Hustler is a blur, streaking naked past everyone into the ozone, and, if there is any justice, the Hall of Fame.

      • I do apologise to fellow cunters, though not the toxic one, for my misinformation. It wasn’t on purpose, but I was told this by someone in the company, and not having much internet at the time, or the inclination to check it, I always thought it to be true.
        However, bears aside, he still was a very wealthy man.

        Talking of American cunts, does any of the resident tinfoilers have any additional info on Ivana Trump ‘falling down the stairs’ conveniently the day before Flump and his clan were due in court, and have had to reconvene the court case to allow them ‘time to grieve’?

        Telling people the election was stolen has consequences.?

      • Evening Gutstick?

        Easy mistake to make.
        Why would you care about some rounders team or whatever it is?

        I beleived you.
        Never known you to bullshit or fantasise on here.

        Although that Ruffs a dreadful fibber.?

      • Poor little Trumpton, my heart goes out to him and Ivanka who he said he would date if she weren’t his daughter.

      • @Gutstick:

        Posted at 4:08PM:

        “I once spoke to the owner of the company I was working for. Proper rich, he bought the Chicago Bears for something to do on the weekend.”

        Posted at 6:56PM:

        “It wasn’t on purpose, but I was told this by someone in the company,…”

        Which was it? Were you talking to someone in the company or did the owner tell you this?

        In the same thread…in less than 3 hours…you’ve changed your story. You can’t even keep your lies straight. And you think I’m toxic for calling you out on your bullshit?

        “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.”

        As we say in the states…BUSTED!


        You addressed this to Gutstick:

        “Never known you to bullshit or fantasize here.”

        You should’ve added:

        Until now!

        @Everyone else:

        The Chicago Bears are an American Football (not Rounders…presumably baseball) team.

        And if you can’t see the bullshit spun by Gutstick and defended by his posse in this thread, along with the misdirection tactics they use to divert you from the truth…then Buddha help you.

      • Posse?

        Im nobodies man but my own.

        Gutstick always gives his opinion irregardless of popularity, or a warm reception.

        I like that although dont always agree,
        But then im ok with hearing a different opinion.

        Hows the armed resistance to the stolen election going General?

        Yet to hear a shot fired?
        I thought by now the Biden administration would be driven from the White House and standing trial in front of armed Patriots?

        Not all still polishing their pistols are they??

      • Not one to shit stir, but the only way to settle this is for GJ and GC to have a fight.

        My take?

        GJ got caught bullshitting (no shame, we’ve all done it at some point) but CG shouldn’t have been a grass. GJ needs to stop calling every cunt ‘knuckle dragging/gammon/nazi/toxic’ at the slightest thing, like some bad impersonation of Rick from the Young Ones. If things here get you so riled up here, there’s always Mumsnet. I hope they both stay, I don’t want an echo chamber, but expect to be called out here if you bullshit or start calling people on here all sorts because you have different views.

        It’s a shame ‘notorious Worcester hard-man’ HFC isn’t here to sort the pair of them out.

      • @Mis,

        First the good part:

        I often read your posts and as a general rule of thumb I like what you say.

        Now for the harsh part:

        Gutstick got caught in a whopping great fib. To quote Commander Clement in the classic film “Yellowbeard”:

        “…It was what we in the Royal Navy call…a lie.”

        Regardless, be you his friend, his foe or a neutral observer, you do neither him nor yourself a service when you defend his tall tales and attack those who point out the truth.

        With that in mind let me ask you this; which do you think is more likely?

        A. Gutstick told a lie.
        B. The election was stolen from Trump.

        And finally if you want to trade insults…how about some more red meat for you and the rest of
        your…head in the sand posse…mates…cronies…cabal…sheeple…enablers…or however you prefer to be called. My new tag lines:

        The election was stolen
        Abortion is murder
        Stop the Great Reset

      • Calm down luv!
        Do yourself a mischief.

        Your glee at a supposed trivial ‘lie’ by Gutstick looks petty, small.

        I dont really care if it was true or not.

        Or, about the “stolen election’.

        If that had any substance nothings been done about it.
        Fuck all.
        Bit of moaning.

        And as for insults you came looking to dish some out,
        I’ ll send you a tenner,
        Treat yourself to some Lurpak,
        Butter your arse
        And fuck off while your at it.

        Love MNC

      • Mis, to be honest I have no idea what his problem is. And, he can troll me all he likes, I couldn’t give a fuck.

      • Hey Mis,

        Thanks for the thoughtful response and kind gesture. But please, keep your tenner…use the Lurpak on Gutstick (as he is obviously butt hurt) and please…when you do…be careful! Monkey pox is passed by anal sex.

        All the best,

        Cuntster, General (Alive and well.)

    • i let it rest for a while but fuck it, i mean no one going to defend the “toxic one” and that’s the way it is, tis to be sure it is.
      Jap eye, would you politely stop having pointed shit at me.
      this is the second time that you have tried this on and by the fucking way i tell the truth and not some mixed up shit that i heard from somebody else.

      May i remind you of you’re opening “I once spoke to the owner of the company i was working for. Proper rich, he bought the Chicago Bears for something to do on the weekend.

      Later you respond after other replies with the statement to amend your original, “I was told this by someone by someone in the company”
      So i take that you have never talked with the owner of the company that bought the Chicago Bears and yet you find time to apologise to every “Fellow Cunter” except the toxic one.
      I do wonder who that could be, they must be a liar or something

      • Mecuntry, I never meant any slur against you, and I’m sorry if you took it that way. To be honest I was replying to MNC when I posted about Lavin, who I met once, for about three minutes. It was doing the rounds at the factory at the time, which must have been mid to late 90s, and as I’ve said, had little reason to disbelieve it, and hadn’t checked until I was called out on it.
        It wasn’t a boast, I was commenting on how this very successful bloke who built up a worldwide successful company was a bit apprehensive about talking to a bloke in dirty overalls.
        I don’t remember having a go at you in the past, do I don’t know, but there was definitely no malice in any way intended for you.

      • Japs eye. you referred to me in the past as the guy who thinks his English and one of us, in a reply to RTCs post, already knowing, as i was straight up front about who i was and where i was from when first posted on here, with some trepidation i might add.
        All right, life too short and best of luck to you.
        “Go on our that” as my GrandMother used to say.
        Are we good, even if i took it up arseways , not that i do, you do understand

  19. Beautifully written and veracious nomination.

    An aspect I’d add is the reason they virtue signal. They virtue signal about everything. Climate change, transgenderism, ethnic’s rights, etc, etc. They take the moral high ground with every issue and almighty wrath is brought down on anybody wanting to even debate the issue. And, while all this is going on, nobody mentions the class devide which is now such a wide chasm the other side is completely out of sight. A deliberate deflection in my opinion and the proles are mostly too stupid to see it.

    I’d like to see a Mussolini or Ceausescu ending for the bastards. Some proles have just had a pop in Sri Lanka. Will we ever do it…

  20. There was a bloody good film called The Ruling Class. Arthur Lowe did a superb turn as a commie butler.

  21. @Admins…IsaC Cunters and anyone who cares:

    Honesty matters.
    Credibility matters
    Integrity matters.

    1. Someone wrote a response in this nomination that was clearly not true.
    2. I pointed out that it was not true and provided irrefutable proof.
    3. That person then changed his story in an attempt to justify the first lie and absolve himself from blame.
    4. I and another member pointed out the change in stories.
    5. The liar says he has no idea why I’m trolling him and is in denial.
    6. Other members consider his lies trivial and have blamed me for looking for trouble.

    In a forum such as this, statements can be challenged. Truth can be ascertained. Credibility can be judged. Integrity can be determined. To do so is not trolling.

    Mistating a fact…botching a quote…typos…theories (conspiracy or otherwise) and even unpopular assertions are all a part of legitimate discourse.

    Lies are not.

    I stand by my statements.

      • Fucking pathetic. I said something I was told a quarter of a century ago which I thought at the time was true.
        When someone said it wasn’t true, I checked and found out they were right, so I issued an apology stating I was wrong and even supplied a link to prove I was wrong.

        I didn’t apologise to the person who called me out, as he has been trolling me ever since the abortion nom where he singled me out from others who shared my opinion for abuse. This isn’t a problem, I’m a big boy and quite immune to his baiting.

        I didn’t lie, as to me a lie is something you do knowing it’s a lie, which I didn’t, and that’s the difference

        Do I feel a bit of a knob? Yes.?

        Integrity is admitting you are wrong. Not whining like a child.

      • “It’s Cuntster’s fault! He’s mean to me!”

        That’s why mecunty responded in a similar fashion.

        And to set the record straight…when called out…you didn’t admit it. You changed your story to avoid blame.

        You are right…you are fucking pathetic.

    • Hello Ruff,

      We’ve known each other too long for me to mince words.

      Your word carries a lot of weight here at IsaC.

      You can label me a Troll and ban me from the site. But it doesn’t mean you’re right. It simply means that you have the power.

      • Good morning General.

        FYI, my word carries no more weight here on ISAC than anyone else’s. Also I have no power to ban you from the site. Even if I had the power I wouldn’t want to.

        Be seeing you. ?

      • ‘A word to the wise, Gutstick: don’t feed the troll.’

        General Cunster is not a troll RT. You seem to use the word every time someone is in disagreement with you or someone you are in sympathy with.

        General Cunter is a master cunter always bringing a new fresh perspective to a debate.

        Yes you use the word like a liberal would shout ‘Racist’ when someone challenges them.

        Like the famous ‘bring on the Antisemites’ before any debate had started. You once posted. At the beginning.

        A way of shutting down debate.

        As for Gutstick. Someone who I profoundly disagree with. But I have never ever thought he makes things up. In fact his true strength as a cunter is in my opinion the honesty with which he states his position.

        I feel sure what he said is true. That it was an honest mistake.

      • If you had bothered to read the thread Miles you would have seen that it wasn’t me who first broached the issue of trolling. Anyway, mind your own fucking business.

      • He certainly has tendencies in that department. If you had bothered to read the entire thread you would have seen that for yourself. Now fuck off and troll someone else.

      • Thanks for the reply RT. That’s all I wanted to know. General Cuntster is a Troll.

      • Good to see you’ve taken the trouble to spell his name correctly this time. ?

      • Afternoon Ruff.

        How’s the weather in Port Meiron?

        Over here it’s like the mediterranean.
        I’m sat out in the garden with some beers jamming on my guitar with the little portable guitar amp I’ve got.
        It’s pleasantly loud for only about 6 watts.

      • I’m not going to tell you again Miles.

        And yes, you can count on that.

      • @Harold – it’s like the mediterranean here too, although no drunk neighbours making a racket on guitar.

        Roll on the heatwave!

        Btw, what’s happened to your avatar?

      • Surely Trolls troll over time. They troll through blogs and sites like this to annoy.

        They HABITUALLY (over time again) leave posts that are directly designed to offend or irritate.

        The good General doesn’t do that.

        Hes an exemplary poster who is thoughtful and funny.

        Funny I remember you welcoming him back enthusiastically when he returned.

        Now because he disagrees with you or your compadre GJ he becomes a troll.

        So fickle you are.

      • @Ruff

        No drunk guitar playing neighbours here either ?

        I think they should all be paying me tbh. I’m giving them a free concert. I reckon I’d give Cuntfinder General a run for his money.

        I did away with my avatar. Or so I thought anyway, but it still shows up in some web browsers. I may change it for another at some point. I took some time out from this place a while ago and decided to get rid of it.

      • I don’t think he’s a troll, but he has definitely decided to troll me, which is what I was referring to.
        I try my best to argue with the opinion given, not the person giving it. I don’t always get things right, who does? I’ll always apologise if I get it wrong, or if I upset someone, with one or two exceptions.
        Some of my favourite cunters don’t share the majority of my opinions, but they are both funny and thoughtful.
        Also, thank you Miles for your rational opinion of me.
        I come here to challenge my perceptions, not reinforce them, and have changed my view on a couple of things over the last 7 years here.
        Those opportunities are less at the moment with about 3 topics done to death, but it will change again one day, so see where it goes.?

  22. On the subject of class, those utter cunts at Socialist Worker are planning a shindig called ‘All Refugees Welcome’. Which basically translates as let any murderer, rapist, mugger, buggerer, groomer, terrorist, freeolader or human leech in. The Lineker view, as in we should take just anybody, even if they are dirty, lazy and fucking useless.

    Anyroad, their ‘star speaker’ is supposed to be one Diane Abbott. I would go along to throw eggs at her. But the fat cunt will just eat them….?

  23. I don’t give a toss about people who are rich, even the royals (apart from those cunt trumpets, Henery Hawk Of Hewitt and Megain Markup Fucking Ono Of Sussex).

    If someone is a decent person and they’re rolling in it, then I say good look to them. However, if they are rich and a cunt, then that’s because they are a cunt by nature. Cunts are cunts regardless. There are scores of working class cunts, and there are plenty of rich cunts. Two examples:

    Fat Reg: Well past his best singer/musician. Global superstar, rich as fuck, complete cunt.

    My ex-neighbour: Working class, loud and annoying bastard, thick slag for a wife, complete cunt.

    A cunt is a cunt is a cunt….?

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