The BBC (68) and England’s Wimminz Football (3)

I wasn’t sure about putting in this cunting because it’s the BBC at it again, this time it’s a lack of diversity in the England Women’s Euro football team.

The clip I have added below is from GB news but it is worth watching just to see what cunts the BBC really are.

The summary is that England beat Norway 8-0 and the focus is not on the victory but the fact that all 11 starting players and five subs were all white (the squad does actually have a couple of half breeds).

In the past there been a number of black players in the women’s team but obviously this is conveniently forgotten by the BBC.

What a load of fucking shit, they don’t mention that the French team (a majority white country is riddled with colour)

If you are a white girl and aspire to be a footballer don’t bother because if you are successful you will be guilty of white privilege and should be ashamed.

Message to the BBC, England is a majority white country (for now) accept it and move on.

As a footnote the all white strip is racist init, distinct lack of colour.

YouTube Link

Nominated by: Sick of It

(There will be complaints from Transformers not being included soon – Day Admin)

Cuntybollocks takes aim at the BBC’s seemingly one-sided “have your say” comments section regarding wimminz football

BBC don’t have your say sections

As recently as about 10 years ago, the BBC would allow right wing or ‘non conformist’ comments in their comments sections.

This has got gradually worse since then, to the point where it is not much different to the insane far-left comments section at The Guardian.

Case in point, they have opened a comments section on the wimmins’ football team making ‘the Euro final’.

Now, I can understand (sort of) them deleting ‘Get back in the kitchen’ type comments, but I kept an eye on the live comments for about 20 minutes.

The cunts were deleting comments saying women’s football is a poor, amateurish spectacle and should not be on prime time licence fee television.

This is purely an opinion. In fact, I saw about six or seven comments along those lines. No ‘two sugars’. No ‘think of all those men going without their tea.’ Just opinions on the ladies’ game being shite. One that quickly vanished said something like ‘To all you lefties saying they should get the same pay as men, go and pay £2,000 for a season ticket to see them play then, when you won’t even go for free at the moment!’

I agree. Great point I thought.

However, the BBC, probably on the back of Wokegate and his band of cunts, have obviously taken any criticism of the sport itself being put on the BBC (which I’d guess at least some of those commenting are fucking paying for) as being ‘sexist hate’.

Silly me. There I was, thinking it was paying customers complaining about the cheap, crappy, money pinching service they’re getting?

The BBC employs moderators on these comments sections and I’d guess it depends on who’s working that particular shift, but fuck me… don’t you fucking well dare say anything but how incredibly awesome women’s football is!

Not everyone shares the same opinions in life, surely? Humans are geared to discriminate in almost every way. You do it when you choose cheddar instead of red Leicester. Or in that green top over the red one. It’s life. Discrimination is normal. But they kneel against all forms of it now (it’s not for George Floyd anymore, get educated muh!). Thick cunts!

Hopefully, to any uppity ladies out there, this is not seen as ‘mansplaining’ in any way.

By the way ladies, ‘mansplaining’ is short for ‘man explaining.’

BBC News Link


188 thoughts on “The BBC (68) and England’s Wimminz Football (3)

    • And Two knees ,when celebrating a goal.
      The white bitches should be ashamed of themselves
      They need to learn which way east points.

    • And Two knees when they score a goal.
      The white bitches should be ashamed of themselves.

  1. I am a little upset about the lack of diversity in the Harlem Globetrotters basketball team.

  2. Haven’t watched a single second of this fucking shitfest and don’t intend to start now even if it is the final.

  3. I’m just watching it now. My son wants to watch it to look at the (admittedly quite attractive) wimminz. Amidst much sniggering at the woeful lack of skill on display, he’s just remarked “what a bunch of retards”!

  4. I’m just watching it now. My son wants to watch it to look at the (admittedly quite attractive) wimminz. Amidst much snıggering at the woeful lack of skill on display, he’s just remarked “what a bunch of rėtards”!

    • And now he’s come out with this gem:
      “Like a football version of the Paralympics”!

      • I caught the Commonwealth spacca wheelchair marathon the other day.

        4 starters. That’s right, just 4.
        What a joke. Are these spaccas lazy or something?

        Must be all that sitting down.

      • I’ve always thought they shouldn’t be allowed to use their wheelchairs. The gun goes off for the 100m sprint and they’re tipped out of their chairs if I run the sport. Some rolling like an arson’s victim, some dragging themselves by their one arm and some arse shuffling.

        Fuck off, you’d all watch it.

  5. I like football and I like women but I don’t like women’s football. I’d be more interested watching their post-match shower and I could soon convert any doughnut-bumpers into cock-lovers, except for the ridiculously butch ones that resemble lorry drivers, naturally. It’s typical BBC fodder: woke, unintetesting, low-skilled, and shit.

  6. Wimminz football is shit.
    Sorry, but there you are – slow, uncoordinated, boring and the skill level of 8 year old boys – and the wimminz who have neither the skill or the experience to be commentating screeching at every opportunity at a pitch that would make a fucking bats ears bleed is “not fun”.
    Which is why the only “fans” they get in the stadiums are wokeflakes with complimentary tickets, Family members of the sweaty Sister fisters and schoolgirls (not schoolboys BTW) who get given free tickets.
    But, according to the Sinistra of BBPravda it’s almost the best thing since sliced bread, but if only the team was 100% black – at the moment there appear to be way too many players picked on merit and effort as opposed to a liking for waddymelon and stabbin’.
    But don’t worry – Wokegate is hissing his poison behind the scenes so when he is sacked from the “England” “Mens” team he can slither straight into another massively overpaid job as “Manager” of the wimminz team.
    Wish I could blag a 5 million a year job by getting Middlesbrough relegated and Paul Gascoine and Teddy Sheringham fined – ickle Gareth seems to have rather a history of running telling tales.
    The cunt.
    “Mouthgate announces wimminz England team line up – in goal Diane “Twelfty” Abbott, fuck all getting by her, Sasha Johnson, Dawn Butler, Shami Chuckabutty and an overexcited David Lammy in a skirt in defence, Malala Attitude, “Daughter of Africa” Elizabeth Warren, AOC and Laurie Lightfingers in midfield, Mucus Rashford wearing her fetching little ballgown and Eddie Lizard screeching “I’m a Lady you know” up front (and back knowing that Yemeni fkin deviant) – beaten 378-0 by the local funeral home residents who clearly used toxic white masculinity to win”..
    Whilst the “England” wimminz team continue to “take a knee” for dead black criminals and support anti white racism and sexual degeneracy with children they are not my team, do not represent me and I hope they get hammered 10-0 every game.
    All I want is Gareth Mouthgate Blood Eagled outside FA Headquarters – is this really too much to ask? ??☠

    • JM@ – Evening JM – not so I’m afraid – I saw a slow and confused looking black Lady in a Germany outfit who spent the match lumbering sloth like up and down looking confused and a bit bored.
      I wonder if she was looking for a misplaced KFC 2 for 1 deal voucher?

    • Tgey swueezed Parris on as a sub for the last few minutes.

      Sorry.. i did watch the last half hour.
      It was boring.

  7. Women’s football sure seems to wind men up something awful. It’s been around for fucking ages. The first World Cup was in 1991. USA dominate in women’s football. It’s all about how popular it is in each country, how much passion there is. Here in Scotland, there’s no passion for women’s football, but there is in England. It’s huge in North Korea, they have the 10th best side in the world.

    At the end of the day, if you don’t like it, don’t watch it. The political crap infuriates ALL football fans these days, but you just have to persevere, try and ignore it and just enjoy the matches. You can’t let politics spoil things for you. If it gets really bad, there will be boycotts, people will vote with their wallets. That won’t happen, we’ll reach an equilibrium eventually and the gender war will be over.

    • Football is just rampant capitalism virtue signalling its arse off to leftist bullshit causes.
      That’s all it is – virtue signalling.

      Like most mega corporations – minorities and alphabets are their pet playthings and football is no different.

      • Yes, Herman, the same thing happened with rock and roll. In 1958, Americans over the age of 29 were screaming for it to be banned and the business was ran by men who left the musicians alone. Cut to 1975 and rock had become corporatized and over the past decades, it has become a joke, all the rebels are now conformists. Whatever becomes massively popular in our cultures eventually gets hijacked by those forces that will use it to control people. Frank Zappa warned of this back in the 70s. Rap got hijacked, renamed Hip Hop and many artists were forced into putting out tracks that have ruined the minds of millions. Rap was meant to wake up black people in America but most black music now is awful, intentionally so. How was the last true genius of music to come along in the last 20 years? Those that show promise seem to lose their mind or have it stolen.

        We need REAL heroes again. And heroines!

    • The problem is, you can’t just ignore it. There always seems to be a bird shoved into the mens programmes as pundits. She may know about football, but she sure as fuck hasn’t got a clue about the level she’s spouting shite about. It’s crept into rugby, too, with wimmin pundits talking unadulterated bollocks about a level they have never, or will ever play at, at the expense of a knowledgable, ex-pro that HAS played at the the highest level.

      And I’m supposed to take her seriously?

      • From what I’ve seen of the women’s Euros coverage it’s been a fairly closed shop with regards to diversity (as in anybody but a straight white male)
        Mainly female commentators as well.
        Contrast that with the men’s game where women are creeping into every facet of coverage.
        Despite none of them having the experience at the level they claim to be knowledgeable of.
        It’s tedious and patronising more than anything else.
        If I watch football now (because old habits die very hard) it’s usually from 2 minutes into the game. Unless it’s Italian or Spanish football, where they don’t virtue signal like the soft cunts over here.

      • DCI@ – “From my experience of playing three games in the laydees under 12 school team I am of the opinion that Lionel Messi needs to work on his close ball control – he’ll win nothing without the basics”..
        “The football boots don’t go on your hands love”.
        “Are you being racist?”

      • I don’t care about the commentary, it tells you who is on the ball. All the great commentators like Hugh Johns, John Motson, Brian Moore, etc, they never played football, but they had a way with words.

        I watch football from the 1950s through to today’s games, in all languages via this site, you need to register but it’s free:

        Only in Britain do we have women commentators on men’s football. That doesn’t bother me, I’m doing my own commentary! It’s when great teams play shit that I get annoyed. Italy shitting the bed and not qualifying was scandal, they went from looking unbeatable in Euro 2020 to fucking it all up against Macedonia.

      • I don’t have a problem with female presenters in the slightest to be honest.
        I still would prefer the likes of Jimmy Hill, Des Lynam or Elton Welsby introducing coverage.
        Female commentators (as in describing the action) are off putting for me as the voice is often too shrill but as you point out – they’re only telling you who’s on the ball.

        It’s female co commentators, who are often clueless and who are supposed to be experts, offering insight to the viewer/listener that’s especially annoying.
        That and the female studio pundits (often of colour to tick as many boxes as possible) talking shite about something they’re not qualified to talk about is where it becomes a bit of a joke.

      • Yes, Herman, it’s mainly to tell you who is on the ball. An old tactic I use it to turn off the TV sound and listen to radio commentary which is different style of speech. Brazilian commentary is still crazy, the commentators speak with passion all the way through and I have no idea what they are saying! American commentary is awful. They spout statistics all the time. England v USA in November will be EPIC, though. Friday 7pm. The city centres will be bouncing in both countries.

  8. The BBC puts Lavrentiy Beria to shame.

    If it’s not blek,peaceful or a trannie they couldn’t give a fuck.

    Wimmins football not diverse enough? Of course not..nothing can ever be diverse enough for these poisonous cunts.

    • A couple of the German ladies playing with the balls are stunning by the way.

      I see a strong future for the Wimmins game??

  9. Lady Creampuff is watching it in her study. Anything that keeps her from getting under my feet for an hour or so can’t be all bad. ?

    • I dont even watch real football so this has passed me by.
      Thought it was a joke!

      How do they go about picking up the kids from school and making their husbands tea if theyre having a go at football?

      • If push came to shove I would much rather watch women’s football than men’s. But then, I’m not a poof.

      • Just tried to sneak past the wife’s room on my way to get another beer. Of course she heard me, door opened and she shouted “5 minutes to go, what are the chances of them fucking it up?” “Considerable” I replied.

      • The Red Arrows are a disgrace. A significant number of the team were sacked earlier this year for “inappropriate behaviour” involving “alcohol”.


      • I imagine it’s a fuck sight cheaper to police a woman’s football match, without all that knuckle dragging oi oi thuggery synonymous with the homoerotic mens version.

  10. Not watched a single second of the borefest.I prefer to watch paint dry.Boring boring boring.

  11. It’s wimmin so it’s obviously important, up there with the moon landings and other such achievements of mankind.

    It’s on in the house and to be fair if we’d let women fight the war it would have been a lot less deadly!

  12. The only sport that they should have televised is Clam Jousting.
    I’d watch that.

  13. Fuck me I’ve just heard Mrs infidel cheer in the other room.
    Wall to wall shite later

  14. Just don’t pay the TV tax, it really is that simple.
    Unless you’re happy to bankroll cunts that is, in which case,why are you here?*

    *Not directed at any individual afore some cunt or other gets their knickers in a twist

    • I only ever watch BBC for a football match. I’ll change my mind if Tony Blair gets kidnapped via helicopter by the Taliban, of course and the Air Force is scrambled and makes the OJ Simpson chase look like an episode of Noddy.

    • TV licence
      If it was up to me I wouldn’t have it. The problem is my missus watches a fair bit of TV so who am I to force her not to.

  15. Oh shit! The England wimminz have scored. If it stays that way, there’ll be over 20 dame hoods awarded along with lifetime employment offers from the BBC.
    Please god no!!!

  16. To give the wimminz a bit of credit, they might be shite, but at least they don’t fall over at the drop of a hat and roll around like they’re on fire like the cissy men.

    • I saw this point being commented on Mr Cunt Engine. Time wasting, faking injuries and arguing with the ref is apparently a manifestation of male competitiveness and the desire to gain small advantages in the game. There I was thinking for years they were just cunts.

      • Surprising that neither team has played an obvious, bearded tran§bumder.

    • TtCE Afternoon Thomas – and given the way the dirty, cheating, fouling, shirt pulling Eva fucking Brauns are hacking the England lesbians down they are getting quite a lot of practice at falling over.
      I am just wondering where the England manager can find 11 black players at 30 seconds notice if it goes to penalties..

  17. Fucking ladies football is just a euphamism for LESBIAN football – mind you as he loves poofters and trannies so much, you can be sure Kweer Charmer is knocking one out on the end of the sofa as we speak – unless he has managed to get himself into Wembley where he is probably wanking in a cupboard in the girls locker room.

  18. Germany 1-1 England

    The England lasses could end up blowing this.

    When they were one goal up they decided to sit on it.

    If they score one more it’ll give them something to hold on to although I’m sure the German lasses will make a fist of it.

    • A goal at each end. A double ender, and not the only one these lezzers will witness tonight.

  19. Please please can the FA arrange a England wimminz vs the proper England team ( I refuse to use the word mens). Wokegates bunch of knee benders and tranny shaggers may be shite, but they’d annihilate these lezzers. Then maybe, just maybe, the likes of Ian Emily Pankhurst Wright will be able to make the distinction between the two and realise it’s like comparing chalk and cheese.
    The dame hoods are on hold, at least for now it seems. This is the first time I’ve ever wanted Germany to win anything.

    • If I was Ian Wright, I’d have a plerhora of sneaky, tiny spy cams all over the both teams changing rooms. At the very least, he’ll get to sniff the used laundry hamper…

      • TtCE@ – If I was Ian Wright I would sue Oprah Winfrey for impersonating me!
        Currently having ” a little trouble” breaking some wimminz football penalty takers out of Whipsnade ?
        A black Woman has found a Germany outfit and is walking slowly up and down the pitch looking bored and confused..
        And the nazis (the German version) are now 2-1 down.

    • I don’t understand why some men get so riled by women’s football. They are two separate things. The physicality differences would negate men playing women at football, just as with boxing. You ever bump into a woman? You send them flying, as they are 7 stone and you are 12 stone or more.

      Being sucked into these manufactured gender, race and ideology wars is just what “they” want, maaaan! It’s a conspiracy, maaan!

      • LC@ – I am not riled by wimminz football – if it floats your boat crack on – I am very riled by the constant promotion of utter dross as though it is the most amazing thing ever by individuals and organisations determined to constantly denigrate the Male species and sow division.

      • *Sigh*

        It’s the promotion of women’s game as being equal in physical demands and technical ability that is the problem. It’s all top-down media claptrap and fake enthusiasm, misleading statistics and omissions.

    • The token male ‘pundits’ are sell out cunts who’ll say anything to make sure they keep getting invited. They’ll say anything for a few quid.

      Does anyone really think that had this been put on in the Arsenal team hotel back in the 90s, Wright would’ve been singing wimninz’ football’s praises?

      Or would he, Merson (another sell out) and Adams have been taking the piss out of it?

      I think we know the answer.

      £100 for the cheapest tickets for the men’s final, sold out months in advance.

      Wiminz version. Mostly freebies I’d guess, it’s hard to find out exactly, but the shrieking schoolgirl crowd gives it away really. And I bet any paid tickets don’t start at £100!

      And if it had it’s own pay channel, no fucking cunt would subscribe.

      All these woke cunts getting angry at anyone who doesn’t like wiminz footy and demand equal pay? How often do they pay to go and watch their local wiminz team?

      Oh that’s right. Never!

      Let this bag of shit survive on its own merits (not leeching off the men’s game) and then see how things are.

      And get female commentators off men’s football. I was going to watch the Charity Shield match but once I heard it was a shrieking banshee doing the commentary, I decided not to bother. It ruins it as much as the fucking knee bending.

      If the ball goes anywhere near the goal, their high-pitched, over-excited squealing can only be picked up by dogs.

      I used to pay for this shite, but never again. Practically free on IPTV for some I believe (not me of course ahem) but still not worth bothering with.

      The thought of paying £100 a month to watch lezzas taking up half the airtime for spots they can’t play (footy, cricket and rugby), is laughable now. Add the virtue signalling, lectures on behaviour and shrieking commentary and they can all get to fuck.

  20. After the womens professional team ( was it the USA?) lost to an under-15’s lads team, there was a tongue-in-cheek report stating that the lads wanted the same money as the womens team else it was sexist. Pity it didn’t happen.

  21. Football is a cunt at the best of times. But lesbian football takes the biscuit.
    Womens beach volleyball, now that’s a real sport…..

    • I was disappointed the last last time I saw beach volleyball. The women are gangly and titless.

  22. A very good nom.

    I used to post on the formula 1 hys. I have now given up….seems to be full of kids anyway, with little or no constructive comments other than i like hamilton and verstappen is a cheat type bollocks all the way through it.

    I gave up a few weeks ago when i had a post removed for ‘racism’

    The hys was on the subject of ferrari codsing up strategy and costing them the race. What did i say that was racist?

    Well, here it is.

    ‘ i have followed f1 for over 40 years, and in that time i have witnessed all teams making tactical errors,, but none more so than ferrari. Being an italian team, with predominantly italian management, they are very much run on emotion rather than say a german run team who make decisions on cold calculations and are unaffected by emotion’

    That was it.
    That was a racist comment….bunch of cunts.

    • Good observation Chuff, and the very reason the Eye ties will always have the edge when it comes to design, form over function is in their genes, the olive oil haired chancers.
      Responsible for some of the most iconic and evocative machines that appealed to both genders with ease on the eye.

      • Mecuntry@ Evening Mecuntry – I have owned an Alfa Romeo – I have suffered greatly because Giuseppe and Mario can’t build a sand castle let alone a fucking car!
        I would not have another wop rot box if it was free.

      • Form over function, as i said Vernon
        i never said they were good in the electrics or the build quality.
        But fuck me they have the Eye in form. beautiful looking suff always starts out in Italy.
        Ze Germans are clinically cold but function vill not be compromised even if it looks like a large piece of back bacon

  23. Watching extra time in this wimminz football final and we’ve just scored……a lovely slow mo shot on the bird who scored taking her top off and jumping around with delight…..great pair of titties and nips jumping around. Nealry got to the vinegar stroke if they had played it for another 30 seconds.

    Otherwise its all bollocks

  24. So the English girls -who allegedly play football like 8 year old boys- achieve what all those overpaid English “men” (and football superstars) simply cannot….winning the Euros! Against the Germs…?

    • …..but they were playing a load of women ….not a load of highly paid prima donna blokes.

      Compare apple with apples mate eh?

    • GC@ Not to worry Adolf – I am emailing an open invitation for these “champions” to play the team of under 11 boys I help coach in a charity match – let’s see if the carpet munchers are up for it.

    • The England men’s team is overpaid but played a better side than the German men in the final.

  25. I won’t hold my breath waiting for the BBC to complain about lack of diversity when there are no white faces in a GB relay athletics team. They really are cunts of biblical proportions.

  26. “Breaking news”! – Footballing traitors win Phyrric victory, lecture entire fucking world about it for the next 16 forevers.
    Wave your p**do flags about and fuck off.

    • Yup….fuck me bbc website will be full of this fucking wimminz football shoite for weeks now they’ve won.

      Every cunt was crying at the end even the stupid tart interviewer….and ian wright no doubt…honoury big girls blouse now.

      ….and so the propaganda steam rollers on.

      • Yes, the crying interviewer.

        it’s all about ‘muh feelz’ at the beeb nowadays.


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