The BBC (68) and England’s Wimminz Football (3)

I wasn’t sure about putting in this cunting because it’s the BBC at it again, this time it’s a lack of diversity in the England Women’s Euro football team.

The clip I have added below is from GB news but it is worth watching just to see what cunts the BBC really are.

The summary is that England beat Norway 8-0 and the focus is not on the victory but the fact that all 11 starting players and five subs were all white (the squad does actually have a couple of half breeds).

In the past there been a number of black players in the women’s team but obviously this is conveniently forgotten by the BBC.

What a load of fucking shit, they don’t mention that the French team (a majority white country is riddled with colour)

If you are a white girl and aspire to be a footballer don’t bother because if you are successful you will be guilty of white privilege and should be ashamed.

Message to the BBC, England is a majority white country (for now) accept it and move on.

As a footnote the all white strip is racist init, distinct lack of colour.

YouTube Link

Nominated by: Sick of It

(There will be complaints from Transformers not being included soon – Day Admin)

Cuntybollocks takes aim at the BBC’s seemingly one-sided “have your say” comments section regarding wimminz football

BBC don’t have your say sections

As recently as about 10 years ago, the BBC would allow right wing or ‘non conformist’ comments in their comments sections.

This has got gradually worse since then, to the point where it is not much different to the insane far-left comments section at The Guardian.

Case in point, they have opened a comments section on the wimmins’ football team making ‘the Euro final’.

Now, I can understand (sort of) them deleting ‘Get back in the kitchen’ type comments, but I kept an eye on the live comments for about 20 minutes.

The cunts were deleting comments saying women’s football is a poor, amateurish spectacle and should not be on prime time licence fee television.

This is purely an opinion. In fact, I saw about six or seven comments along those lines. No ‘two sugars’. No ‘think of all those men going without their tea.’ Just opinions on the ladies’ game being shite. One that quickly vanished said something like ‘To all you lefties saying they should get the same pay as men, go and pay £2,000 for a season ticket to see them play then, when you won’t even go for free at the moment!’

I agree. Great point I thought.

However, the BBC, probably on the back of Wokegate and his band of cunts, have obviously taken any criticism of the sport itself being put on the BBC (which I’d guess at least some of those commenting are fucking paying for) as being ‘sexist hate’.

Silly me. There I was, thinking it was paying customers complaining about the cheap, crappy, money pinching service they’re getting?

The BBC employs moderators on these comments sections and I’d guess it depends on who’s working that particular shift, but fuck me… don’t you fucking well dare say anything but how incredibly awesome women’s football is!

Not everyone shares the same opinions in life, surely? Humans are geared to discriminate in almost every way. You do it when you choose cheddar instead of red Leicester. Or in that green top over the red one. It’s life. Discrimination is normal. But they kneel against all forms of it now (it’s not for George Floyd anymore, get educated muh!). Thick cunts!

Hopefully, to any uppity ladies out there, this is not seen as ‘mansplaining’ in any way.

By the way ladies, ‘mansplaining’ is short for ‘man explaining.’

BBC News Link


188 thoughts on “The BBC (68) and England’s Wimminz Football (3)

  1. And now we will have one of these so-called ‘major trophy winners’ as a pundit for the 2022 World Cup (the proper one), going on about they’ve played at the highest level (when they haven’t). We will never hear the last of this now.

    Pass the fucking sick bucket.

    • Awesome, guess what.

      The wimminz are playing the world under 15 boys champions.

      Hopefully the boys will get equal pay, for ‘playing at the highest level of the game’.

  2. Was outside using my hosepipe to water the parched garden. Figured the sheep would glued to the idiot lantern watching the fussball so wouldn’t get snitched on whilst using the hose in a drought scenario.

    As for the BBC, the game of fussball, the players, the results. Couldn’t give a flying fuck.

  3. Oh come on I thought it was pretty cool the manager brought on a token for the last two minutes.

  4. Disgraceful commentators on the BBC saying the German team will have to:

    “accept their loser medals.”

    To be honest, when ever I try and focus on women’s football I am put off by the amateurish sexist commentating. To make a comment like this about a professional football team that lost in the finals.

    Literally the 1st time England win something. The BBC cannot be gracefully accepting, but we call people losers.

    Fuck the BBC. Seriously how these pricks are still making a living is beyond me. They basically call all of their customers racist, fascist, climate denying, covidiot- transphobic cunts and get away with it.

  5. I’m torn. On the one hand it’s nice that one of our football teams has finally won something, but on the other hand the wokies will never shut up about it.

  6. Well you see, you can’t allow any n*gnogs anywhere near anything that’s shiny and valuable as they are likely to revert to type and have it away to the nearest Cash Converter! They just cannot help themselves!

  7. I bet Lady Starmer, or her staff, will be changing Dame Kweer’s sheets this morning, no doubt full of jizz after his fantasies of last night.

    I just heard on Wireless 4 the second goal winner being “interviewed”. You couldn’t hear the silly cow (I think the dogs might have caught something) – she was shreiking like a banshee.

  8. A massive victory for white supremacists, everywhere.
    The racist cunts ?
    I believe there was a token black at the end.
    Nice touch ?
    Get To Fuck.

    • Only put on the pitch so that there would be a stadium full of witnesses when she inevitably tried to steal, sell drugs or prostitute herself.

  9. Fantastic for them and their fans, but me? I am absolutely beside myself with indifference.

  10. I think the commentators and pundits happen to sum up Women’s Football rather well.
    They all get paid to watch it.

  11. Sky Nooz this am
    Therese Coffey, who looks like an entire rugger team in drag
    An ugly blonde wimminz – jeez, if I had a dog like that, I’d take it on a one way trip to vet’s. Could’ve been Ms. Dance.
    And a load of idiot Karens bouncing up and down.
    Meanwhile, China about to invade Russia…
    Never mind, football’s come home, anything else is a footnote.

  12. One of the women before the match claimed that “loads” of the mens England team were asking them for tickets, without naming any of them obviously

    Mainly because it is completely made up

    Can just imagine Kyle Walker being massively interested.

  13. Disappointed as I thought they were going to get their titties out at one point last night.

  14. Who the fuck cares, I couldn’t give a cold, dead rat’s ass for any of this nonsense.

    I hate men running around after a fucking ball so imagine my complete indifference at this pile of garbage.

    Vomit inducing shit.

  15. Of course, this ‘sensational victory’ and ‘winning of a major trophy’ (Ha Ha) will be the headline news on the BBC website for the next week or two. It will be on there, non fucking stop.
    They are going on about it as if it’s 1966 all over again. The cunts are obsessed.

    The latest headline? ‘Thousands in Trafalgar Square to welcome heroic Lionesses’.
    But they haven’t specified how many there actually are. They won’t say it was only one and half thousand, or two or three thousand. Because that’s what it will be (if there are over a thousand people there at all). The fanatical woke nutjobs at the BBC can’t (or won’t) get it into their heads that the majority in Great Britain do not give a flying fuck about this wimmins football bollocks, It’s as simple as that.

  16. I didn’t watch as I find all sport monotonously tedious, not cos I’m a sexist.

    And fuck that EE advert, btw.

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