Cunt that is the BBC. Why? Because this evening, on BBC National News ( 12/07 ) the BBC have taken it upon themselves to investigate the SAS for their undoubted atrocities in battle.
Since when was the BBC able to commission themselves as ” Police ” and in particular, to broadcast footage that is claimed to be evidential and without bias.
I will not go into chapter and verse, but I strongly object to ( once again ) our forces are attacked by a bunch of London Centric scumbags funded by us the taxpayer. We have been promised the BBC will be axed. It hasn’t. It is way overdue that the institution is burned to the fucking ground and its cunts of staff tarred, feathered and then beheaded in the customary way of REAL criminal scum who they protect, nurture and actively promote.
If Putin is listening, a Nuke on the BBC would be greatly appreciated. And of our forces? If we cannot and will not stand up for them, then we deserve the great shit slide to our ultimate oblivion.
Nominated by: ferrars hall
Funny they can investigate heroic soldiers, but they couldn’t investigate a peadofile pervert who was fronting one of their POPular programs….
Opperation Flavious, in Gibralta (1988) by any chance?
They “unlawfully killed” 54 ragheads in six months. That’s shocking! That’s not nearly fucking enough. Who is responsible for this? Heads must roll. ( rag heads)
Any cunt working for the AL-BBC needs to read and digest the following:
“We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm”.
I hope every cunt who works for Blacks Broadcasting Communism spend the rest of their very short lives looking over their shoulder, checking the brakes on their car twice and making sure those windows and door are locked and bolted at night.
Utter cunts, one and all.
I would question anything that Panorama puts out, they have an objective and then ‘find’ the evidence to fit.
Rather than put this shit out on TV why not just present the ‘evidence’ to the government or courts and see if stands up to proper scrutiny, I wouldn’t believe any lying fucking rag head, they are all fucking cunts.
The BBC are a disgrace, ‘well respected journalist Martin Bashir’ was shown to be a lying cunt and the bastards knew it.
I would like to see World in Action back on the screen for their 60th anniversary next year. A great programme in the day. Shown on I.T.V. Oh! & keep the B.B. fucking C well away!
The SAS and its former soldiers don’t take too kindly to the spotlight or journalists in general.
The BBC need to be extremely careful trying to investigate this organisation and it’s shadowy history.
They’re the sort of blokes that can make nosey woke BBC journo cretins disappear only to be found days later floating in a canal with their finger nails missing…………..
Bring it on – Emily Mattress and Jon Sopel, watch out.
Cunts like the BBC who hate this country think when the Peacefuls take over they will remember who their friends were.
They won’t. You’re an Infidel. You will die. Remember that Linekunt and your arsecrawling friends.
Any chance Panorama could investigate ISIS or the Taliban or some other Middle Eastern terrorist group?
Nope! Far too dangerous and of course racist.
It wouldn’t surprise me of the BBC hinted at all the IRA bombings in the UK were the fault of the British army; the ISIS bombings in the UK blamed on white-van-man and 9/11 was entirely the fault of some local housing authority who rejected Osama Bin Liner’s application for a 6 bedroom house in Kensington. And therefore under severe duress and mental fatigue he ordered the destruction of the Twin Towers and the deaths of 3000+ innocent lives.
Perhaps the two World Wars were our fault too!
“…Any chance Panorama could investigate ISIS or the Taliban or some other Middle Eastern terrorist group?”
Unlikely Techno because then it might become more widely known that Israel has long been funding the greater proportion of them!
“…Perhaps the two World Wars were our fault too!”
Sort of, we shouldn’t have been suckered into either, beyond that I’ll say no more.
I watched some of this nonsense.
I was infuriated that an organization funded by the public should try and make itself look clever to the assorted w0gs and ragheads, by slagging off the very people who fight to maintain their very existence.
Whoever thought this up should be put on trial for treason, for dissemination of state secrets at the least. How did they get hold of the video footage?
In plain language, “Anti British cunts”.
I do hope the cunts involved will come face to face with the special forces one day.
Anti-British – Check
Woke – Check
Unpatriotic – Check
Treasonous – Check
Left wing – Check
Biased – Check
Unethical – Check
Spendthrift – Check
Untrustworthy – Check
EU loving – Check
Cunts – Check
Remoaners – Check
Hypocrites – Check
Gay loving – Check
Needs defunding- check..
Heresy – Check.
Largactil 5mg – Check.
Valium – 10 mg – Check.
Halo Penedol 5mg – Check,
the little white ones, w, w, w for white.
Phenol Barbitone 5mg – Check.
Disipel 5mg – Check.
Glass of water – Check.
From Captain Lockheed & the Starfighters, with The late Robert Calvert (Hawkwind)
Can uncover ‘ wrong doing by’ covert special forces thousands of miles away.
Totally unable to uncover child abuse, rape and lies told to a member of the royal family to obtain an interview by deceit that all took place on their own premises by their employees.
How the BBC has the front to attack members of the armed forces in a war zone is beyond me.
I want the BBC gone.
You will have to wait until New Year’s Eve 2027.
67 noms for the BBC. Has to be an ISAC record, surely. Perhaps we should have a new category for them, like Cunts of the Decade.
Everyone loves Auntie ?
Or… Is it Uncle now? Or does it depend on the day of the week?
They are now 10 above Heinz MMCM! So that’s 67 varieties of being a Cunt! When will it all end, I ask myself?
Never, Lord Scunthorpe !
M & S Tomato Ketchup is much more tomato-ey, and a lot cheaper. Tesco Mayonnaise is likewise better than Hellman’s.
The SAS are not politicians – they are socially functioning psychopaths who have a remit to do what the majority dare not, will not or feel they should not, they are truly a different type of creature and from my limited experience good lads but fucking scary when things get daft – the whining soyboy traitors infesting Broadcasting House never seem to appreciate the irony that cowards like them can sleep safe in their beds because brave Men are prepared to do visceral things to keep the cowards who criticise them safe in their beds. The BBC were and are considerably less enthusiastic in the investigation of an organisation which knowingly protected a number of prolific p***ophiles, both inside its own organisation and within the muslim and political community, an organisation which has just been found guilty of fabricating a story 25 years ago involving Prince Charles, a nanny and a terminated pregnancy, an organisation which used to be the worlds best and most trusted broadcaster but has now been taken over in its entirety by a dangerous cabal of anti white, anti British left wing extremists (I will call them what they are – the modern day nazis) and is nothing more than an evil propaganda vehicle for some very, very evil people and a production company to churn out sub IQ unicorn, racist dross to a dumbed down audience of hate filled adult children.
Even “tame” surveys put trust in the BBC at an all time low, I suspect the real figure is higher, “Defund the BBC” is a movement gaining more and more strength and traction and it is time to separate the vile fucking pariah of the BBC from the contents of our wallets, permanently – stop being lying bastards, racists and wokeflakes, make programmes people actually WANT to watch instead of permanent lectures and browbeating over alleged racism and climate change or go out of business. When their tame hog Nadine Dorries is replaced and the Licence Tax is finally scrapped watch the sly bastards at the BBC trying to load a licence fee onto the price of Council Tax or broadband – because this is their plan when they can no longer directly squeeze and rob people (and they can fuck right off as well!).
Yet another example of the enemy within, and if by any miracle I do get elected I will be making defunding the BBC one of the things I want to achieve before leaving politics – “small victories” as DCI would say!
Very well said.
Modded? Darn you Wordfence! I will see you at dawn with my duelling pistols!
Mine too, I took extra precautions in my response.
Now I’m tearing apart my living room looking for BBC surveillance.
The British Armed Forces have carte blanche as far as I’m concerned.
Fuck Afghans.
If we didn’t kill them then they’d set about killing each other anyway or sending us heroin.
Who dares wins? Aye that would be the Special Air Service..not some snot nosed traitorous cunts in London.
Dirty vermin abroad,dirty Quisling vermin at home.
Time the BBC was slotted.
Where are all the ‘Hitmen’ when we really need them!
No-one at the BBC could detect the hole in their own arse ?
Not until it needs filling!
The BBC is a fucking disgrace.
Funny that our national broadcaster never reports on the fearless work undertaken by our brave military saving life’s fighting terrorists. All at the behest of their political masters.
I hold our military in the highest esteem and the SAS the bravest of the brave. Shame the national broadcaster doesn’t.
Rot in hell panorama and all you Cunt s that sail in her.
Some interesting articles:
Pro SNP in Scotland? How very British!
Oh what a shame.
The battle isn’t over as the BBC views a direct tax via the council tax as a possible answer to the funding crisis. Something that must be resisted.
Those cunts in power are never ever going to do anything about the bbc licence fee they are all empty words kickit down the road until it’s the next lot of cunts trouble.
Once upon a time, there were anti poll tax riots.
Wetminster beware!!
9mm aspirin
I think most at the BBC would prefer a 9mm Suppository, or bugger, I mean bigger
After watching the ’82 World Cup about a year ago, after buying the footage online, there were a few half time BBC News reports from the Falklands. Those reports were incredibly pro British and celebratory at the homecoming in Southampton.
If we had the same today, the cunts at the BBC would be looking for an angle to slate British troops instead.
Indeed, in recent years it’s been the BBC who’ve gone on about ‘how bad’ the sinking of the Belgrano was.
Fuck off! They invaded remember and the Belgrano was a crucial ship to the Argies. It was in range.
The correct decision was made. Sink it while we can because this could come back to bite us in the arse.
Fuck the BBC and their constant going after our troops.
Try being in a warzone with mad ragheads cutting your mate’s head off, and then trying to keep calm as he tells you your mate deserved it during interrogation. Yes, he’d get a fucking slap, obviously.
And they wouldn’t even question our lot when the situation is reversed by the fucking way. Heads lobbed off or shot in the face if lucky.
Fuck the traitors at the BBC!
‘it was in target range’ that is.
Exclusion zone? The Falklands was an exclusion zone for the Argies in the first fucking place. Fuck them, the greasy wops.
I think you will find they prefer the term ‘greasy dagos’.
Yes, I got my racist terms mixed up there.
Reminds me of the major in Fawlty Towers, “No, no, no. You can’t call them …”
Even the fucking Argies have said that the sinking of the ‘Belgrano’ was justified, for fucks sake. From Wiki:
“In August 1994, an official Argentine Defence Ministry report written by armed forces auditor Eugenio Miari was released which described the sinking of General Belgrano as “a legal act of war”, explaining that “acts of war can be carried out in all of the enemy’s territory” and “they can also take place in those areas over which no state can claim sovereignty, in international waters”.”
Indeed DCI
DCI@ – “Justified” or not I would have sent the fucker to the bottom.
War is war, and if they don’t like the result don’t perform the actions which cause it.
FUCK them.
…and to clear up any Argie misunderstanding of our intent…
ƒ A D E C#m F#m
There was a load of bloody fairies in Buenos bloody Aires
With greasy hair and sweaty bums, they’d never heard of Boddington’s
A different culture and a different race, – no chippies in the fucking place,
You can keep that poof Ardiles, we’re going to have your Malvinas
Eh Up!
They got our backs up without a doubt, time to sort those bastards out
Costa Mendez lives in fear of real men who can hold their beer
Eh! Eh! Eh! The lads are on their way,
With bayonets and tommy guns and bellies full of Boddington’s
Eh Up!
Fray Bentos and cheap red wine is all they eat in the Argentine
But after a scrap with the English Navy, they’ll be begging for the recipe for chips ‘n’ gravy
©1982 The Macc Lads
N.B.- Costa Mendez was the Argy Foreign Secretary in 1982.
‘Las Islas Malvinas’ was what the Argies had the temerity to call the Falkland Islands.
N.B.- Ossie Ardiles was a minuscule Argy footballer who played for Spurs.
He was stuck in Argentina until the war was over.
They found him when they cut the grass.
The BBC barely deserves the 1st B of its acronym. Decidedly anti-British, evidently.
Let the wokesters reap what they are sowing because when the shit hits the fan, it’s not going to be pretty for them, and they can’t say they weren’t warned ?.
Bollinger Bolshevik Cunts.
The woke bastards are targeting Aussie SAS too.
These massive cunts who broadcast this programme fucked up as the shooters were Australian SAS. Stick THAT up your fucking woke arses. The Daily Mail did a report on it, and I unfortunately cannot find it.
Yeah, I think they showed a bit about that first & then said that our SF were doing it too. Fucking cunts at Al Beeb, one & all!
apologies cunters here it is.
And if the BBC think most people would be ‘outraged’ at our troops killing Afghans they targeted for obvious reasons, they’re in for a shock.
I’d best most people, even if they were too scared to say it publicly, would be saying 54 deaths wasn’t enough.
I don’t understand the obsession with Afghanistan at all.
I know the MSM love a sob story they can try to sell us but ffs…
Afghanistan is a shithole halfway round the other side of the world full of raghead cunts.
It should simply cease to exist.
Nuke Afghanistan
A waste of a nuke. Leave the place to the Chinese.
i hate those journalist cunts that think they’re the fucking bees knees ‘investigators’. I fully concur with the sentiment of a good hiding up a dark alley somewhere, no warning, just jumped & given a fucking good kicking – feed the cunt through a straw for the rest of his shit-stirring life. And that ex-RM colonel that appeared on the program needs a fucking shoe-ing too, the back stabbing cunt.
We have SF to do the dirty shit that no-one else wants to do & if that means offing rag-head heathen rather than arresting them, I’m all for it. Those cunts in the IRA were shit scared of the SAS/SBS, cos they knew they would easily disappear without trace if they got caught. No court appearance for you paddy, just an appointment with a 9mm round, you cunt.
Why the fuck haven’t these Panorama cunts investigated Asian grooming gangs? Oh, I know, because they’re treasonous, fifth columnist wank stains who hate everything to do with Britain. The raghead cunts no doubt deserved to be clipped.
You can guarantee they’ll be doing well to wall coverage of Tim ‘is it cos I is black’ Westwood’s case though.
A honky, allegedly raping black girls?
That’s a dream ticket for the BBC, even though the cunt clearly thinks that he’s black.
The fact he was doing it while employed by them misses them too, it seems.
Indeed, I’m starting to think only n o n ces work for the BBC.
Oh, and they’ll never properly investigate the grooming gangs scandal.
Imagine going to the head of programming with your idea.
“I’d like to do a large scale, evidence based investigation into the grooming gangs scandal. I want to see how widespread this is and who has been covering it all up, from social workers, the media, communities, police and politicians.”
“What are you? Some kind of racist? No, we’ll do ten documentaries on Westwood, right after the twentieth film about Stephen Lawrence. Get out you’re fired.”
If and when the licence fee gets scrapped it will be stealth taxed alongside some other tax. Say it’s council tax,in which case, a FOI act request asking what is being added to pay for the shitcasters lies and lop that off your bill. Let them sort out several million dissenters in their own time.
The sooner the cunt MSM gets it’s nose broken the better.