School Run Mothers

Another cunting please for these useless spunk trumpets.

Why oh why do these fat arsed bitches have to leave the fucking offside passenger doors open?

Add to that the cross sectional area of their arses (which have satellites orbiting within the gravity field), plus the fact my van has insufficient fuel to slingshot around said arse in the middle of the road.

Please put the monglets on the nearside and every one is safe. On a good day the local primary school has vehicles parked on both sides of the fucking road then said cunts escort little Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia in the gap down between said illegally parked vehicles.


Nominated by: CuntyMort

73 thoughts on “School Run Mothers

    • She could probably do with a fringe and some make-up to disguise that ghoulish face but the body is okay.

    • She’s a Kronenbourg. Looks 16 from far away but get closer and she looks 64.

  1. No wonder kids all look like Shirley Crabtree nowadays.

    Driven to school?!!
    As a kid I couldnt think of anything worse,
    You walk to school with your mates,
    Or the local pee do
    Not with your fuckin mummy.

    Get in your 4×4 luv with your fat fuckin kids,
    That little one,
    How old? 7?
    Hes 7 yrs old?
    He looks like Peter Kay.
    Get in your car and fuck off.

    • I walked a mile to school when I was 6.

      If your ‘mummy’ turned up to take you home you’d have the piss taken out of you for the rest of your school life.

      It was out of the question at secondary school. Might as well have gone up to Mike Tyson and called him an ugly, thick, Guy Gibson’s dog.

      Even the spacca lad with the calipers walked home.

      • Same here. I went to primary school in the 80’s/90’s and secondary school in the 90’s. My Dad worked long days during the week and spent the weekends doing work on the house/garden and my Mum was a house wife who couldn’t drive.

        If I’d asked my Mum to walk me to school she probably would’ve made an appointment for me to see the Doctor on account of the fact that even my vagina-owning sisters would never have asked such a thing of her.

        Fucking fannies.

      • Yup. Don’t remember any pea doughs trying it on, but I ran everywhere at that age and probably looked like a mental.

  2. Dummy Mummys proliferate in gentrified areas.
    Precious Tobin and Jasmine in the rear of an immense Chelsea Tractor, so far back they need intercom to whine within earshot of mother.
    If wimminz car owners driving ability actually were commensurate with their spatial awareness they’d all be in Smart cars.
    Ever heard of car pooling, you stuck up bitches?

  3. It’s the massive sense of entitlement these cunts exhibit. Block the roads, hold up traffic, opening doors into the oncoming traffic…just so there little precious miracles don’t have to walk 100 yards..turn them into cattle feed..

  4. Kids too fat or idle to walk?

    We’ve got a gigantic vehicle that costs as much as a house just for you!

    Fuck the planet eh?

    Idiotic cunts.

  5. In the header pic is a mum and her three kids.
    Look nice enough?
    Whys she putting them in the boot like dogs?
    Thats against the law.
    They should be seated and as that nice man used to say ‘clunk clip with every trip’ seatbelted.
    And the lads got a skateboard, why?
    Can he only move by wheels?
    Mam drives him to school where he skates round the classroom?
    Just get the lazy little cunt a wheelchair and save time.

    • The girl on right looks to have a life jacket on and a futuristic snorkel…

  6. The bane of my morning commute. There are a few mini roundabouts on my way, and women have a tough time at normal size ones, let alone the little fuckers. They have to stop, regardless of whether there is anything coming, and many aren’t sure who’s right of way it is, so sit there puzzled while traffic builds up behind them.
    Add to that, builders stopping at Greggs for their grease sodden breakfast, seniors out buying papers, and fucking cyclists, make a short journey take twice the time.
    Great cunting.

    • Quite right with women drivers at roundabouts- multitasking my arse!
      As for the school run, it shows how selfish a lot of them are : I they’ll open the doors and everyone else can stop and wait.
      I’ve also noticed when I’m driving and let someone out of a side road, that it’s usually the women who don’t say thank you.

      • Multi-tasking? That implies performing a minimum of 2 activities at once!….. I beg to differ when it comes to women drivers.

        When it comes to driving, women literally have to do 2 things, not concurrently, but in sequence:

        – Get Hubby to drive her down to the DVLA
        – Hand in her Drivers License and declare herself incompetent.

        Really simple.

  7. When I was a kid my schoolday mornings went like this-
    Get up,

    Bowl of cereal.

    Go the paki shop for me mams fags.

    Take fags home dodging a bumming on the playing fields off Chinaman Joe.

    Knock on for my mate.

    Walk to school.

    Carbon footprint? Zero

      • Naw, Chinaman Joe was the name of our local pee do in the 70s/early 80s.

        He was a deafndumber.
        Used sign language to flirt.
        Wasnt a real chinaman either!
        Just looked chinky.

      • We had to avoid ‘Bummer Barry’.

        He was a massive gay, but not a pea dough…we just thought he was a disgusting freak back in those days.

        “Backs to the walls lads, it’s Bummer Barry!”

        Kids can be cruel. We were only 9.

      • @Miserable Northern Cunt

        Back in the 80’s/90’s we had the nutters in my tow as well but in my town we had:

        – Nutty Norman: A fella who walked around on crutches, had hair that looked like Mickey Mouse’s ears, smelt like fuck-knows (because we never went near him) and he used to hang his used teabags out to dry on the washing line.

        – Kinky Rob: Don’t know why he was called that really……. I guess he was just kinky and called Rob.

  8. My home in UK is right opposite the school gates and when I’m home I always make sure I’m mooching about in the front when it’s school run time. It’s not to watch the delightful young girls in their revealing attire, well not always, but to listen to the screeching harridans as they fight over the few parking spaces, and my goodness have I witnessed some sights. I deliberately park the rental on the road as it makes one less space available. Best time of day is when school kicks out and the Chelsea tractors start to gather. Ive had the rozzers knock on my door and ask if I witnessed anything. My reply is always the same. “Yes Officer, I witnessed numerous violations of the Road Traffic Act. Oh, you mean an assault? Only on my eardrums.! What’s that you say? Would I be willing to hand over cctv footage? No, that’s for my benefit in case I am a victim of crime! Now, if you don’t mind!”

  9. Off topic for which I apologise, but is anyone well up on breakdown companies? Last night I broke down on the M4, limped into Leigh Delamere services and waited four-and-a-half hours for the RAC to turn up.

      • Been asking around today John and everyone shares your view. Come renewal time I’ll give Green Flag a go.

        Heard one or two horror stories about RAC response times as well, including one of a twenty-five year old woman who broke down at 6 pm and help arrived at 5 am.

    • arfurbrain@ – Morning arfurbrain/all – if you break down again just call them and say you are a transgender “they” of colour and if they don’t get there in 10 minutes they are waaycist! ??

  10. There’s a fat arsed Karen near me that drives her fuckin horrible kids a matter of yards to the school round the corner. It must take more effort to load them up than to just simply walk the short distance.

    • My Mum molly-coddled me as a kid because I always had my head up in the clouds and would often walk out in front of cars.

      The only reasons she never drove me to school was because she couldn’t drive as she, ironically, was too scared to learn as she was afraid she’d run over a kid if she ever drove a car.

      I thank the God I don’t believe in that I grew up with a Dad who managed to keep my Mum’s molly-coddling in check though.

  11. Our village school is on a bend. The fuckers who drive 200 metres to drop the little cunts off then do a 7 point turn on the bend instead of taking a right and right.

  12. I had the absolute pleasure of attending a job in a cul-de-sac with a school at the end of it, near starting time. Dozy trollops (badly) parked everywhere, so we just left the truck in the middle of the road with the blues on, (not music). Had to call Fire for assistance to extricate, so all the fucking mothers and their off-spring were stuck there for the best part of two hours. Calls of us to move fell on deaf ears or “Ring the police”. The actual residents of the road, the poor fuckers that these idle fuckers park over or in their driveways, seemed rather amused.

    Call me a sadistic cunt, but, I was grinning like a wanking Jap for the rest of the shift.

    • DCI@ – Morning DCI – sadistic? Reminds me of the local ruffian where I live – when cheeky, piss taking “day shoppers” park on the private, not public car park where I live this blighter arranges a number of vehicles to block these cunts in then everyone “goes out for the day” – note left on the windscreen – “Private property, fuck off taking the piss and park in town!” (Nobody knows the identity of this mysterious curmudgeon, he is rumoured to be called “The Fox”)..
      EVERY school with a pupil catchment area of a mile or less should ban “school runny Mummies” etc from using vehicles to drop children off unless they pay an annual fee of £120 each to cover the cost of maintaining safe walking routes and hiring responsible people to walk with the kids – healthy kids, healthier parents, less vehicles clogging up the local area, footpaths maintained at no cost to the taxpayer and a tidy sum made from the lazy Karens!
      Should be fkin Prime Minister me!

  13. Cunty the passenger door is nearside, and yes these fuckers leave doors open, dump their cars anywhere and then look surprised when you say move your car cunt, your making me late for work, blocking the whole fucking street….

  14. I would have thought that the sight of a nice fat feminine ass would cheer you up in the morning. It would me.

    • You don’t know nowadays, that ‘nice fat feminine ass’ may not be attached to a female.

    • Not the sizes of the arses on these horrors mate. The HND cunts block the main road while trying to turn right into the scholl. There must be a lot of double amputees amongst the mothers.

  15. As an advertisement in that cultural treasure VIZ asked readers “Is your school half way up a mountain”. then you need some enormous 4×4 with a bonnet like the flight deck of the old Ark Royal bless her oil and chip smell that pervaded the below decks.
    I have in the past pointed out to visitors to this rural idyll that by driving a large 4×4 they must expect to go off road sometime. So why not pull up on the verge and make use of you huge ground clearance, sump guard., gps anti cup spill etc so I can get my knackered old van past without ripping off most of my exhaust and suspension. As for trailing Pergonia and Heathcliff to school in something that would scare a tank crew well that’s just so cuntish right.

    • I love this so much. I just wish it existed so that I could buy it every week for the same reason I buy “The New European” every week……. because it feels so good between by cheeks.

  16. Good nom this.

    I’m surrounded by schools where I live and each morning, driving to work in my small modest van is an exercise in running the 4×4/terrible/dangerous driver gauntlet.

    These oft fake lip/fake eyelash vacuous cunts are either up on the curbs, blocking the roads, sweeping around blind corners on the wrong side of road almost causing head on collisions or just generally causing traffic chaos.

    This whole school run thing is an example of over bearing parental indulgence if you ask me.
    I’m not particularly old yet when I was a kid there was only about 2 kids (if that) who got picked up or dropped off by their parents in a car. Everyone else mainly walked or there were some who caught the school bus.
    The “school run” was seemingly unheard of back then.

    Having said all that – I do enjoy a morning ogle of the slightly chunky, yummy mummy big bummed types. The ones who actually still walk their offspring to school. So it’s not all bad.

  17. It’s better near our school…

    Our school is bang on the corner of a roundabout and guess what happens my friends… yes, some of them (mostly and as an observation either, daki, blackie, chinky or polski) stop on on the roundabout where there is also emergency access for vehicles.

    Just up there is a also a crossing with double yellow lines, yep – you guessed it they also stop there blocking the crossing.

    I am shocked that no child has been knocked over yet!

  18. There’s a narrow street near me, which is the main road towards Whitefield town centre. But every morning it is clogged with daft bitches in their 4x4s, dropping off their repulsive offspring. Now, why anyone would need a 4×4 in a quiet suburban area is beyond me anyway. But these modern parents are a fucking joke. When asked why they don’t let their spoilt little friggers walk, you get ‘But… But… It’s to keep my children safe!’

    But after they have bleated that out, they then plaster their kids (of any age) all over social media, so every Joe Ronce in the world can see them. Fucking pricks and hypocrites.

  19. The name itself ‘The School Run’ gets on my onions. When I was a kid, getting a lift to school (if we got one) was called just that.

    It’s another of those Septic-isms that have polluted England. Like ‘Season’ (as opposed to series), ‘About to drop’ instead of ‘About to be released’, and other shite like an executive producer is now a ‘Showrunner’ and crap like ‘Dropping the ball’ ‘Taking one for the team’ and other vomit inducing bollocks.

    • To be fair, I thought that “dropping the ball” was synonymous with “dropping a bollock” meaning “making a mistake”, not “taking one for the team”.

      Although to be fair, it’s easy to miss the context with metaphors.

  20. The latest event to boil my piss is the mummies letting the mini cunts use scooters on the pavement. I have to exit the works van from a courtyard so zero visability either way. I now sound my horn twice and come out of courtyard. The number of dozy mothers accessing Face fuck or Twatter who I have nearly knocked over is now getting to double figures. I once nearly had two monglets hurtling down the pavement. Mummy comes up ranting like fuck, you nearly hit my child. My reply was a measured fuck off you dozy cow and make them walk. said mummies have to then carry said scooters back home and bring them down again for monglet to ride them home

  21. Not the sizes of the arses on these horrors mate. The HND cunts block the main road while trying to turn right into the scholl. There must be a lot of double amputees amongst the mothers.

  22. My Challenger tank makes short work of school run Chelsea tractor bloaters!
    And people wonder why kids are such fat pigs?

  23. Take the fat cunts, Mother and kids, to an army veterans hospital. Young lads and lasses having legs blown off in distant shit holes. Might make them think twice about getting in the car, having the ability to walk wherever they want without a second thought and actually getting some exercise for a change.

    • They wouldn’t give a fuck, Bob. They’re generally self-centred, narcissistic, entitled cunts, usually with a face like a plasterers radio who’re more worried about updating their status on social media (whilst being judge and bastard jury on local forum sites about driving standards and ironically, parking), to care about anything outside their fucking bubble. Take up two spaces whilst parking?

      “Yeah, so what, wass your problem, wass your problem?”

      As long as they’re okay, eh? That’s why I took so much fucking pleasure out of the incident I mentioned, above. I fucking loathe the type.

    • Bob/Vern:
      Before they developed Hadley Court with cash raised via “Help for Heroes”, the amputee’s were using a local leisure centre.

      Unbelievably, one of this spoilt-bitch yummy-mummy types, with her little spoilt cunty-kids, complained to the management that it was “upsetting for her and her children to have to look at them”.

      Fucking unbelievable, the level of self centred entitlement and selfishness.
      Just like bitches who drive and park dangerously???

      • CG@ – Afternoon CG – I would have sent her to Ukraine for a month – the horrors of war are nothing compared to the risk of meeting Bono!

      • Whilst the feckless trollop was parked in a disabled bay, no doubt, going by the antics of the cunts in our local leisure centre.

      • I remember that event well CG. Don’t recall if it happened but someone should have put the self-centred bitch’s name out there so that she would receive the vituperation she deserved.

  24. I used to get a lift to school off my mate’s mum. She was fit beyond words. Well posh and classy, and sexy as fuck. Like Brooke Hayward with big tits. Sometimes it nearly got too much for a 13 year old lad, especially during the hot weather when she wasn’t wearing much. The MiILF to end all MILFs, she was…

    On the subject of cars and hot weather, I’d wouldn’t hesitate to put a brick through the window of a car with a dog left in it in this weather. Then I would happily clobber the cunt of an owner over the head with said brick when he/she (it if it’s a trannie) comes back to their car. ??

  25. Driven to school?? Fuck me i don’t think any parents had a car at my mines.
    You either walked or ran (usually getting chased by glue sniffing skinheads)

    • In my house we had one car……. which was my Dad’s….. parked at his place of work…… therefore we all walked to school.

  26. The way kids are indulged and spoiled these days is both ridiculous and hypocritical
    One the one hand, parents and teachers over indulge and mollycoddle their kids. And on the other hand, they are ‘educating’ their kids about poofery and trannies.

    Kids are way too spolit and over indulged now. I remember an episode of Saturday Superstore from 1984, and Duran Duran’s guitar player saying to the fat one from Grange Hill ‘Fuck off, you fat cunt!’ on air after some sort of row. If that happened now, the Duranie would have been shot and the fat kid would have got counselling and a holiday to Disneyland.

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