Below is an extract of a timed article.
‘Providers of sex education in schools are teaching children that prostitution is a “rewarding job” and failed to advise a 14-year-old girl having sex with a 16-year-old boy
that it was illegal.
Outside organisations teaching children about sex also promote “kinks” such as being locked in a cage, flogged, caned, beaten and slapped in the face, The Times has found.
One organisation encouraged pupils to demonstrate where they like to touch themselves sexually, in a practise criticised as “sex abuse” by campaigners.
Another provider, an LGBT+ youth charity called the Proud Trust, produces resources asking children aged seven to 11 whether they are “planet boy, planet girl, planet non-binary”.
I don’t know if the link will work for everyone, but you should be able to find the article with a quick search.
I don’t think I need to add much, though I would like to say deviants have no place talking to kids about sex and local authorities allowing this are guilty of failing to safeguard children.
Nominated by: Sixdog Vomit
So glad Lady C and I made the decision not to have children.
Once upon a time these cunts would be arrested and thrown in prison as n o nces
Now, due to the ‘Equality Act 2010’ , these freaks have been given legal access and carte blanche to say whatever they want to your kids.
Complain vociferously enough, and in theory, it could lead to social services taking your kids off you.
That act needs an overhaul (I’d bin it altogether).
It seems to mean ‘less opportunities for honkies, honkies are evil and the promotion of degeneracy, particularly if aimed at kids’.
I’m glad we didn’t have kids in the end. I couldn’t cope with this shit. I’d be kicking the Head’s door in if this shite was going on.
‘Less opportunities for honkies’.
Well, it may not be a popular view, but it’s a correct one, the majority of p**dophiles are caucasian males, so, you’re correct.
Thank fuck my kids are grown up. These fucking deviants should be sent to Broadmoor.
Most of the males are white in the UK.
They still haven’t got to the bottom of the grooming gang shite either in terms of numbers. The numbers are already staggering. Perhaps those so confident in your assertion should move their daughters to Telford and Rotherham?
Not so many honkies there, must be safer, right?
And yes, honkies are the only race who can be legally discriminated against for jobs etc.
You got your job before all this crap, but now I’d wager you might find it harder to get in now, if you had a few ‘diverse’ applicants gunning for the position.
It’s not a myth. Universities and companies are promoting this shit, even in areas which are majority non white.
But yes, the deviants should be in Broadmoor, no matter what colour they are.
The “majority” in absolute terms (expected) or in percent of ethnicity terms (which I’ll think you’ll find is the greater)?
DCI@ – Afternoon DCI – that may be correct in terms of numbers, but I would be very interested to see a breakdown of the “religion” of those involved and do a comparison on that basis.
Afternoon, Vern. Yes, that would be interesting, but I’ll bet it’d be kept quiet if it was the ‘wrong’ result.
If I spoke to a kid over the park like that I’d get nicked, bundled into the back of a van and get a good fucking kicking at the end of it. Quite right too.
But if I’ve got a posh voice, belong to some poof organisation like the Proud Trust, I can waltz around schools and do exactly the same thing to a captive audience and probably receive a “donation” from the public purse for my trouble. What the fuck is happening?
There’ll be mentions in th Queen’s honours list for these perverted cunts soon.
And the B bastard C will no doubt award Blue Peter badges.
” local authorities allowing this are guilty of failing to safeguard children.”…not as guilty as the parents who treat schools as a free baby-sitting service and show no interest in rearing their own children beyond pocketing fucking child benefit.
I wonder what percentage of parents ever bother looking at their child’s schoolwork or involving themselves in the running of the school raising their offpring….better to just put a pouting selfie on facebook with the brat, entitled “making memories wiv my angel,my world” and get back to watching Love Island.
Too fucking right. When my eldest’s secondary school floated the idea of changing house names from the likes of Brunel to Malcolm X, myself and a few others registered our disgust. Common sense prevailed, fortunately. But there were an alarming amount of parents who didn’t give a shit, and they were mostly whitey.
If you don’t watch these fuckers they’ll ride roughshod. Or should I say bareback.
Excellent point DF. Parents can’t really complain if they don’t check what their kids are being taught.
I’d bet some schools don’t even release details of such lessons taking place though. It’s been done with ‘white privilege’ lessons, so I don’t doubt some would do the same with n o ncy shite like in the nom.
But yes, ask your kids what they learned today and check their books regularly.
I know teachers, and most parents don’t give a fuck. Local private schools full is asians as their parents do give a fuck. Nobody cares about the whites
DF-F@ – Well said DF – if I was a parent I would be making all sorts of noises as to why teaching unions, local authorities, police, the MSM and politicians allow this outrageous, shameless and obvious sexual exploitation of our children by fucking vile degenerates who should be in a prison cell not a classroom.
“Parents” who do nothing are as big a problem as deviants who try everything.
This normalisation of child abuse needs a sharp cure.
Shoot every last one of the purveyors and supporters of this vile rubbish.
This should include those who fucking bankroll all this stinking shit.
Advice for children – sex education.
Rule 1 never accept any ‘gift’ from a P*ki
Rule 2 never get into a taxi driven by a P*ki
One rule to children: Have nothing to do with anybody from Paxtan.
Remember the four fastest things on Earth:
The cheetah, the aeroplane, the speed of light, a Pakî marrying a nine-year-old.
Hehe, but didn’t big Mo ‘groom’ his little bride from the age of 6
My daughter has just finished primary school, and two weeks ago she had her ‘sex education lessons’
I daren’t read much of what she brought home, but what they try and brainwash them at a young age as to what is ‘normal’ is fucking wrong.
I won’t carry on as my blood pressure is high already.
I will continue…’s called RSE and it’s compulsory.
This is for children in their final year of primary (like I said above, my daughter has just had hers.
Here’s an example of what they teach about relationships from the curriculum:
R32. about
respecting the
differences and
similarities between
people and
H36. strategies to
manage transitions
between classes
and key stages
school, if they are
worried about their
sexually; that
people may be
attracted to
someone of the
same sex or
different sex to
them; that gender
identity and sexual
orientation are
Daughter now suitably brainwashed as to what she is expected to believe is ‘normal’ in the society she is being brought up in.
The cunt in the photo is one Justin Hancock (interesting name). He runs an organisation called BISH which provides “support services” for SRE (Social and Religious Education) in schools. Yes, for a mere 500 quid a day, Mr Hancock will come to your school and educate the pupils about gender, sexuality and consent. Prostitution, bondage, bumbanditry, masturbation, gender fluidity, it’s all there. What his qualifications are, other than being a massive degenerate, he fails to tell us.
Who the fuck is the Minister of Education these days and what the fuck is he doing about this shit?
Paying for it with taxpayers money…
Deviance is championed as worthy and normal – Gay Pride, the infestation of Trannies, bravery of wretches like Schofield and so on.
Any school that lets these preverts loose on kids should be shut.
These minor attracted persons need locking up in Belmarsh, and the other inmates told point blank that they’re n0nces.
Ex paratroopers could have their pensions enhanced. By utilising their skills in squads, dedicated to persuading these n0nces their interests in educating children in their own sexual abnormalities is most unwelcome.
They can start with the Paki grooming gangs.
One amusing stunt could be tying these cunts hands behind their backs and pushing them down flights of stairs. apparently a lot of ex Gestapo found this out. They used this on captured resistance members.
It still astounds me this is even up for discussion. Education is more and more becoming propaganda.
You can bet your arse (pun intended) the propagation of the culture war won’t be halted with any statement about the spread of monkey pox.
I recently watched a video where a preschool teacher in the US proudly boasted 20 out of the 32 kids in her class had come out to her as gay or trans, or non binary.
50 years ago 1% of the US population were LBGTxyz now it’s 10% and rising. Even if you adjust for those who previously lived in the closet there has to be another reason why it’s becoming more prevalent.
Look no further than the programming taking place in state schools. Schools are being used to manufacture LBGT and wokeness.
That’s not education, it’s child abuse.
Even Bill Maher has questions:
Ir’s still 1-1.5%
There’s just a lot of pretend gay and bi teens and students.
There was always a certain type of flakey middle class girl trumpeting her bi/ pan sexuality (usually into cutting as well). We called them BUGs at college;
Bisexual Until Graduation. It was
about as deep an attraction as that idiotic song by Katy Perry
They woukd suddenly find themselves with a useless degree, settled down with a bloke who worked in finance, property or media, slop out some kids and call it a day.
Their actual sexual preference isn’t the point, their mindset is. If ever bigger numbers are educated to accept gender fluidity under any and all circumstances it becomes the norm.
When Antifa riots there maybe only a few hardcore activists present but they act as the flame that ignited the fire.
Unless the majority of parents stand up and say no the boundaries are moved so far that the generations that follow will be taught deviant behaviour as if it’s natural.
I’ve heard that lots of foreign prisoners pretend to be a hómo or even a trannîe to avoid being deported. They claim they’ll be mistreated back in their native Iran /Iraq/ Paxtan. Consequently, we end up with even more rapîsts and chîld-fuckers on the streets.
Justin Hancock looks the sort who the peedohunters would want a quiet word with after printing out his chatlogs.
‘Stay here Justin. The police have been called’.
Fucking filthy cunt.
I’ll bet a good percentage of these ‘pædo hunters’ are overcompensating for the feelings they have deep down inside, like Kevin Spacey’s botty-curious neighbour in “American Beauty”.
There is that possibility, although I suspect it was more about virtue signalling, seeing as lot of these groups involve women.
LGBTQ….P. Give them an inch and they’ll fuck your kids.
LBGTQP is exactly correct Smug. Though I do find it quicker and easier to use the traditional term; deviant.
I fear we’re getting near the point where child molestation, particularly if the perpetrator is homosexual, will be classified as an illness and not a crime. I can see the deviant fuckers amongst us angling for pee dough rights very soon.
I recall the P.I.E in the UK trying to legislate for just that in the 70’s.
Google it.
Sick fuckers. Peedo type stuff was so normalised in the 70’s they didn’t think it abnormal to lobby government for a change in the law….and no one thought about arresting the members of the Exchange either!!
MA after someone’s name won’t be an academic title, but minor-attracted. Watch out VERY carefully for when th P-word is dropped; that’ll be the start of legalising.
CC@ – Afternoon CC – and I recall Labour MP and subsequently Minister Harriet Harman being a very enthusiastic supporter of PIE.
The filthy evil degenerate fucking bitch.
It’s soul-cleansing to have talked to my kids about nice, loving, marital sex to put them on the correct moral path.
At least they didn’t ask about the “other stuff” that I really like…
….remember it’s ONLY a perversion if one of you disagrees. Otherwise it’s ‘normal’
Off topic but the footage is amusing and a lesson in how to deal with cunts
I would have copped a feel if it were me dragging that girl away.
Perk of the job.
I just liked the way that bloke dragged the pair of them away from the painting, like a couple of sacks of spuds ?
Yes, a little bit of tit squeeze would have been perfectly acceptable ?
Sad that we didn’t see the pair of shitkickers getting a fucking decent shoeing. Cunts.
Should have chopped their fucking hands off. Cunts.
Your children become the property of the state.
It’s here.
It’s just a matter of time before those old Ladybird books are revised for a more “progressive” generation.
It won’t be a case of “Jack & Jill went up the hill”. More like:-
Jackie and Jill Went on the Pill to avoid having some babies;
but Jill was attacked by anti-abortionists
and Jackie ran off with an activist.
or Enid Blyton’s “Secret Seven” will be more focused on the sexual relationships of all 7 children rather than solving mysteries:-
Janet and Barbara come out as heroic lesbians,
Colin and Jack are transwomen,
George is a pansexual drug runner,
Peter is an eco-warrior vegan
and 12 year old Pam is having sexual relations with men in their 40s and 50s.
And they all lived happily ever after!
It’s already been done. Gonzo turned trannie in Muppet Babies. Well not quite true……he had always been trannie but had hidden it because he was ashamed.
But now he’s out and all his friends, Miss Piggy, Kermit etc, thoroughly approve.
A modern morality tale aimed at pre- school children and beamed straight into your home.
Animal should’ve kerb stomped the cunt.
As the claret poured out of Gonzo’s bonce, those cunts up in the expensive seats can say, “Now that’s what I call gender fluid! Bwhahahaha!”
I saw something recently from the owner of the Commando Comics is going to become less jingoistic and more “nuanced and compassionate”.
Instead of bayoneting Huns and machine gunning Nips they will be braiding each others hair and discussing their preferred pronouns.
I bet the contents of Justin’s hard drive would be of interest to the police. The boy looks a total perv.
He really does look the part HBH.
What woild you call them? The Radical Left. Or the Socially Progressive Left.
Really it’s The Diseased Left now.
MP@ – Afternoon MP – what would I call them?
The 2022 nazi party.
Because they are.
Degeneracy and the breakdown of the Family unit are core principles of socialism – the body belongs to the State, the mind is removed.
The cunts should be castrated and locked away for many many years
I wonder how some of these wokey celebs, football stars, TV presenters and MSM journalists would feel if their own children were being taught about sexual discovery with other children and grown adults?
Imagine in the near future if someone like Sparkletits discovered that her 6 year old daughter was being told to stand on a desk in her classroom in front of all her mates and was told how to masturbate with a 5″ dildo under the tutelage of a 60 year old former sex-offender-turned-teacher!
How would the MSM report that I wonder?
I firmly believe these sickening policies towards children is aimed at absorbing some of the Sharia laws into this country and thus diluting the current outrage that is child grooming by the usual suspects.
The western world really is going down the shitpan.
I’d enjoy tuning in that cunt Hancock.
Even brags of appearing on the BBC and writing in the Gruniad. Sex education for the over 14s indeed.
He’s a filthy twat.
In the old days the n*nces used to hang around the school gates with a bag of sweeties. Now they are invited into the classroom with pornography, dildos, butt plugs, bondage gear, the lot. And we fucking pay them for the privilege!!!
Is this what they call “progression”?
Progress. “Forward or onward to a destination”. That destination could be hell on Earth.
Our Justin is a member of that group of people whose greatest contribution to humanity would be if they were to die this afternoon.
In my opinion, anyone who advocates sex education of any kind (especially deviant stuff) for other people’s young children needs to be looked at very closely.
I’ve said this before I know, but I feel very strongly about it;
If you as a homosexual/lesbian/trans weirdo etc etc have chosen through your lifestyle not to be in a normal man/woman relationship and not have children of your own, that’s fine, none of my business, but don’t tell us who have had children how to bring them up and tell them what’s right and wrong. That’s our job, not yours. At best, you’re a interfering busy body, at worst, you’re a fucking nonce.
Horace@ – Pretty much sums it up ?
It’s getting ridiculous though mate. Men are women, terrorists are peaceful, blacks ruled the world…the lies are bad enough, but now this shit with our kids? Trying to program them from a young age. iI’s our duty to make sure they know the truth. these deviants hate that too.
I’ve told my daughter to stay away from gay people and men in dresses. Don’t be horrible for no reason, but watch yourself around black people and Muslims.
This is Jason’s website–
This boy Justin is making a pretty little penny out of being a degenerate, what with his courses and his books and merchandise. It must be great when you can turn your hobby ( kiddy fiddling ) into a job.
You know I think there maybe opportunities for Cunters to provide some input to Jason’s website.
He asks for suggestions of what it is to be Romantic.
As mature Lovers we Cunters with our vast experience could help here here I think.
Should it be flowers or a box of chocolates on the first date?
When do you put your arm around her?
Those trucky situations eh Cunters…when to make tge first move…
What would Cunters’ advice be regarding the Romantic side of things?
My advice to Justin and his filthy friends is to fuck off and die. Personally I’d like to pour a couple of bottles of bleach down his throat.
Razor wire and a lamp post
Fishing wire, tree branch, pack of mental dogs.
After the children have completed the course, does each one receive a bag of Werther’s Original?
Pansexual? What the fuck does that even mean?
Turned on by a set of copper bottoms, or perhaps a Tefal non-stick?
Non Binary? No idea either. What are you a computer or something?
Polyamorous? Basically shag anything?
Fucked-up times indeed. And the best will be yet to come.
Turned on by Peter Pan?
Thats Michael Jackson isn’t it?