Trump said he wouldn’t appoint anyone to the supreme court unless they opposed abortion. He appointed three during his term of office. The decision to overturn Roe v Wade was by a majority of 5-4.
This ruling is not about concern for human life or about religion, it’s about politics. It’s about people having the power to impose their will on others. One overjoyed demonstrator being interviewed said “It’s a wonderful decision. It means that from now on, states can decide for themselves”. Well if that’s such a good thing, isn’t it even better if individuals are able to decide for themselves?
Nothing has changed for the ‘pro-life’ people regarding their personal freedom. Nobody was forcing abortion on them before and no-one is forcing it on them now. What has changed is their ability to force others to do things their way even when they would choose not to.
They shouldn’t be called ‘pro-life’, they should be called ‘anti-choice’ because what they’re saying is ‘We have always been allowed to make the decision for ourselves, this ruling now says we can make the decision for you too. We have the choice, we just don’t want you to have it’.
They talk about Isis and the Taliban wanting to drag everyone back to the middle ages. Now their message is, ‘Women of America, you’ve been raped and made pregnant, tough shit, because we say all life is sacred’. The land of the free. Isn’t democracy a wonderful thing?
Nominated by: Allan
And on the flip-side there’s this opinion, this time from Hate filled cunt
My nomination is baby killers, you know, this lefty backwater inbred cunts that are so fuckin simple they can’t grasp contraception. You’d think I’d love the idea of another lefty cunt being murdered in the womb, but no! I’d rather they grow and see what happens before hating the little bastards.
Seriously what kind of whore can’t even manage to control her own fuckin body?????? Any bitch that aborts a baby should be spayed for the sake of mankind and her fuckin forehead tattooed as a warning to men. These sluts should be treated like witches and fuckin drowned and I’d happily put myself forward for overseeing the job. Same goes for any cunt that is pro baby murder (as that’s what it is), I’d happily beat the piss out of them for pure pleasure and make them wish they were aborted , failing that I’m happy to shove them back up their own mothers cunt free of charge.
Any issues feel free to come visit me, lets have this discussion face to face, not that the sackless cucks on the internet are generally brave enough. I live in Worcestershire so any takers drop me a message as I’d never back down. Keyboard warriors need not apply as those cunts never turn up.
Almost forgot the link Sky News Link I see professional slag Lilly Allen has murdered a baby, always had her down as a cunt.
Happy fuckin Friday.
I note the cunts screaming “my body, my choice “ are exactly the same cunts who, just a few months ago were screaming “no jab, no job.” Yet another contradiction of the modern leftist. You get a choice ……..when they say you do.
Indeed, like the pro life are the same as the pro gun lobby.
I wonder what their take would be on a pro life trans woman celebrating this ruling? Probably about the same vitriol as these anti-racists dished out to black Supreme Court judge Clarence Thomas.
My support for this nomination lies purely with Allan, I couldn’t have put it better myself.
Hate filled cunt? Straight to the point with that nickname.
Hey Gutstick,
According to the Unired Nations approximately 4500 hundred innocent civilians have died in the war in Ukraine.
According to the World Health Organizations approximately 125,000 innocent babies are aborted every day world wide.
Which do you think is a bigger crime against humanity?
I think you already know my answer to that.
So, are you that far down that road that you think, like mother Theresa did, that wanking is almost as bad?
Are you one of those that want to ban contraception too?
If I knew the answer I wouldn’t have asked. Please answer the question for the record.
Wanking has nothing to do with murdering babies. As a proponent of both you should know better.
General, you seem hell bent on having an argument with me today, even with the personal insults.
What riles me up about the simple cunts banging on with the baby killer nonsense goes back to this for me. A friend of mine was told that if she went full term, her baby would either be stillborn or die shortly after birth. Not only that, there was a realistic chance she could die herself. It was the hardest decision and the worst time of their lives.
So, when I see pricks spouting the kind of shite you have, and see those skum cunts protesting outside abortion clinics, a bit more of my humanity dies, and I wish a similar fate for them.
If my friends were in the US, in the states where they are banning abortion, they would have no choice but to risk death.
Same to all the cunts who state categorically that most abortions are instead of contraception. Where do you get these figures from? How can you know the circumstances behind each and every one? You can’t, so you’re talking bollocks.
I was lucky, after a contraceptive broke, my then girlfriend went and got the morning after pill, and that was thankfully enough.
However, if it hadn’t, we were in total agreement that she would have had an abortion, her decision, which I supported.
It seemed the right thing to do at the time, and with the benefit of over 30 years hindsight, it was still the right thing to do.
Ok? Now fuck off, there’s a good lad.
Hey Gutstick,
Still didn’t answer the question did you? Nice try at diversion though.
I believe the insults started with you asking me if…I was so far down the road that I believed like Mother Theresa that wanking was bad. The implication being that I was some kind of religious nut. I merely pointed out the idiocy or your non fact based statement.
As far as starting an argument there’s nothing wrong with arguing. But it’s hard to argue with someone whose prejudices interfere with their reasoning…as yours do.
As for your anecdotal story about your friend…if true that sounds a rational exception.
As for your story…it pleases me that you didn’t procreate.
As for where I get my figures…they are published and peer reviewed. Deal with it.
With wanking there’s no conception. That’s the difference.
OC, please check out Mother Theresa’s thoughts on masturbation. It wasn’t a random slur, it was a genuine question, as was the contraception one, as some states are considering banning them too.
Unfortunately it was taken as an insult and used as reason to carry on insulting me, which to be honest I couldn’t give a rats arse what any cunt says, but it did throw my actual questions in the bin.
And, I know the difference between a medical procedure and genocide.
It’s not so long ago in historical terms that Christian priests were preaching that masturbation is worse than rape, because at least rape could result in pregnancy. ?
@ Gutstick
I’m still waiting for an answer to my original question. Which is the greater crime against humanity.
Your attempts to obfuscate the issue are laughable. This thread is about abortion…a medical prodedure to end pregnancy. It’s not about contracepetion, not about wanking, it’s about abortion. Not Vatican policy…but abortion…the termination of a pregnancy.
Your remark about wanking was “binned” as you put it…but in reality not taken seriously…because it was not a serious attempt to discuss the issue. It was meant to belittle those who oppose abortion and portray us/them as antiquated religious nuts with primative. You are apparently unable to comprehend the notion that some of us find avortion repulsive for moral reasons that have nothing to do with religious beliefs.
By the way…which states are considering banning contraception…birth control…not morning after abortion pills but contraception…condoms…IUDs…oral contraceptives?
Also please explain which “medical procedure” you favor for ending the baby’s life.
Finally, as for being personally attacked…if you truly think that’s what it is…and you truly don’t care…stop whining about it. State your position…have the courage of your convictions…give direct answers to direct questions…and…if I may mix metaphors…stop pissing on the keyboard and telling us it’s raining
Catholic priests practice a form of contraception by mainly raping boys. No worries about abortion there! ??
Please Ruff,
This is not about religion. This is about a civilized society recognizing that killing babies because they are inconvenient is wrong. Abortion for birth control purposes is morally wrong.
I don’t know another way to say it.
My ex sister-in-law married a practicing Catholic. He got round not using contraception by fucking her up the poop chute.
As long as they didn’t kill any babies, I really do care what they do/did.
As the guy who always demands proof of others I find your frivolous response quite telling.
And so ends the lesson for today.
What fucking proof do you want of what? Stolen elections? Fauchi causing covid?
If you’re happy forcing a heavily disabled child to suffer a short and painful life, or a lifetime of being unwanted or born to people not capable of loving them or bringing them up, or a multitude of other reasons other than this suggestion that its only used as a form of contraception then that’s fine, but I don’t think abortion is murder.
And, I don’t think you, I or anyone else should have a say beyond your own flesh and blood, full stop.
As I said, bitch on, your opinion means less than fly shit to me.
Srolen elections and Dr. Fauchi have nothing to do with baby killing. You said states were trying to ban contraception…tell me which states are they? You can’t because there aren’t any. It’s pure bullshit.
As for my opinion meaning less than fly shit to you…obviously, so does human life.
Indeed they do, especially if they have some hinge and bracket looking drag Queen for an avatar.
Drag queen logos aren’t exactly jermaine to abortion. Another of your attempts to belittle those who don’t think like you.
I specifically mentioned contraception methods…not morning after, post insemination methods.
At any rate a quote from your “proof”:
“The states that are trying to limit abortion from the moment of conception – not even the moment of pregnancy, as the medical community would define it – COULD WELL TRY to challenge Plan B, emergency contraception, POTENTIALLY even IUD’s.”
“Could well try” and “potentially” means they are not trying to do it now…they are not doing it…but they might try in the future.
So they aren’t doing it now. In fact they aren’t even trying to ban “morning after” methods…but but but…they might in the future…and even IUD’s…which is a legitimate form of contraception.
So at this point, despite your assertion…it’s just a scare tactic.
By the way…despite what you think I give you credit. You are an excellent advocate for eugenics.
And you’ve never once mentioned adoption. I think it is self evident (even to you) that an adopted child will have a better quality of life than a dead one. Duh!
Would you agree that adoption is better than abortion?
I need to take a point of personal privilege here and issue a clarification.
When I refer to contraception I am referring to such methods as condoms…birth control pills…and IUD’s which are all legitimate and in a civilized society (should be) accepted methods of birth control.
When I refer to morning after or emergency contraceptives, I’m speaking of those methods used to induce an abortion after a pregnancy has been determined.
But there is an issue of semantics here in that Doctors generally make a distinction between fertilization and pregnancy. Pregnancy, doesn’t occur immediately after fertilization. There is a time delay between fertilization and pregnancy.
As not all fertilized eggs result in pregancy, I’m not sure if something like Plan B which prevents a fertilized egg from travelling up the fallopian tube, being implanted in the uterus and creating a pregnancy is the same as aborting a baby.
My objection it to abortion after the pregancy has been determined.
Spot on cunting, Allan. ?
Hello old friend,
Can I still call you that?
Being pro-death, what method of execution do you favor for the baby?
Wait for it to get t 9 or 10 and then have some gun nut come to the school and shoot it.
How about that, that’s longer than 23 weeks.
So your position is better to kill a baby in the womb rather than let it live and risk the off chance that it will get killed by some “gun nut?”
Does the same logic apply if the baby is killed by some drug addicted some hood rat?
Does it apply to some crazy Russian dictator killing Ukrainian babyies?
Seems pretty extreme to me and frankly not very rational.
Evening General, me old mucker!
‘old friend’ is good. It’s really up to you what you call me. What makes you ask?
My favoured mode of termination? Within the law, whatever is deemed most appropriate by the gynaecological surgeon involved. Hope that helps.
Boomers Lives Matter
Generation X Rocks
Millennials Suck
Hello Ruff,
From one Mucker to another. Your answer doesn’t help. It’s still an execution. No matter how…humanely done…an innocent life is murdered.
The election was stolen
Stop the Great Reset
Abortion is murder
Hey General.
You probably don’t realise this but murder is against the law in the UK, so why not give those murderous Yankee scumbags the finger and relocate here?
Me and Lady C would be more than happy to put you up in Willie Stroker’s now vacated thunderbox in the south facing garden until you find more permanent accommodation. ?
Lord and Lady C,
Before I answer that, are you anywhere near Northumbria? Are there caped figures lurking about the estate with ravenous hounds?
…uh never mind. Off topic…
If I could figure out a way to bring my vast and extensive arsenal…along with my personal munitions dump with me…I might just take you up on the offer.
Ah…quiet evenings in the garden…intelligent discourse…the charming Lady C…
but I digress…
The election was stolen
Stop the Great Reset
Send Boris to the block.
The pro abortionist’s answers start 3:16. Very revealing I think-
My parents had me aborted.
And it was the making of me.
Yeah a 20lb baby with a two day growth of stubble and an inability to express gravy will do that Miserable.
R v W “overturned” was not cataclysmic for anyone. The left will make sure abortion is available. The religious nuts are celebrating nothing really.
I believe in God, The Bible etc, but life does not begin at the moment two cells with 23 chromosomes each make one cell with 46.
That said, I believe an abortion should be aborted if the fetus could survive.
To me sexual morality should make abortions rare but here we are. Women want to be “free” and be able to erase consequences of bad choices.
By the way an interesting fact: more than 1/2 of all abortions are with a pill.
Allan’s cunting reads like a press release from the DNC (Democratic National Commitee). i.e. Blithering idiocy from a bunch of cruel and evil, baby killing cunts who have already been born.
Abortion is a barbaric and repenhensible act. But evil cunts who support abortion want you to believe it’s about saving lives. Here’s a dose of reality:
Adolph Hitler is responsible for the deaths of about 12 million people.
Joseph Stalin is responsible for the deaths of about 25 million people.
Mao Zedong is responsible for the deaths of about 45 million people.
The Abortionist death cult in America is responsible for the deaths of 63 million babies.
Murderous fucking cunts! May they all burn in hell with that Evil champion of infanticide…Ruth Bader Ginsberg…who by the way thought Roe was wrongly decided.
Every Sperm Is Sacred.
For all the wanking isac members have been up to, I’d imagine we’re all destined for hell.
As usual I think the answer is sonewhere in the middle : one extreme stops women who were raped being able to abort, the other extreme uses abortion like contraception.
God will make them pay for
Each sperm that can’t be found…….
Just a reminder: the Catholic Church will not baptise a still-born baby because it never took a breath. Life begins with your first breath and ends with your last breath.
Hey Capt. Mag:
Here’s a dose of reality. Most babies that are aborted cannot take a breath because they are murdered. Those that survive (late term abortions) take several breaths while waiting to be murdered.
Also remember th bible says God made eve out of bits of Adam, basically she’s a blood relative. Then they had three boys.
And all of mankind came from them.
Let that sink in. Four blokes, one woman, all related by blood.
Proof the bible was written by a man, and one that was a thick fucking virgin, going by his poor grasp of biology and reproduction.
No cunt from any church should be in a position to tell me what I can or cannot do, because it goes against their beliefs.
Fuck each and every last one of them.
I notice that you champions of infanticide keep trying to bring religion into yhe issue of baby killing. (I haven’t mentioned it.)
That must be because it fits your ignorant, bigoted world view.
Let me spell it out for you:
Abortion is a barbaric, inhumane and muderous practice. It has nothing to do with being a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Bhuddist of any other denomination.
It has to do with being a civilized human being and having a general regard for human life.
Most devil-dodgers ate repulsed by the idea yhat we evolved from apes. Much more pleasant to believe we came from one man, who was nade from dust who then copulated with a woman (made ftom one of his ribs), and all their incestuous children.
Indeed Mag. They think I’m going to hell for a multitude of stuff, blaspheme, endorsing child murder etc. fuck them idiots, hell doesn’t exist.
Even if it did, heaven will be full of those pious types of cunts, and be in the company of a few lapsed Catholics who had the fucking audacity to use contraception. Genocide? Few Hail Marys and you’re up in the clouds. Condoms? Forever burned in shit.
I notice that everyone who agrees with abortion has already been born.
It would be difficult to agree if one hadn’t……..
The whole abortion issue is incredibly nuanced.
However, the contempt I feel for the “no jab no job/no entry” bastards who also advocate “my body my choice” in the next sentence is off the scale.
Pop stars, various rock bands and other sanctimonious “celebs” – please take note you hypocritical cunts.
‘The whole abortion issue is incredibly nuanced.’
Not for the baby.
Afternoon Miles.
That’s a very good point.
My personal opinion on abortion is that it should only be an absolute 100 percent last resort due to extreme medical complications for example.
It shouldn’t ever be a form of contraception.
You could always not get pregnant!
Contraception is varied and cheap.
Taking a life even in ones own body seems very wrong.
Exceptional circumstances ; woman’s life at serious risk length of the pregnancy, rape :- yes there could be exceptional circumstances but abortion just because you can’t be bothered to use contraception is plain wrong in my eyes
Some cunts want it up to the point of birth.
That is fucking murder.
I remember a bloke called George Tiller in America who was one of the very few abortionists who performed very late terminations.
I didn’t shed any tears when someone shot the cunt dead.
They called him “Tiller the Baby Killer.”
For a look at real evil, Google Kermit Goslin.
I’m typing too fast and making too many errors.
That should be Kermit Gosnell.
I’ve just Googled him General. Fuck me! What an evil twisted cunt.
The ugly truth of partial -birth abortion @Cuntybollocks
‘The doctor delivers a substantial portion of the living child outside his mother’s body — the entire head in a head-first delivery or the trunk past the navel in a feet-first delivery — then kills the child by crushing his skull or removing his brain by suction. ‘
‘Some abortion doctors use PBA in the middle and last months of pregnancy, when dismembering a child becomes more difficult due to the child’s stronger bones and ligaments. After the mother undergoes two to three days of cervical dilation (increasing her risk of infection and subsequent preterm births), the doctor in minutes can partially deliver the child “intact” before killing him or her and completing delivery. In the more commonly used dismemberment method, the mother’s cervix is dilated manually only enough to remove the child’s severed body parts; dismemberment and removal takes the doctor longer to complete.’
“I live in Worcestershire so any takers drop me a message as I’d never back down. Keyboard warriors need not apply as those cunts never turn up.”
Behave yourself, Captain Irony!!
We are a whole platoon of keyboard warriors here on IsAC DCI G.
Exactly the point I was making, however, this is the first time I’ve seen someone ‘Offered out behind the bike sheds’!!??
Glad you said that, DCI.
“Captain Irony”
Outstanding! ?
He’s been conspicuous by his absence, recently, too. Banned? Or waiting behind the bike sheds, somewhere in Worcestershire, for a Keyboard Warrior to show up? Wasn’t it Tom Petty who sang ‘I won’t Back Down’?
Rock and Roll!
When a woman is pregnant it’s not just her body. It’s two bodies.
Ladies, It’s impossible to get pregnant if you suck his cock or jiggle your tits to unload on them. It’s all very simple
On a lighter note, someone on here yesterday, mentioned they remembered seeing (on some Saturday morning kids show) the fat kid from Grange Hill (Ro-land?) being told to ‘Fuck off, you fat cunt’ by the guitarist from Duran Duran after a row.
To my considerable disappointment, I cannot find this clip anywhere. Sounds great, doesn’t it?
If it was a dream, it was a fucking glorious one.
What next? Maybe John Craven nutted Adam Ant on Swapshop, after the new Romantic popster stole Craven’s Forrero Rocher, while Craven was trying to see if Poshpaws had a cock?
There was a clip with someone asking Matt Bianco:
“Why are you so shit”!
There was also a kid who phoned in to talk to them and said “Hello Matt Bianco you wankers”.
Always remember that. 80’s Saturday morning tv at it’s best. ?
‘Planned-Parenthood’ fronted by Margaret Sanger gets the heat for launching the whole termination incorporated,but the Rockefeller Eugenics financing/political power ultimately is it’s origin.Bill Gates’s paternal and maternal ancestry is heavily instrumental in pioneering this Luciferic work,especially his mothers side (Maxwell) whose family tree is practically a burkes peerage of eugenicism,even incorporating one who developed birth control pills.
Janet Oosbaad has an interesting documentary on Bitchute going deep with this stuff called-‘Sequel to the fall of the Cabal’.She’s at part 23 presently,but they’re well researched and only around 20 minutes long.
What’s sick about the abortion controversy is that Chairman Brandon-Mao and his Marxist DINO administration has cynically politicized it. The usual brain dead, shrieking, illiberal liberal activists are being whipped into a frenzied mob and set upon fellow Americans. Divide and conquer.
I was appalled, but not surprised about so called anti-racists being racist towards a Supreme Court Justice, threatening his life. No respect. How’d they like it if a deranged mob stalked and assaulted them for ‘wrong think’ and doing their job (if they actually had one, other than activism). Round ’em up, mass arrests. Put them in an Amazon warehouse super gulag. Give them a taste of the Marxist Hell they’re unwittingly heading towards. Like the slowly boiling frog.
Don’t these ‘social justice’ mongs realize that the majority of Planned Parenthood’ clinics are set up in erm, ‘schwarz’ neighbourhoods? Population control of a certain demographic. Eugenics. Now there’s racism.
Whatever side of the debate you’re on it has to be recognised that abortion/termination is ending someone’s life. An understanding of that fact and the procedure needs to be had by all sides.
My body my choice works if you’re having piercings or tattoos maybe but not when you’re terminating a life.
I’m not taking aside but don’t dress the reality up and pretend it’s a human rights issue because the losers are the most defenceless humans.
Most abortions are the result of careless sex and using pregnancy as the result of rape to defend abortion as contraception is pure cuntishness.
If everyone has a better grasp of the reality of abortion maybe some would make better choices.
Excellent post. Clear, rational and concise.
Hats off to you.
Two things.
No form of contraception is 100% reliable.
Why is it just women who are responsible for contraception?
It’s the responsibility of both parties, the permissive society fuelled by mass availability of contraception made it easier for people to take the act of sex lightly.
Why do women get the choice to abort a pregnancy they don’t want and the man has no say? If she decides to have the child the man becomes financially viable even if he would have preferred she had an abortion.
I can’t see what the fuss is about. As I understand it the Supreme Court decision simply hands the decision on legality to the individual states. Nobody is banning abortion you just have to go to a different state. It’s quite common in America to have different laws in different states or even different counties within a state. Just another load of libtard arseholes looking for victimhood.
I dont hold any strong beliefs on abortion.
Im not pro or anti.
But what if a girl is raped?
What if its a grooming gang?
And what if the baby would be born into agonising pain?
What if it would be all fucked up like John Merrick?
Or if its french?!!
I dont think this is a ‘ black and white’ subject..
And who the fuck am I to tell a woman what to do to her own body?
Also, …Dianne Abbott.
No one can convince me she shouldnt have been chucked in a bucket at birth.
Well said, Mis.
Rape victims should definitely be allowed abortions.
Some people here have written of sex being taken lightly, presumably between consenting adults. Therefore, pregnancies resulting from a non-consensual criminal attack should be allowed termination.
Likewise, if it is clear that the foetus is not viable, or the mother’s life is endangered, abortion should be available.
As others have said, it is NOT black-and-white
This topic is probably the toughest one, along with race and IQ.
I’ll give you a scenario.
Kid gets raped. Too scared to report it.
Doesn’t know or hides she’s preggers.
Feels sick. Periods missed.
Mum sends her to the docs.
Doc says she’s preggers, but almost 9 months.
Baby can survive outside womb.
Abort or not?
Or we can discuss Mint Viscount versus Mint Club.
Mint Viscount wins for me.
Evening CB?
I have very strong views on biscuits,
Viscounts every time.
But when it comes to mint chocolate biscuits I swing both ways.
I prefer biscuits to abortions.?
At that point, definitely not. As traumatic as it is for the kid you’re too far down the line at that stage.
Absolutely correct Freddie.
What nobody wants to talk about is the wrongness of Ro v. Wade and what today’s court actually said.
In Roe the Burger Court simply made up the constitutional right for a woman to have an abortion. They claimed (wrongly) that women had a special right to privacy with regard to medical decisions. Nowhere does the constitution mention abortion, privacy or medical rights. It expressly states that those rights not mentioned revert back to the states.
The court then went on to improperly establish guidelines, trimesters and other regulatory measures that are the proper purview of the legislature.
All serious legal scholars, including the evil champion of infanticide, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, agree that Roe was wrongly decided.
The Roberts Court simply recognized what legal scholars have been saying for decades and returned the decision to the states.
As of today, no woman in the United States is being denied the opportunity to kill her baby. Abortion death sites still operate. In fact liberal activist courts in at least 5 states…Florida…Kentucky…Louisiana…Utah and Texas…have blocked legislators from acting by issuing bans on abortion regulation.
The business of baby killing and body part sales still go on with many companies like Disney saying they will a pay the costs associated with a woman murdering her offspring. (Presumably, it’s cheaper than maternity care.)
But nothing will stop the abortion industry and death cultists from foaming at the mouth and demanding more deaths…in the name of saving lives.
As I understand it General the Federal outlawing of abortion would require an Amendment to the Constitution, as in the 18th Amendment bringing in alcohol prohibition. (that went well didn’t it?)
I don’t know the minutiae but I imagine it’s a hell of a job passing an Amendment. It’s never going to happen is it, whether we like it or not.
Hey Freddie,
Not just the Federal outlawing of abortion but the Federal right to an abortion would require a Constitutional amendment.
In deciding this case the US Supreme Cout took no position on abortion. They didn’t say it was constitutional. They didn’t say it was unconstitutional. They said the constitution is silent on the matter so it reverts back to the states.
As for a constitutional amendment, I think you are correct…it’s never going to happen…either way.
The Founding Fathers made it difficult to pass an amendment. There are basically two ways.
An amendment is proposed (in Congress I believe) and then sent to the states for ratification. The individual state legislatures vote on it and if 2/3’s of the states pass it, it is adopted.
The second is to call a constitutional convention…something that hasn’t been done since the original one. This is the last thing Demonrats and RINOS want…citizens getting together to decide how it’s going to be.
Thanks for the info General. British people just don’t get this Federal/ States Rights thing. You can be in say, Tennessee and a county where you have to have photo ID to buy alcohol, even if you are eighty fucking years old. In the next county they won’t sell it on a Sunday and the one after that they won’t sell it at all. This is fucking crazy to Brits but that’s the way it is. After a long day on the road in the baking sun imagine what’s it like not to be able to get hold of a few cold beers! I have cursed you Yanks on several occasions under those circumstances believe me. Still, it’s your fucking country, none of my business.
Abortion is fuck all to do with men.
Good afternoon.
Despite having lived in the US for more than 20 years, I have never understood why this is even an issue. I don’t understand the issue and don’t even know the difference between pro-life and pro-choice. All I know is one side wants abortions and the other doesn’t. I really don’t care either way. Nothing to do with me.
My point is, this issue is a massive thing in the US. Every election cycle it comes up too and the presidential candidates have to nail their colours to the mast being in favour or not. Choose the ‘wrong’ side and they’ve instantly lost the votes of the voters who don’t agree with them. WTF?
Same thing goes for believing in god. If a presidential candidate had the balls to say they don’t believe in a talking sky fairy and it’s all nonsense, they wouldn’t get elected. The uproar would ruin their political career! Over a fairytale!!!! WTF?
All I think I know is abortion was never a constitutional right and the court of Batman outfits have effectively corrected a previous incorrect ruling. The end. What is a constitutional right is our right to bear arms uninfringed. So with that in mind, it’s time to lock and load and take my Springfield Armory 1911 EMP to the range for some paper target violence. I’ll pass several schools and shopping malls on the way and won’t stop off for a quick bit of mass shooting. Fuck me! A responsible gun owner? Who knew? Piss off libtards.
A firearm is like a condom.
Better to have one and never need it, than really need one and not have it…
Hey Fake Yank!
You bought a Springfield 1911! Well done! That’ll keep the libs at bay.
I did indeed General. Always wanted a 1911. The full size is a bit of a monster, especially chambered in .45. I opted for the 3″ EMP Ronin model as my EDC. It’s my favourite gun. I am having a little trouble getting my eye in with the front optical sight. I’m shooting too low. Grr! Time on the range will fix that.
The Springfield Hellcat Pro is calling my name at the moment. I’m resisting as I said I wouldn’t turn into a collector. I already have 3 guns. Do I really need 4?
For the shock and awe value for UK cunters, I just ordered and had delivered to my door, another 1000 rounds of 9mm ammo. No questions asked. Point, click, pay the toll and Fed Ex dumps a heavy box on my doorstep. How insane is that? 🙂
Just put the TV on for the 6 O’clock news, the set was on BBC 2 and womens football, half time so the cunts were talking about the England team 8-0, not the score but it was all white, ffs!
Mo Farah is a cunt, waits until he is famous before announcing he was trafficked, Somali wanker, deport the cunt.
Back to the cunting, it’s up to women and I am surprised the USA is making an issue out of it.
In some parts of the world it should compulsory, the UN have predicted the world population with hit 8 billion this year with India becoming the highest number of cunts in the world.
The biggest threat to mankind isn’t global warming it’s the never ending expansion of people with no or little value or prospects, just pumping out the permanently hungry and destitute isn’t going to end well.
Dinghy sailors.
Turn up in the UK,
Forcibly sterilised or neutered then returned.
Pregnant? Abortion.
Upto 4yrs old.
Over 4yrs see above.
The part about abortion up to 4 years is probably close to the truth is certain parts, if whitey isn’t around to feed them and give them medicine the die from hunger or disease or both.
Don’t like churches?
Don’t go to them.
Don’t like football?
Don’t watch it.
Don’t like abortions?
Don’t have one.
Crikey, reading this thread is heavy going.
Can’t we all just get back to ripping the piss out of whoever deserves it?
Agreed, and ASAP.
This thread reflects the wider debate well. Instead of a mature balanced debate we descend into personal insults and vitriol.
Understandable given it’s such an emotive subject. Part of the problem is how the arguments are framed. Abortion by its nature is a very divisive subject. I don’t pretend I have an answer to the problem that would satisfy either side of the debate but I do believe that with the amount of abortions taking place across the world we all need to educate ourselves a lot better.
Abortion is yet another symptom of the failure of our society. The destruction of the traditional nuclear family I suspect parallels the rise in fatherless homes and loss of discipline across all layers of our culture.
Whatever your opinion on the matter the termination of an innocent life is troubling.
Let’s not tear each other apart getting carried away and taking an entrenched position on a subject that demands deeper thought and a clarity of understanding of what has rightly been described as a very nuanced subject.
This site generally works because we are pretty much all big enough to agree to disagree without it tainting our daily war against cunts.
I prefer lyrical gangster but hey……
Why anyone would seek to force a woman or girl to bring an unwanted child into this world is a mystery to me.
Hey Minge,
The other side of that coin:
How anyone could murder an innocent baby simply because they are inconvenient is a mystery to me.
Yeah, very funny.
Hey Minge,
Dead babies are very funny. Killing them. Dismembering them. Disposing of their little corpses. Selling their bits to Pfizer. The abortion industry is a fun filled and rewarding career to those who care about life.
Yep, “waste not, want not.”
Now that was funny! I doubt you could get away with telling that sort of joke on the mainstream media nowadays.
I dont have stroong views one way or another on this. I see both sides.
What I dont understand is how Yankeedoodle lawmaking works where politically chosen judges can change things so dramatically, when the fucker that chose them has fucked off.
Hopefully the UK Supreme Court will terminate Wee Jimmy Krankie.
85% of IS abortions are from women in there 20’s (60%) and 30’s (25%).
Ergo-it is being used as a form of contraception.
38% were white, 28% black, 25% Hispanic, 5.5% Asian/Pacific Islander.
A divisive subject.
…and the prize for bringing us back to reality goes to:
The envelope please…
Cuntfinder General!
Women in their 20s and 30s?
Isnt that normally the breeding age for women?
The over 60s keeping unwanted pregnancies?
Evening Cuntfinder.
Do you have any statistics that indicate the number of trans women having abortions? I expect Penny Mordaunt will know if you don’t.
Apparently you can extrapolate intent from age.
Ah well…
Obviously. It’s not fucking rocket science!
Don’t let them get to you, Cuntfinder.
Since the 1973 Roe v Wade decision more that 63 million babies have been murdered in the name of women’s rights.
Given the state of late 20th century medicine it is hard to believe that some many women were in medical danger by giving birth.
It is also doubtful that there were that many cases of rape and/or incest.
This is about selfish and irresponsible people being inconvenienced by the life they created.
And it was all made morally ok by the eugenics and population control crown who told them it was ok to kill as long as it didn’t inconvenience you and contributed to your personal freedom.
“You have a right to live your life. The baby doesn’t.”
General C-obtuse idiocy will never “get to me”.
It is a fact that we now have a generation of young, irresponsible women who DO use abortion as a convenient form of birth control.
Not all.
Quite so. Why would any woman bother with the convenience of free contraception when she can always have an abortion?