Pro-Life means Anti-Choice

Trump said he wouldn’t appoint anyone to the supreme court unless they opposed abortion. He appointed three during his term of office. The decision to overturn Roe v Wade was by a majority of 5-4.

This ruling is not about concern for human life or about religion, it’s about politics. It’s about people having the power to impose their will on others. One overjoyed demonstrator being interviewed said “It’s a wonderful decision. It means that from now on, states can decide for themselves”. Well if that’s such a good thing, isn’t it even better if individuals are able to decide for themselves?

Nothing has changed for the ‘pro-life’ people regarding their personal freedom. Nobody was forcing abortion on them before and no-one is forcing it on them now. What has changed is their ability to force others to do things their way even when they would choose not to.

They shouldn’t be called ‘pro-life’, they should be called ‘anti-choice’ because what they’re saying is ‘We have always been allowed to make the decision for ourselves, this ruling now says we can make the decision for you too. We have the choice, we just don’t want you to have it’.

They talk about Isis and the Taliban wanting to drag everyone back to the middle ages. Now their message is, ‘Women of America, you’ve been raped and made pregnant, tough shit, because we say all life is sacred’. The land of the free. Isn’t democracy a wonderful thing?

ReproductiveRights News Link

Nominated by: Allan

And on the flip-side there’s this opinion, this time from Hate filled cunt

My nomination is baby killers, you know, this lefty backwater inbred cunts that are so fuckin simple they can’t grasp contraception. You’d think I’d love the idea of another lefty cunt being murdered in the womb, but no! I’d rather they grow and see what happens before hating the little bastards.

Seriously what kind of whore can’t even manage to control her own fuckin body?????? Any bitch that aborts a baby should be spayed for the sake of mankind and her fuckin forehead tattooed as a warning to men. These sluts should be treated like witches and fuckin drowned and I’d happily put myself forward for overseeing the job. Same goes for any cunt that is pro baby murder (as that’s what it is), I’d happily beat the piss out of them for pure pleasure and make them wish they were aborted , failing that I’m happy to shove them back up their own mothers cunt free of charge.

Any issues feel free to come visit me, lets have this discussion face to face, not that the sackless cucks on the internet are generally brave enough. I live in Worcestershire so any takers drop me a message as I’d never back down. Keyboard warriors need not apply as those cunts never turn up.

Almost forgot the link Sky News Link I see professional slag Lilly Allen has murdered a baby, always had her down as a cunt.

Happy fuckin Friday.

179 thoughts on “Pro-Life means Anti-Choice

  1. I’m firmly on the side of believing a women can make her own judgement to terminate a baby. I also believe if you put a baby in someone you should have to pay for the upkeep as a man or a women whoever looks after the poor spog.

  2. As I’ve no dog in the fight, I’ll simply say that before I got married, I did my very best to avoid putting a poor, unfortunate woman in this predicament…
    …by encouraging every woman I shagged to take it up the arse.

  3. Given the expanding number of transbummers, tennis loving ladies and snappers, there won’t be any need for abortion or family planning soon.
    I still find it hard to believe an ISAC member would offer up fisticuffs. Ffs get a grip

    • Evening Infidel, I reckon, rather than getting so eggy, ISAC members who are riled up to fuck over this issue should go on Youtube and watch this 11 min video about beautiful birds of paradise.
      They’re magnificent!

      • Good evening Thomas.

        There are few more incredible sights in nature than the bird of paradise in horn mode.

      • Yep. I love birds of both types. Here’s a true story.
        Two weeks ago our budgie who we got as a rescued adult 13 years ago was on his last few hours when the missus heard a crash on the glass doors.
        She went out and picked up a dazed baby bluetit who gripped her finger and wouldn’t let go. She managed to put it down and went back inside to witness the last breath of the budgie.
        Then she went back outside and the bluetit flew away.
        Out with old in with the new.

  4. Couldn’t give a fuck either way but I’d guess that illegal abortions,with all inherent risks. will still be available for the desperate.

      • Evening Mr F…well, what a lot of misery there is on here this evening!
        Regarding your video, imagine if Sid n’ Nancy had ever successfully had a baby…born addicted to heroin and with the parents’ combined brainpower, it’d have less intelligence than a bowl of porridge.
        It would have still beaten Wayne Rooney in a spelling contest, though.

      • Evening,Mr.Cunt-Engine.

        I suspect Posh Spice tried ( wisely ) to abort those kids of hers by sticking a pair of coal tongs up her dry minge and dragging the fuckers out by the head…unfortunately she then lacked the strength to press the toilet flush and finish the job.

      • That bony old witch! Looks like she’s never done owt fun in her entire life.
        Back when Frankie Boyle was funny, I remember him saying that “shagging her would be like trying to seperate deck chairs with your dick!”.
        Speaking of which, twenty years ago, which one of the Spice Girls would you have preferred to b̶r̶u̶t̶a̶l̶i̶s̶e̶ get romantic with?
        Sporty for me. She had the cleanest pussy.

      • The ginger one for me,every time…I’d still slap one up her even though she’s an old bag now.

      • You’d have to get in line, Mr F…her husband Christian Horner prostitutes her out to select F1 clientele. She wanted to fuck Lewis Hamilton, but he passed up the opportunity (being a botter and all) and nominated his down’s syndrome brother Nicholas instead.
        Geri recently gave birth to a hybrid, grotesque monster that resembles Harvey Price and has the table manners of Michael Schumacher.

      • Sporty Spice?! But she’s from Liverpool! So, how can she have the cleanest pussy?!?

        I’d have done dastardly things to Emma Bunton back in the good old 90s.

        Met Posh Skellington Spice once at Old Trafford, and she really is as big a cunt as you think she is. A dog turd has more class, looks, style and charm.

        Geri was also doable back then. But Choccy Spice was fucking awful and she still is. Heard that Mel B was an unpleasant character and a bullying cunt.

  5. My two penn’orth for what it’s worth;

    In the real world a ban on abortion applies only to poor people. ‘Twas ever thus.

    It seems to me that most people who campaign enthusiastically for a ban on abortion believe in god/gods. This is the basis of religious belief, i.e. it gives you the authority to tell other people what they should and should not do and how to live their lives.

  6. It’s always the woman’s fault, loose morals and that, never the cunt that stuck one in them. Where is the moral outrage for those fuckers? Plenty of cunts will promise a woman the world to shove one up them, then fuck off if they get pregnant, then not only are they stuck with a baby, but one from a cunt.
    Perhaps those moralistic twats who spout this stuff will be first in the queue for a vasectomy, like they did with the vaccines, to make a good example.
    Or the fucking pope could abandon the ban on contraception, so those cunts could start their own version of planned parenthood.

    • Evening Gutstick?

      Im in awe of your people skills!?

      You have a crowd eating from the palm of your hand,
      You silver tongued devil you!

      My shyness has always held me back…?

      • Evening MNC…here’s hoping tomorrow’s cuntings are a tad less contentious. Starting with tomorrow morning’s offering:
        “it wasn’t those Rotherham pakıs fault -those girls were too damn sexy”!

      • Evening Thomas?

        I like the noms where it kicks off and someone starts crying if im honest.

        That or sexually disgusting ones for me!!

        Dunno why theyre all getting upset?
        I think tattooists should be able to do abortions,
        Sort of a ‘one stop shop’?
        Get scraped and get a memorial tattoo same day!!

      • Evening Mis. I’ve not been the same since I was given this speech impediment.
        I get weally annoyed!

  7. History of religion.
    Magic rocks.
    Magic animals.
    Magic invisible animals in the sky.
    Magic invisible people in the sky.
    Less Magic people in the sky.
    People who claim to come from the sky.
    People who claim to speak for the people who claimed to come from the sky.

    Common sense/ growing up..

    • History of atheism? Murder, misery, hopelessness. Moral relativism where everything and anything goes including murder. Check out Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler et al.

      Religion hasn’t exactly covered itself in glory, that’s quite true but the old “it’s the cause of all wars” trope is crap. It wasn’t responsible for either of the World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, the American Civil War, the Crimean War, the Franco Prussian War, the Napoleonic Wars, the Seven Years War…. I could go on but you get the idea. What it IS responsible for is schools, healthcare, teaching people to be decent to each other amongst other things. I trust my eternal soul to God rather than the likes of Richard Dawkins etc who write books for money.

      As for abortion, no dog in the fight but to hear the pro-choice people talk you would think that they were throwing away a tin of beans that was out of date rather than terminating a human life. I’m not convinced that murdering babies is what you want to be doing or is the best method of contraception.

      Atheism? Where Nothing exploded for no reason whatsoever and spontaneously arranged itself to form DNA. Err yeah….right. My money is on a Creator who organised it all, including evolution, which by the way remains merely a theory with several holes in it.

      Intelligent Design I believe is the correct term. The Old Testament I believe to be a mix of truth, fable and parable. The New Testament I believe to be literally fact. To those who disagree and mock God; crack on. It won’t be me judging you if I’m right. I’ll have plenty of explaining to do myself because I’m not perfect, far from it but that’s one Sin I won’t have to worry about. Saying “I don’t believe in God” will avail you nothing if you are wrong. You can say it a million times but if He exists your words will not change that and you will not be able to hide from Him.

      Atheism I regard as a pile of steaming dogshit.

      • So, you have to pick and choose which bits of the bible you like to make it work.
        Fair play, it’s the biggest load of contradictory wank ever published, but if it helps you get through the day, crack on.
        Just don’t push it on those who don’t give a fuck for it.

      • I’m the same cuntfinder general. I really like this post and it’s well wrote. Seek solice but don’t think that religion is the be all and end all. I still pray sometimes when feeling low, I just don’t force it on people.

    • @CG

      I believe the modern, politically correct/non judgemental/inclusive term is “thinking impaired.”

    • Evening CG…considering you need a licence for almost anything, people shouldn’t just “be allowed” to bring a child into this world if they’re going to be abusive, neglectful or if they’re thick as mince.
      Any woman who twerks (unless it’s in a private residence, away from kids) should have their fat arse cheeks cut into with a scythe.

      • A very overweight Stanley went passed me today on an electric delivery bike with JUST EAT on it.
        Somebody had doctored the E so it was an F

  8. Speaking of the thinking impaired:

    There was a hearing in the US Senate today on the legal consequences of Dobbs v Jackson (the case that brought this about) and it’s effect on abortion.

    University of California Berkely Professor of Law and Metaphysical cunt Khiara Bridges used the term “people with a capacity for pregnancy” during a debate with Senator Josh Hawley. She went on to elaborate that (among others) this includes trans men and non binary people as those who can get pregnant.

    Babies aren’t life and men can get pregnant and you’re a transphobic mysogonist if you disagree.

    It really is a Cowardly New World Order.

  9. Human babies are shite, can’t do anything for themselves for months. Most other mammals. Are far more viable when born. Strange then that the human offspring are sacred and people are quite happy to eat every other species’ babies?

  10. God is by far the biggest aborter of babies. A practice euphemistically known as miscarriage.

    • Yes M.J.B. I saw one of these, the early stage of a miscarriage, many years ago in the ladies toilet of my local. A young girl was really freaking out, because she didn’t know what had just happened. It was a sight I will never forget. There was talk of the emergency services getting involved, but I managed to reassure, & gently got round to explaining to her, exactly what it was. & then she flushed it away, like it had never happened.

    • @Minge

      The World Health Organization reports there are 125,000 PER DAY, EVERY DAY worldwide.

      The Guttmacher Institute estimates 73 MILLION abortions occured each year berween 2016 and 2021.

      You think a “Divine Being” kills more babies than that by magically causing miscarriages?

  11. The Left loves dead babies! And 63 million is not enough…they want more…many, many more. In fact despite calling themselves pro-choice they want to outlaw any choice other than abortion and force abortions on all those who seek help.

    Today, Senator “Cherokee Liz” Warren, from the Peoples Republic Of Taxachusettes, called for the immediare closing of all pregnancy crises counseling centers that counsel anything other than abortion (i.e. adoption) to be closed.

    She claimed that counseling anything other than abortion was cruel and evil and amounted to the torture of the women seekng said counselling.

    Along with the dangerously stupid Alexandrea Ocasio-Cortez, she is calling on Presidential Puppet Joe Ji Jing Biden to establish abortion camps on protected Federal Lands like National Parks and Indian Reservations.

    Don’t take my word for it, Read it here. And then tell me again this isn’t a Death Cult.

  12. Libertarians are cunts. Useless,limp wristed cunts. Effete, disinterested cunts.
    Abortion is a drastic measure and not a matter of convenience.

    Fucking leftard cunts shrieking away, may the process be applied to them,in public.
    PS : my dad’s bigger than your dad and I’m rock hard, do you want some?

    • “PS : my dad’s bigger than your dad and I’m rock hard, do you want some?”

      Hate Filled Cunt’ll see you behind the bike sheds, later. Somewhere in Worcestershire. Turn up though, don’t be a Keyboard Warrior.???

      • It’s in his nomination, above!

        “Any issues feel free to come visit me, lets have this discussion face to face, not that the sackless cucks on the internet are generally brave enough. I live in Worcestershire so any takers drop me a message as I’d never back down. Keyboard warriors need not apply as those cunts never turn up.”

        I’ve got a vision of the Captain, waiting behind the bike sheds, somewhere in Worcestershire, stamping his feet in rage???

      • I see it now! To be honest, I saw the first couple of lines and skipped over the rest.
        Life’s too short! ???

  13. The Captain see’s himself as a modern-day Mathew Hopkins, too!!

    “These sluts should be treated like witches and fuckin drowned and I’d happily put myself forward for overseeing the job”

    I wonder if Dick Fiddler’ll lend him his hat?

  14. A very few women post on ISAC from time to time but so far none have posted under this nom. What, if anything, should/could be read into that?

    • Was it Nurse Cunty that used to post, arfur? Wonder what she’d make of this.

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