Not Expelling Feral School Pupils

A council has said it won’t allow teachers to exclude kids from school.

In some ways, ‘Ha you woke cunts, deal with the rabble!’, but in other ways, it’s unfair on the other kids. They can expel if the other kids are at risk of physical harm, but if a kid is threatening teachers and smashing stuff up? Or just generally taking up most of the lesson time because the teacher has to deal with them being hobby, cheeky little cunts..? The cunt stays in the classroom.

Fuck everyone else’s education.

You see, the little bleeder may have ‘traumas’ and ‘ishoos’.


They’re saying dark key kids are 1.5 times more likely than others to be expelled.

Well the teachers aren’t fucking racist are they ffs? BLM, white privilege out of the arse. So where’s that arse kissing got you?

Actually, it’s funny they can’t just expel the little cunts now.

Reality bitches! Deal with it. You never know, it might wake a few of these dozy cunts up.

Nominated by: Countybollocks

94 thoughts on “Not Expelling Feral School Pupils

  1. I’m fucking up da whitey school cuz it be raaaaaaaaaay-sist innit? Me only go to sell me gear innit fam?

  2. What the ferral youff of today want is a few dozen strokes with the cane followed by borstal. Knock some sense in to the greasy little fuckers. We’ve become as soft as a shit filled Ferrero Rocher in this country.

  3. Black kids should be excluded from school, no point in them going, they can’t/won’t speak English, better just to train them up (like the Chinese do in them nice holiday camps) to pick fruit and veg.
    Send them out in the fields to work for the nice white farmers, give the fuckers a purpose in life.

    • Careful what you wish for.

      A lot of Americans are mow wishing that their ancestors had picked their own cotton.

      • What they should have done following the civil war was to give the newly freed slaves free passage back to Africa.

  4. Ahh, Mr Gilbert was a phenomenal character. Certainly one of the best of recent times, if not of all time so far as British TV is concerned.

  5. The root of the issue is that the teachers can’t bang their fucking heads together any more.

    No boundaries.

    The bad eggs need cracking.

  6. 3 strikes and out – expelled.
    “It racist ta expel ma Son jus’ fo’ sum stabbin'”
    Tell someone who gives a fuck and get your fat, chippy arse out of my office – NOW!
    And the problem is solved.

    • Discipline went out of the window years ago when corporal punishment was banned. As hard as we thought we were at school none us wanted to get sticked because it fucking hurt.

  7. The teechas should send the kids to the council offices. Then they will understand what being a cunt really means.

    • HtB@ – What? They may disturb some people sleeping!
      Oh, sorry – that’s the fkin DVLA! ?

  8. I recently watched the 1968 classic British drama “If…” with Malcolm MacDowell and in particular the ending when him and 2 or 3 other disenfranchised public school students taking umbrage big style by using rifles, machine guns and hand grenades at their headmaster, teachers and assorted hoity-toity cunts.

    Not suggesting we resort to that kind of corporal punishment, but these days most kids “know my rights, innit” and some – not all – teachers are too obsessed on wokey curriculums to want to worry about old-fashioned concepts like punishment, detentions and expulsions.

    • Techno@ Afternoon Techno – that is a very good film, although I prefer the St Trinians ones! ?

      • Filmed at my school during the 1968 Easter holidays. My Mrs. couldn’t believe the slopping out of the washbasins, dormitories and other delights.

  9. I think it’s because the councils can’t handle so many expelled kids. They have to go to schools for other expelled kids. I don’t think it’s easy to find the staff to do that job!

    I agree with those here saying there are too many females running the show, but until the Education Minister brings in strict policies to deal with these little cunts, which includes teachers not being woke twats all the time, it won’t end.

    Personally, I’d make the parents pay for their kid to go to a school for expelled kids.

    On the dole? Oh dear what a shame. You’ll need to pay half your dole or.. heaven forbid, get a fucking job.

    Telling a teacher to ‘Fuck off’ or sucking your teeth and refusing to do what was asked should mean expulsion, not a patronising ‘let me know what’s bothering you’ talk.

    But in some ways, a lot of teachers have brought this on themselves with woke, commie, pro BLM shite.

  10. May l pose a question?
    Leroy has committed several serious offences within the school; more than enough to warrant permanent exclusion but the ‘enlightened’ policy has prevented this course of action . A few days later Leroy stabs and fatally wounds a fellow pupil in a History lesson. Who is responsible for this crime and what recourse do the dead pupil’s parents have?

      • Same as when the Parole cunts let a rapist out and the first thing he does is rape a child. Our betters make all the decisions but there’s no comeback when they get it wrong.

      • Or with the grooming gangs.

        A recent ‘Spiked’ article had details from the Rotherham council report and a video from the head of the council.

        He admitted their failings and says he is ‘sorry’. He said he agreed with all of the report’s findings, which included the point that they left it because they didn’t want to be called ‘racist’.

        ‘Sorry’, doesn’t cut it. What people want to know is WHO was putting the pressure on local councils/police forces to ignore it all. Seeing as these things seem to have gone on in Labour wards, it is this that needs investigating.

        Did local police bosses and council bigwigs do fuck all because Labour MPs put pressure on them to ignore the problem? Maybe. Maybe not. But we need to know if this is the case.

        This does not excuse the councils and plod (if true), but any MP found to have done this needs throwing in jail as accessories to mass rape and ‘hate crime’ and never allowed any political office again.

        And all those who did fuck all, knowing full well what was going on, should lose their pensions and jobs at the very least.

        But as Paul M says, ‘Lessons will be learned’ though, so that’s tickety boo.

      • Don’t forget to light a candle as well as saying lessons will be learned.
        If you do those things, it allegedly makes everything ok.
        My arse.

    • Guzziguy@ – I know this one – FUCK ALL recourse except to bury their kid as the funeral procession is bombarded with fried chiggun bones, twerking pavement apes and rich white girls screaming “waaycist” at the mourners. As “politicians” criticise their white supremacy and fascism..
      My idea, do like you do with crows that pinch your crops – hang the fkers outside the front door as a warning to all the other thieving, greasy, black beasts.
      But, as always, some namby pamby softy liberal type has introduced some ridiculous law with regard to the public hanging of schoolchildren – unbelievable! ?☠
      Who is going to teach these kids communism, chippiness, bone idleness and sexual degeneracy if they get expelled?

  11. Rishi Sunak takes lessons in Climate Change from his pre-teen daughters… Christ.

    • And how many cunts take lessons in climate change from Greta Thunderstorms, a bitch who didn’t even go to school?

    • “The climate hysteria movement is not about science. If it were about science, it would be led by scientists, rather than by politicians and a mentally ill Swedish child who is being exploited by her parents and by the international left.” – Michael Knowles

      Knowles was banned by RAT (FOX) News…who apologized to little St. Greta…for saying this live on American television.

    • MJB@ – Maybe Gunga Dim would be better off asking, I don’t know, maybe a climatologist or a meteorologist possibly?
      Checking which corporation pays for their research first of course.

    • No, VF, he’s a leaver, like his mate Michael Gove. These Tories have had enough of experts.

    • @Minge

      Sorry to bust your bubble, but little St Greta doesn’t appeal to me like she does to you and your shithouse fantasies.

    • @Minge

      Nope. No mistake. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have tried to insult me and then responded when I called you out.

      No. You give a fuck.

      • Remember General,
        You get her tubbed you have to keep the kid!

        Sure itd be a looker!

    • @GC
      In what respect did I insult you? Are you not a heterosexual male? Have to say your avatar is a bit ambiguous.

    • OK Minge…in the spirit of one well intentioned cunter to another…let’s parlez.

      As a hetrosexual man…I took your remarks about banging a teenaged psycho as an insult. Not only is she a psycho but she doesn’t even look like a woman. Furthermore, at my (somewhat) advanced age, banging teenagers has been off my agenda for a number of decades.

      If you were simply making a jest in the spirit of a warped sense of humor, then I misunderstood your intent and offer my sincere apology.

      In my defence…some people say I am rather highly strung. Others say I ought to be.

      With regard to my avatar…as I’m sure many of the women in your part of the country have mustaches…I can see how that would confuse you.

    • No, GC, I was suggesting she could bang you, not the other way round, always assuming you could get it up in the first place.

    • Btw, your avatar bears a remarkable similarity to a cross between Hinge and Bracket, with a fake moustache obviously.

    • Fair enough Minge. Your assumption however, is flawed…I could never get it up for little St. Greta. I’m sure you could, but I couldn’t.

      I have no idea who Hinge and Bracket are. Nicknames for the two bikers you met at the gay bar?

    • @Minge

      With regards to gay bikers…as you’re the expert…I’ll have to take your word for it.

    • Don’t worry, GC, I promise you I’m not a homophobe. You can confide in me.

    • @Minge

      Well…since I can confide in you…you’re talking about banging Greta…asking me about my sexuality…wanting to know if I can get it up…saying my avatar confuses you…and you’re obviously familar with gay bikers…I don’t think you’re a homophobe…

      I think you’re a creep!

      I will not respond further.

      • Fair enough GC, you’ll get no argument from me on that score.
        But you’re wrong on several counts (as usual).
        I never asked you about your sexuality, or whether you could get it up.
        Your sexually ambiguous avatar does not confuse me.
        I am not familiar with gay bikers, although I do recognise the stereotype.
        You think I’m a creep? Good. Coming from you that’s a great compliment.
        Sleep tight, don’t let little Greta bite!

  12. And yes, I’d bring back the cane.

    Fuck it, I’d put the worst ones in the stocks.

    • A saturday in a cage on school grounds. If it needs feeding or water, there are two troughs. The feeding trough may be used for any food a caretaker or cleaner ‘volunteers’, but where does the kid piss or shit?

      ‘Again, there are two troughs..’

  13. Mate of mine is a teacher. He went on a teacher exchange to Africa……..Tanzania or Zambia, I can’t remember. Kids were regularly caned and if they turned up without proper uniform they got sent home. He was treated like a god by the local community and was constantly politely turning down invitations to dinner from parents. He said it was just like when he was in school in Scotland where you got the “tawse” if you acted the cunt.
    By the way, the African teachers laughed at the modern teaching methods he brought from the UK. He works two jobs at weekends to put his own kids through private school. What does that tell you?

    • I know a few myself and some of them are not woke twats (usually males).

      One who was woke and somewhat idealistic and naïve, (middle class upbringing in a 100% honky area) went to volunteer teach in the USA (Washington DC suburb). It was for ‘disadvantaged black youths’. I told him to be careful (this must be 20 years ago now).

      The placement was for a year, but he was home inside a month. Why? He was beaten, mocked, spat at and racially abused by the teenagers he was teaching and the local community.

      He is not woke nowadays, I can tell you lol.

  14. I blame that ugly, toothy cunt Ester Ranson.

    It’s gone from not being able to cane a child to not being able to slap them to not being able to touch them at all.

    It will soon be that you will not be able to look at them.

    How the fuck are you supposed to deal with a naughty child…… Have a conversation with them?

    I read about a nursery school in the UK.
    Somehow a kid managed to escape.
    The staff spotted it straight away but they were not allowed to grab hold of the little fucker.
    They had to follow it along roads until he decided that he wanted to go back.

    • As far as I’m concerned ‘in loco parentis’ lasts until the little cunt exits the school gates. Then phone either the parents or the police.

  15. Knew a kid he was a fuckin nightmare.
    Couldnt behave.
    He misbehaved in infants school.

    Misbehaved in junior school.

    In secondary school he lasted the first week.
    Sew teddybear eyes on his jumper as nipples,
    Teacher pulled him,
    He hit the teacher.

    So off to mit-mot school up in the hills, you lived in and came home for weekend.
    With the real naughty boys.

    He left school never worked, and hes a tramp in Blackburn now.

    If hed hadnt of been suspended other kids would of suffered,
    Theyd be like that cunt.

    • Those residential mit-mot schools were hotbeds of abuse, not surprised your old chum ended up as a gentleman of the road. He’d be fit for fuck all after being in one of those places, that’s if he wasn’t already of course.

      • Hello Stanley?
        This one was called Taxal Lodge,
        Up in Whalley Bridge.

        Once when we were all teenage drinking in the woods he got all mawkish an said someone had tampered with him at school.

        We were just 14yr old lads,
        So just shrugged and carried on drinking,
        Made sure he didnt swig from our beer in case he had AIDs.

        Nowt as callous as youth.?

      • Indeed. Typing “Taxal Lodge abuse” into Google turns up the expected grim list of Savillry by the teachers of said institution. The one in my neck of the woods is Wessington Court which appears to have been a boarding school i.e. parents paid for their miscreant offspring to be sent there and interfered with. Bizarre.

    • Ps

      I bet now the cunt would be categorised as having loads of ‘isms’?
      His mum would get plenty of extra money for his ‘condition’.

      But back in the 70s he was just a naughty little fucker.

    • I think I’ve mentioned before the cunt at my secondary who bullied everyone and whose mum thought could do no wrong. Even started on teachers. A right cunt.

      He got expelled and his mum got the lawyers in. The school or local council caved in. He came back worse than ever, mocking one teacher ‘You can’t do anything. I’ll do what I like or get my mum’s lawyer in again.’

      Well, this story has a nice ending for those that missed it first time.

      In his mid 20s, he ended up getting gobby in a pub with a local hard case and nutter. Cunt had got into the habit of being a right cunt with everyone.

      He then got beaten to death for getting lippy with the local Biffa Bacon’s dad type.

      This cunt learned the hard way that you can’t ‘say and do what you want’ in real life.

      Prick fully deserved the early bath, cunt from a cunt of a family. I just wish the fucking lot of them had met the same fate.

      Even my mum had to try and hide a smile when I told her the news.

    • Mnc@ Afternoon Mnc (I am back home after some truly back braking gravelling and groundwork – I drank about the same amount of water as a camel and given my suntan locals will probably be calling me Abdul and throwing fkin bricks at me!) – I was tormented for years at school by an evil little prick who just did what the hell he wanted as the “teachers” took him on weekend trips, paid for stuff for him and never, ever disciplined.
      That little cunt made my life hell, and I shed no tears when I was in church one day and heard some maniac had beaten him half to death.
      Enquiries with regards to the foul felon who committed this dreadful but incredibly enjoyable act (I, er, assume) have so far drawn a blank! ???

      • Things have a way of sorting themselves out dont they Foxy?
        Good for you?

      • The King Prick from our school was an aspiring rock star type. Poodle haircut, the works.
        Had his tinpot rock band with his two spotty hangers on.
        Always bragging about how he was going to be rich and famous blah blah blah.
        When he left school he took a temporary job as a Postman.
        Jump forward 43 years.
        The sad cunt is still a Postman…

  16. I think feral is a pretty good word to describe the potential felons who disrupt the nations schools.

    We have the same thing going on here in the states. It is a twofold fact that basically amounts to:

    You cannot expel little D’Nigglious or little Schvartavion because it’s racist to expect them to behave in a civilized manner. It’s far better to indoctrinate them so they can become the useful idiots the Progressive/Neo Marxist Left needs to advance their agenda.

    Forget reading, science and math. The inherent evil of the white race, the righteous joy of diversity and the wonder of a boundless green planet must be front and center in the curriculum.

    It is the intentional dumbing gown of the world’s youth to serve their future masters in the Great Reset.

    • General, I have been reading recently about racial segregation in US schools. This was something the Klan used to support in the 50’s and 60’s and I believe was declared unconstitutional in 1957 or a little earlier perhaps. De segregation was something the Civil Rights movement struggled with during the Kennedy/LBJ era. Now the wokie left are bringing it back all over America in direct contravention of the law, as I understand it. It truly is astonishing. What the fuck is going on over there?

      • Hey Freddie,

        Your assessment is correct. Brown v Board of Education was a Supreme Court decision that basically ruled segregation was illegal under the 14th Amendment.

        But the Progressive/Neo Marxist left needs to divide in order to conquer. So they have put forth the notion that students of color must have their own safe spaces in order to be free of institutional racism and free from the threat white people pose to them simply by existing.

        As to your other point, the left has no regard for the law. It was the Leftist Nazi Leader himself who said;

        “Here I stand with my bayonet, there you stand with your laws. We’ll see which prevails.”

      • Thanks General. I saw an interview on YouTube with a black mother from Atlanta, I think it was, a couple of months ago. She was complaining that her son was put in a blacks only class. She was arguing that it was both unconstitutional and illegal. I can’t find what happened to that story.
        MLK grew up in Atlanta and I remember him talking about the segregated swimming pools of his youth. He must be spinning in his grave eh?

      • Hey Freddie,

        I have a couple of You Tube vids that illustrate some of what I’m talking about.

        The first is a woman named Edith Macias. She lists herself as an indigenous person of color and a LBGTQ+, Trans activist.

        The vid is a few years old and it’s almost 10 minutes long. But it is unedited and without media spin from either side.

      • This next vid is about 7 1/2 minutes long and was taken at a University somewhere in Arizona (I believe).

        Once again it is unedited and illustrates the “threat” white people pose to “persons of color.”

      • I’ve seen the first one before, what a bitch! Fancy snatching a hat off somebody’s head, that’s kids stuff. All these bitches spout the same bullshit they’ve been brainwashed with. Same old cliches about “safe spaces” and white supremacy. I bet if Eldred was raping them down an alley and some copper, even a black one, shot the cunt in the face they’d still be screaming raaaaaaay-sist! There’s no hope for these idiots.

      • Hey again Freddie,

        With regard to the cunt in the first video. I’m sure she was charged and I believe she was convicted and sentenced to jail. But I think her sentence was suspended.

        However, she parlayed this for victim/martyr status claiming the white establishment system with its systemic racism was stacked and used against her.

        I believe some of her lefty friends even started a go fund me page. She eventually moved out of California and enrolled in another University.

        The kicker of it all is…she didn’t pay for her tuition. She was given all manner of financial aid and support because of her race/gender. That’s how racist the system is.

        What a joke. And a true perversion of the Civil Rights movement.

    • GC@ – Afternoon General – if they are expelled who will teach them communism, buggery, indolence and professional victimhood?
      I have a simple attitude – three strikes and out.
      It works.
      It has also been brought to my attention that “modern teachers” do not wear corduroys!
      My late Mother used to teach reading and writing to adults – she absolutely loved it when they would come in with a newspaper they could finally read – they were so grateful for her selfless kindness, but that’s how she was.

      • Hey Vern,

        First let me say, that I have a great deal of admiration for people like your mother. They are the people that helped make us great.

        And again…as usual…you are spot on. With some exceptions…we no longer have an education system here in America. We have an indoctrination system. (I can’t speak to the system in the UK.)

        The Progressive/Neo Marxist/Built Better/Green/Liberal/Brave New World Order needs obedient little servants and not free thinking citizens.

        I also share your outrage about corduroy…obviously a racist material which when worn symbolizes White Supremacy.

  17. Imagine working in a school in Tower Hamlets or the middle of the grooming gangs domain.
    Trying to deal with uppity no dad jiggas or swarthy tached 12 year old parking stanleys.
    I’d rather nail my balls to a mast

  18. “Wha you lookin’ at blud?”
    “You flying through the fucking window with a broken jaw, cunt! Anyone else feel like arguing?”
    My tenure lecturing at Balliol College was short lived..

  19. Get a couple of ex NCO’s in every school and let them beast the little cunts.

    • SV@ – Afternoon SV – our kid would be up for that – he is an ex NCO, hard as nails and fkin hates lippy kids!
      His Son is a middle aged snowflake cokehead alcoholic weedhead and a constant source of embarrassment to him! ?

      • If his son has ended up like that, then perhaps not the best candidate for supervising kids.

  20. Only reason for this bollocks is to save a few quid. Keep the little cunts in mainstream education save a fortune on special schools, taxis to take and return the bastards and release a few social workers from escort duties. Remember the needs of the individual far outweigh the needs of the majority even though the majority is paying for said pissstain

  21. Who’d want to be a kid in school nowadays anyway? Not me.
    Lefty teachers indoctrinating impressionable young minds with XR Climate Change, Britain hating, transgender pushing, anti-Brexit, BLM loving, sinister Critical Race Theory, propaganda bollocks. These brats are already unduly influencing the ruling classes – aspiring Tory leader Rishi Sunak taking lessons on Climate Change from his pre-teenage daughters – Christ on a bleedin’ e-scooter!!

  22. How many fatbergs does Southwark have building up in its sewers?

    Time for some supervised work experience.

    ‘Clear this muck with this pointing trowel. Here’s your latex gloves, face nappy and plastic pinny.. If you run away you’re staying down here overnight’.

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