I’ve read that some shadowy cabal is busy taking over the World…they steal elections and appoint their own puppets…they are behind uncontrolled immigration..they are behind Covid and any health problem yet to come…they are behind the financial crisis etc,etc….busy people indeed.
I’m afraid that I lack the insight to see all this…all I see is a “Western” civilisation that has,as have previous civilisations, reached the end of it’s road….we have become lazy,self-indulgent and very,very soft….I don’t think that there’s some Great Conspiracy, I think that we have “progressed” as far as our civilisation while allow before it implodes and is replaced…that’s all,that’s it.
Personally,I have no family that I give a shit about and have had my “good times”, so I don’t care what happens apart from to say that we probably need culling…a civilisation as selfish,corrupt and deviant as ours probably won’t be that big a loss.
No link because it is just my own thoughts,
Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler
That is about right.
Perhaps we are currently experiencing the fall of Rome 2.0
Political corruption. (Everywhere you look)
Invasion from outside forces. (mass uncontrolled immigration from 3rd world males)
Over expansion. (NATO)
Turning our backs on once traditional values. (Christianity in exchange for Woke culture, degeneracy, BLM and Islam)
The rise of the Chinese empire in the East.
Very profound Mr Fiddler. In fact, it’s realism we require, not wild imagination.
And you are right. There are too many of us, who are too liberal and too soft. The way things are heading, we won’t progress any further, but we’ll certainly regress.
Are you seriously telling me its not the lizard people or the moon men! Im off to poundland for more tin foil..
Great nom!?
Weve definitely lost our way as a society.
Parents killing kids seems to be happening a lot?
Weve become sick,
Weak, spoilt.
As for the conspiracy stuff id normally agree but just reading about Uber and its manipulation of our politicians,
Pretty chilling stuff!
Pretty much everything in the 21st century has lost its way. I’m no prude, but some TV ad the other day was on with some Doris sitting on the throne with her pants around her ankles. Quite unnecessary; society seems to have lost its limit switch settings.
The throwaway society has brought out the avaricious nature in the wrong kind of person. Honesty and probity is now a rare beast.
Parents killing their own kids. I really can’t begin to understand what is driving them to do this. There is some seriously fucked up shit out there that most of us here just don’t have the first idea about.
There are a lot of sick, violent and dangerous people locked up in prisons with life sentences. Serial or multiple offenders. They are never gonna be rehabilitated. We spend thousands housing, guarding, feeding them 3 times a day, medical & dental care.
If western society is too squeemish to hang them in the town square like our eastern counterparts, then just ship them all to some deserted rock in the middle of the ocean and let them fend for themselves.
Until ‘leaders’ are selected truly by the people, from our own ranks, instead of being given the choice at voting time of this gutless wonder vs this liar vs this corrupt self serving cunt, then we are going nowhere, except further down into the pit of doom.
I weep for our country… and for our lack of hope 🙁
“…but just reading about Uber and its manipulation of our politicians,
Pretty chilling stuff!”
Bloody Hell Mis which hermitage have you been holed up in? This sort of backstage cuntery is absolutely routine business practice, has been for centuries chap.
I entirely agree with Dick’s nom. There is no great conspiracy. Just a great civilisation that has lost its way, eaten within by self doubt, the seeds of which have been sown by cultural Marxists. Time to man up – and there are signs of a fight back so I’m optimistic it can be reversed – I think.
As for imagination, it’s as much the mother of invention as necessity. The greatest scientists were also the greatest dreamers. And literature is of course impossible without it. But it can be misused as well.
It’s the others.
Excellent nom. We’ve become a ‘Me, Me’ society. Selfish, self-centred, greedy, lazy, self-absorbed, want-everything-yesterday, I’m-alright-Jack and I know my rights shower of shite that listens to the minority rather than the majority. Too many cunts that are happy to be spoon-fed and happily swallow bullshit and take part in The Great Race To The Bottom, looking at what others have and ask for but not willing to do fuck-all to improve their own lot or take responsibility for themselves.
“Train driver on 60k and a nurse on 30k? Disgusting, greedy”.
To me, rather than drag everyone down to the same level, all that tells me is that a nurse doesn’t earn enough, not that the train driver earns too much. And we’re only too willing to lap up the fucking shite peddled by the media on these subjects, as witnessed on this hallowed site a few nominations ago. Personally, I think we’re fucking doomed as a species. If we transported the current mindset, en-masse, back to 1940, the Battle Of Britain would be over today. It officially started on July 10th.
I genuinely believe that.
(Apologies for the long rant, but, I have nothing but contempt and loathing for the way modern society is turning out).
No apology needed. Im sure most of us have felt the same for a very long time. I certainly have.
As a country we’ve completely lost our way.
We need an Alexander afore the Gordian Knot moment.
Regrettably our political class are craven fools and simply don’t have the will to set things straight.
So yes,western civilization is on a very slippery slope toward oblivion.
Remarkable that the decline has been so soon coming.
What a mess.
I often wonder what the Spitfire pilot or Dunkirk evacuee would make of what has become of the country.
I doubt they would glad to see it.
I was at the 65th anniversary of D Day and chatted with one of the engineers who came ashore in the 2nd wave. He told me many things that had never been documented including using bulldozers to shift the dead from the 1st wave and putting tarps over them so the next wave didn’t see it. At the end of a lengthy listening session I bravely asked ‘Having been through all that, and seen how the UK is today, was it worth it?’ He told me to go look in the church and read the visitors book. He told me he had been coming back every year to pay his respects and write in that book the words ‘Was it worth it?’ True story!
I remember an incident in Arromanches, I think it was D Day 67th, and there was a British veteran who had been approached by a younger brit who thanked him for his service. As these old boys always were, he said thanks, but all the heroes are in the cemeteries, and he was a bloke just doing a job.
Then the younger man starts saying about the state of the UK, immigration and stuff, and that there needed to be a nationalistic party like the BNP in charge to put things right.
The old veteran went mental, saying ‘me and my friends didn’t fight and die to defeat fascism to see dull cunts vote for it at home!’
The Yaxley type shuffled off with his tail between his legs.
Good Morning GJ.
The old veteran should have went one better.
He could have said that he fought against 1930s fascism and watched a lot of his friends unfortunately die so his country could one day elect a fascistic government masquerading as tolerant woke liberals that completely and utterly ignores the will of the people in every way shape and form who vote for them.
That would have shown the Yaxley Lennon type.
Morning HJ.
I think the point he was making was that after seeing the effects of real fascism as the helped liberate Europe from it, what whining folk refer to as fascism today isn’t even in the same country, let alone ball park.
I remember that exchange, think it was on ITV News. Typical far-right twat who assumed all WWII veterans shared his far-right views.
Afternoon MJB.
I haven’t seen the TV exchange, the one I referred to I was standing two feet away from. It was hard not to laugh in the pricks face as he walked away.
I’ve been to Normandy many times, and spoken to lots of veterans and heard many tales and saw many tears.
I’ve not heard the ‘it wasn’t worth if because of the way things are today’ opinion from any of the guys I’ve met. I’m not saying there wasn’t those that thought that way, but I haven’t met one.
When you hear first hand accounts of liberating concentration camps from your own relatives, hearing people today comparing now to living under fascism just makes me roll my eyes in disbelief.
Afternoon GJ.
I have tried to find the video online but to no avail. It might have been a different exchange from that you witnessed but was pretty much word for word the same as you described.
Fascism is left wing collectivist ideology on a nationalist basis.
Not the same as “far right” which makes the shaven headed idiots wearing swastikas look even more ignorant.
Nationalism can come from left or right…
I imagine it’s a common reaction in that situation, when you have witnessed the pointless death and destruction done in the name fascism and nazism, and no doubt communism.
Be nice to see a clip of the incident you mentioned though, mine was witnessed just next to the mulberry harbour museum just as the sun was setting. Love Normandy, can’t wait to get back there.
I’d also add that I don’t believe that our problems are being deliberately caused/implemented by some organised group.I reckon our problems are all of our own making…we get the Politicians/Leaders that we allow and deserve..perhaps we do need some Braveheart types to turn things around?…only problem would be that, if the conspiracy theory is correct, presumably the conspirators would just steal the election regardless?…also, there seems to be plenty of people ( mainly the young) who actually support our current “progress and direction”….far as I’m concerned,it’s their future and they’re welcome to it.
Bruno Mr Fiddler. Consider the thought of Bruno.
No, not Frank. Giordarno Bruno and his cyclical theory of history.
All things fall and are built again. That kind of idea.
I dont know where he thought the world was finally headed. But that was his thinking.
He was burnt at the stake for Heresy. Righly so.
Joyce admired him. In Ulysees a friend of Stephen’s at the mention of Bruno say ‘he was a terrible heretic’
Steohen-‘Yes, and he was terribly burnt’.
Personally I believe what Waugh said. We haven’t really a choice between civilisations. It’s either ‘Christianity or chaos’.
Democracy or Totalitarianism would be nearer the mark.
I blame Greta Thumb-for-a-face, and her simple, middle-class thralls. Their apocalyptic religion is the sort of thing you see in broken societies throughout history, as well as the sexual degeneracy and weakening of the distinction between masculine and feminine.
Don’t worry, the asteroid Apophis is due to make a close approach to Earth in 2029.
Maybe Greta and co. will start speaking in tongues beforehand.
A well-observed nom, Fiddler.
It does seem like the End Of Days as everything seems to turn to rat shit, or deliberately gets turned.
But there is something going on at an international level. The politicians all get together and then spout the same bullshit in each land, same policies. The Covid lockdowns were very similar ( and unnecessary and proven not to work), the climate net zero crap – the Dutch farmers told to give up farming, uncontrolled immigration everywhere. Same story all over the Western world. I’d love to think it was a coincidence and nothing to do with the WEF, UN and WHO, but I don’t.
I think they shouldn’t be pushing their agenda too much because the way we were heading was going to end in tears anyway. And you can’t tell the younger generation because they’ve been brainwashed or they are more interested in Love Island. Ho hum.
When it comes to conspiracy types im usually slightly offended that they think im a gullible or mental as they are.
And the first mention of satanic cults, vampires, im pretty much decided!
But this thing about jews?
Always blame the jews!!
Its not that I really give a shit,
But its sneaky,
Rather than be honest and say
“I fuckin hate jews”
They dress it up in all sinister plot lines,
I like my racism honest.
The daft spastics.
“…offended that they think im a gullible or mental as they are…. first mention of satanic cults, vampires, im pretty much decided!”
Quite right too, directed energy weapons, dustification, holographic planes, luciferin Bavarians and lizard monarchs… left click… quit page. But these are the people who somehow retain their Yewtube channels and seem to consistently achieve top ratings on Shitchute. They are put there and promoted to lead the genuine enquirer into the weeds with 80% fct and 20% kookery. What that does is allow anyone delving into 9/11 or JFK or RFK or the Safari Club or Epstein or Meyer Lansky or the Mega Group/Wexner or…. (take your pick from the multitude of amply evidenced corruptions on offer) to be instantly dismissed as ‘just another tinfoiler’. Ultimately no-one dares venture into that territory for fear of being ridiculed by association.
The lesson here is they don’t have to ban anything, (although that doesn’t stop them) just pile on enough horseshit and a large percentage will swallow some of it and in regurgitating it onward can be safely be parcelled up as a fucking nut job.
“…Always blame the jews!!
Its not that I really give a shit,
But its sneaky,
Rather than be honest and say
“I fuckin hate jews”…”
But that is to play into the binary mindset but it’s just not correct thinking. What aspect of jewry are we addressing at any particular time concerning what subject? their ethnicity, their religious doctrines and impositions, the legitimacy of Israel as a state, their zionism, their inveigling foreign policies?
You have to define terms as not all jews are zionists, not all zionists are jews, not all jews are of semitic origin, not all jews are observant etc and what makes it more difficult is the fact that they will swap those hats mid argument so that criticism of any act committed by the Israeli state is twisted into de facto ‘anti-semitism’.
“…They dress it up in all sinister plot lines,”
What about the countless times when those fantastical foil wrapped ‘plot lines’ turn out to have been typed into briefing documents and committed to the public record years before the act is enentuated?
Spot on nom.
I can’t help feeling that one day something existential is going to happen, and I don’t mean another storm-in-a-teacup like Covid. I mean something that’s going to wipe out most if not all homo sapiens. Perhaps an asteroid, another Black Death, nuclear or biological war.
Ah well, cheer up everyone, it’s wimminz Denmark v Finland live on the BBC this afternoon. Christ, I’ll be on the edge of my seat.
Close game yesterday -England 8 Norway 0.
It was far too white unlike the France v Italy game, looked more like Nigeria v umbongo land.
Dad’s Army was ace. Fraser, the cynical mawkish cunt. He was brilliant.
Warnings were issued when the film version was shown, recently…
I wish the woke horror show that is wimmins football was imaginary. As in I wish it didn’t exist….
My imaginary version of wimmins football would be totally different. A load of ‘Hills Angels’ type birds in tight shirts and very small shorts.
To be fair, Norman, my issue with wimmins sport is that they try to compare it with the mens game and have wimmin pundits on Match Of The Day, rugby, etc and they’re harping in about equal pay to the men! You have Maggie Alphonsi giving her opinion on something she has no fucking idea about on ITV’s rugby coverage. Stick to your own codes.
I am the reverse – I have imagination, but sadly a mind like a sewer. How I long to see Angela Rayner end up in a sack of potatoes like the girl in “Frenzy” in 1972. And Yvette Mini-Cooper become a suicide bomber, and of course lovely Lisa Nandy’s bouncing bristols as she sits astride a mechanical rocking horse. Nurse – the screens!
Meanwhile, it is increasingly clear that Rear Stormer has missed his true vocation – adverising laxatives.
We’ve had the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age… and we’ve seen the Industrial Revolution come and go…. but right now I feel we’re in the Digital Age where nearly 60% of the world’s population (about 4.5billion people) have access to the internet.
There’s also a new God called Google. In 2021 there were 6 billion Google Searches, every DAY; that equates to just under 2 trillion for the year.
We send just under 350 billion emails around the world every day.
in 2020 there were 300 million new users hooked up to the internet.
In 2020 just under 45 zettabytes (or 1 trillion gigabytes) of digital data was generated by internet users around the world.
By 2025 digital global usage will rise to 460 exabytes (500 billion gigabytes) every day
In 2021 we spent over average 8.5 hours a day online (computers, tablets, phones etc), and this stat rises to 12.6 hours per day for people under 25
(all stats compiled by Statista)
In essence we have all been sucked into the digital age. The paradox is that we have become more anti-social despite the rise in social media activity. We’ve become so attached to our digital devices that we’ve lost self-awareness. We don’t want to be disturbed, or bothered or interrupted as we search for something, talk to someone online or play some idiotic game.
7 out of 10 people in the UK carry a mobile phone, up from 4 out of 10 20 years ago. They are our mini-gods, our portal to the digital wormhole. We learn new things via this digital utopia and yet we forget about those human characteristics such as interactions, a sense of worth, a feeling of humanity, patience and the time to listen without being distracted.
30 years ago computers were sometimes called Dumb Terminals. We now live in the New World Era of Smart Gadgets and Dumb Users.
The Digital Age is Here
How many of those 45 zettabytes were generated by NHS nurses dancing on TikTok?
No more than you looking at Pornhub?
Pornhub? Nooooooo. Xhamster for me, or maturetube.
We’re Doomed, doomed, the end is nigh.
“news guy wept an told us ,
earth was really dying.
Cried so much his face was wet,
That I knew he was not lying”…
David Bowie ‘5years
How come these end of the world cunts all have a doomsday date?
Millenial bug
Year zero
How come theyre privy to a set date an we arent?
If the Elites have a set date to destroy the world how come they shared it with Reg Dobson of Wigan whos on pills for his meltdown in the dole office?
Some use ‘calculations’ based on biblical text, 7 x 7 add 6000 for some specific date stick another x 7 and hey presto you get to 2019, plus or minus a few years, the start of everyone receiving the mark of the beast, refuse and you will be fucked but…. At the end of days all those with the mark will be burned, the poor sods who refused the mark will enter the kingdom of heaven.
Please note this isn’t a completely accurate description but it runs along those lines (before CS jumps in to correct me) ?
Man invented fire. With fire came soot. I rest my case.
Nice one 🙂
Mo Farrah certainly isn’t short of imagination…..??♀️
I heard that story on the radio this morning driving in to work.
Sir Mohammed Farrah – “Team GB’s greatest ever athlete’s” arrival on these shores was a result of human trafficking.
From the BBC’S perspective that roughly translates as “see all you racist plebs, human trafficking between France and the Kent coast isn’t actually anything to worry about and should be encouraged because we might win a load more Olympic gold medals in the future”
And as a footnote no one will take responsibility when the inevitable happens and one of these cunts goes on a stabathon or bombs some event.
An Olympic champion v 22 mainly kids murdered at a pop concert
“Don’t panic Captain Mannering!”
Most people fail to see the blatantly obvious that the world is overpopulated and a huge percentage have a big sense of self entitlement.
we can recycle and lower emissions etc, as much as we like ,it’s past that now , there are more people in the world now than there ever has been, all need feeding and housing.
A massive Cull or clear out is required now.
And on that happy note
Good morning all ?♂️
Cull those pesky dinghy riders
I was going to pull my todger out, but I remembered that I am just a cunt, so I decided to fuck myself instead.
It all ends in May 2040. Keep watching the SKY and not your screens…
Well, that’s nice to know, however could you be a little more specific And give us the date? I mean, I don’t want to get there and then find I’ve wasted money on a holiday after the event, or bought something nice for dinner only to find lunch has been cancelled because of the armeggedon!
I’m with the Wonka fella.
“ pure imagination “
I basically spend any free time I get at home, away from the wife, watching and knocking one out to cast swathes of Brazzers, Elegant Angel, Jules Jordan etc etc… Maybe I’m part of the problem…?
*vast swathes (bloody predictive)
And probably not with the panache of St Lawrence (patron saint of comedians apparently) who when being braised on an execution griddle,had the chutzpha to proclaim-”I’m done on that side,you can turn me over now”