Marta Kauffman, what cunt she is, rather than celebrating her successful series Friends (yes, I know it was a bit shit), she has apologised for not shoehorning more blick leads into the show but also for not having one of the main Six as a blick.
The six were all dippy, so which one would have been black, the answer is none because it wouldn’t have worked without rewriting the entire script and changing the characters completely.
There would have to have been more racial messages and no doubt a few programs dedicated to a racist incident.
I am sure the creator of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air isn’t feeling guilty about not banging in a few white leads.
Stop apologising and stop talking bollocks
Nominated by: Sick of it
With a second take from: Le Cunt Noir
Marta Kauffman is a cunt. The co-creator of massively overrated 90s sitcom “Friends” is apparently donating $4 million to an African American studies project because of her “guilt” over the “whiteness” of the show.
Naturally, this guilt was prompted by the murder of Saint Chicken George and the wake of the BLM riots – sorry, “mostly peaceful protests” – when Kauffman “began to wrestle with… having bought into systemic racism in ways [she] was never aware of”.
Fuck’s sake. Look, I’m bi-racial myself and would never blame someone for being a cunt just for the colour of their skin. Neither would my family (either the black or white side), nor most people I know. Of course there are racists who are happy to judge others based purely on their melanin (or lack of), but takes a very special type of cunt who takes a very special type of perverse pleasure in self-flagellation and hatred for their own skin.
Unfortunately Hollywood seems to breed such cunts and where Hollywood leads, the MSM loves to follow.
The spouse was in a state of panic last night as she put on Eastenders and found Lesbian Football. All was well when she discovered it was on BBC2 instead. I saw the first three minutes and there was the most horrendous dark key in it, clearly highly effeminate (he made Chris Bryant look like Charles Bronson), and the spouse told me “he” is a new character who usually appears in drag.
The mind boggles. I can see Eastenders would need black people, but outrageous poofters – what would the Muslims say?. Or do?
I had Radio 4 on as I was driving on the M5 with Mrs. W yesterday afternoon. They did a trailer for Moneybox which was on at 3 o’clock, normally an interesting financial show if you like that sort of thing. This week it was how to deal with financial matters if you are transgender amongst other things how to get you bank to change your preferred pronouns. The pair of us went “Fuck NO NO NO” simultaneously. As Richard Littlejohn use to say “You couldn’t make it up”
If I was their bank I would tell them to fuck off to the Halifax.
Morning Wanksock, morning all.
Totally agree…..I heard that.
I heard the trail for that – if it had been April 1st you would have thought it had been a joke. Mind you for the past several weeks after the World At One they have broadcast a series called “28 Days” – all about the menstrual cycle. How repulsive just after luncheon. Probably produced by an independent production company like the long-gone Kentish Town Lesbian Street Theatre For Peace
Well at least the makers of the old Tarzan films,Zulu and Planet of The Apes can’t be tarred with the same brush….plenty Sooty faces in those films.
John Noakes wasn’t a Black Man…dig the racist Cunt up and chuck him down a well.
Virtue signalling is getting very expensive.
Fucking right…I planned to attend “Carnival” dressed as “His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, CBE, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular” to show solidarity wid muh bruddahs but the extortionate price of boot-polish has made me think twice.
Morning all?
A more appropriate response to being mithered about such slurry would have been to hire the main stage at the MGM Grand to tell them to Fuck Off.
No stopping these cunts when full retard engaged. Embarrassing reading about these fucking morons. The woke is rising to new heights every day.
Friends should of been more like Desmonds,
Then itd of been more popular.
If theyd crammed it with token sooties then everyone could of enjoyed it!
Maybe replaced hideously white Courtney Cox and Jennifer Aniston with Dawn Butler and eyecandy Di Abbott?
Instead of girls getting that ‘rachel’ haircut in the 90s they would of wore Beatles wigs like Diane?
And instead of meeting up in a coffee shop maybe a crack den or KFC?
I am afraid Ms. Abbot and Ms. Butler would not be available, since they are contracted to Boggs Pornographic Filmed Enterprises (Kenya) Ltd for our new nudie epic “The Last Temptation of Keir”. They will be appearing as two of his hoes in a scene where he is tied to a bed of nails on his belly, while the girls walk up and down on his back in high heel boots (stiletto heeled) and Ms. Abbott forces a giant sized butt plug up his arse , and Ms Butler forces her strap-on down his throat. Then they have the strenuous whipping scene. You can’t have David Lammy either as he is playing Keir’s toilet slave.
Point of order.
Chiggun George wasnt murdered. He died while being restrained while one of his bredren stood and filmed. Without intervening.
Second point if order:
He died of a fentanyl overdose-4x the lethal human dose.
The autopsy reported no constriction or bruising to the neck.
Chauvin kneeled on his back, a la correct law enforcement procedure?
For the amount of shit he’s getting he’d have we better off jumping up and down on the drugged up cunt’s head.
They could of made joey black..and had a running joke of all the children he fathered and never see’s or contributes to ever..I’m laughing already..
Oh and blame racism for never getting a acting job..this writes its self…
Where’s my emmy..
The next time some white Phonywood Libtard is overwhelmed by guilt and grief, rather than burden the rest of us with their virtue signaling, I wish they’d just off themself and let the rest of us go on with our lives.
This would also have the added benefit of opening up a vast new array of cunts for the Dead Pool.
How could you have a n*gnog in a sitcom called ‘Friends’ when it well documented fact that they don’t have any. Now, if you called the show ‘Cunts’ well all of them could have been n*gnogs! Most people could be forgiven for thinking it was a documentary.
Hey Foghorn,
You have the right idea but the wrong name. They could call it…Groids.
So she is feeling guilty about not having enough black people in Friends,eh? How does she feel about the lack of orientals? Why is it airways one demographic?
Because these liberal types appear to lack the awareness to realise just how racist they actually sound by seemingly singling out one particular demographic all of the time.
I’m sure your average black person just loves being patronised by rich white liberal cunts who are suffering from a touch of the revisionist blues. Only after they’ve made their millions of course.
Maybe if “Roots” is re made with whitey taking over cunta kintea and friends parts
Maybe set it during Viking times that I’ll satisfy the woke inclusive bullshitters.
Doubt it because nothing will.
Friends was made for and watched by women and homosexuals. When I was a kid, I enjoyed TV characters acting like children but grew out of it when I was about 10. Soon she’ll be apologising for not having more poo-pushers or doughnut-bumpers in the programme.
Theres something about Martas desperate pleading and rolling over to the woke nazis,
That along with her good head of hair,
Makes me want to pin the old jew down and fuck her?
Not sure why?
Perhaps Marta Gonsewitz will take time to reflect on and apologise for the forced contraception of Ethiopian chosenites in her beloved promised land….
No? Thought not, well fuck off then, porkenstein.
Given she is a 4 x 2 why would she? I guess the show did lack a butler or a thief though
Well. Judging by these shenanigans, Love Thy Neighbour should be due a comeback. Half the cast were dark keys and they always had the upper hand at the end of each episode, with white man looking a cunt. It’s perfect for today’s white vs black agenda.
Ms Kaufmann obviously has one eye on her legacy, stupid cow. I don’t think we’ll see Ricky Gervais making the same mistake because of a lack of dark keys in The Office.
A black Joėy in Friends?
That would be hilarious.
But then Joėys are always hilarious.
Marta Kaufmann could refilm certain scenes with Harvey Price as Joėy and he’d violently flıdråpe Rachael, Monica and Phoebe.
Probably Chandler and Ross too
3 attempts to avoid moderation?!
DA…I really hope that “f-l-i-d” is a WordPress naughty word…that would be splendid!
(I think WordFence isn’t in much of a friendly mood this morning (see what I did there?) – Day Admin)
Bliiks make up 14% of the American population , and guess what they win 14% of the Oscars. Now the whining cunts both sides of the pond are vastly over represented at the expense of the majority just because of their skin colour. If I was an actor I’d be fucked off. They won’t be though because the pandering cunts like it up the arse.
I notice Martas virtuous grovelling and mewling skirts around the fact all of the characters were able bodied?
None were in wheelchairs?
Or comas?
Ok she had a token down syndrome (joey) but not a ramp in site.
They could of made the carer who saw to him a sootie?
Martas problem is she hates the disabled.
Joey: Hey maan, like, Oh My God, Monica is todally disabled.
Chadler: Oh my God, that’s like, todally bad maan. Fancy a bum?
Joey: Oh my God, like, yeah-uh!
? I can’t walk like you-oo…
This woman or someone else connected with the show has apologised for not using the correct pronoun for Chandler’s father who was a transgender.
When will this lunacy end?
Jesus admin, that’s two munters in as many nominations. Put me right off my morning wood. My eyes screamed, screamed I tell you. Challenging wank anyone?
As far as I know there were no major roles in the show for dead people either, just cardboard people who’ve gone on to be even more wooden as time goes on.
I don’t drink but every time one of the main cast of this “TV Show” kick the bucket I’m going to celebrate with a whole litre of neat vodka.
How about some Balkan 176? It’d put hair on a snooker ball.
Over the last few hundred years the ‘elites’ of society have often, like Lemmings thrown themselves headfirst into the latest craze without every really stopping to think about the consequence’s.
The latest craze is virtue signalling and it will be here for some time I’m afraid.
The most ridiculous craze I read about was the mad rush to buy Tulips or Tulip Mania as it was known in the mid 1600’s.
That’s right fucking Tulips. But rich people saw other rich people buying them up and wanted some of that and so the rush began.
Fundamentally the problem is these cretins have too much time on their hands.
Would they care about Black actors not being in the show if they’d gone broke and were now living in a housing scheme getting minimum wage?
Would they fuck.
I hope those Chinks are working on a new COVID variant that only attacks Virtue Signallers and is so potent it does you like Ebola.
Marta missed a trick back in the day to tick a few boxes didn’t she.
Back in 94, just as she and her co writer were putting pen to paper – a certain, recently retired Gary Lineker was available.
Now, as we all know, as a young black man, Gary had an obvious desire for a decades long and prosperous career on screen.
Ah well Marta nevermind – your loss was the BBC’s gain.
The more I look at that photo in the nom, the more it looks like a bloke in a wig.
My god you’re right Chuff!
Like that creature having a hissy fit in a shop in the link Ruff gave us yesterday.
Why apologise now?
Has she got a book or new sit-com coming out?
I tell you, that bandwagon is going to crack an axle soon, the number of people jumping on it!
Aye Jeezum. Is Kauffman so ‘sorry’ that she will give back all the money she has got from the Friends ‘brand’ over the years?
Nah, though not.
It would be more fitting if she apologised for Friends being a steaming pile of eye and ear offending shit starring a load of cunts that deserved shooting.
Pathetic old glue bag…
Ps. I never realized that America had it’s own version of Vanessa Feltz…
Mind you, I would have given Jennifer Aniston one back then.
I would STILL give Aniston fucking loads of porks.
She’s had so many facelifts you’d never get yer cock in her mouth without the skin on her forehead splitting.
First saw a young Aniston in Quantum Leap. She was incredibly doable in those days.
Three fourbys (the Gellers and Rachel) and an eyetie (Joey)
Not sure about Phoebe,.but the actress is of Polak descent.
Seems fairly representative of Noo Yoik.
Are there any native Americans, rednecks, smokers, cripples, anti abortionists or muslims in the cast?
Only seen it in passing but I’d guess the answer is no.
So why all the fuss about knee-grows?