Sir Keir Starmer (18) Pride before a Fall

A mammoth cunting for wanabee PM and his “lady” deputy , Keir Starmer for going in the Pride Mince yesterday (July 2nd) sporting glitter round his eyes:

BBC News Link

This pathetic graceless pudding of a man pretends to be the friend of every minority – black, tranny, bulldyke or poofter, so desperate is he to get the top job. I hope Rayner kept her legs closed for once.

The party of bum fun, men dressed up as wimminz, women dressed up like men – Christ knows what this country would become within weeks of this freak attaining high office.

He could just have sniffed a pair of Chris Bryant’s underpants, but no where there is a camera there is Kweer performing, and the skidmarks on Bryants keks might not have been as photogenic.

Nominated by: W.C. Boggs

104 thoughts on “Sir Keir Starmer (18) Pride before a Fall

  1. Judging by the redness on Angela’s neck and chest I think she may have climaxed a minute before that photo was snapped.

    • Glitter round the shitter.
      Kier will jump on any bandwagon.

      Since Labour took a battering in the general election hes always stood in front of Union Jack flags when talking because they were seen as unpatriotic.

      He beleives in nothing.
      All public image.

      Angie went because she likes the smell of spunk in the air.

      • There’s a lot of horn over Ms. Rayner on this site.

        Clamouring for a bit of rough? Chav sluts?

        Cunters will want to head down towards Portsmouth and turn off at Leigh Park, Europe’s largest housing estate.

        As long as you have a 4-pack of WKD and a chicken burger, you’ll be popular Imagine the Spice girls, but a bit fatter and grottier.
        Take your pick.

    • I thought it stood for, “Prick-Ride”.

      Obviously, it couldn’t be pride in being a pervert, now could it?

  2. I fear an earthquake is coming, caused by Keir Hardie, Ramsay MacDonald and Clement Attlee spinning in their graves.
    A once great political party is now an utter embarrassment.

  3. Angela Rayner is a cunt, I detest her but I want to fuck her.

    Keir Starmer is a massive cunt, socialists with honours given by a monarch. Zero credibility.

    He should be in the bloody tower.

    • Me too.
      I’d like to hatefuck her up the gary glitter, whilst strangling her with her own knickers.
      Then roll her up in some old lino, and either shove her upside-down into a drain, or chuck her in a river.
      Does this mean there’s something wrong with me?

  4. That cunt will do anything for a vote, even wearing some trannie t shirt. No doubt he met up with Suckdick while he was there and they laughed at the poofs behind their backs. Of course that’s exactly where you should be when there are shirtlifters about…….never let them get behind you!

  5. I agree with the nom……but I bet Rayner is a dirty cow and I for one would like to give her a good fucking in the shitter.

    I thank you.

  6. Why the fuck is the silly cunt wearing glitter, is he pretending to be one of the poofs, London Pride, I thought it was a beer no a bunch of Kweers ?

    • Labour PR dept: “Ok, Keir we think it would look better if you wore some glitter”

      Starmer: ‘OK, good idea, shall I bring some of mine in from home?’

  7. My daughters asthma inhaler says on its label “Up to 2 puffs twice a day”.

    Seems more appropriate for this simpering commie dumpling.

    Fuck off.

  8. I hate the way he talks through his nose. Labour politicians in particular seem prone to this affliction. Definite sign of a cunt. I’d like to split his nostrils open with a boat hook.

  9. Sir Kweer……man of the people! Well, man of the bent people anyway. I bet Angie was well pissed off………all those cocks going to waste.

    • To be fair…you could say that about the Tory party elections going on. No one with any bollocks to say what the silent majority actually are thinking for fear of the perception it will lose votes…only votes they will lose are the fucking immigrant, lazy, trns/gay/whatever or sponging cunts.

      No politician of any colour currently in the front line I would consider would make a great statesman (or woman)

      They are all cunts (apart from Moggy, but he’s not running, nor in the front line)

      • Too right – I fear the Johnson replacement could actually be worse (please God not that Sunak cunt)!

  10. If the gays would not go on about their ‘pride’ in enjoying getting on their knees on a piss soaked public lavatory floor, while another man shoves his cock up his shitty arse, I wouldn’t give a fuck.

    They had ‘LBGT England cricket club’ on Sky last week. Why do they need to put their sex lives as the be all and end all of their identities?

    Each to their own, but I won’t celebrate what you do. It’s fucking disgusting.

    Keep it to yourselves, we don’t want to hear about it.

    • Agree…my best mates brother is a raving shirt lifter. We all go out together and he’s just one of the lads….doesn’t go around telling everyone in public that he likes cock any more than a straight bloke like me would go out in public and state I like pussy. Whole thing with them that do, is it’s all about ‘look at me- I’m special’ or ‘look at me- I’m following the fashion trend at the moment. I must be sooo cool’

      Admittedly at the end of the evening if he’s not too pissed he will tell us in private he’s now going on Grindr to look for a fuck to finish the eve off. Good luck to him- don’t have an issue with that type of poofing

      • Aye same really. Have a puff in the family who’s a close blood relative.

        He doesn’t go on about it either. A lot do though.

      • I have a very good friend who took until he was late 30s before he told his family and friends he was gay. We obviously suspected it but it was never an issue. He’s still the same great bloke and friend, in a relationship with someone and I don’t give a shit. He laughs and joke about it now, he thinks these show off types harm the gay community as most just quietly get on with their lives.

      • Not like John ‘look at me, i’m gay’ Barrowman and his writer friend Russell T ‘Indulgent gay fantasy at the license fee payer’s expense’ Davies.

  11. I am in absolute awe, at how such morons have managed to get into positions whereby they run the fucking country.

    It’s almost as if the Monster Raving Loony Party won.

      • Screaming Lord Sutch would’ve looked at some of the laws proposed nowadays and said “Nah. That’s far too bonkers.”

  12. Labour is now the party for minorities and doesn’t seem to give a shit about the working people it was created to represent. This is more than a minor irritation, it’s a fucking travesty for our electoral system.
    If it was that easy to reach out to everyone and garner enough votes to win an election, wouldn’t they all be doing it? You are always going to polarise opinion no matter what you do. I’d find it very difficult to vote for a party that takes ‘pride’ in sexual deviancy, puts ethnics on a pedestal and has nothing to say about big issues like the cost of living.
    After the shower of shit ‘Conservative’s’ I’d like an alternative to vote for. But Dame Kiers Labour does not represent me anymore.

  13. Dame Kweer has so many pooftees in his shadow cabinet (Kyle, Bryant, Streeting) and back benchers too numerous to mention, I guess he has had his cock sucked so often, he has been groomed – it will be bum fun next. Add in the secret meetings with Mandy. Probably the reason he bought in Lammy is that he is now after black dick.

    For all those who would like to fuck Rayner, be prepared for several visits to the STD clinic – you can’t be sure what you would pick up. When I was in the RN we were warned about “girls” like that and shown a really horrific black and white film to warn us what happens…..

  14. The leader & the deputy of the opposition party! Well there’s no way that Kweer will ever get to find out, exactly what a ‘real woman’ is, if he attends Poof Pride shitfests like this. There is no hope!

  15. What’s the pride in having some sweetcorn on your helmet from another bloke who hasn’t wiped his arse very well??

  16. I just watched the lunchtime politics show, always good for a laugh.

    Baroness Kennedy was told off for using the word bitch and an apology to the audience from the presenter.

    A tranny ‘bird’ who went into a mini meltdown when another panel member raised concerns over changes to the gender recognition act. (Scotland have decided that the only requirement to be recognised as a woman just needs, well nothing at all ?)

    Thank fuck the world is on fire ?

    • Apologise for the word “bitch”? I imagine she would have a full on attack of the vapours if she ever looked at this site.

      • She was referencing the interview with Lord Frost and his attack on Penny Mordaunt, if Frost had been a woman he would be described as a bitch.
        Not sure why the woman thing came from but why didn’t the Baroness just say he was a cunt ?

      • Mordaunt. Another one who failed to define what a woman was in less than 8 tweets. Useless bag of pus.

      • You’re being too harsh RTC.

        Can you imagine a threesome with Mordaunt and Rayner fighting over your Hampton.

        Rayner shows Mordaunt what a woman is by fisting and licking her minge, while yours truly throws six inches of throbbing gristle up Rayner’s tradesman’s entrance and makes Mordaunt suck the working class tomato skins off it, as a flaccid Starmer watches and cries like a little bitch.

        Don’t know where I was going with that, but I feel much better now.

  17. Could you imagine Hugh Gaitskell, Jim Callahan or Harold Wilson with glitter on their faces?

    • NO.
      I can, however, imagine Esther McVey (in her prime) with my baby gravy on her face?

      Afternoon Miles.

      • That Philip Davies must think he has won the lottery, no wonder the cunt is always smiling

      • Yeah they would go on the Durham Miners Gala/ Marches. Standing shoulder to shoulder with the Workers. Maybe the ‘Red Fag’ played at the end.

        Now its the Rainbow Flag and putting glitter on their faces.

  18. I wonder what Starmer puts on his NHS form:
    Necrophiliac (when is their Pride day coming up?)
    Peadophile (not so popular to own up to these days but there’s still one or two MPs kicking about that used to openly support it back in the day)

    Probably ticks the lot because he thinks there’s votes in it!

  19. I swear he looks like an Identikit picture, the one that won the competition for the most gormless looking cunt you can knock up in under two minutes. Rayner looks she could only get off with a jack hammer, or maybe a taser up her arse. Thinking about it probably both.

  20. It occurs to me that with all that is going on, sometime in the near future someone will step out of the shadows, and say ‘enough is enough!’ Someone with the drive of Churchill, the backbone of Thatcher and the vision of uncle Adolf, who will be the catalyst that drives these fucking freaks into the abyss. They are the minority but make more noise than the rest of society. This day will come, mark my words. I can only speak for myself but I imagine there to millions who think the same. Cometh the hour, cometh the man. And by that I mean a real man who was born with a cock and likes real females, the ones born with a womb. My name is Legion, for WE are many!

  21. I recently saw ’10 Browning Street! Will all the usual
    suspects forming a line. But surely, that has to have two meanings, so no inuendo there! I see Angie has a “gravy browning stain’ on her left cheek. Probably from going down on her knees again. I guess that’s a start.

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