Joe Biden (15) – The lights are on but …

Wake Up Joe, You’re On.

Senior moments and the odd brain fart are part of everyday life, forgetting to put the bins out or lock a door but can have serious real world consequences if you happen to be POTUS. The Hair-Sniffer-In-Chief has been pictured recently at a White House event with cue cards and childlike dictation instructing him to enter the room, say hello to the press, sit down and answer questions etc. It was the political equivalent of being spoon fed.

Express News Link

This is very simple stuff on home soil, but how is he going to cope with big international events like the G7 summit? I can just about pronounce Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga of Japan let alone some old duffer who is barely in control of his bowels let alone his faculties. Will he remember Boris? He’s the fat cunt who’s playing with his tie that’s caught in his trouser zip. Olaf Scholz of Germany? Didn’t you used to be Angela Merkel?

We will probably never know unless he pops a corker in front of the worlds press like saying he survived the Irish potato famine or watched the New York Yankee win the 1923 World Series, it will be ignored or covered up by Americas sycophantic pro-Democrat media.

Maybe we should all worry if pictured with a cue card saying ‘South Korea = GOOD’ – ‘North Korea = BAD’. “What, there’s a ‘New’ Mexico now?”

Time to have a presidential library named after you in Ballsackville, Iowa and fuck off into retirement Joe.

Nominated by: Liberal Liquidator

63 thoughts on “Joe Biden (15) – The lights are on but …

  1. Border crisis, disastrous exit of Afghanistan, baby powder shortage, Bidenflation, dithering on Ukraine, yet this walking skeleton sits in awarm pile of his own piss asking for his soup.

  2. There are leftist staffers running the US using Joe as the puppet.
    Working in his administration has to be hell on earth if you are sane at all.
    We’re so fucked.

  3. Old Joe keeps saying “I’m Irish”, so obviously has lost the fucking plot, Joe just drink the Kool-Aid, and fuck off, maybe you could have an Irish burial, taken to a random bog and disappeared, just like dat, diddly fucking die dam!!!

    • I came across an article about Hunterhaving a gun during a coke fuelled shag fest with a prossie. Afterwards he tossed the gun in a dustbin about 100 yards away from a junior school.
      Very little of what sleepy Joe gets up too is reported on the MSM. Just imagine if it had been George W. Bush or Donald Trump doing what Joe does the BBC would be wanking themselves silly.

      • The cunt has his own island not too far from Epsteins and indeed Bransons.I think we’ll be hearing more of what REALLY happens there in the not too distant future.There’s stuff going down covertly across the planet that will put the bulk of the populace on heavy meds when it comes to light.Child trafficking,adreno consumption,snuff movies and a dash of good ol Satanic ritualism into the blend.Children are a vastly more lucrative market to these fucks than any drug or gem.

  4. At least this pathetic man keeps us amused on a daily basis. The daft old fucker is in a world of his own, he clearly is confused and at times angry – when he has a rare lucid moment. Over 80 million votes for a potato? Even the dems are embarrassed but with Kamala harris waiting in the wings they’ve got to keep the walking corpse in office. It’s his wife that’s the biggest cunt, letting him out the house.

  5. Remember “anyone would be better than Trump?” – well, the liberal left got their way and Christ help them

    There is a lesson there and a grave warning – be careful what you wish for: that cretinous heap of shit could be replaced by Kweer Charmer in this country in a few years time, and just as Biden is the puppet of that dark key tart in the Oval Office, senile spineless Charmer will be the prisoner/puppet of the Rayner scrubber. Biden makes the Donald look super efficient, Charmer could do the same for Boris.

    • The Donald was super efficient.
      Old Joe is in the Middle East today meeting up with the Palestinians, that can only make a dangerous situation worse.

  6. This is the same Joe Biden who said “I may be Irish but I’m not stupid”.

    Wrong on both counts.

  7. He’s going to have to start travelling by hot air balloon as those steep steps off Airforce One might be the death of him.

    Not to worry,he’s too busy selling the U.S strategic oil reserve to the Chinese to do much travelling.

    What a doddering old cunt of a fool.

    (His son would make a much more dynamic President)

      • A head landing would give him maximum protection, Moggie.

        But I can definitely see that klutz Biden doing something like that in Airballoon 1. “Gee – looks like we’ve arrrrrrriiiiiiiivvvveeeeeeed”.

  8. President Freepass

    He could eat a live baby on national television and the ‘journalists’ would still only ask him questions about what ice cream he likes.

    Meanwhile, Trump makes a lewd private comment among friends 30 years ago and he’s Peter fucking Sutcliffe.

    Useless cunts.

  9. That was a classic last week, when he read “end quote….repeat” from the teleprompter. Nearly as good as when he tried to shake hands with some cunt who wasn’t there. What an arsehole.
    I wouldn’t worry about his decision making, clearly he’s not the cunt making the decisions.
    As for Chopper Harris it’s hard to believe that somebody so dim and inarticulate ever made it as a trial lawyer. Fucking hell!

    • My favourite Biden gaff is when he asked a disabled senator in a wheelchair to stand up so everyone could see him. “Stand up Chuck, let ’em see you. Oh, God love you. What am I talking about”.

      • No, the best one is when he said “ l agree, let’s go BRANDON!” Live on air.
        Jill’s face was priceless.
        Your hubby actually told HIMSELF to fuck off!!

  10. Imagine if the Donald behaved like this senile old cunt, the MSM but especially the BBC would go into meltdown. When the “leader of the free world” needs written instructions on sitting down, you know that the “free world” is royally fucked. The Left voted for the cunt, the Left can change the cunt’s “diaper”.

  11. No better president, 40 pluses years a senator, never tells the truth even in his senility and is likely to destroy America and save us all a war with the Chinese.

    Joe Biden is a legend and his son Hunter should be made president when Joe can no longer sniff children as Hunter is a chop offf the old block.

    Some say he’s Obamas proxy but so what, after all Barry has a good tan and gets the black vote!

    God rest America, so much promise ending in the piss stained pants of a professional liar!

  12. Biden is well insulated, helped somewhat by a fawning MSM. They know he is a senile old cunt but they would rather have him as POTUS than a republican.

    Cameltoe “AWOL” Harris is waiting in the wings. But she’s another massive liability and if you thought Biden was bad at making decisions just wait until Harris takes the Pledge. You may as well top yourself now and save all the drama to come.

  13. It’s been stated, somewhere in the states, that the general public should start treating ‘confused’ Joe Biden, in the same way as they treated ‘confused’ Ronald Reagan. Not quite sure what that means, but I’m just going to grab myself a Coke, a bag of popcorn & enjoy the show.

  14. When old Ronnie Reagan was president back in the 80s, the jokes about him being old, allegedly senile, a warmongerer and unfit for office came thick and fast from the TV.
    A constant barriage, particularly the supposedly “impartial” (yeah, right) Spitting Image and Not The Nine O’Clock News
    Now this obviously puddled skeleton-puppet-on-strings holds the office of president… nothing.
    Where are the “satirists” and “comedians” ripping this old cunt to bits?
    It would be so easy…

    • Too right, BB! Remember the Spitting Image joke : The President’s Brain is Missing? Cheeky cunts, Ronnie was Albert Einstein compared to the Hair-Sniffer-in-Chief.

      • Reagan might have got a little “fuzzy” towards the end of his presidency but the hair sniffer in chief is well past that point already.
        Creepy Joe’s brain is most definitely missing and no fucker says anything…

  15. I had to laugh yesterday when reading, on the BBC website, about the James Webb telescope images. Apparently NASA said they had shown the images to President Biden. Fuck me! Can you just imagine the senile old cunts reaction? “ Wow! A galaxy 2.9 million light years away? Let’s go there and give em some freedom”
    Christ almighty, you’d be better off showing the images to a 3 year old than that daft old cretin. Better off showing him some images of pre pubescent girls I’d imagine.

    • The only Milky Way or Galaxy Biden knows of is the chocolate ones you buy in a shop

    • Amazing an exciting images from the Webb. Kamla Harris was there as well, probably complaining about how racist space is.

      • Well nobody’s ever interested in the blackness, and to be fair, it’s predominantly black. A bit like south London or our tv adverts.

      • She can’t complain space is predominantly black but it is transphobic ?

  16. There’s not much uproar about his cunt-of-a-son weighing out crack rocks with a hooker, nothing to see here.
    Rigged election.
    There’s is a bit of a stir when his wife made an apology between Latinos (sorry,it’s LatinX apparently) and tacos.
    Decline and fall, going back to a previous nom.
    It’s a gruesome shit show for the degenerate prevert and son.

  17. “I know about Roaches”
    “I love kids bouncing on ma lap”
    “If you don’t vote for me – you ain’t black”
    “End of quote – repeat the line”

    This guy is a fucking embarrassing cretin and not fit for purpose in my opinion but at least he’s seemingly very popular with dead people, dominion voting machines, post bags, leftist bed wetters and folk who love paying over the odds for petrol.

  18. 300 million people and the best they could come up with was this senile old crook and a fat simple orange lump of shit.

  19. I think there are a lot of great comments from you English cunters in this thread. Obviously you have a solid grasp on the reality of the situation and the precarious nature the Far Left has put us all in.

    The Obamunists puppet masters are pulling Ji Jing Joe’s strings. It is doubtful to me that the Godfather of the Biden Crime Family even knows what day of the week it is. But even with public opinion turning against the old hair sniffer, as of right now he is still useful to them.

    Here’s a member of the fraudulent administration not even bothering to hide plans for establishing a “LIberal World Order.”:

    Liberal World Order…The Great Reset…Build Back Better…The Green New Deal…Sustainable Markets…it’s all the same and for the sake of us all it must be stopped.

    By the way…what an awful cunt Dr. Jill must be to let this happen to her doddering, senile old husband.

    • As someone who was born on your side of the Pond, GC, and spent his tender years in Maplewood NJ, I share your pain. We are going through the same shite in the UK. I’m no conspiracy theorist, but the system is definitely being rigged in some way.

      • Hey MMCM,

        You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to see that “they” are trying to impose The Great Reset on us. The proof is all around for those who simply open their eyes.

        I sympathize with the plight of you and your countrymen. It is perhaps most perfectly illustrated by the flotilla of dinghys crossing the Channel.

        We are supposed to believe that the country with the greatest naval tradition in the world…the country that stopped Hitler from crossing the Channel…cannot stop a bunch of carpet kissing, camel jockeys from floating across the Channel in inner tubes.


      • It is indeed totally unbelievable. The human rights lobby has our government by the short and curlies.

      • “…I’m no conspiracy theorist, but the system is definitely being rigged in some way.”

        Well it’s either one or the other Magic Mech but remember, every covert government act ever committed was/is by definition “a conspiracy” and remained “theories” only as long as they kept the “conspiracy facts” hidden.

  20. Cunting biden is like taking candy from a baby..about the only thing the BBC never accused trump of doing.. but hey there is still time..

  21. Ive a lot in common with president Joe.

    I forget things,
    Ive never been to ireland,
    I like the smell of shampoo and other peoples money.

    Where we differ is im not a plastic paddy,
    I dont like to touch children,
    And im not a fuckin mong .

  22. The Democunts are surely going to get a fucking good kicking in November. It will be interesting to see how the fawning media explain that away. No doubt the Orangeman and his evil machinations will feature in there somewhere.

  23. Gaffes a plenty including :
    We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,

  24. Better than a daki running your country (potentially, but quite possibly in our case).

  25. What a sad cunt he is. He is in an office that was stolen for him and he’s doing the bidding of those who hand him pieces of paper and type for his his teleprompter. He’s so bought and paid for he’s lost track and barely knows where he is. A career politician who never did anyone any good including his family. His offspring are degenerates and I’m sure doesn’t have even one true friend. Not even a priest will bother to listen to him.
    His blackened conscience must look like the bowl of Hunter’s bong.
    What a fucking sorry pathetic loser. Selfish fucking despicable cunt!

  26. Hear lots about this stolen election stuff, nothing of repute, but it seems a bit of a chant, or mantra even.
    Is it because some people revere him so much they thought he couldn’t possibly lose? Or is it a lie said often enough is taken as true?

    Is there any solid, reliable evidence of election fraud, and if so, why hasn’t this been brought to court? I mean, if Flump can’t afford a decent lawyer, then there’s no hope for anyone.

    And another thing. If he is so sure that his presidency was stolen from him, why would he stand again, surely ‘they’ would do the same again?

    It seems politics has lost the will or the ability to unify, even on a small margin, any electorate. Now the world is left with cunts, whose only selling point is they swear they aren’t as bad as the opposition.

    An option should be added to every ballot paper where you can tick ‘none of the above’ and there should be political broadcasts before elections explaining this option, and its meaning is, the system is broken and their all self serving cunts.
    Spoiling a vote is difficult, it may not be counted as a protest vote because it was done incorrectly, or it was done for childish reasons rather than a political statement.
    Abstaining or low turnout can always be spun however they want it, but a tangible protest vote? Has to be worth a shot.

      • Then why is he standing again, blowing his and his supporters money?
        Also, where is his proof that it’s rigged, never mind yours?

      • There’s no way back for Trump after 06/2021. All the Democrats have to do is play the footage in their campaign ads. And select a candidate who isn’t Biden or Harris.
        Anyway he won’t run. The Republicans won’t let him if they still have a single brain cell.

      • And if he stands as an independent he will split the Republican vote and the Democrats will win regardless of the chumps they have running.

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