Ineffective uselessness is a cunt.
Lately I’ve been feeling even more ineffective and useless than normal.
As I’ve got older I have more time to chew things over and it’s not a helpful use for the time I have left.
I look at the news reports on the ‘tinterweb an I can feel my blood pressure bulging my arteries at what’s out there.
Policing is, or seems to be a pathetic and woke shadow of it’s former self. Politicians are, without exception, self serving money grubbing cunts.
That poison dwarf over the northern borders is stirring up racial hatred and what do we do? Fuck all, as there’s fuck all we can do.
A convicted Pakistani paedophile rapist avoids deportation due to renouncing his Pakistani citizenship, what do we do about this? Fuck all.
The boat scum are flooding in and a little wanker in Euroland says we can’t ship them off to Rwanda and that seems to be that. Fuck all anyone can do.
There’s so many examples I’d be writing all day. The average man/woman in this country has been effectively removed from decision making, logic has gone and we’re ruled by utter traitors, with traitors taking up the senior positions in the Home Office, the Police, the Councils and most media et al.
I’ve never felt so low about the country’s outlook. My only saving grace is I’m 63 now so at least I’ve not got a whole lifetime of this utter shit-show to tolerate.
Nominated by: Bertram Cuntatious DCO
No point getting jaded Bertram nowt you can do about it.
There’s something lacking in your life…danger .
You need something to get the heart beating and adrenaline flowing!
Became a stunt man!
Or start up a extreme sport!
Film it and put it on here .
You could be ISACs John Noakes!
I’ve written to The Flabbot to ask if I can snorkel in her knickers, is that brave enough?
Maybe Bertram. I’d stay safe & use one of those that the Germans fitted to U.Boats
I am thinking of writing to Yvette Cooper to ask if I can get her naked on all fours while I fuck her up the arse like roly-poly Ed Balls does. That’s why she dreads going home at weekends and likes to talk about taste and deceny all week. If she says no I might ask Emily Thornberry if I can service her mobility scooter and she will be going down the North London roads doing 100 mph in her souped up cripples chariot. The size of her arse, she has to use the disabled lavatory with the extra wide doors to discharge all the gin.
Brilliant, MNC!
I’m signing up for white water rafting and alligator wrestling courses, as soon as I sober up enough to fill the forms in!
That’ll be around about the 3rd of January 2030.
Don’t let meddling health and safety rules get in your way!
Or naysayers.
I’ve every confidence you can jump 10 London buses on a motorcycle.
That’s added to the fuck it list!
Get your arse up Nelson’s Column with no safety lines, having to hang backwards to get to the top and a Bosun’s Chair to sit over the side! Bloke’s a fucking legend! PROPER kids TV.
Watch the clip and it’ll make your arse feel funny!
3 weeks backpacking in the Ukraine.
Or swimming with sharks a tin of sardines down your trunks.
Russian roulette with Boko Haram
You’ll be full of beans!
A new man.
Opened tin of sardines, MNC!
FFS, where’s the fun in a sealed tin?
Bloody hell!
He must have had balls the size of grapefruit!
That actually made me feel a bit sick.
I don’t like heights, can’t stand on a step ladder to change a light bulb ( I have staff for that), but have no problem tootling on board a Boeing heading for Greece.
Man’s a legend, eh? Thank fuck I grew up then and not now.
Friend of mine’s a retired RAF pilot and he’s scared of heights!
Weird, isn’t it, DCI?
Fly, but can’t change a light bulb.
The thing is, when I look up, on the steps, I get lightheaded.
On a plane, I don’t look up.
It is, JP. I know a retired fireman who’s now claustrophobic?? Spent years going through rat-runs with a BA set on, now doesn’t like confined spaces. I always enjoy(ed) flying, still do, but do wonder if I’ll have a blood phobia when I retire.
Can’t say I blame him, DCI, all those years spent in confined situations, enough to make anyone long for open spaces and fresh air.
I’ve already got a blood phobia, can’t stand it, mine or other people. Makes me all wobbly, which is ironic, as I have to have regular blood tests, because my heart meds might affect my liver!
If I ever get sober, I might laugh.
Every check I have shows my liver function at 100%, and so it should, it’s had 53 years to get used to it!
Are we talking about the BBC or anything with a left wing bias? If we are the put them in the freezer it’s too hot down in sevenoaks, then oven when it’s cooler
Is this another cunting for Boris Johnson and his government?
No, he’s too popular with everyone. Here’s a tribute to him featuring Michael Gove (vocals), Sajid Javid (guitar), Rishi Sunak (bass) and Dominic Cummings (percussion).
Nice to see a couple of token whiteys in the band. ?
No, MJB.
Don`t let them grind you down, Berty.
As the old saying goes … “If you can`t beat them, join them”.
Just look at me – I`d like to think that I`m integrating quite successfully in the `New World Order`.
AND I`m looking forward to a binge-fest of watching the Black & White Minstrel Show (on contraband videos) later tonight.
It doesn’t get better than that.
Yes it does – combine with ‘Love Thy neighbour’ afterwards!
Klaus Schwab and the 3rd world order spring to mind.Bunch of shitehawkes.
Bertram – I’m pretty sure we all feel the same as you. The UK seems to be going to hell in a handcart – and it all started with Tony fucking B-Liar. But I am hopeful that it can be turned around. There is now an opportunity to appoint a PM who could guide the ship in the right direction.
Tell the EU to completely fuck off – do your worst in the European courts, but fuck off.
Halt and reverse all this net-zero bollocks that is driving the cost of living through the roof.
Tell all the left-wing poofter woke organisations that they can fuck off too – and take all your woke ideas with you. It is only the very noisy minority that actually believe in all the shit anyway. I reckon the huge majority of the UK public (yes, Scotland as well), just have no time for it.
This would have the double effect of immediately making all our lives much happier and also ensure that for years to come we have a real Conservative government returned and keep the likes of Queer Starmer in their place.
If we can’t bring this about then I am only left with the alternative that I have adopted for the past two decades – Just ignore the stupid fuckers – and I have done my best to get the two generations of family below me to do the same. I like living in the twenty-first century. I will not forego my annual flight to sunnier climes. I will not car share – I want my transport freedom. I will not sit watching the TV in an extra jumper and turn off all the lights – fuck off. I will not spend endless hours sifting recycling rubbish just to satisfy the woke tree huggers – they can fuck off.
I may be being selfish and fortunately can afford this attitude and I genuinely feel for those that are less fortunate, but I only have this one life and I will not let any shit-faced half brain-dead wokies affect it if I can possibly help it.
Live Long and Prosper.
What makes you think you’ll have any electricity to watch TV?
Exactly – I’m buying a generator before winter sets in as power cuts are pretty much guaranteed. It’ll be like it was in the 1970’s (before Maggie kicked all the wankers that prevailed back then into touch). Three day week as well maybe, but definitely power cuts.
Difference is I couldn’t afford a generator back then and we had to rely on candle light.
I’m not sure which way to go though – diesel or petrol. I had thought I’d be able to run a diesel one on heating oil but I’ve read some things online that day this buggers them up. If I have to buy the “top taxed fuel” petrol’s a little cheaper at the moment but do they use a lot more than diesel ones?
A decent Diesel generator will run at 1l/per hour.
Be aware though, you should only run them for 5 or so hours, straight.
That’s a fairly big machine.
Get the dinghy divers on bicycles:
Render Emily Thornpiggery down to make candles.
As soon as 2030 arrives we need to Rebel towards the re set.Otherwise we are all heading for a disaster.One world order?No thanks Adolf Schwab.I will not submit to your rules you sinister turd.
I’ll be dead by then, so I care the square root of fuck all.
Who – Out of 650 MP’s is capable of ‘guiding the ship in the right direction’? They are all left-wing cunts, greens or woke. Those in the so-called Tory party are just after themselves.
Hell in a hand cart is right!
None of them.Useless pricks.
I like to think it’ll get worse afore it gets better.
At some point a leader will emerge who will chuck the rulebook out the window and put things back to how they should be.
It doesn’t have to be violent..just turn the money off to the cunts who are selling us down the river.
Legal aid for immigrants?
Lawyers running amok on the taxpayer’s money?
Foreign companies fucking us over on gas prices?
International aid?
European Court?
Benefit payments for non contributors?
Money for devolved government?
Paying the French to guard our border?
Convicted foreign criminals?
Rapists and child molesters?
That is part one of my manifesto.
I’m going head to head with Richie Shoeshack for PM.
Ritchie Shoestring? The same Ritchie Shoestring that registered his campaign website in 2021?
The fucking oily shyster.
Excellent stuff!
I wouldn’t vote Conservative if he was PM, I’d rather gnaw my own hand off.
Make him, or Malteaser head, or any efnik PM, and the Conservatives, emphasise the Con, will be out voted by Labour/Independent next GE.
It was Sunak who got Boris elected; stood in for him during all the 2019 leaders debates Boris was too frit to appear at, or when he was hiding in the fridge. The man has much to answer for.
I’ll vote for you, UT.
You have my vote Unkle T
If only … if only Unkie !!!
We can live in hope.
I like to think so too. But is there is one who is prepared to fight WEF think?
Australian Sky News showcased a speech the other day from Klaus Schwab from 2017 when he said the WEF are most proud of infiltrating the cabinets of governments. Imagine how bad this WEF infiltration is now? Perhaps what’s happening in The Netherlands right now is the perfect example. Bloody frightening.
I like it! Pity NONE of our current bunch will get anywhere near it.
We’re all on the road to nowhere’s
I just don’t give a fuck no more deep inside
I’m generally aware with what is really an agenda by cunts
To keep being cunts for ever more.
Something happens when nobody’s expecting
I think it might be sooner rather than later this time round
Start growing veg and fruit Bertram and get a shotgun ready for the zombies
Ineffective uselessness?
I can’t help thinking that’s what Katie Price says to every poor sod she lures into entering through her gates of Mordor.
I’ve made my peace with the fact that we’re circling the drain…whether by design ( some shadowy Cabal) or just as a natural result of our own decadence….I don’t really care. I don’t bother getting steamed up about the bigger issues…fuck all that I can,or care to,do about it.
Best to take out any frustrations on easy targets…force that pushbiker off the road…shout abuse at some fat fucker as you drive past….lob a sausage roll at a Muslim…steal something off a Jew….ask a Fruity Gentleman if he has The Aids….spoil the incomers’ Family Fun Day..ask an Old Cunt to pay up front for logs ( ” just in case,y’know”)….send Ramblers in the direction of the Live Firing Army Range…tell a child that you killed Santa when driving home from the Pub etc,.etc.
Take pleasure in the small spiteful acts that are within your power and turn a blind eye to the inexorable terminal decline of a Country and way of life that will be gone within a generation..
I comment on here but, in reality, I let shit of all types just wash over me. In fact, if it wasn’t for this site I would likely be completely unaware of most of it.
Evening Moggie ?
I’m sort of the same, nothing I can do about it why let my blood pressure be effected?
Besides It’s to hot for armed resistance against the government.
More interested in a cold drink.
I think most of us do the same,Moggie….apart from 1 or 2 more “vigorous” members who apparently dedicate so much of their time and efforts to achieving what defeated King Canute.
I,for one,am,of course,eternally grateful for their efforts…..and astonished at their optimism.
I personally think that they are admirable, or do I mean Admiral?
Fuck it, I’m having another.
Evening Mis, Dick. It’s easy for me to avoid any shit: I stopped reading newspapers about 4 years ago, watching national news 3 years ago and haven’t even bothered with the Metro since it vanished during the pandemic. My mind just goes blank during radio news and although I often watch the BBC local evening news, I do mean local, as I skip through anything not dealing with Leicester (and often some that does) and whistle past the sport to the weather which is, for the most part, almost, but not quite, entirely inaccurate. (Thanks Douglas Adams)
Same, Moggie. I use this site as therapy.
It’s Saturday night, I have just sat in my garden eating steak, served with new potatoes, stir fried courgettes & onion, with a side salad-all from my own vegetable garden- greenhouse.
Now reposed in a beautiful new hammock, drinking a reasonably good Merlot and writing this on my I(diot)-phone.
Er’ indoors is sitting at the garden table, looking pretty in her shorts and new sun hat?
Remember: we are British, we are resilient, have a fucking good sense of humour and always find a way / bounce back ?
Of course, CG, of course.
There’s always summat new int News, to laugh at, if there wernt, we’d mek summat up!
Resiliant, us Yorkshire folk!
God’s own country.
Courgettes sound French so do please proceed with some caution.
I have nothing against their wine however.
Steady on.
These are an Italian variety Unkle, however they have been grown in English soil, raised from seed in my greenhouse, nurtured by the honest toil of an Englishman?
Fucking delicious too?
That’s the problem Cuntfinder. A LOT of us are ‘British’ and side with you. Unfortunately a LOT of cunts are not british in any way unless you count their passports as such, and actively ride us Britishness into the ground every chance they get.
Great cunting Bertram agree with your sentiments wholeheartedly. Apologies for my late comment in your fine cunting.
Wasn’t this a Jamiroquai song…
Jay Kay (the Twat in a Hat) was/is a complete cunt.
Stu Zender his young bass player was pretty decent?
I used to love playing some of his funky bass lines ?
It’s a natural feeling as you get older, you’re wiser because you’ve experienced life. Because you’re wiser you believe your own eyes and not just the hypno box in the living room. The things that’s missing is the vigour of youth.
We also live in a divided society by design. It stops those of us who want a decent society to live in from getting together and uniting, together we can apply enormous political pressure but as we are divided and preoccupied with absolute bullshit they keep control.
We are impotent because we have been polarised and believe each other are the enemy.
Here’s a surprise for you:
Resistance is fertile.
Rishi can take his 5p off and shove it up one of his Ferraris.
Given he has a 730 million fortune I doubt he even knows what 5 pence is.
As the great Frank Zappa (RIP) said in 1968, the West is very big on apathy. Most countries with the problems – and the cunts – Britain is now saddled with would have had some sort of coup or revolution by now. But there are far too many who simply don’t give a fuck. Most cunts in modern Britain would leave someone dying the street as they stayed inside and watched X-Factor or The Masked Singer. The sort of scum that clogged up Bournemouth beach during the height of the original Covid lockdown. I’ve got what I want, I don’t give a fuck. That – more or less – is the modern British mentality.?
It doesn’t matter what it is: smoking ban, council tax increase, immigration infestation, energy bills hike, bins not emptied, Parkin Stanley rape gangs, medical reception nazis, terrorism, woke lunacy or anything else. Most will just mumble and moan a bit and that’s it. It can be done, the Poll Tax riots of 1990 proved that. But the ones that can’t be arsed now far outdo the ones that are bothered.?
You’re almost correct about leaving someone dying in the street, Norm, but, the cunts would also be taking to social media to complain how long it’s taking for the emergency services to arrive as they’re waiting to film them when they turn up so they can post the film to social media for ‘Likes’ and to offer their ‘Thoughts and prayers 4 the victim???’.
Was you at the 1990 poll tax riots Norm?
(I was).
Mnc@ – Afternoon Mnc – had I known you were there I would have said hello! ??
Non compliance is the answer.
Example; some time back I got a census form from the council. I ignored it ,got another some months later warning of alleged dire perils of not responding. I ignored it, some weeks later a trio of lickspittles in hi viz and clipboards turn up and attempt to get me to answer the door,I ignored them.
The point is, the council knows my name and address because they send my council tax correspondence there so why do they need confirmation? Because I will have voluntarily given it up, that’swhy.
“Anything you say may be taken down and used as evidence against you”…..
Fuck right off.
Tinfoil alert moment: prepare for food shortages,particularly in cities.
Utilities have been bought and paid for via taxation to the National Grid. Ask your leccy ‘provider’ where their power stations are ? They are 3rd party billing agents for meter hire,that’s all.
The only division worth encouraging is that between the people and the authorities.
Good morning and bollocks.
Ineffective useableness is what we have from politicians across the board, the MSM, the entire Civil Service and now sport as well, and it is a deliberately created situation.
NOTHING will change until the people get off their arses and change it – the first (and most necessary) step is to get the politicians out – so how about standing as an independent, using the next two years getting out there and speaking to people? – it has personally amazed me the amount of people I have had conversations with who are literarily terrified of saying what they think, the level of indoctrination and demonisation of the 99% who up until 20 years ago were regarded as normal is truly frightening.
The revolution will definitely not be televised, but is necessary.
Two years to save our Country, our people and our future – the enemy win because they never stop, we always lose because we never fucking start.