For the love of god, how the FUCK can this be happening? Trans cunt WANTS his bloke bits chopped off then wakes up and realises he’s made the biggest mistake of his/her/it’s life?
Surely some legal type can tell it to go fuck itself? Vexatious litigation at its finest. This fucked up cunt needs putting down at once and the cunt that is pursuing it.
Nominated by: CuntyMort
Maybe they should do the surgery and let you have clickable attachments. Dyson should team up.
Today I identify as a woman, so use the hole. Tomorrow I identify as a man : click a dick into the hole. The day after I need to do some vacuuming…,
Kryten on Red Dwarf had groinal attachments, thanks for the memory!
Why stop at cocks and fannies?
Why not have a hoover attachment got the housework, tennis racquet for leisure time and perhaps even a bayonet in case the war in Ukraine overspill
Who wouldn’t want to get pelvis thrusted to death by a tranny?
5 years later – “How could I make a decision like that on my own, I was far too young and immature – the teacher and the lawyer who told me to do it are both in prison for being Peter Philes – I’m suing the NHS for not stopping me from doing what I made them do or I would have sued them, waah, sob, snivel”.
The predators no longer hide – they live and operate in plain sight, with the blessing and endorsement of the State.
In a way I will be glad I will be dead in fifty years because the reality of what our Country will have become by then is beyond human comprehension.
But, hey – as long as the sheeple get free money, Netflix on the haunted fish tank, Just Eat on the iPad and Stella at 6 quid for four who gives a fuck, right?
When we stand idly by as we are destroyed who can we blame but ourselves?
“in a way I’m glad I’ll be dead in fifty years”….?!!!
How fuckin old are you Foxy 20?
Your fuckin kidding yourself pal!
I’ve stuff in the fridge that’ll outlive you.
Especially if Kate Wheeldon has any say in it.
Mnc@ – I intend to hang on for as long as possible just to get my moneys worth in terms of State Pension!
But the MoonMen have got my back so I finally have some muscle in the fight – let’s see how these no good lefties like some death rays from space! ??☠
Shifty no good fkin lefties..
Fuck that.
I don’t want to live another 50yrs!
I’d be 102.
The world’s like the Star wars cantina now I dread to think what it’d be like then.
I knew this site was full of old cunts. ?
52 old?
You cheeky young bastard!
I though Vern was fiftyish (apologies if I’m off Foxy). I like to think he’ll have swapped his bike for a mobility scooter and still shouting “CUNT” at his local MP and town council jobsworths.
Hehehe ?
Made me laugh that.
Gone in 50 years…
We’ll all be fuckin gone by then!
Fuck me half of ISAC will be lucky to see Christmas ?
I’ve decided .going for a world record attempt.
Oldest person ever, French woman 122.
Oldest man ever, Jap bloke 119.
If I change gender, I’ll live longer of course. I think that’s how this works anyway.
I’m going for 150.
I’ve told my kids to buy a chest freezer, and stuff me in it when I die, so they can claim the pension I was cheated out of by this bastard Government.
They are then to place my frozen corpse in a remote location, and report me missing several weeks later, when because of cuts, my death will be natural causes, assuming the remains are found.
I won’t care, I’ll be dead.
My response would be swift, straightforward and brutal – “Fuck off you mental freak – and yer arse is too big for that fucking dress Lad!” ?
I have fuck all time for whiny insane deviants.
Why the fuck are the NHS doing this shit anyway, non essential cosmetic surgery.
The NHS is to fix you when something breaks not for fucking vanity bullshit, you want to pretend to be a woman, well fuck off and pay for it privately.
We are a hair’s breadth from 2+2 = 5
Give the cunt his meat and two veg in a Jiffy bag and kick him or it out the fucking door ?
I think that’s the answer. Pay for it yourself you cunt and when you change your fucked up mind you’ll have to sue the doctors yourself you fuckwit. So the NHS won’t have to pay for it in the first place and you won’t be able to help yourself to the bottomless taxpayers purse. You fucking sick cunt.
That should be the letter from the NHS to the shister lawyer representing the cunt. ?
I am not sure that the founding fathers of the NHS had such bizarre activities in mind when setting up the once noble organisation.
The NHS will tell some fat cunt to lose weight. So said fat cunt becomes thin cunt with loads of sagging skin which the NHS will refuse to remove because ‘it’s cosmetic’. But if thin cunt wants big tits and/or a cock/fanny, no problem.
Just get a pair of big tits and stop whining,
Don’t be so ungrateful.
Evening Moggie ?
I lost 4st last year, the last thing I want to is replace that with a pair of big tits.
Evening Mis.
Lot of weight to lose that pal,
Good for you ?
It’s bizarre how they can roll it out for this perversion but tooth implants are deemed…’cosmetic’ and thus beyond most of our pockets.3 frickin grand per gnasher ffs in blighty.They’re sort of important for…eating and communicating possibly? Beyond comprehension.
The simple answer is a noose.
Or oven
Iv just had a hernia operation about three inches away from my cock. Bollocks swelled up like two oranges and about an area the size of your hand is numb. Fuck knows what chopping off your cock and balls does to the rest of your body. Surgeon cutting off cocks and tits should be treated like Dr Mengele and put in prison with the rest of the non ces.
The surgeons are no more to blame than the surgeons who dealt with your hernia…
You’re talking it. You claimed your father was a doctor, so, to use your analogy, if he’d have been involved with a procedure such as this, would you put him with ‘Dr Mengele and put in prison with the rest of the non ces.’?
I think not.
I’ve regretted mine.
Looks like a handgrenades gone off in a butchers shop window.?
That’s the problem with fads.
Soon goes out of fashion.
Like those french bulldogs that were everywhere during COVID now cooling their paws in dogs homes.
If you want to chop your cock and balls off I’d suggest thinking about it longer than 10minutes.
It can have ramifications.
Luckily I kept mine as a draught excluder.
My old man worked at Moorfields eye hospital for forty years . I’m sure he wouldn’t have gauged out someone’s eye because they had a mental condition.
Not really an answer though, is it? He would have done what his superiors told him to do and operate on. Unfortunately, we’re not allowed to pick and choose whom we treat.
I’m struggling with the line of your argument here DCI. Are you sayng that a surgeon would follow orders and operate in a way which he regarded as unethical? Sounds close to the defence put up by the guards on the concentration camps.
No, arfur, but, the operation is legal and the pt consented to it, ethical doesn’t come into it. Whether we agree with the context of the operation or not, and I don’t, the surgeon’s remit is to do their job and carry out the procedure. Personally, I think it’s unethical to start BLS on some people in cardiac arrest, knowing their quality of life was poor before and if we got a ROSC, we certainly wouldn’t be improving it, but, with no DNACPR, if it falls within certain protocols, it’s not my call. It’s my job.
Does that make sense?
Yes, got it now DCI. The treatment of the concentration camp inmates was not legal and nor did they consent.
No surprises. Trannyism is a mental health issue whatever Stonewall etc say.
It always puzzles me how the NHS has the time and money for this utter nonsense but is wayyyyy behind doing basic stuff like hips and old codger maintanence?
Suely old Reg and Doris deserve to wheeze on for a few more months instead of some mincer chaging into a “woman”?
Strange world we live in.
I think that it’s good that despite having ‘trans rights’ these nutcases are shown to be incapable of making rational decisions.
It’s appalling that the NHS should be paying for operations like this and all of the aftercare that goes with them.
But the legal case……….
Win or lose who ends up paying for this shit?
Not the NHS.
It’s not like they are a profit making organisation.
It will be the tax paying public.
Wanting to have your cock and balls cut off!
How much more evidence is needed to show that these people are fucking loons.
Is there any other country in the world where this is possible? The taxpayer pays for a loony to have his cock lobbed off and then pay him compo when the poof changes his mind?
The cunts who run this country are as crazy as this mental fa**ot.
Imagine these bunch of cunts being around in ancient Egypt. Some poor kids mummy suddenly becomes their daddy, only to turn into a mummy again.
Some of em even being mummified along with their hamsters and other assorted rodents.
Infidelgastro@ – My ancient Egyptian relative, the highly disapproving King Tut, Tut, Tut was asked about this and said “seems Pharoah enough to some, but I can’t Pharisee it catching on”..
Ffs Vernon maybe stick to your litigations.
What a twat
Which is ironic, as that’s exactly what he’s got.
Ha ha agreed
Not really a twat but an inside out cock shoved up him.
The NHS should be providing necessary and essential services for UK Nationals – and should be a flagship to the world, like the French system is.
But it is a freak show and a disastrous financial black hole because it is run by idle, piss useless, degenerate, greedy marxists who are every bit as dangerous as Scargill at the NUM and “Red Robbo” at BL who between them managed to destroy two State industries and make hundreds of thousands unemployed – the modern reds are University educated, part of a powerful network and no less malevolent.
Waste, theft, fraud, inefficiency, overstaffing in some areas, understaffing in others, free treatment for the entire world and a seemingly endless politically motivated drive to put the indigenous population last and permanently waste money on fucking nonsense.
Who the hell is in charge of this? Boris who? But I have to speak to Carries PA first? Aah – now it makes sense..
90% of public services should be run like a business – take the piss or waste money, get shown the door.
Maybe it’s just me but this whole thing is absolutely fucked up
First of all – if you’re a bloke who wants his cock and balls cut off then you should be an adult and you should also have proved to have taken the adequate time to consider just what a monumental life changing act this is. It’s not like changing football team or changing career – it’s pretty fucking damn serious.
Secondly – once the act is done then it’s tough shit basically and fuck off with compo claims because you regret it.
Compo if they fuck the surgery up fair enoughbut not just because you’ve changed your mind.
Bit late for that pal.
Get fucked.
Can`t speak for gender reassignment, but my ethnicity transition is going rather well.
Sort of black and white I guess ?
“He complains that doctors did not warn him of the drastic outcome of the body-altering surgery which has left him infertile, incontinent and feeling like a ‘sexual eunuch’.”
What a fucking tool (no pun). You’d think you’d consider the likely consequences of having your meat and two veg lopped off before signing on the dotted line? The mental cunt deserved everything he gets (apart from any compo).
I would just make anything non essential payable privately.
Treat need, not neediness.
I’d hold a funeral ceremony for little miserable.
He brought a lot of pleasure my way, him and his underlings the Mitchell brothers.
Tugging his polo neck on,
His willingness to go potholing,
I’d hold a Viking funeral for him!
A big funeral pyre ,
Then feed him to a asylum seeker in a bun with ketchup.
Another case remedied by banning legal aid for frivolous claims.
Moan about your idiocy on twatter all day but don’t expect us to support the end result of your mental degeneracy.
Or just transition the fucking parasite into Oven.
Fuck off.
Trans bollocks needs to be kicked into the long grass and left there.
Everybody should be able to live a life that they are happy with.
They should not be able to blame everyone else when it goes tits up.
Media, mainstream and social, right on wokey cunts are to blame for 90 % of this shit feast.
Yet these above cunts probably make up only 15 % of the population. Beyond a joke.
I wouldn’t mind but the cunt was 25 when he did this, not a fucking kid. He was a grown man so tough titty the wanker. Given how children are being brainwashed with trannyism in school these days you can expect a lot more of these cases in the future. And a lot more bummers, kiddy fiddlers and sex offenders in general.
What a silly cunt.
Give it a tumbler of whiskey and a Service Revolver.
Get To Fuck
I hope they at least pickled his cock and balls in a jar for him.
I had a back tooth out a while ago. After extracting it, the dentist asked me if I wanted to see it. I wasn’t bothered but asked if they always did this – yes, she said, because some people need to see it to acknowledge it is gone and therefore mourn it. I managed to keep a straight face, but does this mean that these oddbods who have their bits and pieces removed get asked the same thing?
Chop my cock of and call me Sharon!
Why did you chop my cock off? You’ve mutilated me!!!!
I’m a man, men can’t become women, I’m suing the NHS!!!
And he fucking should because you don’t treat mental illness by chopping cocks off!
Cunts like this should be made to sign a waiver before the op – ‘I understand the consequences etc, etc, etc’, with fuck-all recourse if you change your mind at a later date.
I should imagine that all NHS Trusts will now immediately stop gender reassignment surgery, for fear of being sued, so he’s done normal people a favour by ensuring no more public money is spent on this nonsense.
However, I should imagine that anyone who’s waiting for this kind of surgery would cheerfully kick the whingeing twat to death, for the same reason.
I would very much doubt that. The cunts who run these Trusts don’t give a fuck how much of our money they spunk up the wall. It’s not their fucking money so they don’t give a shit. Being seen as “progressive” and virtue signalling is far more important to those wankers.
All that cutting the slash n’gash operations will do is free up yet more money for diversity managers.
Meanwhile Health Secretary Savage Javid has resigned…
Sunak has just resigned too. The Jellyfish is toast. ?
I expect they both got wind of this mutilated thing wanting to sue them.
That and the romantic photo portfolio.
By bye Doris,you lying dolt.
They should and their should be a review of the way the NHS deals with gender dysphoria. Blokes in dresses are very rarely medical experts, celebrities are not medical experts and neither are woke twitter users.
There are two sexes and two genders, the only people who should get a choice are those unfortunate enough to be born with both sets of organs.
The LBGTxyz lobby can fuck off.
‘…those unfortunate enough to be born with both sets of organs…..’ for whom the phrase ‘go fuck yourself’ carries the possibility of a more literal interpretation.
What did this cunt not understand about having his genitals removed? It’s pretty much says on the tin what that involves and that there can be no return. No sympathy for this moron. Anyway he probably just wants to sue the NHS because its his time of the month and he’s in a bad mood.
Because he has a mental illness and the NHS went along with his delusion instead of treating his mental illness.
They have been negligent in their duty of care
Surely anyone that wants gender reassignment has a mental illness?
Good old fashioned gays never needed gender reassignment. They were quite happy buggering each other.
I agree with the nom, but it gets a little tricky when it’s a little kid that’s had degenerate commie teachers encouraging him/her to ‘change gender’.
And some of them do fucking encourage it, no doubt about it. I was reading somewhere recently that loads of young girls are doing this ‘gender nuetral’ shit lately. It’s an inbuilt need to feel ‘special’. The degenerates are playing on this, the fucking deviants. The worst of it is when they read stories to toddlers and infants that feature tranny heroes.
The aim of doing that is fucking obvious to me, and it’s about time people were fucking locked up for it.
It’s a good job I don’t have kids, I would’ve done time if a child of mine came home from school saying their teacher thinks they should take puberty blockers.
I’m not a hard cunt by any stretch, but I’d be so fucked off that I’d come through the Head Teacher’s wall like the fucking Hulk.
Well said CB.
Growing up a kid is influenced by their dad,
Or grandad, or if no dad,
Older brother or some other role model.
A lot of kids nowadays don’t have a dad,
This warped shite sticks in little still forming minds.
I was taught how to act and conduct myself by my dad,
I try and emulate that,
Be a man
Don’t be mard
Be loyal to family and friends
Work hard
Stand up for yourself
Deal fairly
Don’t worry about popularity be true to yourself
Nowadays that’s called toxic masculinity.
I call it normal.
Oh aye MNC. My old man was a Royal Marine Commando and PTI.
If I’d come home saying I wanted to be a girl, I’d have been buried in a field somewhere.
Hahaha ?
Yeah I come home and said to my dad
“I’m home from school and I’m going to be a little girl now!”
There’d be a little mound of earth on the Moors with a little wooden cross in it saying
‘here lies a little puff
No son of mine’
Hehehe ?
So many people in authority are attempting to transit from cunt to human their Road is long and hard. We should have pity on the traitorous bastards ho fucking ho
Sunak and Javid resigned. BBC shows Wimbledon instead of news.
Hahaha ?
It’s bye-byes time for Doris, and that sycophantic string of snot Rees-Mogg.
For the love of God Doris RESIGN YOU BELLEND
Fucking hell! How is he going to get out of this one, the cunt?
I can see him now………”Oh thanks Carrie, look what you’ve fucking done now you dozy bitch!”
Thank you, Jeepers!
(Homer Simpson)
Now please replace them with someone whose agenda isn’t lining their own pocket and pissing on the working class.
I wouldn’t hold your breath JP…..
JP@ – 648 others resigning then?
Every one of them needs to be gone.
Pity the cunts didn’t resign when the blob was putting us under house arrest.
Pity they didn’t resign before the last election, when he was lying about his “Oven Ready Brexit”.
He’s a fucking politician of cause he a lying sack of shite just like the other lot.
The Jellyfish is a congenital liar in a class of his own, a man utterly devoid of integrity or principle, the ultimate chancer. B.Liar is a novice by comparison.
Nadhim Zahawi appointed Chancellor. What a fucking joke!
And there’s people dying due to a lack of funding and/or long waiting lists.
Cut the deviant cunt’s head off and put the money to good use; say for someone who’s actually sick through no fault of their own.
Perverts, whitey hating Mohammedans and knife wielding pavement chimps first.
Why ‘celebrate’ all this gay and tranny bollocks anyway?
About time people were told some of the negatives.
More likely to get the AIDS.
More likely to get the Monkeypox.
More likely to get nasty bacterial infections (swallowing poop by cock gobbling, could be their own dung or some other gay’s)
More likely to top themselves.
If they go for the op, their fake cunts stink of shit.
You won’t hear that on the BBC.
Very good CB.
Yes stinking cunts for stinking cunts.
Just about perfect.
…and a higher chance of being a pederast. There’s been a few papers done on it in the 70s and 80s that demonstrated homosexuals are massively more prone to pedophilia.
As always with the BBC, evidence that doesn’t fit with their perverse agenda will be ignored or demonised if necessary.