David Baddiel (2) – A Socialist Capitalist

Speccy nasal multi millionaire David owns a Cornish 4bedroom (second home socialist)
He rents it out for £2700 a week,!

But he’s now trying to sell the property for £1.4 million .
Which I’m sure he’ll give to the poor in the 3rd world?

But seems that Dave has been skimping on maintenance on his property,
And it being described as a “death trap”.

Surely such a high profile socialist isn’t a slumlord?
Or profiteering without a care for safety ?

Oh David!
Shame on you,
But you’ve gotta pick a pocket or two….

Daily Mail News Link

Nominated by: Miserable northern cunt

67 thoughts on “David Baddiel (2) – A Socialist Capitalist

  1. Obviously with ladies football taking up so much space in he media, the luvvie-duckies feel they are not being heard enough, so they are having to fend for themselves a bit more – Beckham and his ghastly wife just “happened” to bump into somebody important the other day, and they just mentioned it in passing to the press, and only yesterday that pansy- looking actor Hugh Grant donned his make-up to say how beastly he was treated at Heathrow.

    It is amazing how many actor laddies and “alternative comedians” are really the most snobbish Tories, pretending to be red blooded Labourites who worship Corbyn. Bunch of hypocritical fairies.

    • Easy to be a Labour socialist when you’ve got shit loads of portfolio and money in the bank…….

      Gives you shit load more choices in life

    • WCB@ – If I was on a flight with Hugh Grant I would have kicked a hole in the fuselage at low altitude and enjoyed watching him die as I pushed the slimy talentless bastard through it.
      “Footballs becoming homo”..

  2. I for one hope he decides to save a few quid and attempt some repairs himself.

    Particularly the gas boiler.

    Leading to this fucking awful cunt being plastered over the nearest trees.

    • Or attempts a few roof/sky dish/aerial repairs – not unlike the late Rod Hull.

      Morning UT

      • I’ve always enjoyed the thought of emu attacking Rod on the roof and Rod shouting ‘not now you daft bird’… just before he slipped off.

  3. Badger bearded Labour loving twat.

    I bet even the Country Cream paint is peeling off the gate.


  4. Baddiel and Skinner – The Flowerpot Men from way back in the brash, Brit-Pop, New Wave, Cool Britannia 90s

    Always trying hard to be “one of the lads” with their working class jibber-jabber and white-van-man clobber. But we knew they were nothing but rich cunts, secretly sneering at the Great Unwashed and distancing themselves from those ‘orrible chavs and chavesses.

    Scratch a socialist and by all accounts you’ll find a money-grabbing Gordon Gekko underneath.

    Baddiel is just another rich cunt who supports all Woke bandwagons just so long as none of them affect him personally.

    • Both are middle class. Socialism is mainly a middle class creed these days, usually infecting the comfortable and prosperous in society as a means to purge “guilt” and virtue signal their progressive credentials. I bet the Conservatives have more working class followers than Labour these days – or at least getting close. Cunts like Baddiel will virtue signal until the cows come home, pontificate about the “moral bankruptcy of racist Brexit” on Have I Got Cunts For You, and act like cunts in their private life.

      A plague on their houses.

  5. From wiki bio:

    ‘Baddiel attended the North West London Jewish Day School in Brent,[11] and was then educated at the public Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School in Elstree. He studied English at King’s College, Cambridge, where he was a member of the Cambridge Footlights, and graduated with a double first BA.[11][4] He began studies for a PhD in English at University College London, but did not complete it.[9]’

    So……..just a normal, regular socialist from a young age. If all socialists go to a fucking expensive private school, then study at Cambridge and go on to study for a phd that is.

    Oh, and his grand father was fucking wealthy.

    • I was educated at a private school, so I can speak from experience having had to spend a few years of my life around champagne socialists- the exact same types as David Baddiel, Frank Skinner, Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson and most of the modern Labour Party……and I can tell you that they HATE ordinary people, with a ferocity that’s only matched by their sense of entitlement. “You see, we’re so much more intelligent than other snobs because we’re into Marx and tofu!!”

  6. David Baddiel is a cunt, always disliked him and that ex junkie cunt Frank Skinup.

    These two cunts used to go on telly pretending they were part of the britpop culture and produced that awful song three cunts on my shirt…

    Skinup thinks he’s something special, and when I hear him on the wireless I want to throw it out the window – would love to meet him and slip some roofies into his tea – go on son, this will take you back to the day.

    Baddiel should fuck off back to the US where he was born. Unfunny cunt, similar to another cunt I know Ben Elcunt.

  7. Agreed. I can’t help thinking ‘Cornwall Cottages’ are a bit of a cunt too, for leasing out this shit hole on Baddiel’s behalf and taking probably 45% commission whilst clearly not cleaning / maintaining it. (And giving the poor cun ters who rented it for a holiday only a 10% refund).

    What a shitty (if lucrative) business model.

    And Baddiel “the Cornwall sea is so Zen, it clears my mind”. Fuck off you wealthy entitled not-one-of-the-lads cunt.

  8. I wonder if the cunt also has a second home in Bradford or Sparkhill, to live amongst the diversity he clearly loves, obviously not, his kind are not liked by the followers of Muhammed!

  9. That Rachel Riley another Israel apologist riles me. She’s in Court yet again. How many times is that?
    All about Jeremy Corbyn and good old Antisemitism you can bet.
    There was a report yesterday I think about the issue in the Labour Party. Blamed both sides.

  10. First lefty I’ve heard of who is selling a seaside property, not buying one. Climate bolox.
    I’m shocked he hasn’t given the property to asylum seekers, maybe Lineker could be his agent.

  11. Cunt is probably waiting to get 50% discount on the repairs rather that the usual 10% , ‘I want a good deal already’

  12. £2700 a week? That’s nearly 400 notes a day! And it’s booked for the rest of the year! Our little champagne socialist friend is really coining it on an industrial scale isn’t he? Looking at the state of it I doubt if it greened up with double glazing, insulation, solar power and all the other shit the champagne socialists want us to have but only they can afford.
    Money grabbing, hypocrite, sack of shit cunt.

    • Not only is David “The Red Revolutionary” Baddiel raking it in from his Cornish cottage, come November, he’ll be raking it in even further from the inevitable Royalties that will flow into his and his great mate Frank’s offshore bank accounts via their much loathed, overplayed, tiresome footy song.

      What a true socialist.

      What a cunt.

      • Fucking hell……offends other nations! Who gives a flying fuck? Not only are other nations constantly slagging us off but p*ncing billions of pounds off us and dumping their immigrant shit on us.
        Fuck other nations I say. Meet the new Jellyfish, same as the old Jellyfish.

      • If this woke anti white shit keeps accelerating at a pace, it won’t be ‘three lions’ on the shirt, but ‘three swastikas’.

        Not that I’d want that, but it’s what will happen if they keep shitting on the honky, the stupid cunts.

    • What a disgusting state of affairs. Frankly this country is a joke. Home office handing out money to a convicted cunt. Unbelievable. The same happens with all these immigrants breeding and being handed over to foster carers which sometimes have a dubious connection. “Allegedly”

    • Sounds like he could be a regular chum of Boris, he’s bent enough. And as for the teutonic moniker, suspiciously like a certain royal family. What we really want to know, is does he have ovens, and are they being used?

  13. Socialism is fucking awesome if you can afford it or if you’re a professional sponger.

    For the rest of us it’s a fucking nightmare.

  14. If that header pic is genuine and he did crack a joke about black people back in the day. then why isn’t he being scrutinised by the wokies? Why hasn’t he apologised for his past indiscretions? (assuming he hasn’t already)

    Or perhaps he is a bit like Linekunt and is identifying as being a bit black, innit!

  15. This cunt was one of the main reasons football became a middle and upper class sport. Was easy to England tickets pre Euro 96 and it became practically impossible, due to all the Tarquins buying up all the tickets through ‘daddy’s’ contacts.

    It was a ploy to get rid of the hooligans imo, who made up a tiny percentage of the paying fans.

    Well,I recall the England fans fighting with Belgian and Italian fans during Euro 80. Tear gassed fans. Even the players got gassed by the stupid rozzers.

    Not condoning any of it, but I preferred that to what we have now.

    Virtue signalling, knee bending, millionaire, tranny bumming, women beating, raping, tax dodging cunts, who think they have some devine right to tell every cunt how to behave (see new EE advert for the latest example). And all because they kick a bag of wind around a field for a couple of hours a week.

    If you want behavioural advice, you might as well ask Rose West than this lot ffs.

    • Dead right CB. I tell my son about the old days at Highbury and he can’t believe how it is now. The latest thing is being lectured at half-time about poof and tranny rights by some fat cunt wearing lippy. How the fuck have we got from Saturday afternoon in the South Bank to corporate entertainment on Sunday at 12noon?

      And by the way, I respect all teams as I know they are going through the same shit.

      • We both know what full well what would’ve happened in the 70s, 80s or even the 90s, if a tranny was on the pitch at half time lecturing the crowd about being nice to the gays and trannies.

        The crowd would be waiting for a punchline at first, thinking it was Dick Emery type having a laugh.

        Once they realised it was for real, there’d be a pitch invasion and a large blob of jam where the tranny used to be. The stadium would probably be torn to bits afterwards too.

  16. The unfunniest of the four “Mary Whitehouse Experience” cast and has ridden on Rob Newman & Frank Skinners shirt tails, ever since.

    Salman Rushdie
    Ben Elton
    David Baddiel

    They are 3 of a kind (a remake on the cards?)-all 3 are MEGA CUNTS?

    • Third-rate Baddiel rode the coattails of Newman and Skinner in the 90s, he embedded himself in the culture. Which is fine, but then he sanctimoniously preaches to us in the woke-fest. Zip it son, you’re not in the position to take the high ground, you’ve had an easy life and need to stop reminding is that you are Jewish. You never brought up racism on Fantasy Football while in blackface 20 times as Jason Lee like some 1920s Vaudeville act. Pipe down, FFS.

      Baddiel recently bemoaned, “Holocaust fatigue…”


      Not his own – the worlds. Fuck me, we all know about 1933-45, cunt. It’s been wall-to-wall documentaries for 60 years. Other genocides have occurred, and will occur. Get your vax, eat your insects, own nothing and be happy, plebs.

  17. It’s funny how many people are socialists until they have money. Then for some reason they want to hold on to as much of it as possible.
    I’m one who doesn’t have much money but I don’t want other’s money either. I would have more money if so much wasn’t being taken from me and given to those who refuse to be productive.

    • Just like the other 4x2s the Millibands – used some legal loophole to alter their father’s will and save on inheritance tax. One rule for them, one rule for the plebs.

    • That’s because they don’t give a shit about people with less than them. They just hate anyone with more than them. Socialism really is the politics of envy.

  18. Nasty Cunt probably has the attic let out to Anne Frank for £700 per week….never told her that the war’s over.

    • …and the cellar to Shylock and his gang of street-urchins for 2 sovereigns a week…never told them that The Beadle died of being a fat Cunt.

  19. The photo shows Baddiel blacked up as Jason Lee who they used to take the piss out of every week even writing a song……”He’s got a pineapple on his head.” Lee claimed he got loads of abuse from fans as a result and it ruined his career. No, he’s never apologised, like Trudeau he gets away with it because he’s a wokie cunt.

  20. Unfunny bastard offspring of Alan Yentob, with a job for life at the BBC.
    Maybe he should get in touch with that other phoney socialist, Billy Bragg. He’s got a holiday home in the West Country too. Or does he call it his Dacha?

    • Yeah but you only hear about cunts like Gordon Ramsey having a home down there and how all the locals hate his guts and complain about him and his cunty family. That’s because Ramsey isn’t a virtue signalling wokie, he’s just a flash bastard who likes telling people to fuck off.

  21. Hey J ew over there spare us your odds (small coins) for a cap of tea. Cunt

  22. Just back from Cornwall and, lovely place it is, I do feel sorry for the locals. Cunts liek him own all the property – so there is fuck all work fro locals outside tourism and they can’t afford anywhere to live. Just like London and all the immigrants – except this time the immigrants are white, middle-class wankers.

  23. A 4×2 would never spend money to maintain a property. Another comedy free zone

  24. Bollocks, this has really upset me. I thought the unfunny cunt who I found incredibly annoying had been taken out by a freight train on an unmanned level crossing. Obviously just a happy dream, fucki it, locals should take a leaf from the Welsh and torch the gaff. Maybe some affordable homes would be built on the site

  25. Always hated Baddiel. The archetypal post-premier league celebrity fan-cunt.
    And he also shags Morwenna Banks (who gave me the right horn in Saxondale). So, I hate him for that and all.

    • I hate him because he doesnt blow his nose,
      And the fake ‘lad’ persona.

      If he grew up alongside me an my mates wed call him ‘Milhouse’ all the time and hed be the fall guy for every pisstake!

      Pork in his food cunningly hidden,

      Maybe anti freeze and broken glass in his lager?
      But itd soon spiral out of control ending with Baddeil being drunkenly attacked and beaten.

      Blow your nose you filthy cunt!

      Buy a fuckin hankerchief .
      To tight to blow?

  26. Norm: Morwena Banks looked very “do-able” in that Scottish comedy sketch show. Absolutely?

  27. If “laddish” Baddiel has come out on the sauce with us in the 90’s, he would have been chucking his guts and complaining of a “bad pint” before we had even warmed up.

    Absolute fake cunt.

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