Covid Jeremy Vine (5) Wants Return of Self Isolation

Jeremy Vine, ah the poorly little soldier has a boo boo as he has Covid.

For fucks sake Jeremy, man the fuck up and fucking well grow a pair of bollocks. I’m sure Auntie Beeb will pay you whilst you stage the fight of your life and old biddies will send you fruit and get well cards.

Personally I’d send you an IED. Soppy cunt. I’m sure cunters far and wide will pile abuse on the poorly boy.

Daily Mail News Link

Nominated by: CuntyMort

84 thoughts on “Covid Jeremy Vine (5) Wants Return of Self Isolation

  1. Why is it that everything Jeremy Vine says is either wrong, stupid, self pitying, stupid or a combination of all three? What a cunt. I

  2. Id rather die of covid than shame .

    Which is what would happen if I thought people had seen me acting like that.

    Like a toddler or something?

    Are all Jeremys utter, utter cunts?

  3. Well I hope that Jeremy gets better soon and no longer feels the need to self-isolate.The quicker the weedy,self-righteous Spunk-Stain is back on his pushbike the better….no chance of him being smeared under the wheels of a wagon or assaulted by an irate car driver while he’s tucked up at home.

    • His brother is an unfunny Cunt too…I bet Old Mother Vine wishes she’d coat-hangered both of the Cunts out at an early stage…the Pro-Abortion lobby should use the pair of them as a warning to Mankind of what can happen when hard choices are avoided.

      • ????

        General Cunster’s going to set his good ‘ole boys on you, for that, Dick, and Hate Filled Cunt’ll offer you out behind the bike sheds!! Somewhere in Worcestershire.

      • I know you shouldn’t cunt other cunters, but, fuck me… I’ll bet his cat’s blacker than yours, too. And he’s been to Twelvearife.

      • @DCI…..Hate Filled Cunt should be careful….I am,of course, ex S.A.S…Brigadier actually…would still be serving but they said that I was just too fucking hard and asked me to leave…when I refused they send a Battalion of Marines and a Brigade of SAS to escort me from the base….naturally, I just sparked the lot of them out and stole a helicopter….am now circling a bike shed in Worchestershire,playing “Ride of the Valkyries” on the P.A. system and girding my lions in preparation for The Battle of the Keyboard Warriors….hope Hate Filled Cunt isn’t too long, I’m busting for a shit.

      • ????

        I always thought you had that ‘Glint’ in your eye, Dick. Of course, Captain Irony says that the Embassy Siege was just him and a load of CGI effects thrown in, and that he’d have been on the Bravo Two Zero patrol but for the fact he was waiting behind the bike sheds, somewhere in Worcestershire, for a Keyboard Warrior to show up.

      • The Captain see’s himself as a modern-day Mathew Hopkins, too, Dick!

        Quote from his nom:

        “These sluts should be treated like witches and fuckin drowned and I’d happily put myself forward for overseeing the job”

        Will you lend him your hat?

      • should be “loins” but “lions”…but “lions”would actually fit because i wrestle them in my spare time…the soft Cunts.

      • Tim Vine was funny in ‘Not Going Out’. Some of his old stand up routines were quite witty too. Haven’t seen anything he’s done in the last five years or more so maybe he’s gone downhill like most other comedians.

  4. He looks as if he is laying there waiting for a member of the shadow cabinet to give him an arse-fucking – like most BBC journalists he is a vaseline-arsed little kweer.

  5. Soft twat.

    Drag the soppy cunt to a kids’ cancer ward.

    And yes, it’s time to just get on with it. Nobody wants lockdowns anymore…well, apart from those soppy civil servants STILL trying to have the right to work from home.

    Why aren’t they being fired by the way? Should be a simple ‘Come to the office or it will count as an unauthorized absence.’

    Just a few of those leads to the sack in any business (unless you’d been kidnapped or something mental like that).

    Vine can’t work though, it’s clear he’s got a sore vagina.

  6. And, of course, Jeremy would have serious and debilitating symptoms, wouldn’t he? No mild Covid for Jeremy, only the seriously bad stuff.

    Can’t help believe that he is trying for an Oscar. If I had genuinely felt that wanked out, the last thing on my mind would be to film myself and broadcast it to the world.

    A real cunt’s cunt. Fuck off, Vine you fucking Marxist agitator.

    • An oscar?
      Yeah, Oscar fuckin Wilde!!
      The ducky little cunt.

      All thats wrong with Jeremy is his dad spared the rod and had faulty testicles.

      Hes a disgrace.

  7. Is he sure its not full blown aids.being from the BBC its probably a racing certainty..

  8. This type of Mega Cunt always bleat about the government and “what are they going to do about this?”

    How about Fuck All as it’s the government who destroyed the economy with their PPE and “furloughs”.

    By now if you are feeble and think the Wuhan Special might do you in then I’m pretty sure they will stay in…it’s not as though there was a media blackout for the last couple of years.

    Get well soon you eco-ride your penny farthing under a bin wagon.

    C u n t.

  9. Soft cunt – should be Ebola or plague or my fav a liberal dose of plutonium 210
    Fuck off jeremy

  10. He’s obviously pissed of that Dame Deborah James stole the limelight recently. What is it with these journo types and their need to put their illnesses on record? I kind of get it when some poor bugger has something’s terminal, but the fucking lurgy?
    Vine loves the sound of his own voice. Which is somewhat unfortunate, as he has the most grating, nasal, irritating voice I can think of. The fifth column Marxist wanker.

    • And another thing. Has anyone else noticed the seemingly high cancer rates amongst BBC wimminz journalists? Ms James, Victoria Derbyshire, Rachel Bland, Jane Garvey, Sian Williams and a few others who’s names escape me.
      Does leftism cause cancer I wonder.

      • I think that’s more to do with being a large organisation employing a lot of women and then providing them with a platform to ‘raise’ awareness’, which they seem to fill their breakfast programme with.
        BBC Breakfast is bursting with cancers; bowel cancer, brain tumours, melanoma, boobectomy survivors, carcinogenic brexiteers..
        As my nan would say, ‘Cancer; there’s a lot of it about’

  11. Jeremy Vine

    Covid fear porn enthusiast ☑️
    Lockdown enthusiast ☑️
    Vaccine enthusiast ☑️
    Complete Cunt ☑️

  12. Maybe he can form a double act with Derek draper. Tip them both down a well..

    • Im not convinced Draper or vine are poorly.

      Attention seekers .

      Dereks missus wants a TV choice award.

      He was playing swingball in the garden the other day!
      Soon as the cameras come out hes lay in bed groaning.


      • Like grampa joe from Charlie and chocolate factory..lounging in bed all day, a chance for free chocolate he is kicking up he’s heels like Wayne sleep..

  13. Extract from Radio 2 11:30 am approx.

    * In a whiny condescending voice *

    “Hi Ken” (Vine to Ken Bruce)

    “Ohhh Ken, today we’re going to be talking about Covid, Monkeypox and whether we need another lockdown”
    “We’ll be talking about genital warts and anal probes with Doctor Sarah Jarvis”
    “After that we’ll be looking back on and celebrating the life of George Floyd, who as you and the listeners are all well aware Ken, was brutally murdered by racist police in America”
    “And last but not least – we’ll also be discussing what makes us human with special guest Sir Lenny Henry”

    “See ya at 12 – thanks Ken”

  14. Looking on the bright side, traffic can now move freely around London without fear of running into this self righteous wanksock, wobbling along on his child’s toy.

  15. I don’t see the problem, he’s welcome to self-isolate for the next 40-50 years if he wants. Give us all a break.

  16. He looks like he’s getting monkey pox up the arse rather than chinky pox. Grow up Vine you pathetic , bed wetting child.

  17. Vine is in court today, in the lawsuit against Alex Bellfield.
    He will lie, er, give evidence this morning, then will be questioned by Bellfield this afternoon.

    He has been trying to filibuster the hearing for weeks-the cunt asked to appear via a zoom link ?

    Covid? My Arse!!
    What a cunt.

    Give him hell, Alex???

  18. Brand ambassador for Stil Lifestyle Leisurewear I see. Nice little earner Jeremy, making sure the logo is very visible during your publicity shoot.
    Grow up, you self-centered, bed-wetting infant.

  19. He probably just has a touch of the shits – the caviar at the Ivy was a bit off on Sunday

  20. A typical whiney libtard. Self-obsessed but lacking self-awareness. A condescending, sanctimonious, high-opinionated, odorous little shite!

    Ignores his own white-privilege while denigrating others. Probably spent the first 30 odd years of his life locked up in his grubby little bedroom at his parents, who were both too embarrassed to let him out!

    An utterly ghastly person, but is clearly a standard bearer for the woke/Twatter lynch mob.

  21. Hopefully covid will do us a favour and sort this wanker out for good, fuck him, i cant stand the cunt, the only saving grace if covid dosnt sort the fucker out, cycling with his idea of right of way no matter what is going to allow natural selection to deprive of this whinney cunts company…..

  22. Champagne socialist whiner and cry baby. Typical piece of BBC shit that needs flushing away.


  23. I hope he straps his Go-Pro camera he uses on his bike onto his head and films himself sticking his head up his own arse. That would be worth streaming!

  24. Maybe the Cantonese Cough-N-Sneeze will actually live up to the hype and see this twat off to the promised land.
    One can only hope…

  25. I was going to say that in the photo he looks like he’s taking it up the rear from Dame Kweer. But, on reflection, he’d have a big smile on his mush and be shouting encouragement. Dirty bastard.

  26. Had my first Wuhan institute of virology bat flu infection last week. Felt like shit day one, then a bit crap for 2 days, tested negative day 5 and celebrated by going to pub and drinking beer. Got fairly drunk after 5 pints so that was a good side effect bonus. At no point did I consider taking selfies or contacting anyone to tell them about my symptoms, though I did get a mate to deliver fags and milk. Fucker was late and didn’t give me the change. I suppose it’s different for celebrities with their narcisistic attention seeking personality disorders. Nobody likes a whiny cunt.

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