Child Grooming Gang Apologists

My Fellow Cunters, for your Cuntsideration: Pakistani “grooming* gang” apologists.

(*for the avoidance of confusion-it is not “grooming”, it is organised, mass rape.)

To me personally, the only thing worse that the systematic abuse of White, working class children, by Pakistani and Bangladeshi adults in the United Kingdom, are the absolute CUNTS who continually apologise for them.

Example: read how these cunts construct a completely false narrative, around the subject?

IRR News Link

This is a modern holocaust, being conducted against our indigenous children, by a primitive culture that is colonising our island. HM Gov, the MSM, the “Police Service”, social services, local councils-they have all been complicit in enabling or covering up this horrific, ongoing crime.

Calling someone a racist, far right extremest, white supremacist or pointing at white or the Catholic church as a defence, makes you an insidious CUNT of the highest order.

How can you, in all good conscience, defend “the indefensible”?
Go and hang your head in shame.
Better yet, go to an outreach and talk to the 11, 12, 13 year old girls who are the victims and tell THEM your excuses for the perpetrators.?

Nominated by: Cuntfinder General

186 thoughts on “Child Grooming Gang Apologists

  1. Just been doing a bit of background on the cunt that wrote that drivel, Class 1 Academic who’s never left her own bubble.

    And I was minded of the poem by Martin Niemoller the German pastor and by association an ‘academic’.

    First they came for the Communists
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Communist

    Then they came for the Socialists
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Socialist

    Then they came for the trade unionists
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a trade unionist

    Then they came for the Jews
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Jew

    Then they came for me
    And there was no one left
    To speak out for me

    Fucking despicable whore.

    • Id of gone for the communists first too.
      Good thinking!
      Maybe the gyppos next?
      Nobody would miss them.

      • @CG..and when exactly will we be reading in the paper about you beginning your Glorious Fightback against the Muzza hordes ( backed by the Chinese and NWO,of course) in your particular corner of The Lake District ?….after all,isn’t knowing the truth and doing nothing bar flap yer gums as bad as appeasement ?

      • The responsibility to effectively deal with organised gangs of child rapists doesn’t lie with any individual.

        It lies with the government,who crow about the rule of law,but do little to scour this menace out of our towns and cities.

        Certainly the rapists serve prison sentences but the foreigners found guilty are not deported.

        Our country has gone soft.

        These crimes should warrant a specialist unit recruited from the armed forces,tasked to find and destroy these fucking awful cunts.

        What a mess we are in.

      • @ Lord Fiddler:
        My cunting is about people who appease or defend predominantly Pakistani/Bangladeshi child grooming gangs.
        As stated in my nomination, they do this with obsfication, deflection of guilt and childish name calling aimed at the people drawing attention to the “heritage” of these foul scum.

        Why are you directing animosity at me?
        Are you defending them?

        How do you know that I have not been involved or supported charitable organisations that specifically support the victims of this crime?
        Would that not be a good enough reason for me to have particularly strong feelings about this?

      • But the government and police are in league with the organised gangs of child rapists, aren’t they? Or am I missing something here?

      • Should I just answer with some meaningless quote from Sherlock Holmes ?

        Please explain to me how I am defending them.

        Good on you if your claims of charity work are true…but charity work won’t drive the ravening hordes back where they came from,will it?

      • The Conan-Doyle quote the other night was intended to highlight the fact that sometimes, something that sounds incredible, is truth.

        The enemy of the British (indigenous British) population is T.F.A.
        Total. Fucking.Apathy.
        What do you advocate, to push back the hordes??

      • CG@

        Ive got to be honest I assumed this nom was a thinly veiled attack on fellow cunter Gutstick Japseye.

        Maybe im wrong?

        If so, my apologies.

      • Mis: IsAC rules: we cunt, cunts. We don’t “cunt” fellow cunters.

        I abide by that.

        No offence taken ?

      • “The enemy of the British (indigenous British) population is T.F.A.
        Total. Fucking.Apathy.”……I completely agree…where we differ is that I accept that “we” are to blame and don’t seek to blame “the NWO” or “Chinese lackeys” or ” The Muzzas” for every ill in this Country

      • Neither do I.
        This nomination is about Pskistani & Bangladeshi men, fucking white children for five decades, with the assistance of British institutions.

        I don’t blame “The muzzaz” for everything.
        They are, however, to blame for Pakistani & Bangladeshi especially gangs, fucking children.
        Even working class, “white trash” children are still children.

      • So why wasn’t your nom. aimed at apologists for ALL child rapists ?

      • You know full well why.
        Because apologists for other “demographics” are rarer than unicorn droppings.

      • If you can post valid links to people apologising for organised rape gangs of white children in the United Kingdom, active across five decades or more, who’s members are NOT predominantly of Pakistani/Bangladeshi heritage, I will happily post another nomination, written with equal amounts of disdain and disgust.

      • Because apologists for other “demographics” are rarer than unicorn droppings

        Really?…For years children in care/boarding schools were abused and until very recently nobody gave a fuck..plenty of apologists for the abusers there…or does your (justifiable) outrage only extend to “Muzza” perpetrators?

  2. I think it all boils down to the left / woke knowing their mass uncontrolled immigration policy is a failure, but they’re too arrogant and selfish to admit they’re wrong. They then cover up scandals like this which proves it. Enough is enough.

  3. Hey Cunty,

    I think your explanation is spot on. But we will never convince the CSI* crowd. They want to watch a grainy surveillance video and then shout…FREEZE THAT! ZOOM IN! Now enhance that frame!

    And then they have proof positively that the perpetrator not only had red hair but was left-handed. Other than that you could spend days on end, to no avail, trying to convince them that there are bad people who hold power and wish them ill.

    *CSI stands for the television series Crime Scene Investigation. There are several versions on American TV. Through an examination of physical evidence…often using technology that doesn’t exist…they always solve the crime.

    Their effect on the general public is profound and has led to jury acquittals because jurors actually believe that the technology really exists and can always be provided.

    There’s one born every minute.

    • Yeah we get it over here. I have no interest in TV output other than the need to monitor its effluent but Mrs Chops used to watch the C.S.I.s; even had a crime solving Wii game version oif it!

      “…Other than that you could spend days on end, to no avail, trying to convince them that there are bad people who hold power and wish them ill. ”

      Your right, when you’re talking of egregious government or criminal (frequent bedfellows!) conspircy we rarely get an actual ‘smoking gun’, you have to follow the trail of spent shell casings, the passage of time, research, FoIA requests and expired ‘D’ Notices eventually allow the full picture to be re-assembled.
      That said; there are more than enough actual smoking guns to satisfy me that there is direction behind this hateful national emaciation.
      Dick holds that our decline has been/is a linear societal end product of some sort of natural or in-built, hardwired moral entropy, seeds of our own destruction etc but I disagree. No correctly functioning healthy society would ever purposefully script its own eradication, write that plan into its laws and then enforce it with the ruthless swivel-eyed zealotry we see today.

      You want smoking guns Dick, we got ’em. What did we learn from the Epstein/Maxwell/Dershowitz/Gates/Bronfman/Steinhart etc etc etc case? We learned that the media can completely veto and supress ANY open discussion or even coverage of what I believe was a case of such magnitude that full disclosure would collapse the governance of most of the leading nations!
      The Kyle Rittenhouse trial got full courtroom coverage (I watched it all) because they thought they had a poster boy for ‘white supremacism’ in their clutches.
      Maxwell ‘trial’… fuck all… zip,,, jack…nada. It seems she was guilty of prostituting children … to nobody… ???

      I mean where do you want to go Dick?
      Mordacai Vanunu, NUMEC?
      Thane Eugene Ceasar, RFK?
      Meyer Lansky, James Jesus Angleton JFK and NUMEC?
      Warburg, Kuhn Loeb
      Waley-Cohen, Churchill, The Focus
      Southern Air Transport, Iran Contra
      Cunter Biden’s sticky laptops (plural, there’s 3 of them)
      Poopy Joe’s quid pro Joe with Kolomoisky/Poroshenko
      The N.A.B.U. tapes!!! fer fuck’s sake!!!
      Thomas fucking Hamilton
      Prince fucking Andrew
      The U.S.S. Liberty – literally a smoking gun in the hands of America’s “greatest ally”…

      …these are just off the top of my head but on and on and on and fucking on it goes…

      All the above are instances of how a relatively small (but heavily financed nd protected) group (let’s call it a cabal) of individuals (conspirators would be an entirely legitimate description) can massively influence national events and policy.
      Remeber those spy card things you used to get in lucky bags, there’d be a jumble of text on the card but when you overlaid this red cellophane filter the message would jump out, same thing here. Viewed in isolation these events appear to be random and chaotic, unconnected, “shit happens” it’s only when you find the light overlay that the shit, chaff and misdirections are filtered out and the root connections and thus the motivations are revealed.

      …and I didn’t even mention Rothschild once… ….oh fuck!

      • Perfectly illustrated CC, but wasted on the TFA.
        The information is available, knowledge is power, but pearls will be clutched,impotent idleness reigns and little jibes cone hone to roost.
        The entire precis of this site is to rant and rage but now we who claim socially ‘unacceptable’ views are expected to change the status quo single handedly ? Pffft, make your own excuses, I know what I’ve done, I chip away at the idiocracy in my own time and own way and cop the flak for my actions. Be part of the problem or be part (however small) of the solution. Stand up and be counted, you have a voice,for now at least. The rot is entrenched and encouraged by divisive tactics from social manipulating persons and quangos. Psychological Behavioral Units anyone?
        The state we’re in isn’t one of benign munificence but enforced capitulation, divide and rule.
        A general strike would alter perception, just throwing other examples up doesn’t alter the facts. Haut de la Geronne ,Savile,Heath etc? Native Canadian children from ‘care homes? All brushed under the carpet, if those dominoes fell,all would fall.
        Nationalism is smeared and compared to Nazi Germany rather than accepted as looking after your own first. What do cunters see as a priority, their family or their neighbours welfare?
        If you don’t like a nom, make a rational point without denigrating the author or just fuck off somewhere else and return when your piles have subsided.
        Britain first,fit in or fuck off.

      • “A general strike would alter perception”

        But when workers going on strike are mentioned on this site, they’re seen to be the Devil incarnate…

      • “All the above are instances of how a relatively small (but heavily financed nd protected) group (let’s call it a cabal) of individuals (conspirators would be an entirely legitimate description) can massively influence national events and policy”……no argument there..influential have have always existed and,well…influenced events to their advantage….what I don’t follow is where the idea comes from that this “cabal” have decided to enslave the world’s population and then get the Chinese to run this global prison camp while they,presumably,sit in their James Bond-style villain lairs..
        If I was part of the League of Evil. for a start I wouldn’t trust the Chinese not to chuck me in my own prison camp and secondly, I think I’d be looking at an easier way of enacting my devious plan for world domination than some convoluted process involving being behind every wickedness…right down to having my agents influence Police Officers in Rotherham to turn a blind eye to child abuse by Muslim gangs apparently….Nah,I’d build a space rocket with a big laser-gun and go into league with the Martians…far less micro-management involved.

  4. These grooming cunts should have their bollocks ripped out and then be fucked off back to the shit hole they crawled out of end of why do we put up with this prehistoric Muslim shit take your praymat and fuck off you worthless poncing cunts this is fucking England not Bangladeshi

    • Foxy, you’re going to be needing a Sec. of State for the Diplomatic Service… look no further…

  5. We have to continue talking about this and demanding action from people in power.

  6. Well, these are proper cunts of the highest order and should be bestowed some sort of cunty crown of shit.

    Not been on here since 2014 I think so I have let all you cunts down.

    Been fucking cunty busy, but now uncle captain cuntastic is back to cunt some cunts off

    Welcome back – NA.

    • As Dr. Johnson so famously observed… “When you’re tired of cunting you’ve tired of life”
      Welcome back to the Black Pig sir, pride of the cunting fleet she is.
      … DECK PARTY! … PIPE THE CAP’n ABOARD…phewwww-weeeee-ewwwww…

      Your cabin’s ready sir, we’ve shot most of the rats, flushed the pipes and changed the barrel.

  7. What I don’t get is why being a racist/being homophobic or transphobic are perceived as being negative/bad traits when in fact they are perfectly normal examples of innate human behaviour. So fuck off you primitive savages and sexual deviants!

    • This is the very essence and methodology of Hegelian leftist thinking and argument Cuntator; they take a perfectly rational argument/proposition, completely invert it, dip it in post Marxist varnish and the finishing touch… put a ‘moral barb’ on it and hurl it back.
      The left have got this dialectic trick down pat because they’ve never abandoned their founding patriarchal theoreticians, Marx, Plekanov, Lenin et al. The right however have utterly rejected their moral founders and have basically disarmed themselves. You see them floundering in ‘moral hazard’ whenever they’re on QT and are quizzed on their attitude/policy on immigration particularly, none of them can bring themselves to say “…because I wish to preserve, promote and live among my own and reserve the right to have principal claim on the land in which I live and the laws by which WE govern OURselves.
      Spare fucks will be distributed as and when they become available but don’t hold your breath.

  8. Always the far right it’s the far left that are ripping this cuntry apart.

  9. Hey CG,

    Congratulations are now in order. You are now living rent free inside not only the Mayor’s head but also inside the heads of the entire population of the town of Simpleton.

    • LOL… Oh I think we all know that I’ve been “living in your head” for a long time now…ever since I caused your last hysterical melt-down….still not over it,eh? Can’t say that I’m surprised considering that you have to live with the shame of that appalling apology that you posted. ( Admin deleted it…sorry for you,I assume….or worried for the health of anyone unfortunate enough to stumble on to it…could you write it out for me again…as a favour to your favourite head-squatter?)

      You keep spouting your delusional fantasies,General…I enjoy laughing at your squirming.

      • “…Foxchaser-Fiddler..Mayor of Simpleton..”

        Have to say Dick… you have a refined and faultless musical sensibility, obviously a man of exceptional taste and discernment… if somewhat questionable character…these things can be excused and forgiven because…

  10. In summary, I cunted Pakistani rape gang apologists who use the misdemeanours of other demographics as a defence-and cuntetrs on here did exactly what my nom was about…..

    Some of us really do give a flying fuck about our friends, neighbours, history and heritage.

    Evidently-some by their own definition and admission, do not.

    • Perhaps I just give a fuck about ALL victims of child-abuse instead of using such a vile crime as some kind of “Blame the Muzzas” opportunity.

      • Morning Dick.
        That was the point I was trying to make which obviously inspired this cunting.
        By trying to include other groups seems to make me an apologist for one, which is definitely not my intention.
        Surely by ignoring other groups and over promoting the culpability of one is being an apologist of the other groups?
        Agenda? Definitely not. …

      • @GJ….It was the “Fit in or Fuck Off” suggestion that I received from one particularly eloquent poster that summed the whole thing up for me.

      • I think you misunderstood, it wasn’t directed at you personally,but rather incomers to this country.
        Maybe all that sitting on the sides of dinghys has inflamed their own chalfonts.

      • Yes, I regularly get invited to fuck off to mumsnet or other such forums because I don’t agree with the Tommynoshers or tinfoil twats.
        Was it something I said? ?

      • @MF…Really?…”If you don’t like a nom, make a rational point without denigrating the author or just fuck off somewhere else and return when your piles have subsided.
        Britain first,fit in or fuck off.”

        Yes, I can now see that you obviously weren’t meaning me…….LOL

      • This counting is about the CUNTS who apologise for Pakistanii/Bangladeshi rape gangs.
        It wasn’t cunting the perpetrators.
        Read it again.

    • To further summarise.

      All child abusers are cunts.
      Each and everyone of them – regardless of ethnicity or religion.

      My philosophy is one of – we already, as a nation, have enough homegrown child sex deviant cunts to keep the authorities busy without importing thousands more en masse.

      The same philosophy applies to criminals. We’ve enough of our own without importing thousands more of them cunts and all.
      Yet we as a nation do.

      Research will show that many Christian girls in majority Islamic countries such as Egypt and Pakistan, for example, have been victims of rape gangs for generations. This is not a problem isolated to English vulnerable working class white girls in the UK.

      This is a cultural phenomenon which is relatively alien to the traditions of the British Isles and begs the question – why import it?

      • Morning GJ

        Get yourself up to the Cumbrian fells if you enjoy hiking.
        Spectacular scenery. ?

      • Sounds good HJ, its a part of the world I haven’t been and i do love a middle of nowhere.
        I have the Brecon beacons and the Gower coastal path on my doorstep, so its hard to drag myself away somewhere new.

      • But arent you guilty GJ of focusing on just one instutution the RCC?

        What about schools, children in care, the BBC.

        All those bastions of secularism that have been found to have a history of child sexual abuse.

      • Not at all Miles, a I’ve said numerous times, I don’t have a blind spot when it comes to child abuse, from the filthy individual to the groups and organisations, they all need the feel the full force of the law, no exceptions.
        The Catholic Church has been involved in this area for centuries, making it head and shoulders above all other similar organisations in the UK, and I use them as an example of widespread abuse by a group that has been far more prolific than the one continually used here. I would be the same if it was Christian, Jewish, or Buddhist, or an Atheist organisation, if one existed.
        The main difference as I have said before, is that nobody in their right mind would entrust their children to a bunch of swarthy taxi drivers and kebab shop staff, but many would think nothing of doing that with priests, nuns and school teachers. There is no breach of trust with the peaceful lot, just criminality and dreadful parenting, unlike there is with the church, or any other organisation that has covered up members of their staffs behaviour.

      • Dreadful parenting.
        Congratulations-you have managed to blame the parents of innocent child rape victims.

      • The Catholic Church has been involved in this area for centuries,’

        How do you know? Are you privvy to documents from the Vatican secret archive that we dont know about?

        This child sexual abuse phenomena has really only come to light in the past say 50 years or so.

        I mean become part of public discourse.

        It might have been in involved. But you ‘confidently’ say it has been going on for centuries.

        Where is your evidence?

      • Did you look at the link I posted Miles? There were about 20 such links and I didn’t want to bombard the site with stuff no one was going to read, because no one gives a fuck.
        There again, how many years do you think is beyond acceptable? It’s well documented for at least a hundred years in this country. Is that defendable?

      • Who’s responsibility is it for these children if not their parents or guardians?

      • So by that rationale, what you are saying is:

        “Child victims of crime-it’s the fault of the parents”

        “It’s a point of view, I suppose????”

      • But where is the evidence for ‘down the centuries’?

        This thing-sex with children was really never known before.

        Now we know that there are such people that desire this. But I cannot think of it anywhere it is mentioned in history books?

        Are there any records of it before the 20th century. I dont think so.

        I suspect it was known privately but that it wasnt taken seriously in past times.

        Its funny this thread is essentially about shadowy groups of people bringing evil destruction on the world.

        That’s what you are challenging isnt it? But you yourself have constantly in your mind a shadowy group of people that have been about evil things ‘down the centuries’.

        With the amount of posts you put up about the Roman Catholic Church you’d think it was and is the root of all evil in the world.

        You dont need a tin-foil hat youself do you?

      • No, that isn’t what I’m saying, you know that, and you are twisting it to fit your agenda again. I see you don’t address any of the other valid points I make.
        Also, I have no idea if you have children, or have any experience working in the care sector.
        For two years I worked closely with the social services department of the local council, and during that time I saw quite a few cases that could ended up with kids being groomed.
        Don’t forget, that is what we are talking about, grooming. These kids aren’t abducted off the street, raped and dumped, this evil takes place over time, where trust is earned and ultimately broken in the most despicable way..
        Neglect is a big part of that process, by parents, by schools, by local authorities and by law.
        Neglect isn’t limited to poor families either, it can come from any walk of life. Kids want to feel wanted, and if their parents or guardians aren’t interested, then the worst can, and does happen.
        I know you think I’m a cunt, it’s even in the nom, and I’m ok with it. But sometimes, even a cunt might know a thing or two.

      • Miles, the Catholics don’t have any hold over me, so I don’t fear them in the way that tinfoilers fear everything.
        I used to be mildly worried by the cunts when they were putting bombs all over the country, but hopefully that’s a thing of the past?
        Don’t believe me or the links I post? Do your own research, see what you come up with. It’s more than obvious that nobody is interested in them for what they have been doing, so I’ll call it a day on the subject.

      • Gutstick:

        “No, that isn’t what I’m saying, you know that, and you are twisting it to fit your agenda again”
        What agenda? I am cunting Pakistani/Bangladeshi rape gang apologists.

        “Don’t forget, that is what we are talking about, grooming. These kids aren’t abducted off the street, raped and dumped, this evil takes place over time, where trust is earned and ultimately broken in the most despicable way..
        Neglect is a big part of that process, by parents, by schools, by local authorities and by law.”

        A perfect example of what I am cunting.

        They are fucking abducted and raped.
        Look at 12 year old Samantha in Oldham-went to the police station to report she had been raped. The fucking police turned her away-she was picked up by 2x Pakistani rapists, in full view of the duty officer and taken to a flat and gang raped by 8 plus Pakistani rapists.
        The local council have now put ASBO’s on members of the public, demanding a full and proper enquiry.

      • @RTC


        Certain people on here could start an argument if they were in a locked room, with no windows, by themselves.

        It’s turning to rat shit on here.

      • If you’re not on about grooming gangs, why put grooming in the title of your nom?

        OK, so you hate these dirty cunts more than me.
        And by that rationale, I’m an inabler.
        And a cunt.
        A cunted cunt no less.

  11. Morning GJ?

    You winning pal?

    Im feeling particularly apathetic today,
    Very relaxed.
    Someone asked me if I wanted to overthrow the goverment but,..
    Long drive like that?
    Finding parking in London?
    Cant be arsed.

    • Morning Mis
      Had a cracking weekend away and got around to doing a few jobs around the house that have been bugging me for far too long, so all is good here my friend.
      Depending on the weather, I will either be up a mountain or out on my motorbike this weekend. ?

      • Overthrow the government?
        Which one? The ‘puppet’ UK one, or those slippery shadow overlord buggers?

      • Im not working today,
        Sat impatiently waiting with the dog for the missus to pull her finger out and go into the Peaks.

        I cant stop squirming from excitement!
        Unless ive got worms again?….

    • Mis….It’s a fucking disgrace that the “gifted few” who know “the truth”… and have so much evidence that it can’t be denied…..choose to do so little about this scandal….I’d like to think that if I held the very future of civilisation in my hands, I’d stop just flapping my gums and…well…perhaps actually do something.

      • Yes, im hearing lots of motivational talking,
        Yet no examples of what personal actions theyve taken?

        Sometimes I think apathy can be mistaken for reluctance to dance to the beat of the drum of some fuckin fantasist.

        Most people I wouldnt follow into a pub nevermind a struggle against the goverment.

        You winning Dick??

      • I’m rather hoping that one or two might consider staging a “spectacular” to draw attention to their cause…. something along the lines of that Buddhist monk who set himself ablaze to publicise his cause would do the trick……

        🙂 .

      • It wasnt aimed at you,
        But anyone who tells me my unwillingness to join them in their political jihad or crusade is somehow laziness or not doing my duty.

        Im sick of been told we’re reaching the end days,
        And must act,

        Plenty of cunts like to pass out the ammo for others to fire.
        Im not apathetic im just not a volunteer for some crackpots imagined Last Stand.
        What it really means is

        “Agree with me,
        Do what I want you to do!”

        And the answer is not a fuckin chance.

      • I can answer for myself General.

        I dont need your help as a interpreter,
        Thanks all the same.

      • Trouble is, a few on here are unable to accept the fact that ISAC is not an echo chamber.

        Build Back Worse
        Abortion is Legal
        Vlad is Glad

  12. I was a ‘B Boy’ back in ’84. I was in a ‘crew’ and everything. All honky kids, break dancing to Electro albums. Badly. Bit of ‘poppin’ too.

    Moving the furniture when my mum went shopping. We had an outfit and everything (light blue hooded tops and tracky bottoms with two white stripes around the calf area). Nike trainers.

    We looked a right set of cunts. We thought it would attract the birds, but they thought we looked fucking ridiculous so we gave it up, never to be spoken of again.

    Olympics you say?

    I’m a bit past break dancing nowadays, I’d do myself a right mischief. I did learn to do the Macerena on holiday a few years later though.

    I’ll wait for the IOC to add that I think.

    • And we all got ‘Ghetto Blasters’ for Christmas ’84.

      All walking around with them Christmas morning in our outfits. Arguing over who gets to play theirs.

      Then all off to watch Beat Street on a pirated video for the 500th time.

      Ramo! Get to fuck.

  13. As long as you keep calling them, “grooming gangs” it will always come off as something quaint. RAPE GANGS is what they are. Anyway it’s just kids being raped, not like gangs of car thieves are going about. Or dog abusers. We’d sort those cunts out in a hurry.

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