This utter freak, who is covered in tattoos, including his eyeballs, is upset because no one will employ him. Can’t think why.
To achieve his “project” of looking like an alien, Loffredo has had two fingers on his left hand amputated, as well as his ears and tip of his nose.
But, he insisted he is simply a normal guy who wants to be treated like a normal person.
He said: “I’m a normal guy, I work, I have a family… I like being looked at like a normal guy with a job, with a family, who has a friend, girlfriend, all of that. That’s what makes me normal.”
See the link below, has to be seen to be believed.
Nominated by: mystic maven
(More about this guy here: Day Admin – New York Post )
Not to worry. When he gets bored of his new image he will no doubt come to Britain and insist that the NHS sort him out and return him back to normal, free of charge of course.
He could get tv work, surely.
Doctor Who
Star Wars
Close encounters
X Files
BBC news presenter.
It seems his creativity has limits. What a cunt.
The state of it.
Is there no limit to human stupidity?
You’ve seen the Shadow Cabinet and you ask a question like that?
Fair point Moggie.
Maybe a job in the Shadow Cabinet awaits this imbecile.
Black and not working ?
Is he Analeazy Dodds’ new toy boy, or does even he draw the line at truly ugly cunts?
A prize fucktard that even the circuses wouldn’t want.
The kids he rears will hope that he doesn’t turn up at the school gates
To paraphrase the immortal line from the classic sci-fi film Alien “In space no one can hear you scream ‘what the fuck is that!?'”
To boldly go where no fuckwit would seek.
These are The voyages from the closings of mental institutions
Another narcissistic fucknuckle.
Imagine having this alien lookylikey freak turn up to take your daughter out, it would have to be a shot gone up the deformed nostrils and some advise about fucking off the back to the mother ship before he see, s the light..
What a complete cunt, natural selection should sort this thing out before it breeds…
His definition of “normal” is clearly abnormal, by any objective interpretation. Put him on the next flight to Mars.
It could’ve been worse.
He might’ve ended up looking like Clement Beaune.
Kill it with fire.
What an absolute Hornblower. Words fail me.
He says he has a girlfriend?
What the fuck is his girlfriend? A fucking Gecko lizard?
fucking look at me, me, me ,me attention seeking Cunt. Hope his dick drops off.
Has he tried ringing the BBC for a job?
Most panellists look like freak show escapees.
Perhaps he could sit alongside lèzza Balding & Co on the wimminz football punditry?
As the girls shriek, he could roar, and dance around the studio naked, shouting “suck on this fukkaarr! Come you lèzza slàgs, you know you want to, roaarr!”
Dopey twat all he has to do is say he is transbender and will likely end up running Ford.
Just waiting for the Cunstable to pop in and say “Anyone got the horn?”
As long as I’m not paying for it no fucks are given
Dated worse……
There’s enough ugly blek cunts knocking about without this French clown joining the shitty panto.
Gas it.
UT@ Afternoon Unkle – French did you say? FRENCH?
A few stout longbow arrows in his miserable snail bothering hide is what this blighter needs!
Shifty no good fkin Frenchies..
We have a silly cunt in Bristol who is known as Parrot Man. He is sixty odd and lives in a high rise council flat with several pet parrots and considers himself to be a fellow parrot. He has had surgery on the NHS and has many brightly coloured tattoos but sadly just looks like a mental cunt instead of a parrot. I had to laugh when I read that he had his ears removed ( because parrots don’t have ears) and then his fucking glasses ( not used by parrots) wouldn’t stay on. So he went back to the NHS and had them put two small knobs under his skin on the sides of his head. I cannot imagine a scenario where you would go to a GP and say ” I want both my ears removed” and them eagerly agreeing and setting up a hospital referral.
MH@ Evening MH – and my taxpayers money is being wasted on this mental shit?
“I think I’m a parrot!”
“No problem, – let me boot you through this fifth storey window and see if you can fucking fly”.
I have just checked him out, hahaha fucking brilliant.
I swear Bristol and Brighton are in some sort of depraved ‘race to the bottom’.
He is a Class A retard for sure, but the real cunts here are the doctors, surgeons and body-mod fuckers who made him look like this in the first place instead of trying to talk sense to him. Utter cunts of the highest order.
Like those who work(ed) at the Tavistock.
Fucking hell.
Dianna Westbrook has really let herself go.
Is that president macrons butt-plug..
No, that is Justin Trudeau.
I see from the link he’s a French moron.
He always was an alien cunt without the ridiculous tattoos and surgery.
Only ever seen one cunt with his face tatted up in real life. He was selling some crap at a music festival. He frightened the shit out of me and didn’t seem to attract many customers. He was wearing a shirt with the legend “Tattooed For Life”……..a statement of the bleedin’ obvious if ever there was one.
Complete and utter 100% cunt.
There used to be a guy in my city who had a spider’s web tattooed on his face. Saw him for years on the streets and was always like, “oh fuck there he is!”. Later in life, I found out that my aunt was his long-term unemployment worker. She said he was the nicest, most astute guy she ever met, but the spider’s web prevented him from gaining employment. He had it done when he was 19 and a hardcore punk. Not seen him in a long time. Outsiders like that can have a life, it just isn’t working in a “normal” job.
Years ago I was off sick from work with tonsillitis and there was a programme called Police 5 on in the afternoon where they talked about local crimes and asked for information from the public. On this occasion, they were appealing for information about a violent robbery in Asda’s car park. Then the photo fit picture came up of a cunt with a spiders web covering his whole face. I nearly choked to death laughing.
A spiders web covering his whole face?
Was it a young lad trying to apprehend the criminals?
The E-fit is surely as mistake. I blame J. Jonah Jameson.
Now all of a sudden, that “Eastern European Babysitter scene” from Little Britain seems tame by comparison. Only difference being that you could make fun of creepy Eastern European men back then……. now you probably can’t make fun of the clearly mentally-insane and dangerous.
Little Britain got cancelled by Netflix after complaints. It’s a great show, had me in knots. The trans character, Emily Howard would make people’s heads explode these days…
This is why there are no comedy sketch shows now. Catherine Tate, being a woman, was the last true sketch artist. No bloke comedian would get to do a sketch show now that sent up the ridiculous archetypes of life.
I believe The League of Gentleman was also scrubbed as well…. not for the weird, noncey characters like Herr Lipp but due to the existence of Babs the taxi cab driver. “One little prick and it’ll all be over…. and then they cut me cock off!”
‘Nan’ and the overprotective, middle-class mummy were okay. The rest fell a bit flat with me,
I`m black, but you don`t see me abusing myself like that.
Oh fuck, saw photos of this mad cunt a few years ago, but all he had were weird finger and some face implants. He just looked like a weird body art cunt, now he has fulfilled his dream, he IS an alien. Kudos.
Where should he work? He needs to look into working in a nightclub or some sort of place where the bosses would love an attraction like him. He can’t have a “normal” job, he’d show up the blue-haired feminazis. He seems harmless, the scariest cunts these days are the bland-looking law-makers ready to roll out the digital dystopia social credit score system.
The Nick Cleggs of the world.
Oven him
Dunno what the problem is?
Apart from hes french?
If only more people cut their noses off the world would be a better place.
Tavistock centre.
Hmm, my evil employers the satanic black MoonMen will employ him – they’ll take any bugger!
“I am fucking nuts, I have never had a proper friend who told me to have a word with myself – now I look fucking horrific and freakish and nobody will give me a job!” ?
Any fucker this ugly and mental should be in politics.
Talking of employment, I have just been offered a 35 grand a year contract as the poor deluded fools knew someone I used to work with who recommended me as “the best of the best” – they’ll soon fkin learn! ?
He’s right of course, if everyone was the same he’s look perfectly normal.
Most attention-seekers make a lot of noise and they don’t care how foolish they look as long as people take notice. This one mustn’t have a loud voice.