I’ve seen an advert with a disabled skateboarder (or should that be a skateboarder with a disability…fuck knows anymore?), and the selling point seems to be that it keeps you dry for 72 hours.
Who the fuck needs 72 hour deodorant? That’s three fucking days without a shower or bath. Dirty cunts.
If I see anyone buying it I’ll just think ‘dirty bastard’.
No legged skateboarders are possible you rotters. He’s better than Eddie Murphy was in Trading Places anyway.
Fuck off.
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
Wow what a amazing collection of characters..maybe marvel can make a TV series about them..maybe call them the funky squad, take down the bad guys with their pungent odour..
And hopefully Muay Thai girl can take a break from fighting islamophobia and hate crime and teach white girls how to fight off smelly mulsim groomers..
Dirty smelly fuckers indeed.
Get a bar of carbolic ? get into the back and get hosed down dirty diverse disabled deviant
Re any advert on tv, has anyone noticed how the black quota has gone into over-drive? It’s almost like someone has thought “you know what, nobody’s taking up our black agenda. Let’s put even more of them on tv. We’ll show those gammons.” I see there is even one in the new sequel to the railway children. Yes, there were a lot of soots in 1940s england. Cunts.
If it’s advertised by some species I do t happen to like ie, n*gnogs and shouty mouthed cunts from Safe Style Windows then I don’t fucking buy whatever they’re trying to peddle. End of!!
You’d think that the population of this country was 60% ethnic and it was mandatory to marry/have a relationship with someone of your own ethnic group, according to TV commercials. Or our general accent was the gutteral “Innit, bruv, you get me” shite.
Cunts, one and all.
Been to Londonistan recently?
Thankfully, no.
‘Own ethnic group’?? Opposite ethnic group, you dull cunt…
More like white blond women have to be with a sootie none soot shagger women are ugly gingers and white men are clumsy fat cunts.
Apparently, park key scientists are working on a 72 day deodorant. The hope is, it will keep the flies away for longer and give their men more time time fuck underage kids. I believe it’s the same team that came up with the sweat and curry magic tree air freshener so beloved by mini cab drivers.
Riyadh Guard – “It works harder than the Infidel”
That skateboarders legs look like they belong on a ventriloquist doll?
Fair play to the little cunt,
He can certainly skateboard!
Doesn’t let it hold him back.
Stop his benefits and take away his blue badge I say.
I genuinely find adverts with handicapped people off-putting…I’d never be rude about Spaccas and Mongs but I don’t want to see them in public or on my telly….same with Sooties.
I’d say it the modern day equivalent of the Victorian freak show. If Johnny Merrick was alive today, I wonder what he would be advertising?
Good morning by the way.
Men’s eyeliner?
Vegan lipstick?
John Merrick the face of Pachyderm cosmetics
I’m waiting for Sasha Johnson to pop up advertising Head and Shoulders shampoo.
Or headache medication. She’d be a shoe-in for that.
She could advertise a novelty ashtray or perhaps a coffee cup holder?
You could also grow some nice flowers out of her bonce and use it as a hanging basket.
Turn it off by the way. Costing a fortune to keep her in a brain dead state.
Sasha Johnson – advertising Cadbury’s Easter Eggs.
Her head now looks like one that someone has taken a chunk out of.
I agree Dick,
I was enjoying a nice jam rollie polllie . when i turned on the weather i was confronted by this woman waving half an arm , a withered limb. She had to make a point of us all seeing her stump.
It had to be the BBC of course.
She would give a Nasty rib tickler with that stump
Maybe she half Tyrannosaurus Rex?
Look on the bright side Foghorn-whilst giving you a “hand-job” with that appendage, your cock would look massive. On the other hand…..
She’d be popular with the lezzas with that stumpy arm.
I’d like the Maltesers ad back, that blonde mute was hot.
What a load of cack!
That fucker on the skateboard is just playing at it. See em in Bangkok with just a torso and begging bowl in their mouth. Now that’s a benchmark.
Fucking amateurs.
But surely you’re supposed to sweat? Can’t be good for you, blocking sweat.
What’s wrong with natural sweating and then having a shower?
At least thoses spåżmo Malteser adverts have stopped. That blond bird with brittle bone syndrome who left her friend’s wedding “with the best man’s number” used to freal me out no end, imagining a normal sized man boning a tiny flıd of a woman and grinding her pelvis into dust.
I have long suspected that you were the Best Man.
You’re a fucking disgrace.
Good morning.
That advert ended early didn’t it?
Should’ve faded to her getting her granny smashed in by some well built chap, with her screaming as her limbs start snapping and flying off.
In her outrage at these horrendous adverts, Ethel has increased her shoplifting missions six fold.
She absolutely refuses to buy Woke advertised products.
Every little helps. ?
Meanwhile, back in the good old US of A. Akron police have shot a fleeing sootie sixty times.
With the price of lead now, that’ll be a good weigh in ?
Bet that nice Prince Andrew doesn’t use 72hr diverse deodorant?
He doesn’t sweat?!!!
Isn’t that amazing?
And 72hrs is a long time,
His date might have their 14th birthday in that time.
72 hour dederant?. AnalEase Dodds and Jess Phillips need a 72 DAY deoderant!.
(if you want gross, repulsive and disgusting people, just wait for tomorrow morning’s nomination scheduled perfectly to go with your breakfasts (ho!ho!ho!) – Day Admin)
72 hours? What a load of horse shit. 72 seconds more like.
I was delighted the other day when a bloke got on the bus and sat down before spraying himself with half a can of stinky deodorant. Fully clothed. Lovely.
I’m not keen on perfumed deodorants.
They might attract Chris Pincher?
Like blood in the water attracts sharks,
The discodancers are attracted by fruity smells.
Bet Chris prefers a roll on to a spray?
Up his fuckin arse!
(We have a nomination about him due to go live very soon – Day Admin)
Aerosol or ball?
Neither, it’s for my armpits.
Adverts seem to be aimed at kaffirs. Fair enough, I wont buy. However there is an advert that is 100% white. Shearings coach holidays. I wonder why?
(Anyone remember this from Alas Smith and Jones, back in the day? The Swedish Chemist Shop – Day Admin)
Without looking it’s Ball or aerosol.
You beat me to it…
I should’ve scrolled down.
I won’t be watching the advert.
I’ve seen enough to know I’ve gone wrong..
When greasy Stanleys and grinning Dark Key drug peddlers are all married to blonde crackers and live in million pound houses it gives a chap pause for thought.
After all I saw it on television so it must be true.
As it’s Monday I’d also like to add that I’d happily see the entire staff of these advertising agencies put up against a wall and shot.
The dirty little cunts.
Wonder how many LGBTQP people have caught monkey pox over the last 72 hours.
Sadiq Khunt was pictured with a “man” done up like the Queen (the real one, not Starmer) when he visited Pride on Saturday. Lets hope the “queen” is alive and well today.
Judging by the amount of mincers and rug munchers in close proximity to each other round my way on Saturday, I would say most of them.
Years ago there was an advert for a deoderant that lasted 48 hours, a woman raises her arms in bed and says “I didn’t use my deoderant yesterday, and I may not use it today”.
Benny Hill did a take off where he does the same thing, whereat his partner emerges from the bedsheets holding their nose and saying “please – use it today!”
The product didn’t last long as I suspect most people would fear buying it for fear of looking a dirty unwashed tramp, but that was 50(?) years ago, I suppose the KFC brigade in their unwashed track suits and slurping ice cream in the streets would now regard it as a badge of honour to show they need foodbanks.
Remember the Benny Hill sketch, ‘The Halitosis Kid’?
If it really lasts all that time, doesn’t that mean the manufacturer will sell significantly less? I can’t imagine that was part of the plan. Maybe they will sell the shite for three times higher than a regular one, on the basis that it is “scientific” and special.
The skateboarder shouldn’t sweat much anyway, he is only half the weight with his action man legs.
Fat Sweaty Black, racist connotations, showing that clip has made me think about slavery, Sure should be cancelled!
I might just send a complaint to Diane Abbott, I bet she sweats a lot
PS, Foxy will be on the news today, protesting about high fuel prices?
Hoping not to get snarled up in traffic when I nip out later.
Foxy was telling Fiddler the police were trying to fit a tracking device to his car!
He better be careful,
He’ll end up like JFK or Jimmy Hoffa.
The Elites will have him taken out.
He’ll be the subject of a conspiracy theory!
Tracking device? Probably a remote car bomb, just in case he tries to expose Gareth Southgate’s penalty shoot-out antics!
You will be fine Mis, I doubt any of the protesters will venture into the depths of Derbyshire.
The M25 Monday morning is always a slow moving protest, last time I was on there, 3 hours to do 50 miles ?
Mnc@ – Afternoon Mnc/all – the pigs were there in force well before any protestors and then promptly blocked the entire road as they ordered people not blocking the road to stop blocking the road they were not blocking and threatened people with arrest unless they stopped what they were not doing – I was strongly minded to batter the bastards (I don’t like jumped up little fat soyboys trying to push me about) but was advised that was just the excuse they wanted to steam in mob handed and crack heads – it was a fucking sight different to the attitude the pigs had towards BLM, Antifa, Excrement Rebellion and Stop Oil, but, hey – that’s what impartial and lawful policing is all about isn’t it? And I will beat these cunts in Court if it takes ten years and every fucking penny I have.
MSM reports “a small handful of protestors” – just like they reported “a handful of protestors” when 200,000 people turned up in London to protest.
And the police illegally planting tracking devices on vehicles of known “insurrectionists and protestors” is a very common thing – the public do not realise how close to the Gestapo our police now are.
They will, the very second they put their head above the parapet and raise their voice in dissent.
Youll always come worse of with the police.
They hold all the cards .
Told you before I’ve had a right hiding off them when younger,
Only time I’ve seen them on the backfoot was at the poll tax riot.
You’d of liked that!
A great day out of mayhem in London.
But I was a young man then,
Idealistic and full of rightous anger.
Nowadays I’m more interested what’s for tea.
From ITV news
Police reported that protests on the M5 from Devon to Bristol and M54, in Shropshire, had ended after just a few hours.
There were also protests on the A12 in Essex and the A64 in the York area. Campaigners in West Yorkshire, however, were not able to start after police officers laid a stinger down outside their meeting point, the Ferrybridge services.
Pity the don’t have ‘stingers’ when the stop or insulate whatever sit in the fucking road.
That’s the answer then. A sit down fuel protest. The filth may even proffer some hot coffee and donuts.
I’d buy a 72 hour päki, pikëy, wög, ümböngo, bööng etc repellent.
Umlauts were on special today.
“Who the fuck needs 72 hour deodorant?”
Who the fuck needs a deodorant? We’ve got a shower in our house.
(Well we’ve got two actually. Yes I know, posh bastards.)
And a happy independence day to our American friends.
As for that stuff in the link spouted by the freaks at the advertising agencies, I never read such drivel before in all my life.
And I believe ISAC is thirteen years old today?
I watched the advert, despite my grave (and accurate) misgivings and I have no fucking clue what it is they’re trying to say, or wtf deodorant has to do with it.
For pie-keys, dark-keys, peacefuls & other assorted foreign vermin, I have developed a powerful spray, which I will be touting to Unilever et al:
-2 parts DDT
-2 parts Zyclon B
-3 parts Sarin
-1 part Hydrocloric acid
-1 part Butane
-1 part Isobutane
-1 part Propane
I have suggest the product name “StynX-it won’t let US down”, to be available in various eye pleasing cans:
-StynX African
-StynX Asia
-Stynx China
-StynX Londonfilth special edition
-StynX LGBTQP+ Rainbow can
Flamethrower instead
The way things are going they’ll have three blicks in adverts for the KKK soon. The Graaand Wizaarrd Maaannnn, ya rasclat.
Shower you dirty gits
72 month deodorant best seller in France (export market, obviously) ?
What sort of dirty smelly bastard doesn’t wash under their arms for 72 hours anyway?
Ah, our carpet riding and water carrying friends…. Thought so. The pleasures of ‘diversity’, eh?
On the subject of diversity, I am extremely glad that nauseating little cunt trombone ‘Ooh’ Lewis Hamilton didn’t win the British Grand Prix. I dare say that the toys will fly out of the Hamilton pram and that he will ‘cancel’ a few more people…. I really hate that cunt…
Lynx is the most overrated and overpriced shite anyway. that crap doesn’t even last 6 hours, never mind 72. The amount of Lynx sets I’ve flogged on Ebay after I’ve been given them at Christmas. Give me Old Spice or Brut deodorant any time.
Try Paco Robanne Ultraviolet Man, it’s very nice and not too many people use it.
It’s aimed at primarily at Umbongos. The dirty cunts smell like the elephant house at London Zoo mere seconds after bathing. Secondly Eastern Europeans. You ever been on a rush hour train with them? The miasma off them is appalling. Then “sausage sarnies” (Pakistanis). They reek of skitters to me. Then of corse spaccas. Poor bastards are “cared” for by foreigners who don’t take care of them. A quick spray of that on them from their African carer and the social services inspector is none the wiser.
So you see, in this case, making the advert have a diverse theme makes total sense.