
Shh…a word in you ear..

‘The Horse Whisperer’ comes to mind. ‘Natural Horsemanship’ they prefer it called. So you don’t ‘break’ a horse now but whisper a few kindly words to it.

Am not convinced. What else?

Joe Biden whispers doesn’t he? Very ‘creepy’ indeed.

AOC is doing it as well–whispering to us that the world is run by a small cabal of Capitalists. Her hand up pretending.

As an aside it can be used as an aside’. In the theatre, in Shakespeare. A stage whisper when a character comments on the action to the audience.
They’re OK those whispers. They serve a purpose.

No the whispers in real life I don’t like. The sound of low voices, whispers…

I heard schoolgirls whispering the other day on the bus. You just know its something horrible. A whispering campaign against some other girl. That’s just ‘human nature’ I thought. She must have been on the bus then, in earshot.

That’s the horrible thing that the whispers in real life are stage whispers in the sense you can see people doing it and you don’t know what they’re saying. Are they talking about me?

No, not clear. By whispering they are showing they are talking about someone else. Its not a secret in that sense.

Or rather you are SHOWING to the world that you are sharing a secret.

‘Whispering Grass’ I kind of liked. ‘Careless Whisper’ not so much.
It can be a nice thing. Whispering ‘sweet nothings’ in her ear. I am sure many romantic Cunters have indulged in such ‘trifles’

No, malicious whispering it is I am cunting.

YouTube Link

Nominated by: Miles Plastic

(SSshhh… does anyone know if Miles is on drugs? – Day Admin)


45 thoughts on “Whispering

    • That Goofy hippy Bob Harris started this.

      Whispering is sinister and suspect.

      Famous whisperers include

      Pol pot
      Frankie ‘mumbles’ Carbone
      Jack the Ripper
      Heinrich Himmler
      Gene Simmons

      Bad eggs all.

      Give me a big loud shouty gobshite any day.
      Least they’re honest!

      Whispering should be made a crime like horse rustling and dancing on a Sunday.

      • It’s good to see Gene Simmons on this list. He’s a special sort of cunt. Detest the twat and that hideous band he’s part of. Wankers. I’d pop Def Leppard on the list too.

  1. Speech declines to a whisper in the later stages of Parkinson’s Disease.
    I wouldn’t say whispering is necessarily a cunt, but Parkinson’s most definitely is.

  2. Good Morning

    More likely the girls on the bus were whispering because they were discussing their amorous activities over the weekend and didn’t want Miles telling them to go to the priest for confession. The priest would have enjoyed it though, probably have kept him in wanks for a week.

  3. I think young people whisper because they are losing the full use of their vocal cords.
    They spend so much time communicating via social media, they are forgetting how to speak.

    • Judging from the sort of shit they do speak, it’s better that they’re silent.

  4. I watched several youtubes about “horse whisperers” and inspired by how simple and effective it appeared decided to give it a go…. put the head-collar on a youngster that was a bit of a Cunt and set to whispering sweet-nothings in it’s ear….the Bastard bit me on the tit…..looking back, I can’t really blame it,some Fucker murmuring * You’re a very naughty lad,aren’t you ?….what will we do with you,tee hee” in my lug would have probably brought about the same reaction.

    • Next time whisper ‘Do that again and it’s the knacker’s yard for you Neddy’. That’ll put him right.

  5. Miles@

    These schoolgirls you were spying on,…

    Do you think they were whispering about you?

    I often think people are whispering about me,

    ‘his fly’s open’…

    ‘hes got a chip in his beard’..

    ‘ should we phone the authorities?”

    I suggest you call their bluff.

    Next time suggest or screech you have a gun or bomb.
    Top volume!

    Not so keen on whispering then!!

    • Pssst, the old bastard has his hand down the front of his pants.

      Miles, we’re you getting exited by those young ladies ?

  6. This appears to be another cry for help. Surely Barnsley has the Samaritans.

  7. Medication time!

    Medication time!

    If Mr Plastic doesn’t want to take his pill I’m sure we could find some other way of administering it. I don’t think you’d like it though Mr Plastic.

  8. Such is the paranoia of snowflakes these days that whispering and shouting will be deemed as hate crimes due to mental ‘elf.

    We already have scenarios where you’re not allowed to say certain words, or speak against the current narrative. Plus certain grammatical punctuations as the exclamation mark, full stop and asterisk can cause anxiety among the Zoomers and other wobble-heads.

    Therefore raising your voice, or whispering, or having a regional accent that doesn’t sound very diverse, will be next on the hate crime list.

  9. I used to work with a fella who whispered a lot.
    Don’t know what was with the soft whispering.
    He was an odd ball though and turned out to be sneaky back stabbing cunt.
    He used to regularly beat his wife as well and would ban her from even talking to other blokes. Best of it is – she was a bit of a boot with zero personality who no cunt would look twice at.
    The whispering undoubtedly enhanced his creepy untrustworthy demeanor.

    Serial killer John Christie was a whisperer as well by all accounts – portrayed perfectly by Richard Attenborough in the classic old film Rillington Place.

    American career politician, child botherer and Alzheimer’s sufferer Joe Biden is also partial to a bit of whispering from time to time.


    I’d say never trust a whispering cunt although I would say that Snooker legend “whispering” Ted Lowe was a great commentator back in the day.

  10. Send reinforcements, we’re going to advance!

    One for the older cunts there.

  11. “Ugh… that creepy little man’s onboard again, leering at us…” whispered the schoolgirl to her friend.

    • I must say ” MJB” since “RTC” has decided to take a back seat,you have done a remarkable job of stepping into his shoes….incredible.

      🙂 .

      • Flatter me all you like, sir, but my answer remains the same: you’re not getting into my pants – no way!

      • DF-F@ – Morning Sir Fiddler/all – be careful now – MJB’s arm is long and his vengeance is total! ?
        The brute of a horse which attacked you is on trial as soon as Judge Fox determines the fate of the Flanders pigeon!

  12. Perhaps whispering is microaggression, if such a cunting thing actually phuquing exists…

  13. Whispering? WHISPERING?
    “Hiss, hiss – that mad cunts walking round the garden in his underpants again – watch out for her indoors comin’ out to shout at him”..
    “Yep – there she goes – I pity that poor lass – you know he thinks there’s a plot to take over t’ world?”
    “Well e’ reckons all that global warming stuff is a load of shit an’ all!”
    “He’s too thick to watch t’ BBC Shaz!”
    “Tha can’t ‘elp some folk can tha? – they used to lock oddballs like ‘im up yer know!”
    “Should start again – well, best be off – these rainbow flags won’t put theirsels up! – Ooh – nearly time for RuPauls Drag Race”..
    Sometimes necessary for discretion or manners, mostly used as a verbal way of spreading evil.

    • Pity this cunt didn’t bang on about wimminz rights at the last olympics when the transformers were competing in the same events as those very same wimminz.

      Moreover, will the transformers throw a hissy-fit at him for his hate-crime of ignoring trans rights etc etc Zzzzz

      But that’s a different kettle of old bollocks

    • I had the misfortune of seeing a snippet of this bollocks.

      Some piss boiling trannie freak who goes by the name of “Years and Years”

      Neil Tennant in some stupid looking white Nicolae Ceausescu hat.

      Paul McCartney complete with Botox, Just for Men and a testosterone diminished voice that resembles that of a 95 year old man from a care home who’s had his balls removed.

      Preaching millionaires, Zelenskyy (bizarrely but rather fittingly) Thunberg and woke flag waving luvvies paying hundreds of pounds to attend this wank fest.

      No thanks and fuck off.

      • Full of wankers that place. “ oh yah we all crashed down to Glasto last year. There was a few more black guys than the year before, but still not enough. It’s getting there bit by bit…wanky wanky wank”.

        The cunts won’t be happy until the umbongos flood the place with smack, sexually assault/rape their girlfriends and stab them.

        Imagine paying all that money to listen to that patronising little Swedish mong then be preached at by a bonobo about baby murder being a woman’s right. I’d rather chow down on a massive oily loaf.

  14. Joe’s whispering….

    “I’ve got my strap-on lubed up and ready for when you go back to the Oval office”

  15. Bit of information on ‘Whispering Grass ‘ singer Don Estelle who had a great singing voice.
    BBC cunts refused to reshow It ain’t half hot mum because it was deemed racist although Don E reckoned it was loved by the Asians, this in turn crippled his income. Died about 10 years ago and buried with his hat.

  16. And they’re not coming to take me away ha-haaa
    They’re not coming to take me away ho-ho hee-hee ha-haaa
    To the funny farm, cos care in the comuunidee, innit.

    PphFarmaKology aside, whispering in tv ads is a massive piss boiler.

  17. The best whisper is when making out with a beautiful woman and you’re plotting your strategy to initiate sex. She brings her mouth over to your ear and wispers, “fuck me.”
    The pressure is off and the night just went from good to great!

    • MC@ – Morning MC – Laydeez only generally whisper in my company when they are in the bathroom calling the police! ?

  18. Whispering is for two faced sneaks, plotters and contestants in University Challenge!

    All joking aside, some of the sneakiest, most malicious cunts it has been my misfortune to become acquainted with, were “whisperers”.

    Excellent and thought provoking nomination, MP?

  19. Those chocolate bars from the 1980’s, Cadbury’s Whisper, are they on the cunt list?

  20. Talking of Whisperers:
    What on earth happened to IsAC’s “Cunter of the year”, Ron Knee?
    Also, Bertie Blunt and his abominably behaving feathery sidekick?

    Come on you chaps, stop whispering and get back on here and make some NOISE?

    • CG@ – Afternoon General – there “was a whisper” it was all my fault for corrupting all you poor lot and turning IAC into stormfront!
      I really am a despicable cad! ?

  21. Growing up I remember Sooty was always whispering to Mr Corbett.

    Never trusted the cunt. Much preferred Sweep and Sue the filthy little whore.

  22. Sooty from Sooty and Sweep was a whispering grass.

    Sweep was fucking ace. Always getting grassed up to Matthew by Sooty for getting up to mischief.

    I fucking hated the cunt.

    • I met Sweep once in a mens toilet, imagine my surprise when I stuck my semi through the glory hole and felt these little fury paws around my dick followed by the sound of heavy squeaking. All this on the same day I came down from 6 years of being high on meth and woke up in Broadmoor with a sore arse and Ronnie Kray grinning at me.

      Ahh the good old days.

  23. A young woman leaning over your shoulder and whispering in your ear while eating is quite arousing.

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